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学科分类:TB626.3[工业技术 > 一般工业技术 > 制冷工程] 【关键词】 甲醇汽油; 发动机油; 低温性能;

【Key words】 methanol gasoline; engine oil; low temperature performance; 选用数据库:维普中文科技期刊数据库 珠江三角洲数字图书馆联盟

国研网 ProQuest学位论文全文数据库 Engineering Village平台(Ei、INSPEC、NTIS) Pro-quest, Netlibrary 国道数据库


1、 (1)维普中文科技期刊数据库:

检索策略: (Keyword_C=甲醇汽油)+(Keyword_C=发动机油)+(Keyword_C=低温性能)


① 2011年 36卷 1期《 润滑与密封 》

Lubrication Engineering起止页码:85-87,116国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-0150国内统一刊号:CN 44-1260/TH甲醇汽油对发动机油低温性能的影响尹兴林[1] 王娇[2] 董元虎[3][1]陕西通用石油化工有限公司,陕西西安710043 [2]上海同济同捷科技股份有限公司,上海201206 [3]长


安大学汽车学院,陕西西安710064摘 要:为考察甲醇汽油对发动机油低温性能的影响,通过向发动机油中添加甲醇汽油及其模拟燃烧产物甲酸、甲醛,分析其对油样的倾点、凝点、低温动力黏度的影响。结果表明:甲醇汽油及其模拟燃烧产物甲醛、甲酸对油样的倾点、凝点影响较小;随着甲醇添加量的增加,油样的低温动力黏度有增大的趋势;在甲酸质量分数为0.8%~1.2%时,油样的低温动力黏度值较大,但其增大的趋势平缓。因此甲醇汽油及其模拟燃烧产物对发动机油的低温性能影响不大。[著者文摘]

关键词:甲醇汽油 发动机油 低温性能

分类号: TB626.3[著者标引]文献标识码:A文章编号:0254-0150(2011)1-085-3栏目信息:试验研究

相关文献:主题相关 全文快照

The Effect of Methanol Gasoline on Low Temperature Performance of Engine OilYin Xinglin Wang Jiao Dong Yuanhu1.Shannxi Tongyong Petrochemical Co.,Ltd,Xi'an Shaanxi 710043,China;2.Tongjie Innova Engineering & Technology Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 201206,China;3.School of Automobile,Chang'an University,Xi'an Shaanxi 710064,ChinaAbstract:In order to study the effect of methanol gasoline on the low temperature performance of engine oil,methanol gasoline and its simulated combustion products of formaldehyde and formic acid were added into the engine oils,and the pour point,solidification point and low temperature dynamic viscosity of the oil samples were analyzed.The results show that the pour point and solidification point have little change with adding methanol gasoline and its simulated combustion products of formaldehyde and formic acid to the oil samples.The low temperature dynamic viscosity has slight increase with the increase of methanol in methanol gasoline,and it is high as the mass fraction of formic acid is between 0.8%~1.2%,but the whole increase tendency is gentle with the increase of formic acid.So the methanol gasoline and its simulated combustion products have little influence on the low temperature performance of engine oils.[著者文摘] Key words:methanol gasoline; engine oil; low temperature performance

收稿日期: 2010-06-30修订日期: 基金资助:


② 2009年 30卷 6期

《 大连大学学报 》



国际标准刊号:ISSN 1008-2395

国内统一刊号:CN 21-1390/G4


甲醇汽油添加剂对甲醇汽油性能影响的研究 何萍 辛长波 武跃 辽宁师范大学化学化工学院,辽宁大连116029 摘 要:



甲醇汽油 添加剂 汽油性能指标

分类号: O621.3[著者标引] 文献标识码:A

文章编号:1008-2395(2009)06-0049-04 栏目信息:化学化工 相关文献:

主题相关 全文快照

Methanol Gasoline Additives on Properties of Methanol


HE Ping, XIN Chang- bo, WU Yue

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029 China Abstract:

This paper studies the vehicle after methanol gasoline additive treatment on their performance. According to GB 17930 -1999 "vehicles using unleaded petrol," the national standard, the modulation of different proportions of methanol fuel, and its before and after adding different additives . The main use of performance indicators were also tested. Experimental results show that by adding different additives and different by adding the amount of methanol can improve the water resistance of gasoline, distillation process, copper corrosion, swelling, mercaptan sulfur


content and other performances, so that methanol gasoline to meet national standards.[著者文摘] Key words:

methanol gasoline; additive; gasoline performance indicators

收稿日期: 2009-03-03 作者简介:



DOI:10.3969/j.issn.0254—0150.2011.O1.022 甲醇汽油对发动机油低温性能的影响 尹兴林 王娇 董元虎。

(1.陕西通用石油化工有限公司 陕西西安710043;2.上海同济同捷科技股份有限公司 上海201206;




点、凝点影响较小;随着甲醇添加量的增加,油样的低温动力黏度有增大的趋势;在甲酸质量分数为0.8% ~1.2%时,

油样的低温动力黏度值较大,但其增大的趋势平缓。因此甲醇汽油及其模拟燃烧产物对发动机油的低温性能影响不大。 关键词:甲醇汽油;发动机油;低温性能

中图分类号:TE626.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0254—0150 (2011)1—085—3

The Effect of M ethanol Gasoline on Low Temperature Performance of Engine 0il

Yin Xinglin Wang Jiao Dong Yuanhu


(1.Shannxi Tongyong Petrochemical Co.,Ltd,Xi’an Shaanxi 710043,China;2.Tongjie Innova Engineering&Technology

Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 201206,China;3.School of Automobile,Chang’an University,Xi’an Shaanxi 710064,China)

Abstract:In order to study the effect of methanol gasoline on the low temperature performance of engine oil,methanol

gasoline and its simulated combustion products of formaldehyde an d form ic acid were added into the engine oils,and the

pour point,solidification point an d low temperature dynamic viscosity of the oil samples were an alyzed.The results show

that the pour point an d solidification point have little change with adding methanol gasoline and its simulated combustion

products of formaldehyde an d form ic acid to the oil samples.The low temperature dynamic viscosity has slight increase with

the increase of methanol in methanol gasoline,and it is high as the mass fraction of formic acid is between 0.8% ~1.2% ,

but the whole increase tendency is gentle with the increase of form ic acid.So the methanol gasoline and its simulated com—

bustion products have little influence on the low temperature performance of engine oils.

Keywords:methan ol gasoline;engine oil;low temperature perform ance 发动机油良好的低温性能是发动机在严寒的冬季能够正常启动、润滑的有力保障。发动机各润滑部件能及时得到良好润滑,从而降低发动机启动磨损和启动功率损失。由于甲醇与汽油相比具有特有的理化性能,如甲醇的沸点为64.8℃ ,比汽油的初馏点(30℃)要高” ,甲醇汽油及其燃烧产物甲酸等在发动机工作过程中,容易窜到曲轴箱中,与发动机油混合。通过试验研究发现 :甲醇汽油及其燃烧产物对发动机油的抗磨性能、清净分散性能、氧化和硝化性能均有负面影响。本文作者通过向发动机油中添加收稿日期:2010—06—30作者简介:尹兴林(1979一),男,工学硕士,工程师,主要从事润滑剂开发研究和设备润滑节能工作.E.mail:linsic@si一甲醇汽油及其模拟燃烧产物甲酸溶液、甲醛溶液,测定油样的倾点、凝点、低温动力黏度等评定项目,从而分析甲醇汽油及其模拟燃烧产物对发动机油低温性能的影响。 1 试验材料及方法 1.1 试验材料


(1)发动机油:l5 w一40 sF汽油机油,长城润滑油公司生产。(2)甲醛溶液:HCHO的质量分数37.O% ~40.0% ,西安化学试剂厂生产。(3)甲酸溶液:HCOOH的质量分数不少于88.0% ,天津市红岩化学试剂厂生产。甲醇汽油:所用的甲醇汽油的组分见表1

(2) 珠江三角洲数字图书馆联盟



① 2011年 39卷 3期

《 广州化工 》



国际标准刊号:ISSN 1001-9677

国内统一刊号:CN 44-1228/TQ


胡玉斌 王明清


摘 要: 介绍了4G15S汽油机台架上进行M15甲醇汽油的应用试验,并对试验结果进行了分析。试验结果表明该汽油机燃用M15甲醇汽油与燃用93#汽油相比,低转速时,动力性略有下降,燃油消耗率略有增加;高转速时,动力性略有增加,燃油消耗率略有下降;尾气排放中HC与CO有明显降低。[著者文摘] 关键词: 甲醇汽油 动力性 排放特性 经济性 汽油机 分类号: U483[机标] 栏目信息:科学实验 相关文献: 主题相关 全文快照 6

Performance and Emission Characteristics of Methanol

Gasoline in Gasoline Engine

HU Yu-bin,WANG Ming-qing

Guohong Chemical Co.,Ltd.,Yanzhou Coal Mining Co.,Ltd.,Shandong Zoucheng 273512,China Abstract:

The experiment performed on gasoline-injection engine 4G15S comparing fuel M15 with 93# was introduced.From the experiment and analysis,the results were comparing with pure petrol,using the mixed fuel at lower speed,and there were a little decrease in the power performance and a small increase in the fuel consumption rate.At higher speed,there were a small increase in the power performance and a little decrease in the fuel consumption rate.The HC and CO within the exhaust descended obviously.[著者文摘] Key words:

methanol-petrol; power performance; emission performance; economic performance; gasoline-injection engine



② 2010年 49期


国际标准刊号:ISSN 1006-0162

国内统一刊号:CN 31-1219/U


胡建功 张翠平 任超超 牟红雨


摘 要:



面的影响。[编者按] 关键词:

甲醇汽油 排放性能 经济性 发动机动力 桑塔纳轿车 替代燃料 试验对比 汽油机

分类号: U464.172[机标] 栏目信息:知识与研究 相关文献:

主题相关 全文快照



Effects of Different ProportionaI M ethanol-GasolIRe on Autocar

撰文/太原理工大学机械工程学院车辆工程系胡建功张翠平任超超牟红雨 甲醇可作为汽油机的替代燃料,本文通过对不同比例的甲醇汽油M15~I:]M30与93#汽油在桑塔纳轿车上进行


The paper mainly through the diferent propoGion of methanol gasoline M 1 5 and M30 and 93#gasoline in

the running state test of autocar on contrast,its main pu rpose is to study diferent proportion of methanol

gasoline vehicle in dynamical performances,economy and emission behavior of influence.

近 萎出,寻找可替代的高效清洁石油替代燃料,来缓解石油资源短缺、能源不足的压力,保证我国的能源安全和环境保护已成为我国发展的一项重点任务。我国的能源状况是“缺油、少气、富煤”。甲醇燃料的低热值比汽油低,仅为汽油的46% ,因此当在汽油机上燃用甲醇时,应增大循环油量从而使混合气的热值大体与汽油空气混合气相等或略高。


本文通过对不同比例甲醇燃料(M15~1]M30)$[193#汽油进行功率工况、加速时间、油耗测试,以确定最佳的燃烧混合比。装置和研究方法试验所使用的发动机是桑塔纳电喷汽油机,在试验中所使用的甲醇汽油均添加了助溶剂和抗腐蚀剂。测试平台为成都弥荣科技发展有限公司生产的底盘测功机 具体参数如表1所示。 试验研究采用的是相同试验条件下的数据对比方法,以求得出甲醇汽油混合燃料对发动机性能的影响。在研究发动机的动力性时常用发动机有效功率作为指标。 当测功机进入测功程序,滚筒转速达到测功速度设定点时,随加

反拖电机(选配)反拖最高速度速踏板开度增加,滚筒对驱动轮产生制动力, 当该制动力与驱动力达到平衡时,得出汽车车轮与滚筒切向问的瞬时驱动力值。功率即为速度与力的乘积。试验按G B/1-1 8278—2000~量额定扭矩工况汽车驱动轮输出功率和额定功率工况汽车驱动轮的输出功率值以及多个速度点的功率值。测试0~80km/h原地起步连续换档加速时间。燃油装在外接油箱内,通过设定的时间来测定循环工况下的油耗。如图1所示,循环工况为:车速从0加速至20km/h后匀速行驶1 min,然后顺序运行车速至40km/h、60km/h、80km/h、70km/h、50 km/h 口30km/h, 以各速度各均速行驶1 min后总的燃油消耗量。根据国标要求,此次试验分别用简易工况法的稳态加载工况法(ASM)和双怠速法进行排放检测。稳态工况法汽车排气检测系统采用稳定的匀速过程,加载保持固 定值。试验结果和分析不同l:lsf~怕々甲醇汽油对整车动力性的影响图2所示,在实验过程当中,汽车在燃烧M15甲醇汽油的功率有所提高,功率提高0.8~1 3,增幅为3.79%~4 62%。当汽车车速在40km/h以下时,功率匀速增加,增幅不大,当汽车车速在40km/h以上时,功率随着转速的增加而明显提高,在电喷汽油机工作的过程中,ECU#~据各传感器传输的空气流量、发动机转速等工作参数,按照预先编好的运算程序进行计算,和内存中的最佳工况参数进行比较判断,给喷油器一个喷油脉;中信号。燃用M30甲醇汽油的输出功率与93#汽油相比,在50km/h时,功率下降最大,下降为0.7kW,降幅为2.1%。 在定速度55km/h下,定量测得汽车的功率工况,如表2所示,燃用M15甲醇汽油与93#汽油相比,驱动轮输出功率提高了1.4kW,而M30甲醇汽油与93#汽油相比,降低了0.2kW。甲醇的气化潜热值为 1.101 MJ/kg,是汽油的2.372倍,


(3) 国研网

检索策略:甲醇汽油 发动机油


① 2011年 40卷 1期


国际标准刊号:ISSN 1671-0630

国内统一刊号:CN 12-1338/TH


高昱 王铁 刘道东 李海林


摘 要:

通过在滚筒式底盘测功机上进行燃烧不同燃料的桑塔纳汽车的测试实验,定量和定性地分析了不同比例甲醇汽油(M15和M85)对整车动力性和经济性的影响。[著者文摘] 关键词:

甲醇汽油 整车 滚筒式底盘测功机 动力性 经济性

分类号: TK411.71[著者标引] 文献标识码:A

文章编号:1671-0630(2011)01-0072-03 栏目信息:新能源 相关文献:

主题相关 全文快照

Experimental Study on Effects of Different Proportional

Methanol-Gasoline on Automobiles

Gao Yu,Wang Tie,Liu Daodong,Li Hailin College of Mechanical

Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology




Based on the running state test of autocar on drum-type chassis dynamometer,this paper makes quantitative and qualitative analysis of engine dynamical performances and fuel economy of autocar fueled with different proportional methanol-gasoline(M15 and M85).[著者文摘] Key words:

Methanol-Gasoline; Entire car; Drum-type chassis dynamometer; Dynamical performances; Fuel economy

收稿日期: 2010-03-11 作者简介:


② 2007年 1期

《 西部煤化工 》




钟洪权[1] 王亚明[1] 张松[2]

[1]云南昆明理工大学生物与化学工程学院,云南昆明650200 云南昆明理工大学生物与,IJ6字工程竽既


摘 要: 介绍了甲醇汽油的界定,燃料特性,制法及其应用前景。讨论了甲醇汽油在使用中的安全问题。[著者文摘] 关键词: 甲醇汽油 甲醇 制法 分类号: TE626.21[机标] 栏目信息:产品开发 相关文献: 主题相关 全文快照



第40卷第1期 2011年2月 小型内燃机与摩托车


Feb.2011· 新能源·不同比例甲醇汽油对整车性能影响的试验研究高昱王铁刘道东李海林(太原理工大学机械工程学院车辆工程系 山西太原030024)


中图分类号:TK411.71 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671—0630(2011)01—0072—03

Experimental Study on Effects of Different Proportional M ethano1.Gasoline on Autom obiles Gao Yu,W ang Tie,Liu Daodong,Li Hailin

College of Mechanical Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology(Taiyuan,Shanxi,030024,China)

Abstract:Based on the running state test of autocar on drum·type chassis dynamometer,this paper makes

quantitative and qualitative analysis of engine dynamical performances and fuel economy of autoear fueled with

different proportional methanol—gasoline(M 1 5 and M85).

Keywords: Methanol—Gasoline, Entire car, Drum—type chassis dynamometer, Dynamical perform ances, Fuel economy 引言



源及其相关产业的发展有重要意义。因此,现阶段全面地了解甲醇燃料的性能至关重要。本文重点讨论甲醇燃料(M15和M85)对整车的动力性以及经济性的影响,采用桑塔纳汽车分别燃用93#汽油、M15、M85进行功率、加速性、经济性等试验对比研究。 1 试验方法以及试验设备 1.1 试验设备

使用的燃油载体为未经改造的和改造了发动机的桑塔纳汽车。测试平台为成都弥荣科技发展有限公司生产的底盘测功机。表1、表2为具体参数。表1 SVw7180I EI桑塔纳轿车主要参数排量/L 1.781发动机型式 四缸直列水冷汽油机作者简介:高昱(1986一),男,在读研究生,研究方向为汽车设计与理论。



检索策略:full:(methanol and gasoline) and full:(low and temperature and performance)


① 文献类型 论文类

标题 Experimental investigation of effects of bio-additives on fuel economy of the gasoline engine

翻译:实验研究bio-additives燃油对汽油发动机在经济性方面的影响 著者 YAO ChunDe, ZHANG ZhiHui, XU YuanLi, HUANG Yu 机构 Stake Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University 主题词 Gasoline Engine; Fuel economy; bio-additives 系列号 ISSN 1006-9321

集合名 Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 年 2008 卷 51 期 8


地域 Tianjin, China 页数 9

描述 The matter extracted from palm oil was considered as gasoline additive. 翻译:这种棕榈油可看作是甲醇汽油添加剂。

The effect of various percentages (0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6%) of the bio-additives on fuel economy of SI engine respectively running on prime gasoline, gasoline with known compo- nents, ethanol gasoline, and methanol gasoline under typical urban operation condition 2000 r/min was investigated. The results showed that the bio-additives can remarkably improve the fuel economy of SI engine while operating on all kinds of fuel. The optimal ratio of bio-additive to gasoline depends on the fuel used and on the different engine operating conditions. Besides, the experiments of constant volume combustion bomb, analysis of in cylinder processes, the synchrotron ra- diation and high-temperature friction were conducted to probe into the mechanism of the bio-additive impact on fuel economy. It indicated that the bio-additives can increase the maximum cylinder combustion pressure, improve exhaust emissions and largely reduce the frication coefficient.

② 关键词:methanol gasoline

Conversion of methanol to gasoline-range hydrocarbons in a novel zeolite ZSM-5-coated monolithic reactor.出版号:9511281

翻译:在gasoline-range沸石ZSM-5-coated整体反应堆中碳氢化合物转化为甲醇汽油。 关键词:methanol gasoline 作者: Antia, Jimmy Erach. 学校: University of Cincinnati. 学位: Ph.D.

指导老师: Govind, Rakesh,eadvisor 学科: Engineering,Petroleum.

来源: Dissertation Abstracts International 出版日期: 1994


ISBN: 语言: English 摘要

The continued depletion of crude oil reserves has led to substantial research in alternative fuel technologies.

翻译:由于原油储备的大量耗竭,需要研究代用燃料例如甲醇汽油的技术。 In this regard, the conversion of various organic compounds to gasoline range hydrocarbons on Mobils synthetic zeolite, ZSM-5, has received considerable research and industrial interest. Pellets of ZSM-5 catalysts have been investigated in fixed and fluidized bed processes for methanol conversion to gasoline. Novel reactor configurations featuring catalysts supported on monolithic or honeycomb structures are being increasingly used for a number of industrial applications. Their unique construction and ease of operation offer advantages over traditional reactor types. In this research, an innovative zeolite-coated monolithic reactor is employed to convert methanol to gasoline-range hydrocarbons. Experimental results demonstrate that the overall conversion and hydrocarbon product distribution compare favorably with data reported for fixed and fluid bed reactors. Mathematical modeling establishes that the reaction rate is controlled by gas diffusion into and out of the molecule-sized intracrystalline pores of the zeolite structure. This finding is of considerable importance because it demonstrates the suitability of monolithic reactors for zeolite-based catalytic processes.

Engineering Village平台(Ei、INSPEC、NTIS)


((((methanol gasoline) WN All fields) AND ((engine oil) WN All fields)) AND ((low temperature performance) WN All fields))


① Accession number: 1991070082158

Title: Engine performance and NOx emission characteristics of direct-injection


methanol engines fueled with near-neat methanol


Authors: Seko, T.1

Author affiliation: 1 Japan Automobile Research Inst, Japan Corresponding author: Seko, T.

Source title: Proceedings - Society of Automotive Engineers Abbreviated source title: Proc Soc Automot Eng Issue date: 1990 Publication year: 1990 Pages: 121-127 Language: English ISSN: 87568470 CODEN: PSOED4

Document type: Conference article (CA)

Conference name: Eighteenth FISITA Congress - The Promise of New Technology in the Automotive Industry

Conference date: May 7, 1990 - May 11, 1990 Conference location: Torino, Italy Conference code: 13957

Sponsor: Regione Piemonte; Provincia di Torino; Citta di Torino; Alitalia; Allmag; et al Publisher: Publ by SAE, Warrendale, PA, United States

Abstract: The fuel specification of methanol mixed with a small amount of gasoline is known to be effective for Otto-type methanol engines for improved cold startability and other benefits.


In consideration of the importance of a fuel specification common to both Otto-type and Diesel-type methanol engines for practical use of methanol, effects of the use of near-neat methanol on engine performance and NOx emission characteristics were studied using heavy-duty direct-injection methanol engines. The results obtained on direct-injection


spark-ignited methanol engines fueled with M85 are as follows: (1) The inlet temperature to the catalytic converter must be raised through intake throttling or by other means. (2) NOx emissions are lower mainly due to the flame temperature of methanol which is lower than that of diesel oil. (3) The exhaust gas recirculation is effective for NOx reduction. (4) At the same level of NOx emissions, the brake thermal efficiency with methanol is lower at low loads but higher at high loads than that with diesel oil. (5) A high ignition stability is achieved over a wide operational range. Number of references: 4

Main heading: Internal Combustion Engines

Controlled terms: Automobile Engines - Performance - Methanol - Combustion - Nitrogen Oxides

Uncontrolled terms: Direct Injection Methanol Engines - Engine Intake Air Throttling Effects - Gasoline Methanol Engine Fuels - Methanol M85 Fuel Brake Thermal Efficiency - Otto-Type Methanol Engines

Classification code: 451 Air Pollution - 521 Fuel Combustion and Flame Research - 612 Engines - 661 Automotive Engines and Related Equipment - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing Treatment: Experimental (EXP) Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2011 Elsevier Inc.

② Engine performance and NOx emission characteristics of direct-injection

methanol engines fueled with near-neat methanol

翻译:甲醇发动机的燃料直接影响着发动机的性能和氮氧化物的排放特性 Seko, T.1 Source: Proceedings - Society of Automotive Engineers, p 121-127, 1990; ISSN: 87568470; Conference: Eighteenth FISITA Congress - The Promise of New Technology in the Automotive Industry, May 7, 1990 - May 11, 1990; Sponsor: Regione Piemonte; Provincia di Torino; Citta di Torino; Alitalia; Allmag; et al; Publisher: Publ by SAE


Author affiliation:

1 Japan Automobile Research Inst, Japan

Abstract: The fuel specification of methanol mixed with a small amount of gasoline is known to be effective for Otto-type methanol engines for improved cold startability and other benefits.


In consideration of the importance of a fuel specification common to both Otto-type and Diesel-type methanol engines for practical use of methanol, effects of the use of near-neat methanol on engine performance and NOx emission characteristics were studied using heavy-duty direct-injection methanol engines. The results obtained on direct-injection spark-ignited methanol engines fueled with M85 are as follows: (1) The inlet temperature to the catalytic converter must be raised through intake throttling or by other means. (2) NOx emissions are lower mainly due to the flame temperature of methanol which is lower than that of diesel oil. (3) The exhaust gas recirculation is effective for NOx reduction. (4) At the same level of NOx emissions, the brake thermal efficiency with methanol is lower at low loads but higher at high loads than that with diesel oil. (5) A high ignition stability is achieved over a wide operational range. (4 refs.) Main Heading: Internal Combustion Engines

Controlled terms: Automobile Engines - Performance - Methanol - Combustion - Nitrogen Oxides

Uncontrolled terms: Direct Injection Methanol Engines - Engine Intake Air Throttling Effects - Gasoline Methanol Engine Fuels - Methanol M85 Fuel Brake Thermal Efficiency - Otto-Type Methanol Engines

Classification Code: 451 Air Pollution - 521 Fuel Combustion and Flame Research - 612 Engines - 661 Automotive Engines and Related Equipment - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing


Treatment: Experimental (EXP) Database: Compendex





甲醇汽油 【申请号】 CN200910169876.8 【申请日】 2009-09-08 【公开号】 CN101643673 【公开日】 2010-02-10 【申请人】 郭振山 【地址】

466000河南省周口市周西路(银珠大道路口)周口新能源动力燃料有限公司 【发明人】

李学印;郭振山;王华周 【国省代码】 41 【摘要】

一种甲醇汽油,所述的甲醇汽油包括(1)甲醇、(2)二甲醚、(3)石脑油、(4) 脱硫重烷、(5)硝基甲烷、(6)动力增进剂、(7)抗腐蚀剂、(8)稳定剂、(9)助 溶剂;上述各组分的重量百分比分别为:(1)甲醇50-70%、(2)二甲醚8-15%、 (3)石脑油8-12%、(4)脱硫重烷8-15%、(5)硝基甲烷0.5-4%、(6)动力增进剂 0.2-0.8%、(7)


抗腐蚀剂0.06-0.5%、(8)稳定剂0.05-0.2%、(9)助溶剂0.01-1%; 上述各组分在常温常压下搅拌即得本甲醇汽油。本发明的动力性、冷启动、腐 蚀性、溶胀性、油耗与经济性、尾气排放、溶解性、抗相分离和气阻等指标都 优于同类标号的普通汽油。 【主权项】

1.一种甲醇汽油,其特征在于:所述的甲醇汽油包括(1)甲醇、(2)二甲醚、 (3)石脑油、(4)脱硫重烷、(5)硝基甲烷、(6)动力增进剂、(7)抗腐蚀剂、(8) 稳定剂、(9)助溶剂; 上述各组分的重量百分比分别为: (1)甲醇50-70%、(2)二甲醚8-15%、(3)石脑油8-12%、(4)脱硫重烷8-15%、 (5)硝基甲烷0.5-4%、(6)动力增进剂0.2-0.8%、(7)抗腐蚀剂0.06-0.5%、(8) 稳定剂0.05-0.2%、(9)助溶剂0.01-1%; 上述各组分在常温常压下搅拌即得本甲醇汽油。 【页数】 6

【主分类号】 C10L1/02 【专利分类号】



United States Patent 5,602,289 van Dijk February 11, 1997

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conversion of methanol to gasoline Abstract

This invention relates to a process for converting alkoxy compounds into hydrocarbon compounds, mostly in the gasoline boiling range. This process proceeds with low heat exchange duty requirements for heating the alkoxy compounds and recycle streams used as feedstocks and for final cooling of reaction product gases for recovery of hydrocarbon product while at the same time offering an improved choice of operating conditions. As may be desired, steam may be added to obtain a desired final steam partial pressure in all catalyst contacts with the alkoxy compounds.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventors: van Dijk; Christiaan P. (Houston, TX) Assignee: Starchem, Inc. (Houston, TX) Appl. No.: 08/336,430 Filed: November 9, 1994

Current U.S. Class: 585/315 ; 585/408; 585/469; 585/639

Current International Class: C07C 1/00 (20060101); C07C 1/20 (20060101); C07C 001/20 (); C07C 001/22 ()

Field of Search: 585/469,408,639,733,315 References Cited [Referenced By] U.S. Patent Documents 3391349 January 1976 Kuo 4035430 July 1977 Dwyer et al. 4404414 September 1983 Penick et al. 4547602 October 1985 Tabak 4814536 March 1989 Yurchak Primary Examiner: Caldarola; Glenn A.

Attorney, Agent or Firm: Pravel, Hewitt, Kimball & Krieger




检索策略:甲醇汽油 \发动机油\低温性能 | 发动机油 | 甲醇汽油) ①甲醇汽油對汽油機油抗磨性影響的試驗研究

Experimental Study on the Effect of Methanol Gasoline to Antiwear Property of Engine Oil



抗磨性有一定的降低;添加甲醇汽油的汽油機油氧化后的抗磨性能比氧化前明顯下降;同等條件下,甲醇體積分數為35%、50%的甲醇汽油比甲醇體積分數為15%、25%和80%的甲醇汽油對汽油機油的抗磨性影響更大.作者: 董元虎 王穩 王嬌 尹興林 Dong Yuanhu Wang Wen Wang Jiao Yin Xinglin 作者單位: 董元虎,王穩,王嬌,Dong Yuanhu,Wang Wen,Wang Jiao(長安大學汽車學院,陜西西安,710064)

尹興林,Yin Xinglin(陜西天德節能技術有限公司,陜西西安,710021) 期 刊: 潤滑與密封 ISTICPKU Journal: LUBRICATION ENGINEERING 年,卷(期): 2007, 32(4) 分類號: TK418.9

關鍵詞: 甲醇汽油 汽油機油 抗磨損能力 機標分類號: TE6 U47

機標關鍵詞: 甲醇汽油 汽油機油 抗磨性 試驗研究 燃燒產物 氧化試驗 體積分數 磨損試驗機 模擬試驗機 抗磨損能力 同等條件 試驗結果 發動機油 性能比 曲軸箱 汽油比 考察 ②甲醇汽油對汽油機油清凈分散性影響的試驗研究

Experimental Study of the Effect of Methanol Gasoline on Detergent-dispersant Performance of Engine Oil

下載PDF閱讀器DOI: 摘要:為了更好地推動甲醇汽油的應用,結合甲醇汽油及其燃燒產物的特點,通過實驗室模擬試驗,研究了甲醇汽油對汽油機油清凈分散性的影響.試驗結果表明:隨著甲醇汽油中甲醇含量的增加,成焦量增大;甲醇汽油及其燃燒產物使汽油機油的清凈分散能力有一定程度的降低;同等條件下,體積分數為25%~50%的甲醇汽油比其它含量的甲醇汽油對汽油機油清凈分散性的影響更大.作者: 董元虎 王嬌 王穩 尹興林 Dong Yuanhu Wang Jiao Wang Wen Yin Xinglin

作者單位: 長安大學汽車學院,陜西西安,710064 期 刊: 潤滑與密封 ISTICPKU Journal: LUBRICATION ENGINEERING


年,卷(期): 2007, 32(3) 分類號: TK418.9

關鍵詞: 甲醇汽油 汽油機油 清凈分散性 機標分類號: TE6 U47

機標關鍵詞: 甲醇汽油 汽油機油 清凈分散性 試驗研究 燃燒產物 同等條件 體積分數 試驗結果 模擬試驗 甲醇含量 分散能力 實驗室 汽油比 應用 程度 英文:

检索策略:methanol gasoline \Temperature Performance of Engine\

①The effect of methanol gasoline to engine oil Access The Full Text

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Yin, Xing-lin; Jia, Wen; Yu, Wei; Dong, Yuan-hu; Tongyong Petrochemical Co. ltd, Xi'an, China

This paper appears in: Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE), 2011 International Conference on Issue Date:15-17 April 2011 On page(s):5481 - 5484 Location: Wuhan, China

Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-8036-4

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICEICE.2011.5777014 Date of Current Version: 27 May 2011


In order to study the engine oil performance when methanol gasoline is used, simulation and road test were proposed. In simulation case, oil sample was dubbed by methanol gasoline and combustion products formic acid and formaldehyde and analysis was of sample oil of detergent-dispersant performance, antiwear performance, oxidation performance and low temperature performance. The test result indicates that the detergent-dispersant performance, antiwear performance, oxidation performance and low temperature performance were effect negatively. The methanol gasoline with medium ingredient methanol has more significant influence. Road test result shows that gasoline oil got worse quickly, and


periods of oil change got shorter using the methanol gasoline with 15% methanol. The integrated analysis indicated that methanol gasoline has great negative impact on engine oil.


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Available to subscribers and IEEE members.


Available to subscribers and IEEE members.

② Catalysis for Low Temperature Fuel Cells

Authors:Ralph T. R.; Hogarth M. P.

Source: Platinum Metals Review, Volume 46, Number 3, 1 July 2002 , pp. 117-135(19) Publisher:Johnson Matthey

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In the first part of this three part paper, published in January 2002, we dealt with enhancing the performance of low temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells by improvements to the platinum-based cathode materials and to the cathode design. In this second part of the paper we shall discuss the improvements in the reformate (CO and CO2) tolerance at the anode and in extending the MEA durability. Improvements have been achieved by advances in platinum/ruthenium electrode design, in the application of bilayer anodes for durable air bleed operation, and in the addition of a water electrolysis electrocatalyst to the anode for cell reversal tolerance. In the third part of the paper the particular challenges presented by the direct methanol fuel cell will be discussed. References: 20 references open in new window

Articles that cite this article? Language: English

Document Type: Research article Publication date: 2002-07-01


More about this publication?Platinum Metals Review is a quarterly survey of research on the


platinum metals and of developments in their application in industry.

Platinum Metals Review is a quarterly survey of research on the platinum metals and of developments in their application in industry.

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增加,再纵观目前用油情况,当前汽柴油的供应已出现严重短的缺。国家政府为了缓解石油资源的短缺状况曾提出各种新能源的使用,其中包括生物柴油、天然气、液化石油气、乙醇以及电动汽车等各种措施,但就目前来看甲醇是最理想的选择。甲醇汽油是车用燃料替代油,是目前新能源的重要组成部分。 显然,甲醇汽油是一种很不错的清洁能源,且动力性好,然而,在使用甲醇汽油的过程中,其必定会对发动机油的低温性能产生这样或者那样的影响,普通汽车的发动机难以适应并充分利用其燃烧产生的能量,另外,甲醇在生产或燃烧过程中会产生少量的甲醛或甲酸,因此,甲醇汽油对发动机有一定的腐蚀性。因此,研究甲醇汽油在使用的过程中对发动机的影响,从而提高替代油的利用效率。

历史背景、现状和发展方向:早在20世纪70年代 油危机斤不久,国内就已














