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How do you get to school?

Section B (Reading) 2a-3d


Section B是对出现交通方式之一话题进行更深入的探讨,语境更加复杂。Reading部分介绍了一个偏远山村孩子上学的故事。这一题材展现了偏远地区孩子上学的健康,目的是为了唤醒城市孩子的关注,同时让他们懂得并珍惜自己的生活和学习条件,从而更加努力地学习。2a旨在培养学生的预测能力,2b 侧重于语篇信息的理解,2e活动则是利用句子填空的方式来强化、巩固对阅读内容的理解,填空内容均为描述性的词语,正是这些词语形成了对文段细节的描述。



初一的孩子刚接触英语学习,尤其是像Crossing the River to School.这样篇幅较长,句子较长的阅读材料对于他们来说难度不小。有难度的阅读材料,生词生句多,学习注意力不能长时间集中的因素都影响着篇章阅读的教学。





1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:

village, bridge,quickly,ropeway,cross,afraid,leave,come true ,be like,go on a rope way 2) 能掌握以下句子:

It is easy to get to school.

There is a very big river between the village and the school. He is like a father to me.


3.通过展现偏远地方孩子上学的艰苦,让学生懂得珍惜自己的生活和学习条件, 从而更努力地学习。





Part 1 Lead in

T: Draw a picture on the blackboard. Ask the students to read the new word one by one.

S: Follow the teacher to read the new words.

T: There lives two girls in the village. Next, let’s watch a video about them. And ask the students a question:

Where do the two girls go?

S: Watch the video. After watching, try to find the answer.

They go to school.

T: How do you go to school?

S: Answer the question.

I go to school on foot/ by bus/ by bike/by car.


Part 2 Reading

T: Oh, I see. It is easy for you to go to school. But the two girls go to school on a ropeway. It is difficult for them to go to school. But why do they go to school on a ropeway?

T: Read Paragraph 1 and try to answer the question

S: Read and then answer.


Part 3

T :Liang liang, a 11-year-old boy also lives in the village. Ask the students to read Para 2 and answer three questions.

Does he cross the river to school?

Is he afraid?

Does he like his school? Why ?

S: Read Para 2 and answer the questions.

T: According to the picture, make an example to retell Para 2.

the village the school a big river no bridge the river runs quickly There is …between …and …There is no ….and the river …..So they cross the river to school on a ropeway.

Why do they go to school on a ropeway ?He loves to play

with classmates.


Part 4

T: The two girls go to school on a ropeway, and Liang liang crosses the river to school. It is difficult for them. And it is also dangerous. I think their parents are worried. So what do they want to have?

S: Read Para 3 and try to answer the question.

T: It is their dream to have a bridge.

have a bridge.

I think their dream can come true.


Part 5

T:Ask the students to read the text again, and according to the main idea, try to fill in the blanks.

S: Read and fill in the blanks. After that, lisen to the tape and try to follow the tape.

章内容的理解,提高学生对文本主要内容的整体把握,同时要求学生完成后跟读,练习口语朗读,将阅读和朗读这两种主要的英语学习方式有机结合起来。 Part 6

T: Ask the students to play in role. Make an interview between the reporter and Liang liang.

S: Work in pairs.

设计意图:通过角色扮演采访,创设情境让学生将阅读的内容内化变成自己的语言输出,达到阅读的最终目的,整合并输出。 Homework :




R:Hello! Liangliang! How do you go to school?L:…..R:Why?L:……

R:Are you afraid?L:….

R:Do you like your school?L:……

R:What is your dream?L:…..



