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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?


假如你是方婷,就读于一所国际学校的七年级五班。你们学校准备组织一场校园晚会,现向全校学生征集节目。你特别喜欢音乐,钢琴弹得很好,因此你想在晚会上表演。请你给晚会筹备组的负责人Mrs. Jackson写一封不少于60词的自荐信。 【任务分析】

要想通过自荐信使晚会筹备组对自己的节目产生兴趣,就必须在信中说明自己的优势,如钢琴弹奏得有多好,自己准备的节目有多特别等等。另外,还需要在自荐信中写明自己的联系方式,以便晚会筹备组和自己取得联系。 【学生习作】 Dear Mrs. Jackson,

I’m Fang Ting from Class 5, Grade 7. I really want to play the piano at the school party. I’m good at playing the piano. I can write songs, too. If I can play at the party, I will write a new song for it.

My telephone number is 804-0032. Or you can e-mail me at fangting9034@sina.com.

Yours, Fang Ting


1. 该习作格式正确,语句通顺,诚恳地向Mrs. Jackson表达了自己想参加晚会的意愿,并说明了自己想要表演的节目及自身优势。

2. 作者只从自己的角度对自身优势进行了说明。如果能加入别人对自己的评价以及自己的一些经历,说服力就更强了。 【习作改进】 Dear Mrs. Jackson,

I’m Fang Ting from Class 5, Grade 7. I really want to play the piano at the school party. I’m good at playing the piano. Many of my friends and family say I am a good player. I can write songs, too. I often write songs for my parents and friends. They all like my songs. If I can play at the party, I will write a new song for it.

My telephone number is 804-0032. Or you can e-mail me at fangting9034@sina.com.

Yours, Fang Ting

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?



活动安排 时间 7:00 am 8:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 4:00 pm 【任务分析】

该写作任务要求向不会说中文的同学描述活动安排,因此,语言要简明、清晰,要把表格中的要点全部表达清楚。如果有注意事项,也需要特别说明。 【学生习作】

We need to meet at the school gate at 7 o'clock in the morning and then go to the museum by bus. We will leave at 7:10. Group 1 takes the red bus and Group 2 takes the blue bus. At 8 o'clock we can get to the museum and start to visit. At 12 we have lunch. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon we go to the zoo. At 4 we go back to school. 【习作点评】

1. 该习作详细、完整、准确地表达了表格中的所有内容,能够使Mike充分了解本次校外活动的安排。

2. 该习作中提到了很多时间点及对应的活动,但句式单一,重点不够突出,没有强调需要注意的内容。这样描述此次活动,听起来比较枯燥,也不容易给Mike留下深刻的印象。如果能使句式更多样、重点更突出,该习作就更完美了。

内容 备注 校门口集合,乘大巴车去博1. 7:10出发 物馆 到达博物馆开始参观 午餐 出发去动物园参观 参观结束返回学校 2. 1组乘红色大巴,2组乘蓝色大巴 / / / / 【习作改进】

We need to meet at the school gate at 7 o'clock in the morning and then go to the museum by bus. We will leave at 7:10. Group 1 takes the red bus and Group 2 takes the blue bus. Don't get on the wrong bus. At 8 o'clock we can get to the museum and start to visit. At 12 we have lunch. Then we go to the zoo at 1 o'clock. The school trip finishes at 4 and then we go back to school.

Unit 3 How do you get to school?


假如你是赵华,你的新朋友杰克(Jack)来自英国,上个月刚刚来到你所在的城市。本周末他想去新华影院(Xinhua Cinema)看电影,但是不知道该采用哪种交通方式去,他写了一封电子邮件向你询问。请你根据下面的提示信息,给他回一封不少于60词的电子邮件,向他提供建议。 交通方式 步行 乘出租车 乘公共汽车 【任务分析】

该写作任务要求通过电子邮件告诉杰克去电影院的不同方式,因此,除了要注意格式正确以外,还要把采用各种交通方式所需的时间及注意事项讲清楚。 【学生习作】 Dear Jack,

You can walk to the cinema. It takes about 40 minutes. You can also take a taxi to go to the cinema. Usually it only takes about 10 minutes, but you need to pay 15 yuan. You can take the bus to the cinema, too. The bus ride takes about 20 minutes. You need to walk about 3 minutes after you get off the bus.

Yours, Zhao Hua


所需时间 约40分钟 约10分钟 15元 约20分钟 下车后步行约3分钟 注意事项 / 1. 该习作格式正确,详细、完整地表达了提示信息中的所有内容,便于杰克对去电影院的各种交通方式进行比较。

2. 该习作列举了三种可以到达电影院的交通方式,如果能在开头加一句进行总体说明,会给杰克留下更清晰的印象。

3. 该习作是一篇回复对方询问的电子邮件,如果在邮件末尾加上与对方的互动内容,会使习作显得更加完整。 【习作改进】 Dear Jack,

You have three ways to get to Xinhua Cinema. You can walk to the cinema. It takes about 40 minutes. You can also take a taxi to go to the cinema. Usually it only takes about 10 minutes, but you need to pay 15 yuan. You can take the bus to the cinema, too. The bus ride takes about 20 minutes. You need to walk about 3 minutes after you get off the bus. Which way do you like? Yours, Zhao Hua

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.



1. 每天早上6:30起床; 家规 2. 每天下午6:00之前必须到家; 3. 周一到周五晚上不准看电视和玩电脑游戏; 4. 周末打扫房间。 看法 …… 要求: 1. 电子邮件须包括所有要点提示;2. 内容可适当发挥,不少于60词。 【任务分析】


【思路点拨】 开头称呼→Dear Sue ... ↓

具体介绍四条家规,并表达自己的看法 →I have to ... every morning. After school, I have to ... I can’t ... on school nights. At weekends, I have to ... I think these rules ... ↓

结尾署名→Yours, Anna 【范文展示】 Dear Sue,

I have to follow some rules at home. I have to get up at 6:30 every morning. After school, I have to get home before 6:00. I have too much homework to do after school, so I can't watch TV or play computer games on school nights. At weekends, I have to clean my room. I'm always very busy. I think these rules are terrible, because sometimes I really want to relax. Yours, Anna

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?




