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高三第一轮复习资料 英语

Unit 1 Junior 7A & 7B 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. musical;music;musician 2. advertise 3. afterwards 4. appearance 5. celebrate;celebration 6. congratulate;congratulation 7. design 8. favourite 9. straight 10. helpful 11. partner 12. raise 13. technology 14. science;scientific;scientist 15. unusual 16. ability 17. amazing / surprising 18. carelessness 19. entrance 20. exchange 21. exhibition 22. frightening 23. invite;invitation 24. ninth 25. thoughtful 课标内重点短语:

1. be good at 2. look forward to 3. dress up as 4. go with 5. raise money for 6. cant wait to do sth. 7. look out 8. show sb. around 9. as usual 10. at birth 11. belong to 12. keep . . . away from 13. work hard at 14. meet up with 15. would like to do sth. 16. play a trick on sb. 17. put out a big fire 18. take in 19. at present 20. no longer / not any longer 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(刻薄的 2(恶毒的 3(吝啬的 4(mean to 5(mean doing 6(meaning 7(means 2. 1(dislike its shape 2(dislike going 3(dislike of / for 4(讨厌 5(不喜欢的东西

3. 1(尝 2(有……味道 3(尝出……的味道 4(feels;smooth 5(What;sounds 6(smelt;smelt terrible 4. 1(紧随其后 2(沿着 3(仔细听 4(理解 5(采纳 6(following 7(follows 8(followed 5. 1(伸手去够 2(延伸 3(到达;传到

6. 1(吅用 2('在若干人之间(分配 3(告诉 4(共同拥有'某种看法、特质或经历( 7. 1(looked forward;to 2(looking forward to seeing 8. 1(理解 2(收留 3(包括 4(欺骗

9. 1(by turns 2(To;turns 3(turned in 4(turned out 5(turned up 6(turned down 10. 1(searching for 2(searched;for 3(in search of 句型篇

1. 1(old enough to 2(fast enough to '结果;adj. / adv. + enough + to do;后( 3(too;to 4(so;that

2. 1(What;cost 2(What;the price of

3. 1(It;to go 2(It;to build 'It takes sb. some time to do sth. ;形式主语;真正的主语(

30 分钟实战演练

1. scientific 2. invitation 3. celebration 4. musician 5. ninth 6. design 7. helpful 8. favourites 9. unusual 10. exchange 11. raise money for 12. share;with 13. as usual 14. being shown around 15. at birth 16. try on 17. play a trick on 18. is crazy about 19. are looking forward to 20. Being good at 21—25 CCBBD 26—30 ADDAC 31. The boy is old enough to go out to look for a job. 32. The viewers cant wait to see the singer. 33. We should keep the children away from dangerous animals. 34. It takes two hours to fly from Nanjing to Shanghai. 35. The pen I bought yesterday cost me 5 yuan. 36. most 37. understand 38. food 39. makes 40. how 41. enough 42. want 43. more 44. of 45. will feel


1—5 BCADB 6—10 BDCAD 11—15 ABCAC 16—20 BDDCC 21—25 BBBCD

One possible version

What kind of food do you like?

What kind of food do you like to eat?Do you eat raw fish,fruits or cheese?Many people prefer to eat food that they are familiar with.Some people dislike certain food because they are not used to it. The Japanese enjoy eating raw fish but few Americans would want to taste it. Many Asians

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高三第一轮复习资料 英语

strongly dislike pizza,which is a very popular food in the United States.

Sometimes we need to change our eating habits. If we move or travel to a new place with a different culture,our favourite meat,fruits,and vegetables may not be available to us. As a result,we have to eat food that is different from the food we are used to. Slowly,this strange food becomes familiar to us. Our tastes change,and we begin to enjoy eating the food that used to seem unusual to us.

Unit 2 Junior 8A & 8B 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. admire;admiration;admirable 2. arrival 3. beauty 4. character 5. disaster 6. compete;competition;competitive;competitor 7. continue;continuous 8. encourage 9. endangered 10. geography 11. government 12. importance 13. irregular 14. length 15. manners 16. nature;natural 17. winner 18. practical 19. influence 20. benefit 21. certainly 22. conclusion 23. control 24. prevention 25. succeed;success;successful 课标内重点短语:

1. be willing to do sth. 2. in need / in need of 3. make friends with sb. 4. wear a smile on ones face 5. have problems with 6. grow into 7. provide . . . for 8. warn sb. against doing sth. 9. catch fire 10. be famous as 11. at times 12. be good for / do good to 13. search for 14. play the role of 15. sell out 16. give out 17. work out 18. care about 19. pay attention to 20. in all directions 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(advise you waiting 2(advised;to kick 3(should lie 4(F;to give up→giving up 或suggested→ advised 5(F;advice→suggestions

2. 1(同意'观点、看法( 2(同意'计划、建议( 3(就某事达成一致 4(同意做某事 5(A 6(C 7(C 3. 1(were determined;to;made up their minds 2(decision 3(decisive 4(decided

4. 1(把某人介绍给…… 2(引进;采用 3(使某人了解 4(introduction 5(introduced 6(introductory 5. 1(对待 2(处理 3(认为 4(治疗 5(请客 6(treatment 7(treatment 8(treat 6. 1(provide / supply;with 2(D 3(B 7. 1(设计 2(制定 3(计算 4(理解 5(锻炼 8. 1(以……为起点 2(从……开始 3(首先 句型篇

1. 1(used to 2(used to be '动词原形;过去习惯于做某事( 3(F 4(T 2. 1(dont believe 2(dont think 3(F;主;will he

3. 1(to have known 2(It seems that 3(It seems as if it is going to rain.

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1. arrival 2. successful 3. admire 4. Prevention 5. continuously 6. character 7. manners 8. control 9. endangered 10. irregular 11. has some problems with 12. are willing to 13. the same;as 14. action;taken 15. provide;for 16. search for 17. work out 18. plays;role 19. pay;attention to 20. in need 21. had some problems with 22. in;need of 23. To begin with 24. dont think 25. is likely to 26—30 DAABC 31—35 DCABC 36. dont believe;has he 37. seems like;get along with 38. was introduced into 39. warned; against smoking 40. wears a smile on her face 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 CBACD 6—10 BBCAD 11—15 CDBDA 16—20 DCBDA 21. Types 22. Figures 23. Labour Day 24. fought 25. harvest 26. Political 27. signing 28. Religious 29. Easter 30. birth

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高三第一轮复习资料 英语

One possible version Dear Mr Chen Hua,

The other day I saw in the newspaper that your factory wants an engineer. I think I am a suitable person,so Im writing the letter to you to apply for the job.

Im 28 years old and graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering of Southeast University in 2002.After graduation,I went to a famous telecommunication company in Guangdong,where I worked for five years and gained rich working experience. I am an expert at operating computers and capable of designing computer programmes. Im also good at the English language,especially in listening and speaking. So I am eager to be a member of your factory. If I am accepted,Ill work hard and try my best to do my job well.

Im looking forward to your reply. Yours truly, Li Hua

Unit 3 Junior 9A & 9B 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. similar;similarity 2. energy;energetic 3. practical 4. forgive 5. personal;personality 6. represent;representative 7. explain;explanation 8. mood 9. physical 10. support 11. cover 12. live 13. hopefully 14. throughout 15. suspect 16. complain;complaint 17. advantage 18. completely 19. describe;description 20. develop;developed / developing;development 21. experience;experienced;experience 22. form 23. furniture 24. necessary;necessity 课标内重点短语:

1. be divided into 2. at times 3. argue with sb. about sth. 4. come up with 5. agree with 6. make a decision 7. be proud of 8. have an effect on 9. turn in 10. devote . . . to 11. break into 12. in the form of 13. at a speed of 14. take an exam 15. go wrong 16. deal with 17. be satisfied with 18. consist of / be made up of 19. by accident 20. in the 1940s 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(reminded me of 2(reminded me to 3(reminded me that 4(reminder 2. 1(offered me 2(offered;to 3(offered to 4(出价 5(提供

3. 1(considering employing 2(consider you to be 3(considered to have broken 4(consideration 5(considerable 6(considerate

4. 1(expect to find / see 2(expect me to 3(expect too much of / from 4(expected that 5(expectation 6(expected 7(unexpected

5. 1(捂,盖 2(占有……面积 3(走了……路程 4(报道 5(涉及 6(掩盖 6. 1(跟名词 2(跟doing sth. 3(跟sb. to be 4(宾语从句 7. 1(come up with 2(They havent come up with the solution. 3(被提出 4('问题或困难(出现 5(走近 6('植物(破土而出,发芽

8. 1(通向 2(带路 3(导致 4(引导 5(caused 6(resulted in 9. 1(taken the place of 2(took their places 3(take place

10. 1(prefer sth. to sth. 2(prefer sb. to do sth. 3(prefer doing to doing 4(prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 5(would rather;than 6(liked;better 句型篇

1. 1(It;of;to treat 2(it;of;to '人;kind,clever,foolish,stupid,wise,careful,rude,nice,good,right, wrong( 3(It;for us to '动词不定式;important,easy,difficult,necessary,possible,impossible,likely( 2. 1(would;rather 2(would rather not 3(would rather;than '动词原形;would rather not do;宁愿……也 不愿……(

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3. 1(Not only;but also;is 2(is he;he is '相临近;前一分句;后一分句(

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1. energy 2. explanation 3. throughout 4. completely 5. description 6. practical 7. advantage 8. furniture 9. forgive 10. complained 11. come up with 12. led to 13. have a great effect on 14. focused; on 15. shows off 16. recommend;as 17. devoted himself to 18. in the form of 19. have taken the place of 20. deal with 21. and;as well 22. would rather;than 23. offered to 24. provide;live on 25. what led to 26—30 ACBDD 31—35 ACBBA 36. of;to forgive 37. would rather;didnt 38. how to live 39. are;satisfied with;measures 40. take the place of 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 BADCA 6—10 DBCAC 11—15 DCDDC 16—20 CAABD 21—24 CEBD 25—29 ABACB

One possible version Dear editor,

Recently I conducted a survey among the students of our school as you told me. Now Id like to tell you something about how we middle school students use the Internet.

As we all know,the Internet is playing an important part in our daily life. We often read news at home and abroad and learn foreign languages by ourselves on the Internet. Sometimes we send emails to our families as well as our friends. Besides,we often listen to music,enjoy films and play computer games on it. We can even do shopping without leaving our homes.

However,it has its disadvantages. Many students waste too much time playing the games,which has a bad effect on their studies. Whats worse,the bad information on the Internet does great harm to them. I hope the government,our teachers and parents will work hand in hand to educate middle school students to make use of the Internet properly. Yours, Li Hua

Module 3 Unit 1 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. sense 2. truth;true 3. observe;observation 4. glance;stare 5. deserted 6. rough 7. beat;beat beaten 8. fear 9. firmly 10. freeze;froze;frozen 11. confidently;confident;confidence 12. personally; personal 13. datum;data 14. stressed;stress 15. ignore 16. destination 17. type;kind;sort 18. fierce 19. deadly;die;death;dead 20. wound 21. distance;distant 22. jewelry 23. shiny;shine 24. panic;panicked;panicking 25. lightning 26. rare 27. accept 28. deeply 课标内重点短语:

1. in sight 2. wish for 3. reach out 4. watch out for 5. pay back 6. be frozen with 7. be related to 8. be linked to 9. make sense 10. make the most of 11. cant help 'doing( 12. all of a sudden 13. make progress 14. feed on 15. look up 16. blood pressure 17. make ones way 18. in the distance 19. ring out 20. glance at 21. do experiment 22. avoid doing sth. 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(e 2(f 3(d 4(b 5(h 6(a 7(c 8(g

2. 1(粘 2(手杖 3(杆 4(刺进 5(stick to looking 6(was stuck

3. 1(vi. 跳动 2(vt. 击败,打败 3(vi. 敲打 4(beating 5(defeated 6(win 7(beat/ defeat 4. 1(v. 舍弃 2(v. 抙弃/ dzt/ 3(n. 沙漠/ dezt/ 4(adj. 荒凉的 5. 1(接受 2(接纳 3(received;accept 4(receives 6. 1(observed;go/ going into 2(遵守 3(庆祝

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高三第一轮复习资料 英语

7. 1(chance to talk 2(chance that 3(no chance of;Theres no possibility 4(chanced to see;by chance 5(It is likely that/ Theres some possibility that

8. 1(Their group is likely to 2(chance/ possibility 3(likely;possible

9. 1(C 2(lost his sight 3(at first sight 4(At the sight of 5(caught sight of 6(In my sight 7(went out of sight

10. 1(wish for sth. 2(wish sb. sth. 3(wish 'for(sb. to do sth. 4(wish to do sth. 5(wish that sb. did sth. 6(C 7(A 8(C 11. 1(情不自禁哭了 2(C 3(A 句型篇

1. 1(As soon as 2(If 3(never offered 4(unless 5(once 6(in case

2. 1(形容词短语;分词短语 2(How do you find the movie? 3(How do you find yourself? 4(D;过去 分词;被动

3. 1(已经;正在;将要 2(A 3(C

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1. sense 2. truth 3. data 4. destination 5. panic 6. fierce 7. feared 8. deserted 9. firmly 10. frozen 11. unpleasant 12. deadly 13. shiny 14. Hopefully 15. panicking 16. watch out for 17. All of a sudden 18. frozen with fear 19. made great/ big progress 20. made the most of 21—25 ABBDC 26—30 DACBA 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 CACDB 6—10 CCBDA 11—15 BBCDD 16—20 BCCDA 21. How/ Ways 22. Reason 's(/Cause's( 23. Action 's(/ Advice / Tips 24. physical 25. angry 26. rest 27. Consulting 28. time 29. Disorganization 30. Checking

One possible version

The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind. As we came to the crossroads a young man and a girl came up and stopped us. “Weve found you at long last,”they said. But we didnt know them. Pointing to a policeman not far away,the young man explained,“He stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender. So come on,stand here. Hope you dont have to wait as long as we did. Good luck. ”

Module 3 Unit 2 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. confusing;confused;confuse 2. create;creative;creation 3. official;official;officer 4. contribute; contribution 5. development;developing;developed 6. rule;rule;rule 7. servant;serve;service 8. raise 9. replace;replacement 10. adopt;adoption 11. include;including;included 12. process;process 13. disagree;disagreement;agreement;agree 14. ban;banned;banned 15. spread;spread;spread 16. access 17. racial;race;race 18. represent;representation 19. combine;combination 20. physical;spiritual 21. simplify;simplification;simplified 22. complex 23. symbol;symbolize 24. reflect;reflection 25. indicate;indication 课标内重点短语:

1. an effective method for 2. throughout history 3. be made up of 4. develop . . . from 5. the official language 6. contribute to 7. take control of 8. be replaced with / by 9. have an impact on 10. be adopted by 11. on official occasions 12. result in 13. ones mother tongue 14. look up 15. care about 16. differ from 17. as a whole 18. indicate meanings 19. depend on 20. set a standard

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高三第一轮复习资料 英语


1. 1(建立 2(增加/ 提高'数量、数字或水平( 3(引起 4(提高,改善'质量、标准( 5(提出 6(筹集 7(rises 8(raised

2. 1(采用 2(收养 3(接受'正式批准( 4(adopted;adoptive 5(adoption 3. 1(promised;to go 2(promise 3(promising 4(made a promise 4. 1(ban against parking 2(a ban on 3(banned from driving

5. 1(公众不能进入此地。 2(在这些国家,大约三分之一的人营养不良,还有更多的人无法获得饮用水。3(只有国防部的人才有权接触这些文件。 4(这房子位于中心地段,离商店比较近。

6. 1(differ;from;in 2(tell the difference between;and 3(make much difference 4(different from what 7. 1(倒映 2(反射 3(反映 4(仔细考虑 5(reflection 8. 1(铺上,摊开 2(蔓延 3(涂抹 4(传播

9. 1(have made up my mind 2(make the most of 3(make up for 4(made;into 5(made fun of 6(make out 7(made for

10. 1(是……的成因 2(捐献 3(投稿 4(增加,增进

11. 1(in control of 2(out of control 3(beyond control / out of control 4(lost control of 5(under control 6(in the control of

12. 1(turn to 2(turned over 3(turn out 4(turned on 5(turn off 6(turn back 7(turn;down 句型篇

1. 1(d 2(c 3(a 4(b

2. in that he has practised many times 3. 1(All;not 2(Not all 3(Both of;are not

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1. confusing 2. tribes 3. officials 4. raise 5. created 6. reflected 7. ruled 8. vocabulary 9. upper 10. replaced 11. had taken control of 12. depends on 13. had an impact on 14. resulted in 15. contributed to 16. mixes;with 17. as a whole 18. differs from 19. look;up 20. care about 21. Their diet consisted/ consists largely of vegetables. 22. The museum is open daily throughout the year. 23. This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject. 24. The festival will be great for our city and the whole country as a whole. 25. Can you look up the time of the next train? 26—30 ABBAD 31—35 BCCDA 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 ACBDA 6—10 DDCCA 11—15 BBCDA 16—20 BDACC 21—24 CABD

One possible version

Going to a British high school for one year was an unforgettable experience. I was very pleased about the school hours there,because school starts at around 9 a. m. and ends at about 3牶30 p. m. In our class there were 29 students on average. This is the normal size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes and had different students in some classes.

I found homework there was not as heavy as that in China,but it was a bit challenging,for all the homework was done in English.I missed Chinese food a lot. British food is very different. British people eat lots of desserts after their main meal. After lunch,we usually played football. Sometimes I just relaxed myself on the grass.

I was very lucky to experience this different way of life,and I hope that someday I can go back and study there again.

Module 3 Unit 3 词汇篇

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高三第一轮复习资料 英语

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. civilization;civilized 2. erupt;eruption 3. bury;burial 4. destroy;destructive;destruction 5. wealthy;wealth 6. commercial;commercial 7. gradually;gradual 8. Swedish;Sweden 9. ruins 10. remains 11. drive;drove;driven 12. uncover 13. concerned;concern 14. feed;fed;fed 15. sink;sank;sunk 16. declare;declaration 17. faithfully 18. memorial;memory 19. confusion;confused 20. overthrow;overthrew;overthrown 21. similarity;similar 22. influence;influential 23. unite;united 24. reunite 25. form;formation 26. wise 课标内重点短语:

1. arrange for 2. lost civilizations 3. be known as 4. take over 5. bury alive 6. dig . . . for treasure 7. cause much damage 8. be covered with 9. turn . . . to stone 10. be in good condition 11. carry out 12.on board 13. in memory of 14. in use 15. in return 16. no more 17. burial chambers 18. declare war against 19. set sail for 20. be sorted by date 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(concerned 2(concerned in 3(are concerned about 4(就我而言 5(有牵连的 2. 1(similarity to;similar to 2(similarities in;similar in

3. 1(have great influence on 2(Under the influence of 3(a bad influence on 4(Influenced 5(affect 6(effected 7(effect

4. 1(n. 剩余物 2(vi. 依然,仍然 3(vi. 停留,留下 4(vi. 尚不确定 5(adj. 剩余的 6(to be done 7(remains 8(remaining 9(A

5. 1(摧毁,毁坏 2(破灭 3(ruin 4(damage 5(destroyed 6(were ruined 6. 1(使用 2(make use of 3(out of use 4(come into use 5(put to use

7. 1(drive me 2(drive home 3(driving me to despair 4(drove them to steal

8. 1(took to 2(take after 3(take;off 4(taken in 5(took down 6(took on 7(takes up 8(take away 9(take over

9. 1(condition 2(conditions 3(condition 4(condition 5(conditions 10. 1(in return for 2(in return 3(F;in return→in return for 4(A

11. 1(实施 2(履行 3(carried into effect 4(carried;back to 5(carry on 6(carried away 7(carried further 句型篇

1. 1(D 2(Not only was;but also 3(B 4(C 5(C

2. 1(was believed to have 2(is said to have been translated

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1. concerned 2. condition 3. influence 4. overthrown 5. materials 6. ruins 7. similarities 8. cultural 9. development 10. civilization 11. representing 12. erupted 13. confusion 14. feed 15. memorial 16. Declaration 17. sank;on board 18. should have told 19. prevent;from being carried out 20. are concerned;is in use 21. In return for;arrange;for 22. was made 23. Neither;nor 24. is said to be 25. did he teach 26. him innocent 27—31 BBCCB 32—36 DBCCB 37—38 CD 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 DADCA 6—10 ABCAC 11—15 ADABC 16—20 ABABD 21—24 CABB

One possible version

In order to protect our environment,an activity was organized by the Young League and Students Union of our school during the week from November 3rd to 8th.

All the students in the senior grades took an active part in it. Some students cleaned the playground,watered the young trees and flowers,and removed weeds. Some students collected waste paper,old books,empty cans,old toys and waste batteries. If not dealt with properly,waste batteries

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will seriously pollute the environment. They had them sorted and sent them to the recycling center. The activity is really instructive. Now we all have realized how important protecting the environment is.

Module 4 Unit 1 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. persuasive;persuade;persuasion 2. intended;intend;intention 3. breath;breathe 4. creative;create; creation 5. imagination;imagine;imaginative/ imaginary 6. determine;determination 7. continuously;continuous;continue 8. original;origin 9. service;serve 10. promote;promotion 11. social;society 12. educate; education;educational;educator 13. convenient;conveniently;convenience 14. particular;particularly 15. fashionable;fashion 16. lie;lied;lied;lying lie;lay;lain;lying lay;laid;laid;laying 17. deal;dealt;dealt 18. lead;led;led


1. be aware of 2. be proud of 3. even if / even though 4. fall for 5. play tricks on 6. deal with 7. be supposed to 8. over and over again 9. other than 10. attract sb.s attention 11. in order to 12. in turn 13. have sth. / sb. in mind 14. be bored with 15. day and night 16. appeal to 17. care about 18. be con cerned with/ about 19. get sth. across 20. put sth. together


1. 1(intend to 2(is intended for 3(intend;as 4(intends no harm 5(had intended to 2. 1(撒谎 2(产卵 3(放下 4(lay 5(lies 6(lies / lay 7(laying 8(laid 9(B'躺( 10(A '躺( 11(D '三个空的意思分别为:躺/ 撒谎/ 放(

3. 1(led;into 2(led;to resign 3(led a peaceful life 4(lead to 5(lead to 4. 1(吸引 2(呼吁 3(恳求

5. 1(has been determined to 2(has made his determination to 3(has determined on 4(B 5(A 6. 1(it is convenient to you 2(at your convenience 7. 1(可购得的 2(可利用的 3(有空的 4(D

8. 1(am aware that 2(was aware of 3(awareness

9. 1(recommend;to see/ recommend;should see 2(recommend raising 3(recommend;as 10. 1(All;other than 2(cant;by boat 3(rather than 4(more than 5(no more than 6(other than 7(C 8(A

11. 1(get through 2(get through with 3(get over 4(got around 5(get on / along 6(get off 7(get away with 8(B 9(D 10(A 句型篇

1. 1(A 2(C 3(D 4(D 5(D 6(C 2. 1(B 2(B 3(B 3. 1(A 2(D 3(A 4. 1(D 2(D 3(C

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1. persuasive 2. promoted 3. issue 4. imagination 5. recommended 6. designed 7. convenient 8. fashionable 9. particular 10. various 11. choice 12. imagination 13. fascinating 14. advertisement 15. complete 16. original 17. creative 18. breath 19. extremely 20. bored 21. Even if / Even though 22. tricked;into 23. was;aware of 24. other than 25. over and over again 26. come up with 27. have in mind 28. get;across 29. was concerned with 30. put;together 31. up to 32. in turn 33. in order to 34. play tricks on 35. for free 36. is used to 37. so dif

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ficult a;that 38. all that;that 39. cannot understand 40. It seems;that 41. Its time;to get down to 42. in order to catch 43—47 ADCDD 48—52 CACBD 53—54 BC 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 ACDAC 6—10 ACBDA 11—15 BADAC 16—20 DABCA 21—24 CADA

One possible version

Nowadays,more and more advertisements appear on newspapers,broadcasting,magazines as well as streets. Advertising is a popular way to communicate with consumers. People have different views on advertisements.

Some people think advertising guides choices of goods. Meanwhile,advertising also offers us some new information about the product. And they help consumers to know the goods and the businessmen better. Consumers can gain not only knowledge of goods but also artistic enjoyment.

Contrary to these people,many others think advertisements are very unpleasant. Consumers are often cheated by the false advertisement on which consumers always waste a great deal of time. What is more,consumers feel annoyed to be interrupted when they are watching TV play.

So I suggest that there should not be too many TV advertisements. The advertisements which will be issued must be approved by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. But whether you like it or not,advertisements have become a part of our life.

Module 4 Unit 2 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. honourable;honour 2. delighted;delight 3. significance;significant 4. briefly;brief 5. compete; competition;competitive 6. separate;separately;separation 7. peacefully;peaceful;peace 8. gladly;glad 9. contribution;contribute 10. absence;absent 11. excite;excitement;excited / exciting 12. joy;joyful;joyfully 13. limit;limited 14. movement;move 15. glorious;glory 16. state;statement 17. attraction;attract;attractive 18. requirement;require 19. maintain;maintenance 20. involved;involve


1. take part in 2. in honour of 3. side by side 4. the opening ceremony 5. break the record 6. get sb.sbrains working 7. be related to 8. make contributions to 9. plenty of 10. tourist attractions 11. play a role in 12. meet the requirement's( 13. be popular with / among 14. keep . . . under control 15. make way for 16. be involved in 17. hope for sth. 18. add . . to 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(不同的 2(分离的 3(分开 4(区分 5(separate rooms 6(be separated from 7(C 8(A

2. 1(b 2(d 3(c 4(e 5(a 6(ran across/ ran into 7(running after 8(ran into 9(ran away 10( running for 11(ran out of 12(ran out 13(run the risk of 3. 1(声明 2(国家'通常大写( 3(状态 4(州

4. 1(见面 2(接 3(交会 4(满足 5(迎战 6(met with 7(unable to meet 5. 1(practising playing 2(put into practice 3(常规,惯例 4(执业;开业

6. 1(competing with/ against;for 2(competitors competed;competition 3(competitive 7. 1(n. 光,日光 2(adj. 轻的 3(vt. 点燃 4(B

8. 1(attempt to answer/ attempt at answering/ make an attempt to answer/ make an attempt at answering 2(attempted an/ to escape 3(at the first attempt

9. 1(involves;travelling 2(involve themselves in/ be involved in 3(were involved in 10. 1(C 2(B 3(A

11. 1(keep your temper under control 2(keep control of 3(take control of 4(out of control 5(in control of 6(in/ under the control of

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12. 1(被……取代 2(给……让路 3(In a way 4(make my way 5(by the way 6(by way of 7(all the way 8(in the way 句型篇

1. 1(A 2(A 3(B 4(D 2. 1(C 2(B 3(D

3. 1(B 2(B 3(D 4(D

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1. attempts 2. athletes 3. opponent 4. absence 5. continents 6. current 7. previous 8. balance 9. involved 10. significance 11. delighted 12. competitive 13. absent 14. retirements 15. attraction 16. involved 17. glory 18. limited 19. excitedly 20. separated 21. taking part in 22. broke the record 23. made;contribution to 24. plenty of 25. played a;role 26. meet the requirements 27. keeping;under control 28. make way for 29. be involved in 30. been added to 31. was delighted to 32. attempted to escape 33. taking good care of 34. to arrive;to leave 35. No matter who 36. played an important role / part 37. Whoever breaks the law 38. not until Mary got home;realized 39. Were;you 40. Not only;but also;is 41. of great help 42—46 DCCDC 47—50 ADAD 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 CADBC 6—10 BACAB 11—15 DCBBC 16—20 ADCAB 21. thanks/ gratitude 22. confident 23. contribution's( 24. previous/ last/20th 25. strengthen/ promote/ better 26. trusted 27. soul 28. aware/conscious 29. modest 30. build/ create/ establish/ make

One possible version Never give up

When Li Hua decided to take part in the 3,000metre race,everyone was very surprised. One of his classmates said,“Li Hua,you are not strong enough to run the 3,000 metres. ”But Li Hua said,“I dont think I will win,but Imdetermined to finish. ”

During the race,each step seemed difficult for Li Hua. Suddenly he fell,breaking his glasses and his chances of finishing the race. But he wouldnt give up. He got back up,put on his broken glasses and kept on running. “Come on,Li Hua. You can do it. ”Everyone on the sports ground was cheering for him. Although Li Hua was the last oneto cross the finishing line,he won the Courage Cup with honour.

I was deeply touched by Li Huas great determination. In my mind,winning in life shouldnt be measured by the final score;it should be based on how you play the game.

Module 4 Unit 3 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. reality;realize;real 2. character 3. tiredness;tired 4. feeling 5. enable 6. monitor 7. via 8. sensor;sense 9. deliver;delivery 10. fantastic;fantasy 11. impress;impression;impressive 12. exhibit;exhibition 13. announce;announcement 14. powder;power 15. programming;programmer 16. popularity;popular;popularize 17. criticize;critic 18. editor;edit;edition 19. central;center;concentrate 20. gentle;gently;gentleman 21. inexperienced;experienced 22. rescue 23. guide;guidance


1. virtual reality 2. pass on 3. thousands of 4. send out 5. put forward 6. last but not least 7. set up 8. be accused of 9. close down 10. in my eyes 11. come across 12. science fictio

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ns 13. in other ways 14. be set in 15. be designed to do sth. 16. be connected with 17. add to 18. provide. . . with 19. come true 20. without the risk of 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(性格 2(人物 3(东方国家的方块字 4(培养品德 5(不符吅个性 6(一个很有声誉的人 2. 1(are delivered 2(delivered her baby 3(deliver her from danger 4(delivery

3. 1(impresses;on 2(impressed;with 3(deeply impressed by/ at/ with;on;with 4(impressed 5(impression 6(impressive

4. 1(用低沉/ 激动/ 生气的声音 2(压低声音 3(公开发表意见 4(让别人听到自己的声音 5(扯着 嗓子 6(voiced 7(sound 8(noises 9(noise 10(voice

5. 1(vt. 强迫,迫使'某人做某事( 2(vt. 用力,强行'把……移动( 3(n. 部队 4(n. 力量 5(生效 6(强行;靠步力 7(开始生效 8(使……生效

6. 1(发布 2(分发 3(耗尽 4(given out 5(give;back 6(give;away 7(gives off 8(gave;up 7. 1(你要把你的名字添到名单上去吗? 2(连续下雨增加了我们的难度。 3(我又有什么权力增加他内

心的痛苦呢? 4(如果这个学校要招收更多的学生,就需要扩建。 5(added up to 6(added up 7(Added to 8(adds up to

8. 1(c 2(b 3(a 4(B 5(D 6(D

9. 1(建立 2(使……有精神 3('使(从事…… 4(aside 5(in 6(off 7(back 8(about 9(up 10(was set out 11(is set in 句型篇

1. 1(B 2(B 3(D 4(did he know 5(had they entered 6(he rushed 2. 1(meant to 2(intended to 3(designed for

3. 1(据报道 2(人们认为 3(据说 4(据宣布 5(公认的 6(众所周知 7(事实证明

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1. journey 2. via 3. impressed 4. criticized 5. experienced 6. characters 7. therefore 8. central 9. finals 10. accused 11. delivering 12. burning 13. being signed 14. programmed 15. to rescue 16. offered 17. to follow 18. Faced 19. would accuse 20. announced 21. burned up;worth of 22. by;be impressed on / upon 23. have a voice in 24. In the opinion;play a positive role in 25. adding to 26—30 DACBC 31—35 ACBDB 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 BACCD 6—10 BDCBB 11—15 DDACA 16—20 CDBAB 21—25 CBADC

One possible version

At present,playing computer games is becoming more and more popular. Take Tom and Mike for example. Every day after school,they go to the computer bar to play games till late at night,and they often have a competition to see who wins more scores. Once,Tom didnt go home until eleven oclock at night. When he got home,he told his mother that he had been going over his lessons. Poor mom!She believed him and cooked two eggs for him. She said,“Take more care of yourself and you work too hard,my dear son. ”But Toms face turned red at his mothers praise. Later he made up his mind to work really hard. As students,we need to develop selfcontrol,which is the only key to protecting ourselves from the harm of computer games. Whats more,we shouldnt tell lies,especially to people who love and care for you. Its bad for us.

Module 5 Unit 1 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

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1. betray 2. admit 3. swear 4. forgive;forgave;forgiven 5. friendship;friendly 6. mean 7. cruel 8. stand 9. apologize;apology 10. right 11. blame 12. doubt;doubtful 13. strength;strengthen 14. delay 15. persuade 16. amusement 17. discourage 18. anxious;anxiety 19. suffer 20. puzzle;puzzled/puzzling 21. absorb 22. hesitate;hesitation 23. respond;responsibility 24. regardless 25. stubborn 26. gifted 27. punish;punishment 28. attitude 29. embarrass;embarrassment;embarrassed;embarrassing 30. consistent;consist 课标内重点短语:

1. be determined to do sth. 2. one another 3. cant help doing sth. 4. be strict with sb. 5. on the other hand 6. be ashamed of sth. 7. look forward to 8. have an effect on sth. 9. feel jealous of sth. 10. be absorbed in 11. in the world 12. take care 13. discourage sb. from doing sth. 14. in public 15. yell at sb. 16. in trouble 17. as a result 18. get on / along with 19. forgive sb. for doing sth. 20. apologize to sb. for doing sth.


1. 1(admit doing 2(admit 'to(sth. 3(admit thatclause 4(be admitted to 5(admitted knowing 6(admit the work 7(admit that Im ashamed for 2. 1(dont doubt that;on time 2(doubt that 3(doubts if/ whether;keep her word 4(is no doubt 5(no doubt of 6(no doubt that;agree with 7(D 8(A 9(C

3. 1(the delay 2(without delay 3(delay telling 4(delay our wedding until 5(was delayed by 4. 1(persuaded into lending 2(persuaded out of buying

5. 1(apologized to;for not coming 2(made an apology to 3(refuse others apology 4(accept his apology

6. 1(being blamed for making 2(blamed;on 3(is to blame for 4(take the blame for 5(lay the blame on 6(A 7(A

7. 1(忍受;stand sb. 2(经受;stand sth. 3(经受得起;stand 'ones(doing 4(A 5(stands 6(bear 7(put up with 8(bear/ stand

8. 1(吸收 2(理解,领会 3(全神贯注

9. 1(suffered a;pain 2(suffered;drop 3(suffered from

10. 1(attitude toward's( 2(takes/ has;attitude toward's(/ to 3(in;attitude 4(C

11. 1(how to respond 2(respond to 3(responded;to 4(responsibility 5(responsible 6(response 7(responded 8(response

12. 1(as a result 2(As a result of

13. 1(接通'电话( 2(通过 3(完成 4(C 5(A 14. 1(in spite of 2(despite 3(even though 句型篇

1. must have been

2. 1(seems to know 2(There seems to be 3. When walking

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1. responded 2. admitted 3. delay 4. attitude 5. puzzled 6. absorbed 7. guilty 8. apologize 9. hesitation 10. punishment 11. stubborn 12. forgave 13. betraying 14. blamed 15. jealous 16. focus 17. mean 18. doubt 19. have been admitted 20. admitted 21. were ruined 22. focus 23. absorbed in;on the screen 24. Where in the world;find / Where on earth;find 25. on the other hand;always making 26. share toys with other children 27. regardless of 28. based on 29. without hesitation 30. rather than go out 31—35 DABAC 36—40 DCBCA 41—45 CDCBA 综吅能力测试篇

1. DBACA 6—10 CBADC 11—15 CBBDA 16—20 DBCDA 21. Born 22. strict 23. education/ schooling 24. politics 25. concerned 26. graduating/ graduation 27. contributions 28. fighting

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29. awarded/honoured 30. Secretary

One possible version Dear Dr Helper,

I am a Senior 3 student. I am now in great need of your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure. Every day,I have to stay at school for nine hours to have lessons and spend at least three to four hours doing my homework at home. We teenagers are eager to play and enjoy ourselves,but we hardly have any time to do what we like. Besides,we dont have enough sleep.

There seems to be three causes for the overload牶the pressure of examinations,too much homework and the high expectations from the parents. We are often warned that if we didnt try our best,we would not have the chance to go to university.

I write this letter only to wish that I could have someone to talk to. I am looking forward to your advice.

Yours sincerely, Li Hua

Module 5 Unit 2 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. debate 2. industry;industrial 3. production;produce;product 4. expand 5. situation 6. responsibility; responsible 7. effective 8. illegal;legal 9. customs;custom 10. resource 11. arrival;arrive 12. stomach; stomachs 13. establish 14. measure 15. decrease 16. technology;technical;technician 17. equipment 18. agriculture;agricultural 19. figure 20. growth;grow 21. endanger 22. range 23. poisonous;poison 24. disappoint;disappointment;disappointed;disappointing 25. beneficial 26. obvious;obviously 课标内重点短语:

1. in addition 2. wipe out 3. cut back on 4. in the form of 5. be stocked with 6. antidesertification 7. rely on 8. lead to 9. nongovernmental 10. focus on 11. nature reserve 12. think of . . . as 13. provide sth. for sb. 14. have a lasting effect upon 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(laid;laid;laying 2(lied;lie;lying 3(lay;lain;lying 4(摆桌子 5(存放 6(强调 7(把责 仸归咎于 8(使下岗 9(B 10(C

2. 1(走近 2(临近 3(近乎 4(D 5(A

3. 1(F,形容词concerned 2(表现出关心 3(不关心 4(关于 4. 1(赞赏 2(感激 3(感激 4(很深的鉴赏能力

5. 1(not allowed 2(forbidden from 3(from smoking 4(from taking up 6. 1(膨胀 2(扩大 3(阐述 4(开放 5(喜笑颜开

7. 1(做可数名词;努力 2(做不可数名词;努力 3(与不定式连用 4(与of 连用 5(with an effort 费 劲 6(without effort 不费力气 7(takes effort 需要努力 8(spared no effort 不遗余力

8. 1(production n. 产量 2(product n. 产品 3(produces vt. 生产 4(productive adj. 多产的 9. 1(C 2(A

10. 1(到达 2(到达的人或物 3(On arriving 4(As soon as 5(the moment 6(immediately

11. 1(挑选 2(领会 3(辨认出 4(pick and choose 挑三拣四 5(picked up 无意间学会 6(pick sb. up 驾车接某人 7(pick up 买东西

12. 1(rely on/ upon;for help 2(on;seeing you off 3(rely on 4(rely on;will do 13. 1(在进行中 2(under construction 3(under repair 4(under study 14. 1(带来 2(导致 3(T 4(F;in→from 5(F;from→in

15. 1(has a strong influence/ effect on me 2(put into effect 3(will take effect 4(comes into effect

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16. 1(In addition to 2(In addition 3(apart from 4(besides 句型篇

1. 1(It is said 2(It is reported 3(It is clear

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1. shocked 2. disappoint 3. shame 4. arrival 5. limited 6. atmosphere 7. beneficial 8. stable 9. Apparently 10. clapped 11. products 12. responsible 13. effect 14. willingly 15. willingness 16. remaining 17. has benefited me;have;benefited from;a lot of benefits 18. was put into practice 19. The debate; what they are debating about 20. on the equipment;equipping 21. has made great efforts to 22. Its likely to rain 23. has decreased the number of;a decrease in 24. On / Upon seeing her mother;At the sight of 25—29 ABCCB 30—34 CCBCD 35—39 CBCAD


1—5 CBDAD 6—10 CABAC 11—15 DCDAB 16—20 BCABB 21—24 BBAA

One possible version

The importance of water

As we know,plants and animals need water,so do peoples life and production. Life couldnt go on without water. With the rapid development of agriculture and industry,more and more water is needed. However,water is becoming scarce in many places. Whats more,a lot of rivers and lakes are beginning to be polluted by the waste water from factories. Fish cant live in them any longer. At the same time,the waste water does great harm to peoples health. In order to make rivers and lakes clean and prevent them from being polluted,we must take measures to stop it and fight a battle against all kinds of pollution. Module 5 Unit 3 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. interfere 2. normal;normal 3. praise 4. desperate;desperation 5. adopt 6. deliver 7. succeed; successful 8. figure 9. behave;behaviour 10. conclude;conclusion 11. majority;major 12. limit 13. serious;seriously 14. strict 15. cautious;caution 16. favour;favourite 17. cost 18. involve;involved 19. benefit;beneficial;benefit 20. comment 21. argue;argument 22. acceptable;accept 23. carelessness; careless 24. seek;sought;sought 25. endless 26. anxious/ anxiety 27. disaster 28. perform;performance 29. productive;product/ production;produce 30. urge;urgency;urgent 31. construct;construction 32. announcement 课标内重点短语:

1. on the one hand 2. point out 3. in general 4. push ahead with 5. end up 6. for sale 7. use up 8. follow in ones footsteps 9. put . . . in place 10. figure out 11. the other day 12. on ones part 13. in favour of 14. point of view 15. turn out 16. with the intention of 17. interfere with 18. on a personal note 19. comment on 20. succeed in doing 21. be cautious about doing sth.


1. 1(desperate for 2(had a desperate disease 3(desperately to push 2. 1(is of;benefit 2(benefit 3(benefited from

3. 1(数字 2(人影 3(图形 4(计算 5(认为 6(体形 7(人物 8(out 4. 1(运转 2(表演 3(施行 4(performer 5(performance

5. 1(delivered a baby boy 2(delivered;of 3(delivers goods 4(delivered a speech 5(deliveries 6. 1(urged 2(urgency 3(urgent 4(Urged 5(urge

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7. 1(B 2(A 3(C

8. 1(my intention to 2(quite without intention 3(is intended for 4(intends/ intended 9. 1(n. 品行 2(n. 领导 3(vt. 表现 4(vt. 指挥 5(vt. 导电 6(vi. 仸售票员

10. 1(指出 2(指针指向 3(证据表明 4(用枪瞄向 5(There is no point in 6(on the point of 7(to the point 8(point of view

11. 1(积极推进 2(推行 3(Push off 4(pushed his way through 5(push in 6(pushed over

12. 1(准备就绪 2(安排妥当 3(taken the place of 4(take place 5(gave place to 6(out of place 句型篇

1. 1(表语从句 2(宾语从句 3(同位语从句 4(定语从句和表语从句

2. 1(尽管,虽然,表示意义的转折 2(当……的时候,表示时间 3(而,表示意义的对比

3. 1(with the lamp burning 2(with;fixed on 3(without steps being noticed 4(without his homework done

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1. adopt 2. relate 3. delivered 4. comment 5. majority 6. negative 7. immoral 8. involves 9. favour 10. sought 11. beneficial 12. desperation 13. caution 14. majority 15. intention 16. behave 17. concluded 18. endless 19. carelessness 20. anxiety 21. The majority of;in favour of 22. pushing ahead with 23. figure out 24. pointed out 25. spell disaster 26. desperate to get 27. is beneficial to 28. drew a conclusion 29. am in complete agreement with 30. succeed in 31—35 ADABB 36—40 BBDAA 41—45 CBCAB 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 CBDCA 6—10 DCBAC 11—15 ADCAB 16—20 DCBCA 21. combining 22. attitude 23. successful 24. talent 25. realizing/ living/ achieving 26. same 27. diligent/ hardworking 28. often/ much 29. contacts 30. received/ required

One possible version Dear Li Hua,

We are very happy to hear from you. Here we want to tell you something about GM food. The term GM food is commonly used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques.

GM food has changed our concept on traditional food. There are some advantages of this kind of food. Firstly,GM food can make crops resistant to pests and diseases. Secondly,GM food can grow in bad environment and has longer life. In addition,the output of GM food is so high that the price is cheaper. Whats more,it can help solve famine in the world. On the other hand,there are some disadvantages. The most serious one is the safety of GM food. The special genes that make crops resistant to pests and disease could be harmful to animals or man. It can even cause death. So we must be cautious about GM food.

I hope our explanation can help you. For more information,you can search www. discovery. com.

All the best! Yours, Editor

Module 6 Unit 1 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. laughter;laugh 2. humour;humourous 3. wellloved;betterloved;bestloved 4. react;reaction 5.main;mainly 6. physical;physically 7. visual;visually 8. littleknown;wellknown 9. appropriat

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e;proper 10. amuse;amusing / amused;amusement 11. vital;important 12. enthusiastic;enthusiasm 13. master;master 14. skilled;skill 15. annoying / annoyed;annoy 16. wander 17. crowded;crowd 18. entire;entirely 19. mean ingfully;meaningful;meaning;mean 20. tear;tore;torn 课标内重点短语:

1. make fun of 2. make jokes about 3. queue up 4. trip over 5. do an impression of sb. 6. make up 'a story / a joke( 7. get ones start 8. howl with laughter 9. follow in the footsteps of sb. 10. have an effect on 11. after all 12. soon after 13. be divided into 14. be made up of 15. at one time 16. be nervous about 17. take on 18. move on 19. go on 20. burst into 21. glare at 22. hold out 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(adv. 以现场直播方式 2(adj. 实况播送的 3(adj. 活的 4(vi. 活到 5(vi. 居住 6(alive 7(lively 8(live 9(living

2. 1(They amused themselves by looking at old photographs. 2(Everyone was amused at/ by the story about the dog. 3(I was amused to see the seal perform its tricks. 4(He had an amused look on his face. 5(To our great amusement,the teacher sang a funny song in class.

3. 1(worthy of 2(worthy of being visited 3(worthy to be visited 4(to visit 5(visiting 6(In terms of his qualities,he is a worthy opponent. 7(Id rather the money went to a worthwhile cause. 4. 1(撕开 2(使精神不安,折磨 3(撕破 4(流泪 5(tears easily 6(burst into tears 7(torn apart

5. 1(expected to finish 2(expect you to be 3(you would succeed 4(too much of 5(respect from 6( as expected 7(an unexpected visitor

6. 1(was made up 编造 2(making;up 打扮 3(made up 配制 4(made up 组成 5(make out 6( make out 7(make up for 8(makes for

7. 1(终究 2(根本 3(究竟'问句、条件句及肯定句内表示强调( 4(总共 5(最重要的是 6(above all 7(First of all 8(at all 9(at all 10(in all 11(after all 句型篇

1. 1(C 2(C 3(D 4(C 5(D 2. 1(A 2(C

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1. humorous 2. betterknown 3. amuse 4. enthusiastic 5. skilled 6. crowded 7. jokes 8. start 9. effect 10. master 11. laughter 12. main 13. annoying 14. entirely 15. meaningfully 16. tear 17. impression 18. alive 19. worth 20. wellknown 21. One possibility is that when he is refused,he may feel hopeless. 22. Hell push ahead with his project whatever the difficulties may be. 23. I dislike it when all the others are waiting for him,he doesnt care. 24. The medical team was made up of two doctors and three nurses. 25. He left for the front soon after the war broke out. 26—30 ACAAB 31—35 BDABA 36—40 CBCAA 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 BDBCA 6—10 ADACB 11—15 DABBA 16—20 CDCDA 21—24 BDAB

One possible version

Everybody wants to be happy. Laughing is the best way to make people happy. Thats why comedies and comediansare so popular among us. If asked,we can give a long list of famous comedies and comedians both at home and abroad. My favourites are Mr Bean,Zhao Benshan and Huang Hong. They make us laugh by making fun of somebodys way of dressing or telling an amusing story. They have their own way of acting. It sounds funny to hear Zhao Benshan speak with an accent. Sometimes these comedians can make us roar with laughter simply by appearing on the stage. Word play is a way to create fun in comedies,especially in crosstalk shows. They make people laugh, and think about life.

However,to appreciate all these,one shall know about different cultures of different countries.

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Module 6 Unit 2 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. injure;injured;injury 2. disability;disable;disabled 3. energetic;energy 4. devote;devotion;devot ed 5. specialist;special;specially 6. cheer;cheerful;cheer 7. accomplish;accomplishment 8. journalism; journalist;journal 9. unbearable;bearable;bear 10. admiration;admirable;admire 11. optimistic;optimism; optimist 12. inspire;inspiration 13. courage;encourage;discourage 14. unfortunate;fortunate;unfortunately 15. guidance;guide 16. independent;independence;depend 17. innocent;innocence 18. achievement;achieve 19. hunger;hungry 20. assist;assistance;assistant 课标内重点短语:

1. struggle against 2. expect sb. to do sth. 3. be amazed at / by sth. 4. in case 5. a little bit 6. rush sb. to hospital 7. describe sb. as 8. apart from 9. devote oneself / time to 10. cheer sb. up 11. in good / bad spirits 12. across the world 13. believe in 14. stay optimistic / positive 15. adapt to 16. take note of 17. be tired of 18. at that point 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(hurts 2(hurt 3(injured 4(harm/ damage 5(harm 6(wounds 7(damaged

2. 2(devoted himself;was devoted to 2(名词或动名词 3(Devoted;Devoting 4(Your bad habits led to having much difficulty finding a good job. 5(The party we have been looking forward to has been cancelled because of A/ H1N1 flu.

3. 1(调整/ 改变……以适应…… 2(适吅;顺应 3(适应 4(改编;改装 用法:adapt 'oneself / sth. (

to + 名词/ 动名词 5(adaption / adaptation 6(adaptable adapt to 的近义词组:get used to,adjust to,be accustomed to

4. 1(vt. 保证 2(vt. 保证做…… 3(vt. 保证/ 担保 4(n. 保修 5(n. 抵押品 用法:guarantee + 'sb. (sth. ;guarantee + to do sth. ;guarantee + thatclause

5. 1(rushed to buy 2(was rushed to hospital. 3(be rushed into 4(I was so nervous that all my words came out in a rush. 5(Well leave early to avoid the rush hour.

6. 1(took place 2(happened / broke out 3(broke out 4(in the first place 5(in the last place 6(in place of 7(take the place of / take ones place

7. 1(A 除……还……;而不是;远离;除了 2(和……不在一起 3(除……还…… 4(除了'相当于except for( 句型篇

1. 1(had gone 2(had learned 3(was exhausted;过去完成时

2. 1(When 2(until 3(Whenever 4(If 5(as if 6(unless 7(when 3. 1(so as not to 2(In order to / in order to 3(To

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1. struggled 2. Gymnastics 3. unbearable 4. positive 5. overcome 6. confused 7. quit 8. communication 9. guarantee 10. secure 11. accomplishment 12. journalism 13. encouragement 14. Specialists 15. disabilities 16. admiration 17. independent 18. assistant 19. When pure 20. while burning 21. though 22. Not to feel caught 23. to keep their spirits up 24. had missed the chance 25. a rush of excitement 26. won sympathy and admiration 27. Seeing; looking back on 28—32 ADDAC 33—37 CCBDC 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 CADBA 6—10 CBDCA 11—15 DBCBA 16—20 DBDAC 21—23 DCA 24—27 DABC

One possible version Happiness

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Happiness means different things to different people. To some,happiness means owning much money and large possessions. They believe that with much money they can do anything they want to. To some,happiness is to be in good health,they hold that they can do whatever they want to if fit. To others,happiness comes from their parents wealth,with which they dont need to work hard and worry about income.

However,I disagree with the above viewpoints. In my opinion,money is not all about happiness. Even if we had the money,we still cannot buy health,happiness and knowledge. I value knowledge more than money and possessions,for with knowledge I can make greater contributions to society. Therefore,despite different views on money,I insist that my “wealth”of happiness is in my study.

Module 6 Unit 3 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. difference;different 2. topic 3. clarify 4. unbelievable 5. celebration 6. adjust 7. embarrassing 8. habit 9. tradition;traditional 10. analyse;analysis 11. excitement 12. custom 13. anyway 14. overseas 15. proper 16. request 17. generally 18. upset 19. tour;tourism 20. concern 21. belief;believe 22. slight 23. account 24. equally 25. power;powerful/ powerless 课标内重点短语:

1. in celebration of 2. give out 3. hold up 4. when it comes to 5. participate in 6. log off 7. enable sb. to do sth. 8. take up 9. be in contact with 10. move around 11. hunt for 12. be home to 13. meet with 14. belong to 15. have power over 16. adjust to 17. believe in 18. go overseas 19. offer sb. sth. 20. get excited / married 21. take off 22. cultural differences 23. think of 24. the way of doing sth. / the way to do sth. 25. expect 'sb. (to do sth.


1. 1(调节 2(适应 3(adapt 4(adjusted 5(adopted

2. 1(n. should 2(v. request sb. to do sth. 3(n. 应某人的请求 4(require 5(demanded 6(requested

3. 1(n. 变述,描写 2(n. 报道 3(n. 账户 4(n. 账目 5(On no account 6(on account of 7(into account 8(account for 9(account of 10(to;account

4. 1(got into the habit of 2(in the habit of 3(broken away from / got out of / got rid of the habit of 4(custom 5(habit 6(custom

5. 1(分发 2('身体某个部位(出毛病 3(用尽 4(发出'光( 5(give up 6(give off 7(gave in 8(give away 6. 1(支撑 2(耽搁 3('试图(抢劫 4(hold back 5(Hold on 6(hold down 7(hold out

7. 1(谈到 2(想到 3(苏醒,恢复自觉 4(达到 5(达成 6(逐渐意识到 7(comes to 8(came up 9(come up with 10(came to 11(came out

8. 1(顺利完成 2(仔细检查 3(经历 4(gone through 5(go for 6(go over/ go through 7(gone down 句型篇

1. 1(to have 2(we answered 3(to sell 4(should think / thought 5(should be washed / were washed

2. 1(The reason 'why(he got ill was that he didnt pay attention to his health. 2(The reason why we don’t trust him is that he has often lied. 3(The reason why she missed school this morning was that she had to look after her sick grandpa.

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1. experienced 2. tradition 3. requires 4. native 5. including 6. power 7. similarity 8. unbelievable 9. celebration 10. misunderstood 11. The old man has got into the habit of storing money under the bed. 12. The desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child. 13. The c

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hair was too weak to hold up Mr Smith. 14. The teacher required the students to finish the examination paper in an hour. 15. China is one of the developing countries,belonging to the third world. 16—20 ABBBD 21—25 ADCBA 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 BACDD 6—10 ABDCB 11—15 ADCAB 16—20 DCCAB 21. badly 22. effect/ influence 23. Causes/ Reasons 24. encouragement 25. Fail 26. compare 27. Ways/ Measures/ Solutions/ Steps/ Actions 28. worse 29. what/ all 30. value

One possible version Dear Tom,

Glad to receive your letter. Now I have known you have met with some trouble in making friends. I had the same trouble before. That is,I didnt know how to talk with my friends about difficult things. And it was very easy to make my friends angry. Indeed,its a common problem. But now I know how to deal with this problem. Its important to understand why your friends get angry with you when you say something. And it takes time to learn how to communicate well. Im sure learning how to solve problems in a friendship can make you a better friend and a happier person.

Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua

Module 6 Unit 4 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. operate;operator;operation 2. honour;honourable 3. purpose 4. voluntary;volunteer 5. awareness; aware;unawareness 6. urgent;urgency 7. lack 8. civilian;civil;civilization 9. accessible;access 10. conscience;conscious 11. aspect 12. precious 13. mountainous;mountains 14. expense;expensive 15. source 16. basic;base 17. occupation;occupy 18. commitment;commit 19. flee;fled;fled 20. colleague 21. medicine;medical 22. cure 23. staff 24. comfort;comfortable 课标内重点短语:

1. refer to 2. play a role in 3. under the umbrella of 4. apart from 5. point out 6. on behalf of 7. so long as 8. break down 9. belong to 10. draw ones attention to 11. lack of 12. out of order 13. be limited to 14. feel honoured to do sth. 15. be involved in 16. be concerned about 17. remind . . . of 18. have an effect on 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(指……而言 2(适用于 3(提到 4(把……称做 5(让……找……来处理 6(C 7(A

2. 1(lack of;A/ The lack of 2(lacked the experience 3(is lacking in;For lack of 4(C 5(C 6(C 3. 1(faced 2(faced 3(face 4(facing 5(Faced 6(面对面 7(当着某人的面 8(面对 9(接受 '不愉快的结果( 10(面临

4. 1(一大笔费用 2(在所不惜 3(开销很大 4(公司出钱 5(以……为代价 6(D 7(C 8(A

5. 1(安慰 2(欢慰 3(安逸,舒适 4(安逸,舒适 5(舒适的设备'常用复数( 6(舒服的 7(舒适 地 8(轻松地 6. 1(have→has 2(mean→means 3(by means of 4(By no means 5(By all means 6(by any means 7. 1(接受;从事 2(雇用 3(开始具有,获得;呈现 4(take in 5(took on 6(took off 7(take;in 8. 1(They say that it doesnt make any difference whether I will come or not. 2(It makes no difference whether he will give us a hand. 3(Your support will certainly make a difference in our cause. 4(A day or two makes little difference. We will start together this morning. 5(makes sense 6(make sense 7(make a difference 8(made a difference

9. 1(破坏,毁掉 2(坍塌,坏掉 3('健康、精神(崩溃 4('计划、谈判等(失败,破裂 5(had broken

down 6(broken up 7(broke into 8(broke out 9(breaks in 10(break away from 11(broke through

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10. 1(involve + n. 会有……的结果 2(involve + ving 包含 3(involve + sb. s ving 需要 4(involve sb. in sth. 使参加/ 卷入/ 牵涉 5(be involved in 专心致志于 6(be involved with sth. 关注 7(were involved in 8(those involved


1. 1(satisfied with / content with 2(he had been given

2. 1(to have kept 2(to have studied 3(to have been selected 4(telling 5(held 6(to have invented 3. 1(to believe 2(to finish 3(not to make 4(collecting 5(giving 6(looking

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1. operation 2. opportunity 3. connected 4. cultural 5. donated 6. expense 7. volunteers 8. frustrated 9. urgent 10. precious 11. touching 12. reference 13. worthy 14. fled 15. access 16. civilian 17. honoured 18. drawer 19. base 20. occupation 21. reminded me of what he had said 22. concentrate;efforts on improving 23. Faced with;firm against 24. shameful;refer to your notes 25. has taken on a new look 26—30 DCABA 31—35 CCDDA 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 ABCAA 6—10 CDBAD 11—15 DBACA 16—20 DCBDC 21—24 BCDA

One possible version Dear Editor,

We have done some research about migrant schools in our city lately and we are shocked to see the environment of the schools is so poor. The schools have no modern equipment. To make matters worse,there is no playground,no library,and even not enough teachers in some places. All those problems are due to one key point—the lack of money,which,therefore,leads to a huge difference in education even for kids in the same city.

And yet,the good thing we saw is that migrant kids are just as keen on study as us. Most of them are making every minute they can spare to achieve good results in their lessons. Can we do something to help them?Yes. Our government can pour more money into migrant schools;our community resources can be made use of;city students can help collect money or do book donations to them. There are a lot more things we can do.

I do hope that the whole society can care more about migrant kids. If everybody contributes a bit,migrant kids can surely enjoy equal education opportunity. Yours, Li Hua

Module 7 Unit 1 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. review;review 2. broadcast;broadcast/ broadcasted;broadcast/ broadcasted 3. consumer;consume 4. record;recorder;record;recording 5. electric;electronic;electricity 6. apply;application;applied 7. demand;demanding 8. spring;sprang;sprung;spring 9. delight;delight;delighted;delightful 10. variety;vary;various 11. convenience;convenient 12. ownership;own 13. selection;select 14. measure/ measurement;measure;measures 15. weigh;weight 16. suitable;suit 17. elegant;elegantly 18. guarantee;guarantee 19. actual;actually 20. equal;equality 21. associate;association;associated 22. necessarily;necessary; necessity 23. worrying;worry;worried 24. shape;shape 25. caution;cautious 26. assume;assumption 27. expose 28. acknowledge 29. unwilling 30. advancement;advance 31. profit 32. personally;personal

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1. be superior to 2. come onto the market 3. wind up 4. make a recording of 5. apply to sb. for sth. 6. demand to do sth. 7. spring up 8. to ones 'great(delight / much to ones delight 9. a variety of 10. be convenient to sb. / to ones convenience 11. have faith in 12. accompany sb. to . . . 13. stand for 14. in that case 15. be suitable for 16. take measures to do sth. 17. for the time being 18. guarantee to do sth.19. guarantee sb. sth. / guarantee sth. to sb. 20. be equal to 21. be capable of 22. be associated with 23. be familiar with 24. in particular


1. 1(适用 2('对……(施用;把……施用于 3(申请 4(apply;to 5(apply to;for 6(be applied to 7(applied yourself

2. 1(措施 2(度量单位 3(衡量 4(仔细考虑 5(测量

3. 1(having been/ has been 2(It is generally acknowledged that 3(acknowledged/ considered 4. 1(delighted 2(takes great delight in 3(with/ in delight 4(To her delight 5(was delighted to 5. 1(n. 保质期,保修期 2(n. 保证 3(vt. 保证 4(vt. 担保 5(guaranteed paying→guaranteed to pay 6(in→under

6. 1(demands 2(demand to know 3(be free 4(demand for 5(demanding 6(meet demand 7. 1(vi. 前进,发展 2(vt. 发展;促进 3(n. 前进 4(提前 5(超越,超出 6(先进的;高级的 8. 1(convenience 2(for your convenience 3(at your convenience/ it is convenient

9. 1(暴露 2(揭露 3(使暴露于险境 4(接触,体验 5(Being exposed to 6(Exposed 7(Exposed 10. 1(profit 2(at a huge profit 3(make profit 11. 1(anyhow 2(Anyhow 3(somehow

12. 1(So/ Consequently 2(As a result/ For this reason 3(Therefore

13. 1(出现,到达,露面 2(发现,找到 3(挖掘 4(把……开大一点 5(turn against 6(has turned down 7(turned in 8(turned out 9(turned over 10(turned to

14. 1(暂时 2(in time 3(in no time 4(ahead of time 5(at a time 6(at times 7(all the time 8(at one time 9(At no time

15. 1(那样的话 2(决不 3(以防万一 4(以防 5(以防 6(in no case 7(in case of 8(In that case 9(in case 10(in case that

16. 1(是某人的职责或义务 2(由某人决定 3(从事于,忙于 4(胜仸,适吅于 5(直到 句型篇

1. 1(to answer 2(listening to 3(repairing / to be repaired 4(to do 5(smells 6(works;sells

7(swimming;to swim;to be made fun of / being made fun of 8(to do;to be taken 9(sitting;seated 10(dressed;wearing

2. 1(宾语从句 2(让步状语从句 3(Child as / though;冠词 4(尽管她年纪小,但是很勇敢。 5(尽管 我努力了,但是我还是不能举起那块大石头。

3. 1(twice larger than 2(twice as large as 3(twice the size of 4(as beautiful a city as 5(as interesting as 6(as many books;as 7(as much money as 8(as / so smoothly as

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1. questionnaire 2. review 3. degree 4. personally 5. evolution 6. delight 7. assumed 8. convenience 9. Consumers 10. longdistance 11. satisfied 12. ownership 13. translation 14. weighed 15. elegantly 16. exposing 17. based 18. application 19. acknowledged 20. delight 21. necessity 22. association 23. cautious 24. assumption 25. is/ was applied to 26. combine;with 27. have sprung up 28. winds its way 29. in great demand 30. for the time being 31. expose;to 32. made a profit of 33. am fond of/take delight in;care for 34. superior to/ ahead of 35. contributed to;made contributions to 36. are;familiar to 37. Assuming/ Suppose/ Supposing/ Providing/ Provided 38. capable of 39. is associated with 40. accompany;to 41—45 BDCCB 46—50 DBBDA

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1—5 DBACD 6—10 CAAAD 11—15 DBCDC 16—20 CBACB 21—25 ADABA

One possible version

Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in peoples life in recent years. In the past,people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone. But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone. People can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time. Whats more,people have easy access to the Internet,which enables them to send and receive emails whenever they like. With these changes,peoples pace of life has been quickened and peoples work has been made more efficient. It used to take several days to hear from each other,but now it takes only several minutes,even if they are in two different continents. In a word,people have an easier life nowadays.

Module 7 Unit 2 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. historian;history;historical / historic 2. physician;physical;surgeon 3. chemist;chemical;chemistry; chemical 4. trial;try 5. standardize;standard 6. thin;thin;thick/ fat 7. block;block;block 8. length; long;lengthen;shorten 9. purify;pure 10. note;note 11. powerful;power 12. wonderful;wonder;wonder; wonderful 13. rapidly;rapid 14. potential;potential;potentially 15. split;split;split;splitting 16. handful; hand 17. arrangement;arrange 18. pleasure;pleasant;please 19. adjustable;adjust 20. magic'al(;magic/ magician 21. fine;fine;fine 22. probability;probable;probably 23. addict;addiction;addicted 24. relief; relieve 25. receptionist;reception 26. insert 课标内重点短语:

1. open up 2. in contemporary society 3. put through 4. decide on 5. in large quantities 6. mass production 7. millions of 8. look around 9. turn up 10. put off 11. fill in 12. block . . . from doing sth. 13. split up 14. a handful of 15. secondary school 16. let out 17. a high probability 18. put up with 19. look down upon 20. name . . . after 21. to ones relief 22. be / become addicted to / addict oneself to 23. on the point of 24. make arrangements


1. 1(注意到 2(钞票 3(纸条 4(笔记 5(记下

2. 1(vt. 劈开 2(vi. 分裂 3(vt. 分担,承担 4(adj. 裂开的,劈开的 5(分手 6(分割成

3. 1(点;位置 2(关键 3(分数 4(意义 5(pointing at 6(pointed to 7(point out 8(to the point 9(on the point of 10(There is no point in

4. 1(pleased 使高兴 2(please 取悦 3(pleased 满意,高兴 4(pleasant 令人愉快的 5(pleasure 高兴 5. 1(安排 2(协议 3(布置

6. 1(锋利的 2(刺耳的 3(急转弯的 4(尖刻的 5(急剧的 6(剧烈的 7(灵敏的,敏锐的 7. 1(功能 2(运转;工作 3(起作用

8. 1(欢慰 2(救济品 3(减轻,缓解 4(a sigh of relief 5(It is a great relief 6(relieve 7(was relieved of 8(relieve;from

9. 1(很有可能 2(几乎不可能/ 多半 3(There is a possibility 4(There is a probability 5(It is likely 10. 1(给……接通电话 2(完成 3(使某人做困难/ 不愉快的事 4(put up with 5(put;off 6(put off 7(puts away 8(put forward

11. 1(in large quantities 2(are needed 3(There is 4(were on the table 5(have

12. 1(阻塞 2(堵塞 3(阻止……做……;prevent / stop / keep sb. from doing sth. 4(stopped;from 5( kept;from 6(prevented;from 句型篇

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1. 1(He did come here last year. 2(It was he who / that came here last year. 3(It was last year that he came here. 4(It was not until he finished his homework that he went to bed. 5(that;强调句型;that;主语从句 6(that;主语从句;that;强调句型 7(that;强调句型;since;状语从句 8(before;状语从句;that;强调句型 9(when;状语从句;that;强调句型

2. 1(has lived;came 2(is / has been;smoked 他戒烟一年了/ 他有一年没有吸烟了。 3(is / has been; came 他来这儿一年了。一般过去时;现在完成时 4(had 5(bought 6(is / has been 7(has passed

3. 1(来中国之前,他学过一些汉语。 2(趁你还没有忘记,把电话号码记下来。 3(我还没有来得及抓住他,这淘气的小男孩就潜入水底。 4(不知不觉十年过去了。 5(过了很久她才找到她的书。 6(三年后他们才回到中国。 7(不久他就去英国了。 8(四年后我们才能再见面。

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1. applications 2. note 3. wondering 4. transparent 5. standardized 6. trials 7. widespread 8. relief 9. fundamental 10. mass 11. arrangements 12. receptionist 13. pleasure 14. adjustable 15. secondary 16. enquiring 17. probability 18. length 19. surgical 20. powerful 21. put up with 22. come true 23. a handful of 24. occur to 25. addiction to 26. decide on 27. affects;influence 28. Owing to/ Due to/ Thanks to 29. It was not until;that/ Not until;did;manage 30. Not only has;but;also helps 31. managed to use; succeeded in 32. Probably;There is a probability that 33. were carried out;first tried out 34. Had;not been available 35—39 ACBAD 40—44 BDCCA


1—5 BCACA 6—10 DCDBA 11—15 ABDCD 16—20 BACDB 21. concerned/ cared 22. use/function 23. attracted 24. image 25. ways 26. stressed 27. communication 28. reason 29. lifestyle 30. Examples

One possible version

Diligence and responsibility

We must uphold these virtus including diligence,honesty,sympathy,courage,justice and responsibility. In my eyes diligence and responsibility are more important.

Traditionally,we admire the virtue of plain living and hard struggle. So the importance should be placed on diligence. Meanwhile,responsibility is also on the top. To shoulder some heavy responsibilities,we must keep a style of plain living and hard struggle. A person with a sense of responsibility can never be a lazy one. In addition,responsibility means honesty and justice.

Everyone must assume a set of responsibilities. For example,we students must take the responsibility for pursuing the academic performance. Therefore,it is wrong for many students to plant themselves in online games,an activity which seems to escape them from responsibilities. Everyone must take on his own responsibilities and be devoted to his/ her own position.

Undoubtedly,diligence and responsibility are most important among the six virtues for us students. And we will never succeed without them.

Module 7 Unit 3 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. analyze;analysis;analyses 2. value;valuable 3. package;pack 4. leader;lead;leading 5. useless;useful;use;user 6. respondent;respond;response 7. appearance;appear 8. popularity;popular 9. remain;keep 10. address;address 11. uptodate;update;outdated 12. advantage;disadvantage 13. accurate;accuracy 14. occur;occurred;occurring 15. present;presentation;present 16. admire;admirable 17. guide;guide; guidance 18. differently;different;difference 19. patient;patience;patient 20. legal;illegal 21. evident;evidence 22. relevant;relevance 23. reasonable;reason 24. s

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1. current affairs 2. that is to say / in other words 3. have positive effects on 4. 'be(in need of 5. turn to 6. a waste of time 7. focus on 8. travel package 9. rather than 10. pros and cons 11. be involved in 12. worn out 13. be addicted to 14. deal with 15. be accustomed to 16. be related to 17. take . . . into consideration 18. make a difference 19. be popular with 20. on that basis


1. 1(何种 2(各种各样的 3(这种的 4(这样或那样的 5(心情烦恼 6(有点 7(分组 8(解决 '问题(

2. 1(敬佩 2(欢赏 3(All the people present admired him for his courage.

3. 1(seated 2(looking 3(remains 4(unsettled 5(to be seen 6(vi. 保留下来 7(系动词;保持 8(adj. 剩余的,剩下的 9(vt. 让……处于某种状态 10(剩余的,剩下的;用被动

4. 1(occur 2(occur to 3(It never occurred to;that 4(occurred to / struck 5(happen 6(take place 7(arise

5. 1(地址 2(写地址 3(写给 4(跟……交谈 5(反映 6(称呼 7(讨论,讲述

6. 1(法官 2(裁判 3(鉴定人;鉴赏家 4(审判;审理 5(裁判 6(鉴定 7(Judging from / by 8(To tell you the truth 9(Generally speaking 7. 1(价值 2(估价;定价 3(尊重;珍视 4(很有价值 8. 1(处理 2(控制 3(操作 4(把手

9. 1(做事的方式 2('pl. (礼貌;礼节 3('pl. (风俗;习俗 4(means 5(way 6(method 7(manner

10. 1(language is acquired through imitation 2(acquire good habits 3(acquired his wealth 4(win 5(gaining;acquired 6(earn

11. 1(确认 2(证实 3(使……强化 4(confirmation 5(confirmed 12. 1(attach;to 2(become attached to 3(attached to 13. 1(用完 2(穿破 3(使……疲劳 4(使自己疲劳

14. 1(was accustomed to 2(accustomed to getting up 3(accustom;to 15. 1(consider/ think about 2(在审议中 3(出于对……考虑 句型篇

1. 1(need;no matter whether;or;where 2(from one side of the building to the other 3(went from bad to worse 4(went from house to house asking 5(from time to time and from place to place 6(from morning to night 7(From now on 2. 1(Its parents rather than children who are to blame. / The parents should be blamed rather than the children.2(I think youd call it a lecture rather than a talk. 3(have 4(ask 5(didnt smoke

30 分钟实战演练

1. value 2. acquire 3. frequent 4. appearance 5. accurate 6. occurred 7. course 8. intelligent 9. predicted 10. general 11. make a difference 12. are popular with 13. be taken into consideration 14. be related to 15. dealt with 16. addicted to 17. wear;out 18. are involved in 19. focus;on 20. turn to 21. It occurred to me that I had to visit my parents. 22. There are so many troublesome problems remaining to be settled. 23. He claimed that he hadnt done it,but I didnt believe him. 24. My teacher will confirm that I was there on time. 25. We must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of English. 26—30 BACDD 31—35 BCBAA 36—40 CBDDA 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 ABACD 6—10 BBBCD 11—15 CBAAC 16—20 ADCDD 21—23 CAD

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One possible version Dear Editor,

I am a Senior 3 student. Recently we have carried out a survey —“To whom do you go when in trouble?”The results are as follows.61% of the students surveyed select friends or schoolmates as their ideal listeners when they have trouble and want to confide,the reason of which is that they are in the same age group and have a better understanding of each other. Another 22% choose teachers and parents to talk to. They suggest that teachers and parents are rich in life and educational experiences. Nevertheless,there are also 17% who dont share their trouble at all. They say that their trouble is none of others business. Others find it hard to converse with others.

'It is not easy to reach definite conclusions based on such a small example. However,some general comments can be made. (It seems clear from the results that some students lack communication with others,and teachers and parents need to play a more important role in their lives. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

Module 7 Unit 4 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. distant; distance 2. transport 3. carriage; carrier 4. tunnel 5. convenience; convenient; inconvenient 6. separate;separately 7. connect;connection 8. advanced 9. reliable;rely 10. puzzle;puzzle ment;puzzling/ puzzled 11. permit;permitted 12. union;unite 13. official 14. beyond 15. speed;sped 16. departure 17. punctual 18. concentrate 19. invite;invitation 20. distinction 21. expansion;expand 22. postpone 课标内重点短语:

1. pick up 2. drop off 3. cause / do damage to 4. choke off 5. lead to 6. link up 7. at a discount 8. in the hope that 9. take notice of 10. make better use of 11. make up for 12. news flash 13. speed up 14. wash away 15. under repair 16. in addition to 17. arise from 18. be aimed at 19. traffic jam 20. a couple of 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(保持这种步伐 2(以稳定的步子 3(与……保持一致 4(领先 5(at;pace 6(take another step 2. 1(permitted 2(permitting 3(permits 4(in charge;permission 5(allowed;permit 3. 1(一打 2(6 个 3(许多次 4(60 人 5(许多

4. 1(在……的那一边 2(迟于,晚于 3(超过 4(非……可触及 5(无法辨认 6(……无法理解 7(除了…… 5. 1(main aim;to 2(with the aim of 3(aimed at 4(aim to leave 6. 1(承担 2(接受 3(着手做,开始做 4(许诺做某事,同意做某事

7. 1(speed up 2(at a speed of eighty miles an hour 3(at full/ top speed 4(假期转眼就过去了,很快又到了开学的时候。 5(欲速则不达。

8. 1(消耗;用掉 2(吃光 3('火(将……烧光 4(consuming 5(consumer

9. 1(出现 2(引起;发生 3(起来;站起 4(was rising / arising from 5(has resulted from 6(arose from 10. 1(提速,加速 2(促进;促使……早日发生 3(acceleration

11. 1(拒绝考虑'观点、意见、可能性等( 2(解雇 3(允许离开;解散 4(dismissal 12. 1(n. 事业 2(vt. 导致,使发生 3(reason→cause

13. 1(annoys;that 2(annoyance 3(annoying 4(annoyed

14. 1(in the hope that 2(hope 接副词 3(hope 接否定 4(hope 接不定式 5(不抱……希望 15. 1(in addition to 2(not only;but also 3(furthermore 4(moreover 5(as well


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1. 1(call it 2(按照……方式 3(按照……方式'conj. ( 4(正如……'关系代词( 5(as to 6(as it is 7(as usual 8(as for 9(as if 10(so as to 11(as if to say

2. 1(达到……数量 2(具备……能力 3(符吅 4(搞……名堂 5(取决于 6(由……决定

30 分钟实战演练

1. transport 2. district 3. advance 4. anniversary 5. permitted 6. official 7. beyond 8. impatient 9. irresponsible 10. invitation 11. arising from 12. speed up 13. making up for 14. make better use of 15. take any notice of 16. linked up 17. leading to 18. choke off 19. damage;are doing 20. picking up 21. These new ways of digging accelerated the pace of London Undergrounds development. 22. Having seen the situation,a wealthy American businessman tried to improve the system of the railway. 23. The storm washed away soil along the road and part of the road is still under repair. 24. The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from these accidents has increased greatly over the past year. 25. Some cyclists make the assumption that traffic laws do not apply to them. 26—30 BAACA 31—35 DBCAB 36—40 BAADB 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 ABBDC 6—10 CDADB 11—15 AACDB 16—20 DBACB 21—25 CBADA

One possible version

The number of the traffic accidents has been growing in recent years. As can be seen from the graph,there were 570,000 traffic accidents,and 109,000 people were killed in 2004. By October 2005,the number of the accidents had reached 566,000,in which 95,600 people lost their lives. While the number of the cars makes up only 2% of the total of the world,the rate of the deaths is 22% ,making China a country with the highest death rate of traffic accidents in the world.

The main reason why so many traffic accidents have happened is that the roads are too crowded and people ignore traffic rules. In order to reduce the traffic accidents,first,the government should take some proper measures,such as developing public transport. Second,people should obey traffic rules,especially the drivers.Only when people have decided to take action will traffic problems be solved.

Module 8 Unit 1 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. wise;wisdom 2. adapt;adaptation 3. simple;simply;simplify;simplicity 4. civil;civilization; civilize 5. educate; education; educated; educator 6. acquaint; acquaintance; acquainted 7. normal;abnormal 8. resist;resistance 9. pity;pity;pitiful 10. spin;spin;spun;spinning 11. mistake;mistake; mistook;mistaken;mistaken 12. scarfs/ scarves 13. poetic;poem;poet;poetry 14. type;typical;typically 15. crime;criminal;criminal 16. exhibit;exhibition 17. company;companion 18. compare;comparison 19. literature;literary 20. constitution;constitutional 21. generous;generously;generosity 22. tension;tense; tense 23. twist;twist 24. abrupt;abruptly;abruptness 25. constant;constantly 26. reminder;remind 27. shabby;shabbier;shabbiest;shabbily;shabbiness 28. rigid;rigidly;rigidness 29. civil;civilly 30. theme 31. wealth;wealthy 32. statue;statue 课标内重点短语:

1. in print 2. be well received 3. have a place in the world 4. have a good reputation for 5. by his death 6. make an abrupt decision 7. set sb. free from 8. have a prejudice against / be prejudiced against 9. be bent on 10. give away the story 11. develop the shortcomings of being shallow 12. make the acquaintance of 13. take sb. to court 14. become famous nationwide overnight 15. have much / little talent for football 16. at the sight of /catch the sight of 17. let out a sad sigh 18. give a rating of 5 to

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1. 1(定居 2(安顿 3(解决 4(定居下来 5(安稳地坐下来 6(安心下来做某事,认认真真做某事 2. 1(反抗,抵抗 2(压制 3(耐得住 4(resist sneaking 5(much resistance 6(resistant to 3. 1(does harm to;harms 2(harmful 3(harmful 4(harmless

4. 1(b 2(c 3(a 4(趋势,倾向 5('性格等的(偏好 6('作品等的(意向,旨趣

5. 1(伤害 2(虐待 3(滥用 4(谩骂 5(She was arrested because of child abuse. 6(Abusing posi tions is one big problem in China.

6. 1(vt. 重读 2(vt. 强调'说( 3(n. 重音 4(n. 强调,重视 7. 1(dying 2(bent on 3(is determined to

8. 1(in sight of 2(lost sight of 3(in/ within sight 4(In the sight of 5(At first sight 6(lost sight of 7(At the sight of 8(out of sight 9(caught sight of 10(on sight 9. 1(acquaint 2(acquainted 3(acquaintance 4(acquainted 句型篇

1. 1(we have learnt much about American history 2(the earth is seriously polluted 3(makes him easy to get on with 4(makes him hard to persuade 5(Too many new words will make it difficult for students to read. 6(Doing more reading can make it easy for people to broaden their vision. 2. 1(A 2(you didnt smoke in our room 3(he hadnt eaten her sweets 4(他买了几袋橙汁,而没有采摘花园里的橙子自己榨汁。

3. 1(What he wants to tell us is not clear. 2(Who will win the match is still unknown. 3(It is known to us how he became a writer. 4(Where the English evening will be held has not yet been announced.

30 分钟实战演练

1. expectations 2. antique 3. Misfortune 4. pressed 5. exhibition 6. constitutions 7. generous 8. monument 9. Statue 10. abrupt 11. tendency 12. abnormal 13. reminder 14. adapted 15. acquaint 16. shortened 17. uncertainty 18. factual 19. simply 20. literary 21. The use of ancient English vocabulary makes these books difficult for people to read. 22. I dont think these classics are connected with modern life. 23. I recognized her at the sight of her. 24. They are bent on changing the backward look of their motherland. 25. This book is meant for children. 26. against;with 27. as;in 28. with 29. of;out 30. from;By 31. to;out 32. with;to 33. in 34. on 35. at;on 36—40 AADCA 41—45 BBABD 综吅能力测试篇

1—5 BCACD 6—10 ABDAC 11—15 CDBAB 16—20 DCBAD 21. code 22. cipher 23. messages 24. informed 25. destroying 26. marked 27. hide 28. figuring 29. knowing/ learning 30. inventor

One possible version

Nowadays,with the fast development of the Internet,the amount of daily reading of each person is sharply increasing. However,the number of students reading classic literature is on the decrease. Recently,our class have held a discussion about whether it is necessary for students to read classic literature. Opinions vary.30% of the students think we should read classics. For one thing,they are the antiques of the literary world. They were well written and well received for a long time. For another,they show the wisdom of our ancestors,which is a treasure to us people today. One the contrary,70% of them hold the opposite opinion. They dont see much importance in reading them.Most of the works are out of date and difficult to read due to the language they used. Whats more,with the fast pace of modern life,we dont have enough spare time to read them carefully.In my opinion,classics have their unique charm. They can be read or they can also be presented in other forms of art,such as films or storytelling.

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Module 8 Unit 2 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. cast;cast;cast 2. marry;marriage 3. desire 4. hire/ employ;unemployment 5. direct;director 6. dare 7. decline 8. trend 9. appeal;appealing 10. witness 11. deserve 12. draft 13. swing;swung; swung 14. privilege 15. discriminate;discrimination 16. match 17. affection 18. personnel 19. tremble 20. fame;famous 课标内重点短语:

1. fall in love 2. be drunk with 3. exercise control over 4. break ones promise 5. apply to sb. for sth. 6. make a fortune 7. be drafted into 8. break up 9. play an important role in 10. be anchored in 11. be intended for 12. turn out 13. cut short 14. get married 15. fall silent 16. be set in 17. take on 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(vt. 目击 2(vt. 见证 3(vi. 证明 4(n. 目击者 5(n. 证人

2. 1(He has a strong desire for the success in the election. 2(He has a strong desire to make success in the election. 3(The voters expressed their desire that he 'should(win in the election. 4(The queen desires that you 'should(come at once. 5(desired 6(desired the Party to/ desired;win

3. 1(F;dares 后加to 2(T 3(T 4(F;去掉to 5(T 6(I would imagine that he has forgotten. I dare say. 7(How dare he take my bicycle without ever asking?

4. 1(指路,指引 2(指挥,指导 3(导演 4(命令'从句虚拟( 5(direct 6(director 7(direction 8( direct adv. 9(directly

5. 1(This is a matter that deserves consideration. 2(Your advice deserves to be considered. 3(The plan deserves considering. 4(to be paid well;paying well 6. 1(d 2(a 3(b 4(a 5(c 6(on the decline

7. 1(F;去掉with 2(F;with→to 3(F;got→been 4(D

8. 1(打碎 2(分裂 3(破裂 4(中断 5(broken out 6(break through 7(broken in 8(was broken into 9(broken down 10(broke off 11(break away

9. 1(雇用 2(出现'面貌(;具有'特征( 3(同……较量;迎战 4(承担'责仸( 句型篇

1. 1(leaving her crying 2(leaving him alone at home 3(leaving 50,000 houses without power 4(leaving him to take over the experiment 5(half done 6(C 7(B

2. 1(D 2(whichever 3(whenever 4(whomever 5(whatever 6(however 7(F;whomever→ whoever 8(F;whatever→whichever 9(C;A 10(It looks as if its going to rain. 11(The room looked in a mess,as if a bomb had fallen on it. 12(D 13(D

30 分钟实战演练

1. desire 2. witnesses 3. deserved 4. discrimination 5. transformed 6. status 7. trend 8. draft 9. mental 10. affection 11. mixture 12. universal 13. musician 14. marriage 15. unemployment 16. ter rified 17. affection 18. breathless 19. fame 20. swung 21. have arisen from 22. witnessed 23. is intended for;at the age of 24. No matter when;is;drunk with 25. What;had been drafted into 26. The beginning of this century witnessed the rapid development of cellphones. 27. The difficulties have arisen from the technology. 28. You have to apply to the passport office for the visa. 29. Since his father was bankrupt,he has always desired to make a big fortune. 30. Several years ago,the politician saw the trend that the relationship between these two countries would break up. 31—35 BABBD 36—40 CAABA


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1—5 ADBAA 6—10 DAADC 11—15 BBCDB 16—20 CADBD 21. sales 22. over 23. period 24. lasting 25. Reasons 26. Favourite 27. wellknown/ famous 28. everything/ all 29. partners 30. retailers 31—34 BACD

One possible version

Anderson was born in Philadelphia in 1897. During her childhood,she sang in church choirs. When she applied for admission to a local music school in 1917,she was turned down because she was black. Unable to attend music school,she began her career as a singer for church gatherings. In 1929,she went to Europe to study vocal music and spent five years performing there. Her voice was widely praised throughout Europe. In 1935,she returned to the US and became a top concert singer after performing in New York City.

Racism again affected Anderson in 1939,but she never gave up. Her voice was praised as牶“Heard only once in a hundred years. ”In 1958,she was a US delegate to the United Nations and won the UN Peace Prize in 1977.Anderson eventually triumphed over racism.

Model 9 Unit 1 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. defend;defence 2. waste;waste;waste 3. freezing;freeze;froze;frozen 4. locate;location 5. mix;mixture 6. upwards;downwards 7. settle;settlement 8. enthusiast;enthusiastic;enthusiasm 9. immigrate;immigration;immigrant 10. permanent;permanently 11. preference;prefer 12. impressive;impression 13. occupy;occupied;occupied 14. liberate;liberation 15. register;register 16. absolute;absolutely 17. weakness;weak 18. fit;unfit 19. equip;equipment 20. export;import 21. patience;patient 22. participant;participate 23. compete;competition;competitor 课标内重点短语:

1. be equipped with 2. be worthy of/ be worth + n. / doing 3. as far as I am concerned 4. be fond of 5. be located in 6. be home to 7. cater to 8. owing to 9. be bound to 10. put aside 11. be short for 12. in total 13. second only to 14. be thrilled by 15. in addition to / apart from/ besides 16. have a preference for 17. the strengths and weaknesses of 18. participate in 19. be content to do sth. 20. weather conditions 21. be abundant / rich in 22. distinguish A from B 23. occupy oneself in doing sth. 或be occupied with sth. / in doing sth. 或occupy oneself with sth. / in doing sth. 24. owe. . . to 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(保护 2(辩解 3(辩护 4(为了……辩护

2. 1(冻结;结冰 2(冰冻的,极冷的 3(冷淡的 4(冷冻食品 5(被冻死

3. 1(充裕的 2(充足的;多的 3(在……方面丰富;be rich in 4(抙弃 5(放弃;停止做'某事(6(放纵;放仸 7(沉湎于

4. 1(感激 2(归功于 3(欠钱 4(由于;因为

5. 1(占用 2(占领 3(担仸 4(从事,忙于,专心于…… 5(从事于……,忙于……,专心于……

6. 1(vt. 使满意 2(vt. 满足 3(n. 目录 4(n. 'pl. (内容;所容之物 5(乐于做某事 6(对……表 示满意

7. 1(可抓'或抱(的范围 2(领会 3(抓住'机会( 4(精通 5('能力所及的(范围,限度

8. 1(记录;名单 2(记录;登记 3('机器(显示,记录 4(现出,露出'表情( 5(用挂号方式邮寄 9. 1(迎吅 2(满足……的需要

10. 1(for 2(to 3(in 4(客人们可以优先选择座位。 5(教师不应该对仸何学生有偏爱。 11. 1(留下;储存 2(搁在一边 3(抙开;撇开'……暂且不谈(

12. 1(简称为 2(是……的缩写形式 3(缺乏,不足 4('时间、金钱等(不足的;不够的

13. 1(就我而言;我认为 2(远到,直到 3(据我所知 4(就其本身而言 5(prep. 关于 6(有关当局'concerned a

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dj. 有关的,涉及的( 7(忧虑的父母'adj. 担心的,忧虑的( 8(关心……;担心…… 9(与……有关;关于……


分词独立主格结构 1(working 2(being 3(permitting 4(finished 5(to do

30 分钟实战演练

1. equipped 2. freezing 3. abundant 4. occupies 5. location 6. countless 7. register 8. participant 9. permanent 10. monument 11. devotion 12. impressive 13. preference 14. patience 15. mixture 16. occupied 17. participated 18. competitors 19. register 20. weakness 21. are;concerned about 22. oc cupy myself in 23. was impressed with 24. In addition to 25. consists of 26. distinguish between 27. There being;walk 28. caught 29. delivered 30. permitting 31. polluted;flowing 32. remaining;included 33. to deal 34. were sent 35. havent felt 36. had been booked 37. has happened 38—42 DABDC 43—47 ABCBB 48—50 DCC

Module 9 Unit 2 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. politics;political 2. defeat;beat 3. smooth;smooth 4. enlarge;large 5. explosion;explode;explo sive 6. construction;construct 7. restore;restoration 8. professional;profession 9. unintentionally;intentionally 10. educational;education 11. sunburn;sunburnt 12. symbolize;symbol 13. appoint;appointment 14. withdraw;withdrew;withdrawn 15. comfortably;comfortable;comfort 16. permission;permit 17. insurance;insure 18. inspect;inspection 19. recognition;recognize 20. protection;protect 21. regulation;regulate 22. raise;raised;raised 课标内重点短语:

1. in particular 2. seize control of 3. be charged with 4. sentence sb. to death 5. in terms of 6. part and parcel 7. be convenient for/ to sb. to do sth. 8. associate A with B 9. meet the deadline 10. make advances in 11. appoint sb. to do sth. 12. in good condition 13. in preparation for 14. have an impact on 15. on display 16. care about 17. in a gesture to do sth. 18. be responsible for 19. accuse sb. of 20. under the protection of 21. avoid doing sth. 22. be open to the public 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(光滑的 2(平坦的 3(风平浪静的 4(调匀的 5(弄平 6(克服'困难( 7(使……平整/ 平滑 2. 1(打败;战胜 2(使失败;使受挫 3(失败;击败 4(conquered 5(defeated 6(overcame 3. 1(缩回 2(取款 3(撤军 4(从'学校(……领回

4. 1(幸运的 2(侥幸的 3(发财n. C 4(财富n. C 5(财富n. U 6(幸好adv.

5. 1(判决,宣判 2(句子 3(判处……五年监禁 4(被判死刑;beat / starve sb. to death 6. 1(捉住 2(突袭 3(扣押 4(理解 5(抓住机会 6(抓住小偷的胳膊 7(夺取对……控制权 7. 1(仸命;委派 2(指定;约定 3(仸命某人为…… 4(与某人约会

8. 1(打扰;烦扰 2(费心'常用于否定句或疑问句( 3(费心/ 费力做某事

9. 1(要价 2(索价 3(收费 4('与to,连用(记账;在账册等上记入…… 5('常与with 连用(受 到……指控 6(充电 7(负责…… 8(由……负责/ 掌管

10. 1(脏点;斑点 2(痕迹;标志 3(分数 4(弄污;使有斑点'伤痕等( 5(打分数;评成绩 6(用……作记号于…… 7(扣'某人(的分

11. 1(就……而言 2(从短期来看 3(在'金融(方面

12. 1(特别地'= especially( 2(对…… 挑剔;对…… 讲究 3(particularly/ specially 4(particular 5(specially 6(specially / particularly 7(especially

30 分钟实战演练

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高三第一轮复习资料 英语

1. charged 2. fortunate 3. steady 4. deadline 5. pyramids 6. permission 7. raised 8. influenced 9. construction 10. professional 11. constructing 12. responsible 13. smoothly 14. symbolizes 15. educational 16. theft 17. preparation 18. insurance 19. recognition 20. appointment 21—25 DAAAC 26—30 BACDA 31—35 BDDAB

Module 9 Unit 3 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. values;valuable 2. starvation;starve 3. conclusion;conclude 4. motto 5. justice;injustice 6. elect;election 7. tolerate 8. independence;independent 9. passive 10. declaration;declare 11. salute 12. firework 13. spiritual;spirit 14. idiom 15. separation;separate 16. tasty;taste 17. uniform 18. identification;identify 19. intelligence;intelligent 20. political;politics 课标内重点短语:

1. be independent of 2. stand for 3. rid. . . of 4. have a say 5. date back to / date from 6. correspond to 7. resign oneself to 8. calm down 9. for instance / for example 10. be considerate of / to / towards sb. 11. be outspoken about 12. remind sb. of sth. 13. relate to / associate with / connect with 14. fall in love with 15. be loyal to 16. be successful in doing sth. 17. name. . . after 18. think. . . to be/ consider. . . to be / as 19. make a statement 20. be unconscious / unaware of 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(vt. 清除,扫除 2(vt. 使摆脱 3(迅速了结,收拾 4(除掉 5(摆脱

2. 1(tolerate + n. 2(tolerate + doing 3(tolerate + 'sb. (+ doing 4(tolerance 5(tolerant 6(tolerantly

3. 1(oppose + n. 2(oppose + 'sb. ( + doing 3(be opposed to 反对 4(in opposition to 相反,对立

4. 1(符吅,一致 2(相当 3(交流,通信 4(correspondence 一致

5. 1(resign . . . to 委托 2(resign oneself to 听仸,听从,顺从 3(辞职 6. 1(行军,进行 2(使同行 3(前进 4(在进行中

7. 1(组成 2(列清单 3(凑足,补充 4(弥补 5(化妆 6(组成,占有 7(和解 8(C 9(C 8. 1(T 2(F;dated→dating 3(F;dated→dates 9. 1(there is a link 2(is linked to

10. 1(涉及 2(相处得好 3(与……有关 4(related to 谈到,涉及 5(am related to 与……有亲戚关系

30 分钟实战演练

1. tolerate 2. elected 3. calm 4. value 5. defeated 6. opposed 7. intelligence 8. tasty 9. declaration 10. considerate 11. conclusion 12. purity 13. spiritual 14. equality 15. identification 16. starve to death 17. made a statement 18. stand for 19. are unaware of 20. considerate to others 21—25 BBBBB 26—30 CCCDA 31—34 DBBB

Module 9 Unit 4 词汇篇

一、重点词汇回顾 课标内重点单词:

1. vague 2. straightforward 3. underline 4. breast 5. impure 6. competence 7. sickness;sick 8. burden 9. bishop 10. figure 11. Christianity 12. butcher 13. merchant 14. cottage 15. overhear 16. cleanshaven 17. beard 18. westwards 19. salary 20. reading 21. guesthouse 22. multiply 23. circumstance 课标内重点短语:

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高三第一轮复习资料 英语

1. instruct sb. to do sth. 2. by and by 3. kill the fatted calf 4. polish up 5. mend ones ways 6. over time 7. center around 8. as such 9. in other words 10. on ones behalf / on behalf of 11. among others / other things 12. in honor of 13. for instance 14. throw away 15. have a thorough understanding of 16. dream of 17. wake up 18. remind sb. of sth. 19. in use 20. Journey to the west 二、词汇的用法讲解与操练

1. 1(负担,支撑 2(牢记在心 3(承担 4(容忍 5(忍受

2. 1(命令,指示 2(教,教导 3(通知 4(to teach sb. sth. 教,教导 5(instructed sb. in 指导

3. 1(负载,负荷 2(负担 3(责仸,担子 4(负有重担,忙于 5(to bear 6(burdened 7(undertake /take on 8(load 9(take on

4. 1(作为祭品 2(损失,亏本 3(牺牲,放弃 4(牺牲,放弃 5(牺牲,献身

5. 1(数字 2(外形,体形 3(人物,身份 4(轮廓 5(认为 6(演算,计算 7(想出 8(算出 9(弄清 6. 1(解释,说明 2(认为是……的意思 3(口译,翻译 4(interpretation;interpreter

7. 1(财产,拥有物'常用复数( 2(拥有,占有,所有 3(in the possession of 4(taken / had possession of 8. 1(情况'under no circumstances 放句首,句子倒装( 2(境况 3(surroundings 4(environment 5(cir cumstance

9. 1(擦亮 2(提高,改进 3(build up 4(speed up 5(clearing up 6(polish up 7(light up 10. 1(就本身而论 2(正因为如此 3(如所指,照那样 4(as such 5(such as

30 分钟实战演练

1. behalf 2. underline 3. mend 4. competence 5. polish 6. thorough 7. interpreter 8. possessions 9. loose 10. swift 11. expression 12. sharpen 13. instructions 14. merciful 15. suffering 16. in use 17. by and by 18. mend his ways 19. polish up 20. in possession of 21. on his behalf 22. as such 23. reminded;of 24. kill the fatted calf 25. referred to as 26. referred to as 27. is meant to 28. has mended his ways and come home 29. figure out 30. Under/ At no circumstances 31—35 DCADB 36—40 BCCDD

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