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Unit 8 Text A Telecommunication via Satellite1.At the begging of sth. 在什么的开始/介词词组 sth. 在什么的开始/ 2. Change into 转变成/动词词组 转变成/ 3.From…to… 从…到/介词词组 4. Pick up 接收/动词词组 接收/

5. Be capable of sth./doing sth. 某人能够胜任某职 sth./doing sth. 位;某事有可能做某事/ 位;某事有可能做某事/形容词词组 6. In theory 理论上地/副词词组 理论上地/ 7. Have access to sth./doing sth. 接触,使用,可 sth./doing sth. 接近/ 接近/动词词组 e.g. You can easily have access to him. 他很好接近。 We have free access to her materials. 我们可以免费使用她的材料。

8.Provide help to people 为人们提供帮助/动词词 为人们提供帮助/ 组 9. Be able to do sth. 能够做某事/形容词词组 sth. 能够做某事/ 10. Follow sb.s instructions on sth. sth. 在什么事上听从某人的意见/ 在什么事上听从某人的意见/动词词组 11. Care for 照顾/动词词组 照顾/

12. As well as 也/起到连接作用的词组 13. Be a risk to sth./doing sth. 做某事很冒险/名词 sth./doing sth. 做某事很冒险/ 词组 14. Pay for sth. 为某样物品付款/动词词组 sth. 为某样物品付款/ 15. Isolate sth./sb. from sth./sb. 市某人/某物与某 sth./sb. sth./sb. 市某人/ 人或某物隔绝/ 人或某物隔绝/动词词组

16. Do one’s banking 存钱或取钱(银行业务)/ 存钱或取钱(银行业务)/ 动词词组 17. Prevent sth. from sth./doing sth. 阻止某事发生 sth. sth./doing sth. /动词词组 18. Lead sb. to success 引导某人成功; lead to sth./doing sth. 导致/动词词组 sth./doing sth. 导致/

语言点1. 时态题:By the middle of the century, both 时态题:By radio and television had become established means of transmitting sounds and/or pictures. By the time of +现在时间状语,用一般现在时;by the time +现在时间状语,用一般现在时;by of +将来时间状语,用将来完成时;by the time +将来时间状语,用将来完成时;by of +过去时间状语,用过去完成时。 +过去时间状语,用过去完成时。 2. Printed materials 印刷材料;isolated areas 荒 印刷材料;isolated 芜的地区 3. Entertain(v.娱乐)—entertained(adj. 娱乐的)— Entertain(v.娱乐) 娱乐的) entertainment(n. 娱乐) 娱乐)

4. Common的最高级the most common Common的最高级the 5. 难句:Telecommunication can make 难句:Telecommunication information from around the world available to use quickly and easily, but… make sth. available sth. 是宾语;available 这个 sth. sth. 是宾语;available adj.是sth. adj.是sth. 的宾语补足语 电信可以使全世界的信息使用起来又便捷又容 易。

6. Contact为不可数名词,可以用much来修饰 Contact为不可数名词,可以用much来修饰 ,表示许多联系。 7. 翻译:It is important to realize that the same 翻译

:It technology that helps us may also harm us. 意识到一项科技既能帮助我们又会伤害到我们 ,这很重要。

Text B What people Don’t Know about Air1. Be important to sb. 对某人来说很重要/形容 对某人来说很重要/ 词词组 2. In order to do sth. 为了做某事/表示目的的动 sth. 为了做某事/ 词不定式短语 3. As we know it 正如我们所知道的那样/状语 正如我们所知道的那样/ 4. Be forced to do sth. 被迫做某事,不得不做 sth. 某事/ 某事/动词词组

5. Seek shelter from 远离,躲避/动词词组 远离,躲避/ 6. Protect sb. from sth./doing sth. 保护某人不 sth./doing sth. 受/动词词组 7. Rest upon 依赖,落在什么上/动词词组 依赖,落在什么上/ 8. Gaze at sth./sb. 盯着某人或某物看/动词 sth./sb. 盯着某人或某物看/ 词组

9. In wonder 惊讶地/副词词组 惊讶地/ 10. In the meantime 与此同时/副词短语 与此同时/ 11. Pay attention to sth./doing sth. 注意某事/ sth./doing sth. 注意某事/ 动词词组 12. Add sth. to sth. 添加/动词词组 sth. sth. 添加/


虚拟语气:Without air, we could not exist. Without air, there would be no fire. Without air, there would be no wind or clouds.

结论:介词without+名词或代词,主语 结论:介词without+名词或代词,主语 +could/would +动词原型。表示对现在进行虚拟 +动词原型。表示对现在进行虚拟 。

If we did not have air, there would be no sound. If we did not have atmospheric pressure, we could not have automobile tires. The tires would burst if they did not have the pressure of the atmosphere against their surfaces. 结论:从句用动词的过去式, 结论:从句用动词的过去式,主句用 could/would+动词原型 could/would+动词原型。表示对现在进行虚拟 动词原型。

1. 时态题:Sound travels through air. 时态题: 用现在时的原因表客观事实。 用现在时的原因表客观事实。 2. 翻译:Where there is no air, there is no sound. 没有 翻译: 空气的地方就没有声音。 空气的地方就没有声音。 3. Deadly(adj.)致命的,e.g. deadly rays 致命的射线 Deadly(adj.)致命的 致命的, 4. 翻译:Electrical energy is collected in the 翻译: atmosphere as water is collected and stored in a dam. 电能被储藏在大气层里就宛若水被汇集并储藏在大坝 里一样。 里一样。

5. But a thorough study of electricity in the atmosphere was not possible until the development of radio and radar. Not…until…直到什么时候 Not…until…直到什么时候…才 直到什么时候… 6. Large amounts of +不可数名词,表示大量的 +不可数名词 不可数名词, 7. Unending adj. 无穷无尽的

