
更新时间:2023-09-30 08:49:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


摘 要





Oil depot is an independent enterprise or company to receive, store and distribute petroleum or petroleum products. It is a link to coordinate the production and processing of crude oil, and the supply and transportation of petroleum products. It is a base of the national oil reserves and supply. It is as well as an important component part of the national modernization and army logistic construction. It has an important significance to guarantee the safety of national defense and promote the rapid development of national economy.

With the rapidly progressing of oil industry and the rising of the strategic petroleum status, the construction of oil depot is also becoming increasingly important. According to the design task, a crude oil depot B nearby a combined station is being to be constructed. So that the purified commercial crude oils can be transported out of the depot B to the terminal station and a refinery locating at the opposite direction. Under the condition of comprehensively using the professional knowledge, the related criteria and references on the design and calculation of each operation unit for the crude oil depot were studied. This design mainly expounds the design thinking, related theories, and introduces the main calculation formula and results, and describes in detail the calculation steps of each operation unit, and presents the overall plane layout and process flow diagram. This design mainly includes the design of overall plane layout, process flow and fire fighting system design and calculation, and the concept design of automate control system. The overall plane layout meets the prescription of related criteria, the process flow design is reasonable and completely meets the requirements of the receive, distribution and storage operation demanded by the job specification.

Keywords: crude oil depot; process design; overall plane layout; equipment; oilfield



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