英语:module4 a social survey单元教案(外研版必修1)

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Unit4 a social survey-my neighbourhood单元教案




Eiffel Tower

between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean

Have you ever been to this city? The scenery of Gulangyu Island, Xiamen

Read & learn[来源:http://www.77cn.com.cn]

Reading 1. Pre-reading 1) Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers. (1) John Martin is visiting ______A_____. (a) Xiao Li’s hometown (b) a town near where Xiao Li lives (c) a shopping mall (2) Xiao Li lives ____B_____. (a) on the island of Gulangyu (b) in Xiamen (c) in a town to the northwest of Xiamen (3) John and Xiao Li are __B__. (a) at Xiao Li’s home (b) driving around the city in a car (c) on a train Step 2 2. Detail reading 32’


1) Read the dialogue again and decide if the following statements are true or false. (1) John and Xiao Li haven’t seen each other for six years. T (2) John has never been to China before. F He has seen quite a lot of China (3) Xiao Li enjoys living on the coast. T (4) There are very few tourists in the northwest of Xiamen. F There are many tourists in the northwest of Xiamen. (5) There are a lot of new high-rise buildings in Gulangyu Island. F in the business district (6) There are some interesting buildings on Gulangyu island. T 2) Find the following words and phrases in A Lively City . Choose the correct answers . 1. Fortunate means 2. Pretty hot means 3. Bother you means 4 Nuisance means 5 Shopping mall means 6 Gorgeous means 7 Starving means Homework Go on reading A lively city. (a) sad (a) too hot (a) amuse you (a) amusing (b) lucky (b) very hot (b) give you problems (b) causing

problems Lear n & pract ice

(a) shopping center (b) small shops (a) lovely (a) very hungry (b) boring (b)





2. Enable the Ss to describe the city of Xiamen. 3. Help the Ss to learn how to introduce or describe a city from different aspects, such as its location, climate, and famous tourist attractions etc.

重点 难点

Grasp some new words and expressions to describe a place. Analyse how to introduce or describe a city from different aspects, such as its location, climate, and famous tourist attractions etc.

学情分析 教具课件 教法

The Ss can finish the task. 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

1. Fast reading and careful reading to help the students understand the passage exactly. 2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.



师生 活动

时 间 分配 10’

Step 1

Revision Recite the passage My new teacher Recite New concept English Book II Lesson 1 & 2

18’[来源:学科网 ZXXK]

Step 2

Language points for module 4 1. It’s been six years since we last saw each other. 自从我们上次见面已经有 6 年了。 It is /has been +一段时间+since +过去式( 瞬时动词 ) 自从……至今已经多久了 It is /has been +一段时间+since +过去式 (延续性动词) 自从不做……至今已经多久了 ★Translate the following sentences。 1. It has been three years since he joined the army. 2. It’s two years since her husband died. 3. It’s two years since he lived there. 4. It’s three weeks since he smoked. 2. …this is the first time I’ve visited your hometown. 这是我第一次来你的家乡。

Do exx



This /It is the first /second…/last time that …这是某人第几次做某事。that 常省略。主句用 is, 从句使用现在完成时。主句用 was , 从句用过去完成时。 3. So they tell me. 他们就是这样告诉我的. 1) “so +主语+助动词/系动词/情态动词” ,意为:某人/某物确实是…… 2) “so +助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语” ,意为:某人/某物也是…… 3) “主语+动词+so”,意为某人这样做

了 4) “neither /nor+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语”, 意为 某人/某物也不 5) It is the same with sb./sth. 或 So it is with sb./sth. ① --- Tom has grown taller than before recently . --- _____, and _____. A. So he has, so have you C. So has he, so have you B. So he has, so you have D. So has he, so you have. 表示上述混合情况也适用该句主语.

② --- It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside. --- My God! _____. A. So did I B. So I did C. So were you D. So did you

③ --- He works hard at his study. --- _____. A. So it seems B. Neither does his sister C. So his sister does D. So does he Lear n & C. So I have heard D. Neither it has do exx

④ ---The sports meeting has been put off until October 31. --- ____ . It all depends on the weather. A. So it does B. So has it

1) 那是他第一次去济南。 This is the first time that he has been to Jinan. 2) 这是他第一次在操场上看话剧。 This is the first time he has seen a play on the playground. 4. put up 建造, 搭起

1) 将在曾经有过一个古庙的地方建一座新剧院。 A new theater will be put up where there used to be a temple.


2) 他们一到就搭起了帐篷。 They put up their tents as soon as they arrived. 另外, put up 还有其它意思: 3) He put up his hand to catch the teacher’s attention. 举起, 抬起 4) A new notice has been put up on the board. 张贴, 挂起 5) Will you put me up for the night? 住宿, 留宿 6) My landlord wanted to put up the rent by 10 pounds a week. 提高, 提升 5. make be made of be made in 由……制成(能看出原料) 在……制造 be made from 由……制成( 看不出原料) be made by 由……制造 be made into 被制作成 6’

be made out of 由……改制成 be made up of 由...…组成

1) 这张木头椅子看起来很硬, 但坐起来很舒服。 The chair made of wood looks hard, but it is comfortable to sit on. 2) 纸是木头制成的,也就是说,木头可以用来造纸。 Paper is made from wood. That is to say, wood can be made into paper. 3) 这台彩电由中国制造。The color TV is made in China. 4) 大多数风筝由手工制成而不是机器。Most of the kites are made by hand not by machine.[来源:学&科&网]

learn & pract ice 10’

5) 一支球队由 11 名队员组成。A football team is made up of 11 members. 6. What’s the climate like? What be +主语+ like? How do you find…? Speaking Talk about a place you are familiar with, with the hints given below. location and area landscape and rivers nature and environment boundaries and neighbors climate history language and religion life and culture 1’ How be +主语? How do you like…? What do +主语+ look like? What do you think of…?

Step 3

population economy




重点 难点 学情分析 教具课件 教法

Find the main idea of the Cultural Corner. Find the main idea of the Cultural Corner. The Ss can finish the task. 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

1. Revision to help the stud ents consolidate the language points of this unit. 2. Fast reading and careful reading to help the students understand the passage exactly.



师生 活动

时间 分配 10’

Step 1

Revision 1. Recite the text 2. Recite New Concept English Book II Lesson 6~10


Step 2

Lead-in 1. Listen to a song

1) What’s the name of this song? Country road, take me home. 2) Can you guess who sing this song? It is sung by John Denver. John Denver is a very famous singer of country music all over the world.

2. While listening to this song, what can we imagine about the western countryside? Cultural Corner 1. Listen the text and answer the following question. 1) In which countries is the country-side changing?


In some countries in western Europe, such as France, Spain and Britain, the countryside is changing. 2) Why do some villages remain? Because people from the cities have bought a “second home” in the village. Step 3 2. Read again and answer the following question. What are the problems of some villages in western Europe and why? The problem is life has become difficult for many villages, and some are disappearing. 1) Young people move to towns for a livelier life and for work. 2) People can’t afford village house because city-dwellers buy them up. 3) Farmers sell their land and stop farming. 3. Language points 1) such as 与 for example such as 往往不能把事物全部列出,可以以 “名词 (,) +such as +被列举

的事物” 和 “such+名词+as+被列举的事物”形式出现。 for example 可以用于句首,句中, 句末。往往用逗号与被列举的事物隔开。 e.g. 我喜欢喝茶和果汁类的饮料。 I like drinks such as tea and juice. = I like such drinks as tea and juice. 2) remain (1) 留下, 遗留 I went to the city ,but my brother remained at home. (2) 继续, 仍然是 The deaths of the innkeeper still remains a mystery. (3) remain to be done 尚待, 留待 现在已经没有什么好说的了。 Nothing remains to be said. 4. Important phrases in Module 4: 到目前为止 up to now 修建 put up[来源:学|科|网 Z|X|X|K]

Read & learn 26’


许多,大量 上升 仍然漂亮 听起来像 饿死 例如

a great many go up remain pretty sound like starve to death for example

加入委员会 join a committee 购物中心 shopping mall

在地震中幸存 survive an earthquake 买得起房子 afford to buy a house Homework: Work in pairs and discuss if villages in your area have similar problem Read & learn

Step 4

1’ Unit 4 A Social Survey- My Neighbourhood The 4th period 板书 1. such as 与 for example such as 往往不能把事物全部列出,可以以 “名词 (,) +such as +被列举的事物” 和 “such+名词+as+被 列举的事物”形式出现。 for example 可以用于句首,句中, 句末。往往用逗号与被列举的事物隔开。 e.g. 我喜欢喝茶和果汁类的饮料。 Cultural Corner






师生 活动

时 间 分配 10’ 34’

Step 1

Revision Recite New Concept English Book II Lesson 16~20

Step 2

Grammar The present perfect tense 1. Defination 1)现在完成时表示发生在过去的动作对现在所造成的结果和影响。 He has just come back from work. (影响:他现在在家) He has gone out. (影响: 他不在这儿) 2)表示从过去某时开始而延续至今的动作或状态, 只能用于带有延续意义的动词, 常与 for…, since…等连用。 They have been friends for many years. He has worked in this factory since he was 28. 3)现在完成时可以用在条件或时间状语从句中, 表示将来某个时刻之前已经完成的动作。 I’ll go home as soon as I have finished my homework. Please lend me that book if you have finished reading it. 2.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别: 现在完成时表示某一已经完成的动作对现在造成的结果或影响, 强调的是现在的情 况,所以不能与表示过去的时间状语连用; 一般过去时只表示某一动作或状态在过去发生 或存在过, 与现在不发生联系,它可以与表示过去的时间状语连用。 He has read that book. (说明他现在知道那本书的内容) He read that book last year. (只说明他去年读过那本书 ) He has gone to America. (他现在不在此地,在美国) He went to America. Lear n & do exx


(只说明他去过美国) 2. Practice 1) --- Do you know our town at all? --- No, this is the first time I ____ here. (NMET92) A. was B. am coming C. came D. have been

2) I wonder why Jenny ___ us recently. We should have heard from her by now. (NMET 2002) A. hasn’t written B. doesn’t write C. won’t write D. hadn’t write

3) --- I’m sorry to keep you waiting. --- Oh, not at all. I _____ here only a few minutes. (NMET94) A. have been B. had been C. was D. will be learn & do exx

4) --- Who is Jerry Cooper? --- _____? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting. (NMET97) A. Don’t you meet him yet C. Didn’t you meet him yet B. Hadn’t you met him yet D. Haven’t you met him yet

5) The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once ____ with each other. (NMET2003) A. they had quarreled C. have they quarreled B. they have quarreled D. had they quarreled

6) --- How long have you _____ the computer? --- Over two months. A. had B. bought C. got D. have

3. Complete the conversation. Use the preset tense of the verbs in brackets, and for or since where appropriate. Mike: Hi, Kate. Kate: Hi, Mike. Mike: I haven’t seen your brother around for a long time. _____ he ______ (move ) to a new neighborhood? Kate: No, he ______ ______ (move) to a new country! He ____ _____ (be) in Australia ______ last year. 1’


Mike: Australia! That’s great country. ______ you ever _____ (be) there? Kate: No, I _____ never ______ (be) there, but I _____ ________ (decide) to go later this year. Mike: Great! _____ your brother ____ (send) you any photo

s _____ he moved there? Kate: Yes, in fact, I _____ just ________ (receive) some. Here they are. This is his new house. He ____ recently _______ (finish) decorating it. Homework English Weekly

Step 3 Unit 4 A Social Survey- My Neighbourhood The 3rd Period Grammar The present perfect tense 1. Defination 1)现在完成时表示发生在过去的动作对现在所造成的结果和影响。 He has just come back from work. (影响:他现在在家) He has gone out. (影响: 他不在这儿)

2)表示从过去某时开始而延续至今的动作或状态, 只能用于带有延续意义的动词, 常与 for…, since…等连 板书 用。 They have been friends for many years. He has worked in this factory since he was 28. 3)现在完成时可以用在条件或时间状语从句中, 表示将来某个时刻之前已经完成的动作。 I’ll go home as soon as I have finished my homework. Please lend me that book if you have finished reading it. 2.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:

现在完成时表示某一已经完成的动作对现在造成的结果或影响, 强调的是现在的情况,所以不能与表

示过去的时间状语连用; 一般过去时只表示某一动作或状态在过去发生或存在过, 与现在不发生联系,它 可以与表示过去的时间状语连用。




惯例或习惯性动作的时间从句连用。如: He always works at night. 他经常在晚上工作。 I go to church on Sundays. 我星期天去教堂做礼拜。 Whenever it rains, the roof leaks. 只要下雨,屋顶就漏水。 2. 询问或引用书籍、通知或新

近接到的信件的内容时,常将一般现在时与动词 say 连用。 —What does the notice say? —It says, “No parking.” —那通知说什么? —通知说:“不准停放车辆。” 3. 可用于报刊新闻等的 标题。如: MASS MURDERER ESCAPES PEACE TALKS FALL 和谈破裂 4. 表示计划好的将来行动或一系列行动,特别是指旅途中的行动。如: We leave London at 10:00 next Tuesday and arrive in Paris at 13:00. 5. 表示客观事实或普遍真理。 如: Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 6. 表示要发生的将来的动作,只限于 go, come, leave, start, return, begin 等动词。如: The plane takes off at 10:00. 飞机 10:00 起飞。 7. 在连词 when, before, until, if, as soon as, as 等引导的表示将来行为的状语从句中,常用一 般现在时代替一般将来时。如: I’ll wait till he comes. 我要等到他来。 Next time I’ll do as he says. 下次我将按照他所说的去做。 27’ 残杀多人的凶手逃跑 Lear n & do exx


Grammar II The present continuous tense 1) 表示动作现在正在发生或进行。可与 now, at present, at this moment, these days 等时间 Step 3 状语连用,也可不用时间状语。 如: What is he doing now? 他现在在做什么? 2) 表示现阶段正在进行的动作,但说话时该动作不一定正在进行 。如: I am reading a play by Shaw. 我正在阅读一本箫伯纳写的剧本 3) 表示反复发生的动作。常与 always, forever, constantly, all the time, continually, simply 等时间副词连用。用来表示不满、抱怨或赞赏等情感。如: She is always finding fault with others. 她总是挑别人的毛病。 4)表示最近的将来已定的安排(这是用于表示眼前打算的最普通的说法。) 如: I am meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatres. 今天晚上我要跟彼得会面。他要带我去看戏。 5) 表示从一个地方到另一个地方的动词如 arrive, come, drive, fly, go, leave, start, travel; 表示位置移动的动词如 stay, remain 和 动词 do 和 have,它们的现在进行时表示没有具体安 排好细节的决定或计划。如: What are you doing next Sunday? Exercises 1. I don’t really work here, I ____ until the new secretary arrives. A. just help out C. am just helping out B. have just helped out D. will just help out 下星期六你准备做什么? Lear n & do exx 10’

2. —Do you like the material? Step 4 —Yes, it _______very soft. A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt 1’

3. I’ve won a holiday for two weeks to Florida. I _______ my mum. A. am taking B. have taken C. take D. will have taken

4. —When will you come to see me, Dad? —I will go to see you when you ______ the training course.


A. will have finished

B. will finish

C. are finishing

D. finish

5. He always ______ careful notes while he is listening to the teacher in class. A.

will take B. took C. takes D. is taking

6. I’m sorry I can’t go. I ____ a report. A. write B. am writing C. wrote D. was writing

7. —What’s the terrible noise? ─The neighbors ______ for a party. A. have prepared B. are preparing C. prepare D. will prepare

8. I need one more stamp before my collection _____. A. has completed B. complete C. has been completed D. is completed

9. ─ Can I join the club, Dad? ─ You can when you ______a bit older. A. get B. will get C. are getting D. will have got

10. There _______ the bus. Hurry up. A. is coming B. comes C. has come D. will come

11. If I ______ when he comes, wake me up, please. A. slept B. am sleeping C. will be sleeping D. was sleeping

12. He _______ to understand that he did wrong to his sister. A. is beginning B. begin C. has been begun D. will begin

13. George has arrived, but I did not know he ______ until yesterday. A. come B. will come C. is coming D. was coming

14. Tom knows that his uncle _____ no fewer than ten houses, and all of them are let at very high rents. A. is owning B. owns C. owned D. was owning

15. Will you post this letter if you _____ a post-box? A. will be passing Grammar III Past Tense Time Expressions 1. 常用的表示过去的时间状语有: B. are passing C. have passed D. were passing

