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绅士守则1、坚持你自己的原则 2、穿的衣服必须给你带来愉悦,不做服装的奴隶 3、不要肆无忌惮地打喷嚏 4、保持谦虚的态度(换句话说,要骄傲得巧妙一 点) 5、别把钱包塞到裤子后面的口袋里 6、非常有礼貌地感谢为你服务的人,例如开门的门卫 7、把座位让给老弱病孕残,还有漂亮小姐 8、每周有一次记得把你的皮鞋全擦亮 9、说话时看着对方的眼睛(说谎时更要做到这一点) 10、锻炼自己勇于承认错误的能力 11、请节约使用上面一条锻炼出来的能力 12、当你被无礼地对待时也不要忘了保持绅士风度 13、帮女士提行李 14、熟练掌握一门外语 15、用钱包装钱,不要随便用别的夹子

16、把所有的卡装在卡片夹中 17、绅士喝茶时看的书报杂志最能体现他的品位与趣味 18、不要只是因为她生气了才送花给她 19、永记女士优先这句话 20、从不想当然地说话做事 21、得到别人的允许才能抽烟 22、上车下车时帮女士开关车门 23、学会说幽默亲切的祝酒词 24、不要害怕收回你之前的意见

What I've done is compile a quick list of tips that will help turn even the most blundering fool into a proper gentleman. Follow these simple tips and I can assure you that people will perceive you as a man of good breeding and taste, hence a man they wish to associate and conduct business with. Not to mention the fact that the ladies are always quite pleased to meet a real gentleman.

general Do not curse Do not speak loudly Do not lose your temper Do not stare Do not interrupt Do not spit Respect your elders Do not laugh at others' mistakes

Gentlemen, if I may call you that, these are the rules of etiquette you should observe in everyday life. Elevate yourself above the rabble and display the mannerisms of a true gentleman. The world will appreciate such a rarity and your career will most definitely benefit from your good manners and savoir-faire

