美术英语 课后问答题和翻译归纳

更新时间:2023-11-23 00:30:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




1. what do Apollonian reason and Dionysian intuition mean?

Apollonian to mean the principle of order, logic, clarity, moderation, and contral in the human personality and in society. Dionysian to mean spontaneity, passion, intuition, and excess in human personality and rebellion against society.

2. What kind of the person are you? Apollonian or Dionysian?

I think my personality close to Dionysian's. I was actually more percepyual ,maybe sometimes I think I was reasonable deal with my job. But all of this is to satisfy my emotional needs. In addition ,I appreciate the sentiment ,regardless of family or friendship.

3. Apollo and Dionysus are with us every day of our lives.Can you tell some examples?

I have a friend,she is so Dionysian. She don't like to concentrate on a problem in math;always dreaming in braightday.


4. How imagination can be triggered?Please give an example.

There are many different ways our imagination can be triggered.

To do more than one dream and there is no relationship between the two things put them together.

5. Tell the different between the “making”of a work of art and the “making” of

something else.

The “making”of a work of art maybe is more beautful than the “making” of something else

6. Can you tell the difference of the three kinds of audience of the artist? (你能区分这三种听众)

Art critics have an open mind and have the ability to absorb new ideas.

The audience who have a little knowledge of art ,they don't know the true meaning of art. The audience who are laymen maybe they have no idea about art. 艺术评论家们有一个开放的头脑和有能力吸收新思想。 艺术的观众有点知识,他们不知道艺术的真谛。 那些门外汉的观众也许他们不知道对艺术。


7. Many people go to the Louvre in Paris to see only this painting. They ignore other splendid

works by Leonardo that are hung nearby . Why?

There is something special in her eyes .And people may find this painting in the television advertisement.so people think this painting is so famous

8. Do you like the Mona Lisa?

I like this work, because the person has the feeling of male and female

9. Can you recognize the mysterious background of the Mona Lisa?

自行准备小抄 第8和第9段


10. How was the Impressionism started?Who were among the pioneers?

Impressionism was an art movement in France at the end of the 19th century. The Impressionists were a group of artists renowned for their innovative painting techniques and approach to using colour in art. The painter Jean-Baptiste Camile Corot and Gustave Courbet. 印象主义艺术运动在法国19世纪结束的时候。著名印象派画家是一群艺术家的创新使用色彩在艺术绘画技巧和方法。画家卡米尔和古斯塔夫·Courbet Corot -。

11. What is the key role of Edouard Manet?

Manet’s Dejeuner sur l’Herbe (1863)in many ways marked the beginning of the impressionist style马奈的《草地上的午餐》这作品多方面都标志着印象派风格的开端

12. Did the Impressionism painters become rich when they were alive?

13. why is Impressionism so appealing today?

It is ,no doubt,the single most popular style worldwide .It’s sunny . For this style (which,in a sence ,is still being practiced today)happens to have produced intriguing images of nature and humanity that help us to understand ourselves. 毫无疑问,这是风靡全球,最受青睐的风格。印象派阳光灿烂怡人,毫无威胁感,还有很多其它特点。主要原因是这种风格(在某种意义上,时至今日人们还在采用这种风格)恰好能为大自然和人类创造出一种迷人的意像,有助于人们了解和认识自己。

14. Van Gogh’s paintings sold at a remarkable price ,do you know how much?


Van gogh's paintings \


15. 什么是当代艺术?What characteristics are the contemporary arts?

Contemporary Art: Art from the 1960s or '70s up until this very minute. Contemporary just means \that has been and continues to be created during our lifetimes.\In other words, contemporary to us. This,in spite of the fact that Contemporary Art enjoys far more working artists making far more art.

16. 现代主义的特征? What characteristics are the modern arts?

Modern Art: Art from the impressionists(say, around 1880) up until the 1960s or 70s. I believe Modern Art began just as the Impressionists were winding down. let's just say that Modern Art began in the 19th-century, and ran through a whole slew of \

Modern Art means: \express those visions in their work, (3) use real life (social issues and images from modern life) as a source of subject matter and (4) experiment and innovate as often as possible.\


17. 艺术的定义? What is the definition of art?

I think that art plays a large part in making our lives infinitely rich. Art stimulates different parts of our brains to make us laugh.

On the other hand, art is such a large part of our everyday lives that we may hardly even stop to think about it. Look at the desk or table where you are, right this minute. Someone designed that. It is art. Your shoes are art. Your coffee cup is art. All functional design, well done, is art. So, you could say \aesthetically pleasing to our eyes.\




Mona Lisa( p60)

第二段: 这是油画板上的一幅画,高77厘米,宽53厘米。上面是一位意大利



那难以理解的微笑所表达的神秘莫测。这微笑使每个人都能从那朦胧的、雾一般的形象中为自己找到一点特别的东西。让我们来看一看这幅画,肖像本身很简单。 蒙娜·丽莎坐在椅子里转身向左,带着那个微笑看着观赏者,用16世纪美术史家和传记作家乔尔乔·瓦萨里的话来说这个微笑 “??是如此令人愉悦,与其说它真实还不如说它神圣。”她的坐姿端庄又充满活力。她的头发有些散乱,带着小卷披下来,衣着极简单,也没有戴首饰。一袭面纱挽在右臂,从头上顺左肩垂下。




浅谈达·芬奇 (英译中)




如果我有幸可以问他一些问题的话,我会问: 蒙娜·丽莎究竟是何许人也?


由于你不断地在《最后的晚餐》上做颜料实验,导致这副杰作上的颜色在你在世之时就开始褪色,每天都有颜料碎片落在地上,你认为这样有必要吗?(事实上,这幅作品现在只能依稀看到轮廓的影子)。 你厌恶米开朗基罗吗?









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