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会计专业学位外语部分机考模拟题及参考答案 (第一部分) 一、语音题 1 A .South B loudly C bought D brown 2 A exercise B exit C text D expensive 3 A city B mind C commit D since 4 A case B nose C list D sight 5 A text B expensive C exercise D exit 6 A how B operate C on D a 7 A cold B old C whole D some 8 A good B moon C look D book 9 A grammar B large C gay D glory 10 A sight B case C nose D list

11 A daughter B enough C fight D neighbor 12 A ground B about C out D would 13 A low B now C grow D Snow 14 a brown b south c loudly d bought 15 a with b time c light d like

16 a large b gay c glory d grammar 17 a exercise b exit c text d expensive 18 a noise b place c office d horse 19 A match B fast C have D sad 20 A whole B some C cold D old 21 A fast B have C said D match

22 A libraries B grapes C changes D tables 23 A either B though C through D another 24 .A mind B limit C since D city 25 A have B sad C match D fast 二、对错题

1 Those of us who smoke should have their hung lungs x-rayed regularly 2 He found it impossible to finish the work with such a short time 3 The problem is how we can operate the new machine on such a short time 4 In Newtonian mechanics it is not difficulty to niter down the basic equations that must be solved in order to describe the motion of an object

5 He got two pieces of information’s about the new product 6 Only after when he comes to consciousness you can make the final decision. 7 You should be working instead of lie there in bed. 8 Now what the newspaper arrived we can see the scores of the tennis matches. 9 He got two pieces of informations about the new product.

A about b product c got d informations

10 in Newtonian mechanics it is not difficulty to write down the basic equations thant must be solved in order to describe the motion of an object.

A basic b must be solved c in d not difficulty

11 now more and more young people are learning for the little hero A for b now c and d are

12 the problem is how we can operate the new machine on such a short time. A operate b on c a d how

13 on the days that he’s not busy, he liked to write poetry, or paint with water colors, or cook an unusual dish. A to write b unusual dish c on the days d liked

14 it’s easier for me to go there on foot than driving a car a than b driving a car c easier d there

15 the instructor had gone over the problems many times before the students will take the final examination

a will take b over c many times d before

16 we usually looks it up in dictionary when he comes across a new word.. 17 now that the newspaper ….arrived we can see the scores of the tennis matches A can see B of the C that D arrived

18 you should be working instead of lie there in bed

19、 Jim was upset last night because he had to do too many homeworks.

A had to do B many homeworks C upset D because 20、He cannot remember the thing whose made me very sad. A sad B cannot C thing D Whose

21 He found it impossible to finish the work with such a short time. A It B to finish C with D a

22 He speaks English more fluently than his bother is. A than B is C speaks D more

23.The speech____ ,a lively discussion started.

A was delivered B having been delivered C being delivered D be delivered 24.This is the problem___ you should pay attention.

A which B to which C on which D at which 三、词汇题

1 Inquiries the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone A affecting b following c revealing d concerning

2 that may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent. A so clever the construction robots b such clever construction robots are c so clever are the construction robots d such construction robots are clever 3 the student’s today is to write a book report A association b assignment c attendance d responsibility 4 the speech ,a lively discussion started.

A having been delivered b being delivered c be delivered d was delivered 5 this is a argument

A convinced b convincing c inconvincible d convince

6 the officials in the at London airport were very polite. A customs b custom c customs d custom



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7 the escaped prisoner waited until of night before leaving his hiding place. A dark b deep c depth d dead

8 he has a voice so that everyone can hear very clearly A aloud b loudly c loud d aloudly

9 what time do you usually in the morning? A get up b get on c get over d get through

10 we were for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late A put back b broke down c held up d kept off 参考答案:6-10 CCCAC

11 this is the problem you should pay attention A on which b at which c which d to which

12 mary was going to a wedding so she brushed well A her hairs b the hair c the hairs d her hair

13 you will need the things a pen, a notebook and a ruler. A after b following c under d below

14 I know noting about it what I have read in the papers A expect b except c besides d beside

15 not until you work is finished

a can’t you leave b you can leave c can you leave d you can’t leave 参考答案:11-15 DDBBC

16 he is given answers that only his confusion A come up b add to c come with d add with

17 He never to read the news but turned at once to the crossword on the last page A pained B troubled C worried D noticed 18 Did he say anything about how the work A was to be done B to do C was to do D to be done

19 he did not feel going out as she had a slight headache

A for B about C like D after

20 I know that either you or your father a copy

A has B are to have C have had D have 参考答案:16-20 BBACA

21 It made us very angry like theft

A to hear him talk B to hear him to talk C hear him to talk D hear him talk 22 It is desirable that the airplane___ as light as possible.

A is B were C be D had been

23 The race was so close that everyone was___ at the finish.

A thinking of B holding his breathe C working out D winning over 24 The business has__ from having one office to having twelve.

A expanded B exposed C increased D comprised 25 She ____ a new idea for increasing sales.

A came up with B cam up at C came by D came for 参考答案:21-25 ACBAA

26 I’m learning French, but I still can’t speak it____.

A properly B normally C usually D really 27 ____is easily seen.

A The advantage of the economic reform B The economics’ reform advantage C The reform of the economic advantage D The economic reform’s advantage

28 The girl has made up her mind to go abroad with her boyfriend despite her parents’ ___ .

A agreement B allowing C letting D objection 29 As he was ill, he had to __ the party.

A miss B avoid C regret D lack

30 Shall we request the chairman__ our suggestion again?

A to consider B considering C consider D considered 参考答案:26-30DADAC

33 The road is kept open___ the year.

A throughout B though C throughout D through 34 His plan__ by those who heard it.

A was laughed B were laughing C was laughing at D was laughed at 35 My father never gave me .

A. many advice B. much advice C. many advices D. a lot of advices 36 I be very nice if he could come for our party. A. will B. would C. shall D. was going to 参考答案:33-36 ADBB

39 The company offered him high pay as an to accept the job. A. inducement B. aim C. invitation D. apple

40 Unless he is intense love, he hardly even into someone else’s eyes for very long. A. confessing B. refusing C. granting D. covering 参考答案:39-40 AA

41 I ran Alice. Who was on her way to see how I was getting along. A. up B. out of C. over D. into 42 After the they drove to the Guest house at speed. A. top B. head C. whole D. every 43 They have never heard any . A. a customer complaint. B. the customer’s complaints C. customer’s complaint D. the customers’ complaints 44 She has nothing to do with the murder case. She is not it. A. concerned with B. related in C. involved in D. concerned in



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45 Could I borrow that book when you finished it?

A. to read B. not to read C. in reading D. reading 参考答案: 41-45 DACCD

46 I’ll call in see you this evening I can stay only a few minutes. A. which B. however C. even D. though 47 He lived to be twenty-eight, the man in Bulgaria A. healthiest B. healthful C. health D. healthily 49 I felt that I was not yet to travel.

A. strongly enough B. enough strongly C. strong enough D. enough strong 50 When her name was mentioned. I sam Mary from her seat. A. raise B. raising C. in rise D. rising 参考答案: 46-50 DA/CD

52I could not persuade him to accept it make him see the importance of it. A. it only I could not B. or I could not C. no more than I could D. nor could I

53 The girl has made up her mind to do a broad with her boyfriend despite her parents’ . A. agreement B. allowing C. letting D. objection 55 Not until your work is finished .

A. you can leave B. can you leave C. you can’t leave D. can’t you leave 参考答案: 51-55 DD/B

56The of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller. A. vacation B. connection C. innovation D. liberation

57 We forgave his bad temper because we know that his son’s illness had put him under great____ A. emotion B. excitement C. crisis D. stress 58 He smiled and told me I would receive an 100 a year. A. more B. exactly C. addition D. extra

59 I was such a wonderful day that they decided it take a day to the mountain. A. away B. voyage C. boat trip D. excursion 参考答案: 56-59 BDDD

61 many of the customers work during the day . Billy has to collect the money from them at night. A. Since B. Although C. There for D. From 62 According to the author, the future doesn’t need . A. Creativity B. imagination C. creators D. followers 63 The you are ,the happier they will be.

A more kinder B more kind C kinder D kind 65 The sign ___ that cars cannot enter .

A moves B means C sounds D appears 参考答案: 61-65 ADC/B

68 Caught a ______of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street . A vision B glimpse C look D scene 69 Mr wang is an engineer _____profession . A by B with C at D on 参考答案: 68-69 BA

71 It’s a pity ______you missed such an interesting program. A when B what C that D which

75 send us message if you ______any difficulty . A have had B have C had D will have 参考答案: 71-75 CC

76 The observer,s statement about the accident was very __________,we know almost every thing about it now

A especial B exceptional C special D specific

78 He said he ___________return from Germany the next day . A Would go to B is to C Was to D is going to

80 I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat __________ A refusal B decline C disapproval D rejection 参考答案: 76-80 D/C/A

81 disturbing her ,the news had a strangely calming effect.

A instead B in stead of C in the stead D instead of 83 the noise of the traffic __________paul from his work. A annoyed B upset C prevented D distracted

85 Mr john kept thinking hard ,but failed to _________a workable plan. A come up to B come up for C come up with D come up against 参考答案: 81-85 D/D/C

87 It was not very _________of you to sell the house ,The price is increasing everyday . A kind B clear C friendly D wise

88 I,d rather read than watch television ,the programs seem __________all the time .

A getting worse B to get worse C to be getting worse D to have got worse

89 The government will have to work hard _________the confidence of the people after the temble event .

A to come up with B to come at C to win back D to win through 90 Many words in the English language are French in A origin B vocabulary C context D source 91.I know that either you or your father ___a copy. A are to have B have had C have D has 参考答案

87-91 DCCAD 四、阅读理解


While plant and animal species are disappearing at a rapidly increasing rate throughout the world, scientists note some success stories. Fox example, the number of elephants killed illegally in Africa has fallen sharply.89 Thousand were killed in 1983.46 thousand were killed one year later.

This happened because African countries agreed to establish export limits on ivory from elephants. Ivory is the hard white. Material that forms an elephant’s two long teeth, or tusks Countries that import ivory are refusing to accept ivory shipments that do not have legal export documents.

The Convention on Intentioned Trade in Endangered Species in a treaty signed by 91 nations led to the program for saving endangered elephants. In Africa, successful efforts also have been made in protecting

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Africa’s endangered mountain gorillas. Almost 400 of the gorillas survive in a volcano area on the border of Rwanda, Uganda and Zaire. The mountain gorillas have remained about the same for 15 years. This happened partly. Because Rwanda developed an important business that depends on protecting the gorillas. Visitors. There can pay to get close to watch the gorillas in the animals traditional home area. Another successful programs to take endangered animals olla of their natural homes. The animals are put into zoos or Dither protected areas where they can reproduce in safety The goal of many of these programs is to produce enough animals to put back into the wild.

1 what is the best title for this passage? Successful Programs of Saving the Wild 2 The number of elephants killed illegally in Africa has decreased greatly intact

3 In Africa, the number of elephants killed illegally in 1983 and 1984 was 89 thousand 46 thousand 4 The number of mountain gorillas has remained about the same for marry years partly because of an important business depends on protecting the gorillas

5 The phrase “the wild” in paragraph 5 refers to outdoors


Charlie chaplin has broken all records in making people laugh no one has so set a whole world laughing as the little man with the walking stick and the overlarge shoes.

Much has been written about chaplin’s art and his career, and opinions have ranged widely. But perhaps those who called him “the most general human being of our time” came closest to the truth. Those who have called him a genius stress the timeless and common qualities in his work, it is an art filled with sad elements and deep human feeling, with which an audience cannot help but become involved. It is for these reasons, I believe, that th figure of Charlie has attracted generation after generation.

All the writers who give accounts of chaplin’s life agree that charlie’s unhappy early years in the area in London where houses were dirty and worn had a great influence on his development and on the type of films he made, chaplin himself emphasizes it in his memoirs(回忆录), the more one reads about his earliest period, the more on tends to agree indeed, his suffering youth had a lasting influence on him. Chaplin was never afraid to deal with subjects causing much disagreement in his films, he gave a humorous performance on war only a few weeks before the American soldiers came home from world war I in 1918, this was regarded as madness, but the performance was well received. So perfectly did it hit the mail on the head that even the returning soldiers found it impossible to hate it and deeply appreciated this short and humorous performance on what for them had been unpleasant reality. Chaplin gave numerous performances attacking capital governments, satirizing(讽刺) the cruelty of the machine

age and even making fun of Hitler.

Years after his death, the funny films of motion picture actor and director Charlie chaplin continue to be popular. He is particularly well known for his success as a creator of humorous presentations that make fun of people, the establishment, or networks.

1 all of the following about Charlie chaplin are true except a he was born in the USA b he was a great film actor

c he had an unhappy early life d he made fun of Hitler in his films

2 according to the author, Charlie chaplin has been popular with generation after generation because a he set the whole world laughing b his performances get people involved c his works appeal to people in different periods d both B and C

3 according to Charlie chaplin’s life history writers, had a strong influence on the type of films he made.

a the society in which he lived b the audience who praised and admired him

c those who called him a genius d his unhappy early years in the poor area in London 4 according to the passage, which of the following true?

a there are timeless qualities in chaplins work because he didn’t involve himself in political affairs. B chaplin became popular years after his death.

C chaplin’s performance is funny without any sad elements

D chaplin’s films are the combinations of funny and sad elements 5 this passage was

a written by Charlie chaplin b written about Charlie chaplin C advertising one of Charlie chaplin’s films D written for students to learn film-making 参考答案:ABDDB 阅读理解三

“ the more you learn, the more you earn,”said the pop singer Cyndi lauper as she accepted her high school diploma at the age of 35. in the USA today, about 75% of jobs require some education or technical training beyond high school. The lowest wage earners in the USA are those without high school degrees, college graduates out-earn those without a college education, people with master’s degrees out-earn those with only bachelor’s, and the highest incomes of all are earned by people with advanced academic degrees. These facts explain why most of young Americans go to college. But more diplomas don’t always mean more money. Many skilled blue-collar workers, salespeople, and business executives out-earn college professors and scientist. And great athletes and actors out- earn everyone else!

But college education is not only preparation for a career, it is also (or should be) preparation for life. In addition to courses in their major field of study, most students have time to take elective course. They may take classes that help them understand more about human nature, government, the arts, or sciences. Today, more than half of American high school graduates go to college. But recently high school graduates no longer dominate the college campuses. Today, it is quite common for adults of all ages to come back to college for personal growth. Now about half of all the American college students are older than 25, and 20% of them are over 35.

For Americans, to receive college education is very important. This is proved by the rising number of Americans who have at least a bachelor’s degree. About 20% of Americans are college graduates, however, among younger adults and working people, the percentage is at least 25%, much higher than in



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most other major nations, in the USA, college education is not regarded as privilege for the wealthy or the academically talented. In fact everyone who wants to go to college can do so. 1many young Americans want to go to college because

A their parents have a lot of money and can afford all their expenses B they can get higher income with higher degrees

C college life is more interesting and attractive than high school life

D they think it as a waste of their talents if they don’t receive college education 2 it could be concluded from the second paragraph that

A college graduates earn more money than those people without college degrees B going to college is the dream of all the American people

C college education can make a student understand a lot about the world around him D students will become more self-confident if they go to college 3 when the students study in college, they can

A take some courses that they are majoring in B take some elective courses C take some courses that they are interested in D do all of the above 4 in America, the percentage of college graduates among working people is

A the same as in most other major nations B much higher than in most other major nations C much lower than in most other major nations D not mentioned in the passage 5 which of the following can most probably be inferred from the passage?

A in the past, high school graduates account for the majority of college students B all of the Americans have realized the importance of receiving a college education C today, most of Americans have at least a bachelor’s degree.

D if you have more diplomas, you will surely earn more money than other people. 参考答案:BCDBB 阅读理解四

If you want to keep young, sit down and have a good think, this is the research finding of a team of Japanese doctors, who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exercise, and as a result, we are getting old soon.

Professor taiju matsuzawa at Tokyo national university wanted to find out why quite he althy fanners in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at rather early age, and how the speed of getting old could be slowed down. With a team of researchers, he set about measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and different jobs

Computer technology enabled the researchers to get most exact measurements of the volume of the front and side parts of the brain, which have something to do with intellect and feelings, and decide the human character. As we all know, the back part of the brain, which controls tasks like eating and breathing, does not contract with age.

Contraction of front and side parts as cells die off was seen in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty-and seventy-year -olds.

Matsuzawa concluded from his tests that there is a simple way to prevent the contraction- using the head. The findings show that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns.” those with least possibility.” Said matsuzawa, “are lawyers, followed by university professors and doctors. White collar workers doing the same work day after day in government offices are, however, as likely to have contracting brains as the farm workers, bus drivers and shop assistants”

1 the team of doctors wanted to find out

A the size of some people’s brain B why some people age sooner than others C what kind of people are very clever D how to make people live longer

2 the front and side parts of the brain relate to all of the following aspects EXCEPT a mental ability b emotion c character d eating and breathing 3 the word “subjects”(in paragraph 4) most probably refers to A persons or things that are being discussed or considered

B persons chosen to be studied in an experiment C branches of knowledge studied in a school D words in a sentence about which something is stated

4 according to the research findings, which kind of people seems to age most quickly? A doctors b lawyers c teachers d farm workers

5 which of the following sentences is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A professor matsuzawa suggested that people should use their brains more often because thinking can stop the brain from contraction

B the research findings are based on the study of the brain sizes of different people C the team of doctors made these tests in order to show how the brain works

D the professor’s tests prove that old people’s brains have contracted more quickly than other young people


会计专业学位外语部分机考模拟题及参考答案 (第二部分) 阅读理解六

In 1848, gold was discovered in California, from all over the nation, thousands of young men set out for California people called this the time of the gold rush.

A gold miner came into a city looking for a pair of pants. He wanted pants strong enough to stand up to the rough work of mining. He met a young man named Levi, who sold heavy cloth for tents and wagon tops. They asked a tailor to use heavy cloth for their pants. Then Levi went into the business of making work pants, he asked his brothers to send him some strong blue cotton cloth called denim(斜纹粗棉布). With this blue denim cloth, Levi started making the kind of pants we call blue jeans today. They were sewed up in the same way as other pants.

In 1860, a miner said that the pockets weren’t strong enough to hold the pieces of gold he found. The pockets kept pulling loose from the pants. The cloth was all right. It was the thread that wasn’t strong enough. So Levi used rivets(铆钉) attach the pockets onto the pants.

Cowboys needed tough pants, too. They liked their pants to fit tightly. But the rivets marked the cowboys’ saddles. So Levi covered the rivets with cloth. Then everybody was happy. 1 this article as a whole is about

a. how people got blue jeans b the gold rush

c denim, rivets and blue jeans d cowboys and blue jeans 2 while not stated in the article, you can tell that

A. everybody who went to California got a lot of gold B Levi found riches in the gold fields C Levi made more money than many gold miners D Levi sold more jeans to cowboys than to gold miners

3 the word this in the first paragraph, last sentence, refers to

A California b gold B. many people looking for gold d the discovery of gold



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4 Levi used strong blue cotton cloth to make pants because

A gold miners liked the blue color b this was the only cloth he had

C. miners wanted pants which could stand rough work D cowboys liked their pants to fit tightly 5 which of the following sentences is not correct?

A it was Levi who started the business of making blue jeans B it was one tailor who started making blue jeans

C.it was in California that blue jeans first became popular D it was in California that gold was discovered 参考答案 1-5 BACCC. 阅读理解七

Manners are important to happy relations among people. Everyone likes a person with good manners. No one likes a person with bad manners. But what are good manners? How does one know what to do and what not to do?

Well, here are some examples.

A person with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to help them. He is always kind to others. When people are waiting for a bus, he takes his turn. He does not push to the front of the line. On the bus he gives his seat to an older person or a person with a very young child. If he knocks into someone, or gets in his way, he says \

He says %up when he is speaking to an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person takes his seat. He does not interrupt other people when they are talking. He does not talk too much. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. When he is eating, he does not speak with his mouth full of food. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. He does not spit in public.

As a student, it is a bad manner to come late to class. If you are late you should make an apology to the teacher either at the time or after the class. It is also a bad manner to keep silent when the teacher asks you a question. If you do not know the answer, say so immediately. If you do know, answer in a loud enough voice so that all the class may hear. It is polite for the students to help the teacher. Sometimes students can help their teachers to clean the blackboard, to close or open the door or windows. Sometimes there are papers to collect or to hand out. This kind of help is always appreciated.

Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different countries. But in all countries it is important to be kind and helpful. Question:

1. person with good manners is popular with others because ____. 2. A person with good manners will ____ those in trouble.

3. When you are with an old man, you should do all the following except ______. 4. Which of the following is NOT proper for a student with good manners to do? 5. You'd better keep in mind that _____. 第1空:

A. he will do what he is asked to do

B. he knows what to do and what not to do on different occasions C. he talks loudly to make himself heard clearly in public D. he can make others know what good manners are


A. feel sorry for B. laugh at C. feel it difficult to help D. do whatever he can do help 第3空:

A. standing up when you have a talk with him B. giving your seat to him on the bus C. interrupting him if he talks too much D. showing your respect to him 第4空:

A. Making no sound all the time in class. B. Coming to school on time.

C. Doing your best to help the teacher. D. Answering the questions in a loud voice to make him heard. 第5空:

A. you can act as you like in any country B. you can act in the same way even in different countries C. people are indifferent to what good manners are D. \参考答案 1-5 BDCAD 阅读理解八

The University of London is one of Britain’s largest centers for higher education, with a name for international education. Located in one of the world’s most dynamic cities, we can offer international student a wide and diverse cultural life ,as well as the very best course choice and teaching .We offer our international students the ability to study and improve their command of English , to ensure they get the best from the course of their choice.

International students are assured of a successful and happy time while studying at the University of London. We have a Student Service Office to help you at all times , and first—year students are ensured a place in halls of residence desires. Your teacher will give you personal instructions if required Students can enjoy themselves in the free health center at any time.

As a final point , we offer religious service rooms for those of all faiths and as London is an international city. put students in touch with many religious groups in this area. Finally, with excellent air, rail and road links to the Britain, Europe and the world, getting here is easy. 1. The University of London is situated at a city______. 2. The University of London is famous for____

3. Whenever international students have any difficulty in life ,they can go to_____ for help. 4. The university assures the first year students that_____ 5. The main purpose of this passage is to_____


A. well known for producing excellent professors B. full of activity and energy

C. where you can enjoy everything free of charge D. that is quiet and peaceful all the time 第2空:

A. excellent transportation B. international education

C. the largest number of students D. being located at the Thames



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19A quite B already C even D still. 第3空:

20A observe B discover C gain D learn A the local government B the school authority C the Student Service Office

参考答案 D their teacher

1-5 CDCCB 6-10 DXBBX 11-15 XBCBC 16-20 BXDCD 第4空:

完型填空二 A they can have a place in halls of residence if they wish to …..

B they don’t have to pay for their first-year education When Henry Alice came home(1) the office (2) he saw a note(3) his wife on the kitchen table” Henry” C all of them will be put into some religious groups the note (4) my mother isn’t well and I (5) home(6) her for a few days. There are(7)things that ought to D they can rent houses at Newcastle at a very low price. (8)while I’m away.”

First, take your blue coat to the dry(9)and leave your shirts at the laundry. At the same time, would you 第5空:

please stop at the shoe repairman’s and (10) my brown shoes? And go to the supermarket and get (11) A attract more travelers to London B show that the University offer religious service

coffee ,milk ,and butter. C draw more international students

“When you get him, please telephone Mary Bickford and they her I won’t be able to go to her party D show how students enjoy their study and life at this university.

tomorrow evening tell her why I can’t(12) “There are three things that (13) before you go to work 参考答案

tomorrow morning. leave a note for the milkman(14) just one quart of milk, not two; put the garbage(15) 1-5 ABCAC

the backyard give the dog something to eat. 完形填空一

Was hoe is a young chimpanzee :she is no 1 chimpanzee though Scientists are doing a research 2 “If you have time on Saturday. cut the grass. Don’t forget the grass in the backyard. The newspaper boy

will. come (16) Saturday afternoon. Be Sure (17) him money I think that’s all I’ll telephone this evening her .They want to see how civilized she can 3 Already she does many things a human being can do . For example she has been learning how to exchange 4 with people. The scientists are teaching her 5 and (18) you know how mother is Love Alice

language. When she wants to be picked 6 ,was hoe points up with one finger she rubs her also been Henry looked out the window (19) the grass Alice wanted him to cut. His wife had asked him to do many 8 to think out and find answers to problems. Once she was put in a 9 wish food box to stand 12 things. He hoped her mother (20) well very quickly. The food was still too high to be reached. Was hoe found 13 pole. Them she climbed on to the 1 A out of B bank C from D instead of

14 . rasped the pole, and 15 down the food with the pole. Was hoe 16 like a human. too. The 2 A last night Thursday B last Thursday night C Thursday last night D Thursday night last scientist keep her in a fully furnished house. After a goes home 18 she plays with her toys she 19 3 A from B of C by D to

enjoys watching television before going to bed scientists hope to 20 more about people by studying 4 A read B said C wrote D spoke

5 A go B would go C am going D was going our closest relative chimpanzee.

6 A to be with B to see C to have seen D been seeing 1.A foolish B ordinary C. special D simple

7 A few B little C a little D a few 2 A for B by C to D on.

8 A do B be done C have been done D make 3 A experience B charge C reach D develop

9 A cleaner’s B cleaners C cleaners’ D cleaner 4.A action B views C messages D feelings

10 A get B bring C take D carry 5.A sing B human C spoken D foreign

11 A a cup of B one quart of C some D little 6A ort B at C on D up

12 A be going B be gone C there D come 7.A when B until C since D while

13 A should do B must be done C are done D can be done 8A raised B trained C ordered D led

14 A ask B to ask C asking for D asking to 9A care B room C zoo D museum

15 A in B on C for D at 10A pull B see C eat D reach

16 A in B on C at D up 11A problem B position C food D ceiling

17 A to give B give C pay D paying 12A by B on C up D with

18 A make B have C get D let 13A straight B strong C long D big

19 A on B at C around D in 14A wall B box C ceiling D pole

20 A is B will be C should be D would be 15A knocked B picked C took D shook

参考答案 16A lives B acts C thinks D plays

1-5 CBCBB 6-10 ADBAB 11-15 CDBCA 16-20 BDABD 17A task B lesson C day D time

完型填空三 18A Here B There C So D Then



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(1) Yesterday was 1 he got a lot of presents 2 his friends and family. All the gifts were 7 with great care.The wire held. Now he was 8 he could do it , wrapped 3 colored paper. 4 Of 5 6 large. but others were light. One square package 7 9 only a balancing pole, Philippe walked his way a cross .a 10 of glue. There was a book in it. Another one was long and narrow. It had an umbrella in it. Jim’s sister gave 139 feet.

him a big, 8 package. He thought it 9 a ball. But it 10 . when he 11 the yellow paper that Soon the rust-hour 11 began to notice. what a 12 There, 1350 feet above the street , a 13

figure was walking on air. covered it, he saw that it was a globe of the world.

After that his brother gave him 12 gift, it was a big box 13 green paper. Jim opened it and found Philippe made seven 14 , back and forth. He wasn’t satisfied with just

15 another box 14 red paper. he removed the paper and saw a third box. This one was blue in color.

Everyone laughed 15 jim opened the boxes. There were six of them! In the last one he found a small At time, he would tun , sit down, and 16 go on his knees. Once, he had the astonishing 17 to white envelope. There was a piece of paper in the envelope which 16 . “go to the big bed-room and lie down on the thread. And thousands of 18 watchers stared with their hearts fast.

look 17 the closet near the high window. You will see three suitcases a black one, a brown one and a After the forth-five minute 19 , philippe was eaken to the police station. He was asked 20 he

did it . philippe shrugged end said,”when I see tall buildings ,I walk”. gray one. Your birthday present is in one of these”

JIM 18 the large bedroom. He went to the closet and began to 19 the suitcases. He had to open all 1 A. jobs B. homes C. buses D. offices of them 20 he saw his brother’s present. he was very happy. It was just what jim wanted-a portable 2 A.working B. hot C. same D.ordinary

3 A. And B. So C.But D.Thus typewriter.

4 A.for B.in C.by Dabove 1 a birthday of jim b jim birthday c jim’s birthday d jim-birthpday

5 A.roof B position C.wall D building 2 a at b away with c back from d from

6 A.throw B.walk C.climb D.fix 3 a in b by c with d of

7 A.act B.landing C.step D.trip 4 a most b some c many d much

8.A.sure B.uncertain C. glad D.nervous 5 a the packages b packages c the package d package

9.A. through B. against C.with D.on 6 a is b are c was d were

10.A.distance B.height C.space D.rope 7 a was b were c had been d have been

11. A.streets B. crowds C.passengers D.city 8 a circle b around c round d ring

12.A.height B.pleasure C.wonder D.danger 9 a had been b was c were d would be

13.A great B.strange C.public D.tiny 10 a hadn’t been b would not be c weren’t d was not

14.A.experiments B.circles C.trips D.movement 11 a removed b took out c took off d took away

15A.walking B.staying C.acting D.showing 12 a the other b other c an other d another

16A .almost B. even C. often D.rather 13 a covering with b enveloping c wrapped in d wrapped by

17.A. spirit B. result C.strength D.courage 14 a wrapping in b covering in c covered with d enveloping in

18.A. patient B.terrified C.pleased D.enjoyable 15 a while b before c as soon as d as

19.A. show B.trick C.try D.program 16 a said b wrote c reads d speaks

20.A. how B. why C. whether D when 17 a at b in c for d around

参考答案 18 a went to b came out c went in d came in

19 a open b opening c close d closing 1-5 DDCAD 6-10 BCACA 11-15 ADDBA 16-20 BDDAB 20 a unless b after c until d before 翻译题 参考答案 如果没有空气,地球上就不可能产生任何生命; 1-5 CDBBA 6-10 DACDD 11-15 ADDCA 16-20 ACAAD If there is no air, there would be impossible to have any lives on the earth. 完型填空四 当接近学校的时候,即使周围没有孩子,你也应该减速;

It was an early morning in summer.In the streets,sleep-eyed people were moving quickly,heading to When you get close to the school, you should slow down, even if no kids are around. words their 1 . This was the beginning of another 2 day in New York city. 3 this day was of 任务虽然艰苦,但我们一定要把它完成; different. Although the tusk is hard, we are determined to accomplish it.

Waiting 4 the crowded streets .on top of a 5 110 stories high.was philippe petil.This daring 毫无疑问要钻这么深的一个孔,他们必须解决许多复杂的问题;

Frenchman was about to 6 a tight rope between the two towers of the world Trade Genter.Philippe Undoubtedly, they should cope with lots of complicated problems in order to dig so deep a hole. took his first


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How many chapters has the teacher assigned us to read as our homework? 在化学变化中,能量即不会创造,也不会消失

The energy can neither create, nor disappear during chemical changes. 除非他做错了什么,否则他就不会受到批评。

He will never be criticized unless he did something wrong. 他的口音说明他是外国人(betray) His accent betrays he is a foreigner.


At the end of 18th century, the great Britain rapidly became the factory of the world. 我们完全意识到局势的严重性(aware)

We are totally aware of the importance of the situation. 他被禁止入城

He was prohibited into the city. 校长授予优秀学生以荣誉称号

The headmaster conferred the best students with honorary titles 他在申请一份职员工作(apply) He was applying for an office clerk.


We have already waited him for two hours when he finally came. 我可以问问他是否记得替你寄过一封信。

I can ask him whether he remembered that he had sent a letter for you. 我在专心致志地看书,没听见你叫我(absorb)

I was totally absorbed in reading, and didn’t hear you calling me. 沉甸甸的果实压弯了树枝(bend). The heavy fruits bend the branches. 细菌小的用肉眼看不见。

The bacteria are too small to be seen.

我们就供应牛奶与农场主讨价还价(bargain) We bargained with the farmer on the price of milk. 我想知道如果下午5点打电话是否可以省钱

I wondered whether it is cheaper when I call at 5p.m. 他父亲发脾气时举止很粗鲁

When his father lose his temper, he behaves rude. 他工作时,什么也不能分散他的心思。 Nothing distracts him when he works. 这个小女孩渴望得到嘉奖(avid) The little girl is avid to be awarded.

他认为他的成功是他努力的结果(attribute) He attributes his success to his efforts. 他们刚建的那个飞机场离城20公里。

The airport they built was 20km away from the town.


It is Newton that first discovered the attractiveness between objects. 这家旅馆可供500人住宿.(accommodate) The hotel can accommodate for 500 people. 我恳求他们不要向她提起我的名字。(beg)

I begged them not to mention my name in front of her. 这些票有效期只有7天(available) These tickets are available for 7 days.

他要是早点动身,也许已经赶上那班火车了。 If he left earlier, he would have caught the train. 直到第二次世界大战才开始使用喷气式飞机。 The jets were not used until World War Ⅱ 如果我见到他,我就叫他等一等。

If I see him, I’ll ask him to wait for a while. 要是你昨天来了,你就能见到他。

If you came here yesterday, you can see him. 到明年7月份,我在这里读书三年。

I have been studied for three years by July next year. 我在那场战斗中获得胜利。 I attained victory in that battle.


Xiao Zhang lost his balance and fell off the ladder. 我想知道如何解释空间通讯的重要性。

I wanted to know the importance of spatial communication.

他心跳的如此之快,以至于他几呼喘不过气来?? His heart beats so fast that he can hardly breathe. 受到别人的嘲笑,他受不了(bear)??

He cannot bear that other people are laughing at him. 我军在那场战斗中获得了胜利(attain).



