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1 Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important festival for Chinese people all over the world. It is also called the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year. The exact date of the Spring Festival on the Western calendar changes from year to year. However, Chinese New Year takes place between January 1 and February 19.

On the Chinese calendar every year has an animal's name. These animals are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. A Chinese legend says that these twelve animals had a race. The first year was named after the rat, the winner. The other eleven years were named according to the order in which the animals arrived in the race. The clever rat jumped onto the ox's back, and then at the end jumped over the ox's head to arrive first!

The Chinese believe that a person born in a

particular year has some of the characteristics of that animal.

lunar 月(亮)的

exact 确切的

calendar 日历

rat 鼠

ox 公 牛

rabbit 兔子

ram 公羊

rooster 公鸡

legend 传说

name after 按....命名

particular 特殊的 characteristic 特征

春 节

对于全世界的华人来说,中国的新年是最重要的节日。人们也称它为春节或农历新年。 公历春节的确切日期每年都在变化。但是春节一般都在 1 月 1 日 到 2 月 19 日 之间。 在农历中,每年都有一个生肖。这些生肖是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。据传说,这十二个动物举行了一次赛跑,第一年就以获胜者鼠命名,其他十一年就根据动物们到达终点的顺序命名。聪明的鼠跳在牛背上,在最后时刻跳过牛的头顶第一个到达终点!



1 Learning English in a New Environment

I was a little shy about talking to people when I first

arrived in America , but I had a strong desire to broaden my

horizons and meet new people . Once I gathered the courage to

start conversations with people , I found how easy it was to

make new friends .

Every day , I heard enough new English expressions to make my

head spin . I found that when I was honest and asked about the

meanings of unfamiliar expressions , Americans were very

helpful and took pains to explain them to me .

Native speakers of English tend to speak very fast , and at

first I was just stunned and looked at them with a dazed

expression on my face . I solved that problem by asking people

to speak more slowly .

broaden ? 开阔,拓宽

horizon ? 眼界,视野

courage? 勇气

spin? 晕头转向

take pains to explain 煞费苦心地解释

tend to speak 倾向于说

stunned ? 惊愕地

dazed 茫然地





2 Too Difficult To Spell

A policeman returned to his police station one evening and

reported to the sergeant that he had found an old car with no

license plates .

“ Where was it? ” asked the sergeant . “ In Ecclesiastes

Street , beyond the bridge ,” answered the policeman .

The sergeant opened the report book and began to write . He

asked the policeman how to spell the name of the street , but

he was not sure whether the spelling was correct . At last he

decided the name was too difficult for him to spell . So he

ordered the policeman to write the report . The policeman also

tried to spell the name of the street , but he couldn't ,

either . Then the policeman put his helmet on and began to

walk out slowly .

“ Where are you going? ” the sergeant asked .

“ Back to Ecclesiastes Street ,” answered the policeman . “

I'm going to push the car round the corner into Green Street


sergeant ? 警官

license plate 汽车牌照

helmet ? 头盔


一天傍晚,一个警察回到警察局,向警官报告说他发现了一辆没有牌照的旧汽车。 “车在哪里?”警官问。“在 Ecclesiastes 大街,在桥的那边。”警察回答。



“回到 Ecclesiastes 大街去,”警察回答,“我要把那辆车推到 Green 大街的拐角上去

3 Where Does the Word “ Robot ” Come From ?

The word robot comes from the Czech word robota , meaning

heavy labour . A robot is a machine that works automatically .

Robots can do a wide variety of tasks . They are especially

suitable for doing jobs too boring , difficult , or dangerous

for human beings . Robots efficiently carry out such routine

tasks as welding , drilling and painting automobile body parts

. They also produce plastic food containers and wrap ice cream

bars . Some industrial robots can even make electronic

equipment and watches . The science and technology that deals

with robots is called robotics .

A typical robot performs a task by following a set of instructions

that tells it exactly what must be done to complete the job .These

instructions are entered and stored in the robot's “ brain ” of a

computer or part of a computer .

efficiently ? 有效率地

routine ? 日常的,例行的


drill ? 钻孔

electronic ? 电子的

“ Robot ”(机器人)是如何得此名字的?

机器人 (Robot) 来源于捷克语 Robota 一词,意思是“累人的活”。机器人就是一种能自动操作的机器。机器人可以做许多工作,尤其适用于从事那些人们看来单调、困难、危险的工作。


4 Reading

I think that people should spend more time reading. Reading

has a lot of advantages. One of them is that it helps you

develop reading skills. You have to read if you want to become

a good reader. In other words, the more you read, the better

you get at reading.

Second, it helps develop a good vocabulary. Reading exposes

you to new words, and you see how those words are used.

Third, reading helps you develop good writing skills. If you

read a lot, it will help you become a good writer.

Finally, you can learn a lot from reading. You learn about

current events from reading newspapers. A novel that is set in

another country will help you learn about that country and how

people live there. There is no limit to what you can learn.

All this makes reading a beneficial activity.

expose ? 使……暴露于

current event 时事

beneficial ? 有益的






5 Three Jokes

Joke 1

Co-workers sympathized with my mother when she complained that

her back was really painful from moving furniture. “Why don't

you wait till your husband gets home?” someone asked. “I

could,” my mother told the group, “but the couch is easier to

move if he's not on it.”

Joke 2

A fourth grader asked the teacher's assistant, “how old are

you, Mrs. Glass?” “You should never ask an adult's age,” I

broke in. “That's okay.” Harriett smiled. “I'm fifty.” “Wow,

you don't look that old,” the boy said. I was about to breathe

a sigh of relief when another child chimed in, “Parts of her


Joke 3

My elderly neighbour and his wife were told there could be a

45-minute wait for a table at a popular restaurant as they had

no reservations. “Young man, we're both 90 years old,” he told

the waiter, “we may not have 45 minutes.” They were seated


co-worker 同事

sympathize ? 同情

couch ? 长沙发

a fourth grader 四年级的学生

a sigh of relief松了口气

chime (in) ? 插话








6 The 21st Birthday

All of his life George from Cape Breton had heard stories of

an amazing family tradition. It seems that his father,

grandfather and great-grandfather had all been able to walk on

water on their 21st birthday. On that day, they'd walk across

the lake to the boat club for their first legal drink.

So when George's 21st birthday came around, he and his pal

Corky took a boat out to the middle of the lake. George

stepped out of the boat and nearly drowned! Corky just managed

to pull him to safety.

Furious and confused, George went to see his grandmother.

“Grandma, it's my 21st birthday, so why can't I walk across


1 Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important festival for Chinese people all over the world. It is also called the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year.

The exact date of the Spring Festival on the Western calendar changes from year to year. However, Chinese New Year takes place between January 1 and February 19.

On the Chinese calendar every year has an animal's name. These animals are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. A Chinese legend says that these twelve animals had a race. The first year was named after the rat, the winner. The other eleven years were named according to the order in which the animals arrived in the race. The clever rat jumped onto the ox's back, and then at the end jumped over the ox's head to arrive first!

The Chinese believe that a person born in a particular year has some of the characteristics of that animal.

lunar月(亮)的 exact确切的 calendar日历 rat鼠 ox公牛 rabbit兔子 ram公羊 rooster公鸡 legend传说 name after按....命名 particular特殊的 characteristic特征

春 节


公历春节的确切日期每年都在变化。但是春节一般都在 1 月 1 日 到 2 月 19 日 之间。



2 A Teenager's Joke: Guidelines for Doing Schoolwork

My school had a policy about homework. Students should not spend more than ninety minutes per night doing homework. This is how I use the time for my work.

Fifteen minutes looking for assignment; Eleven minutes calling a friend for the assignment; Twenty three minutes explaining why the teacher is mean and does not like teenagers; Eight minutes in the bathroom; Ten minutes getting a snack; Seven minutes checking the TV Guide; Six minutes telling my parents that the teacher never explained the assignment; Ten minutes sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Mom or Dad to do the assignment.

guideline指导方针 policy政策per每assignment作业 mean低劣的snack小吃 TV guide电视指南




花二十三分 钟抱怨 老师为什么总是那么讨厌,为什么不喜欢我们这些十几岁的孩子;




3 The Toad and the Frog

A toad saw a frog near the road. He was a fat old frog. He sat and moaned and groaned. (叹息)

The toad said, “Do not moan and groan, Mr. Frog. Hop like me. Hop down the road.” So the frog and the toad went down the road to a big oak tree. “I am home,” said the toad. “Come in and I will make tea.”

But Mr. Frog said, in a deep croak, “I must not roam far from home. I will be off to my home near the pond.”

toad蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆 moan呻吟 hop跳跃 oak橡树 croak一种低而嘶哑的声音roam游荡;闲逛





4 A was an apple pie

A was an apple pieA是一个苹果(APPLE)派 B bit it B咬了(BIT)一口苹果派 C cut it C切开(CUT)苹果派

D dealt it D来分发(DEALT)苹果派 E eat it E吃了(EAT)一块苹果派

F fought for it F为了一块苹果派而与人打斗(FOUGHT) G got it G得到了(GOT)苹果派 H had itH也分到了(HAD)苹果派

I inspected itI来检查(INSPECTED)苹果派

J jumped for it J为得到了苹果派而欢蹦乱跳(JUMPED) K kept itK保存(KEPT)起了苹果派 L longed for it L渴望(LONGED)得到苹果派

M mourned for itM因没得到苹果派而伤心落泪(MOURNED) N nodded at it N对苹果派垂涎三尺(NODDED) O opened it O打开了(OPENED)苹果派 P peeped in itP觊觎(PEEPED)苹果派

Q quartered it Q把个苹果派分成了四份(QUARTERED) R ran for it R跑着(RAN)去抢苹果派 S sang for it S为苹果派而歌唱(SANG) T took it T拿走了(TOOK)苹果派 U upset itU打翻了(UPSET)苹果派 V viewed it V审视着(VIEWED)苹果派 W wanted it W想得到(WANTED)苹果派

XYZ and & all wished for a piece in hand. XYZ和所有孩子一样都想分到一块苹果派

5 Homestay in the US

My name is Jenny and I did a homestay in America. When I first met my host mother, Mary, she gave me a big hug. I was really shocked because I had never been hugged before, and I wasn’t sure how to respond. By the time I left America, though, I came to enjoy hugging and being hugged.

Shaking hands was also a challenge. My homestay father, Peter, looked at me straight in the eye and squeezed my hand firmly.

Both Mary and Peter wanted me to call them by their first names because they, as Americans, like informality. By using first names only, we felt friendlier towards each other.

homestay 家庭寄宿 host 东道主 hug 拥抱 shock 震惊 respond 回应 challenge 挑战 straight 直接地 squeeze 挤压 firmly 紧紧地 informality 随意 在美国家庭寄宿



6 Brothers and Sisters

My sister is a year older than me and we've been sharing a room since I was 3 years old. We are very close, but we also fight all the time. Our fights are never serious. I can't remember the cause of our fights now, but they were always over small things. Sometimes it was just over a particular word I used or maybe just because- my sister gave my teddy bear a hug and I was unhappy about it. We don't take our fights very seriously as if all the fights are a game. I think it's perfectly okay for kids to fight with their brothers or sisters. Now I'm a teenager, and I even think that they're sweet memories!

share 分享 serious 认真的 cause 原因 fight 打架 particular 特别的,特殊teddy bear 玩具熊 perfectly 完全 兄 弟 姐 妹


7 Thirty Days Hath September (Nursery Rhyme)三十天的是九月(童谣一首)

Thirty days hath September, 三十天的是九月

April, June, and November; 四月,六月和十一月; All the rest have thirty-one, 其余的月份都是三十一天, Except for February alone, 除了二月,

It has twenty-eight days clear, 二月只有二十八天,

And twenty-nine on each Leap Year.每个闰年二月有二十九天

hath (古英语)=has leap year 闰年 8 Two Dumplings

A young man had a small business. He worked very hard, and he made a lot of money. One day, he had dinner with a businessman. He wanted the man to become his business partner. When they finished the dinner, there were two dumplings left.

The young man told the waitress: "Please pack them in a doggy bag and I'd like to take them home.Soon the businessman decided to work together with the young man. He said, "The young man is great. He has lots of money but he won't waste it.

dumpling 饺子 partner 伙伴 waitress 女服务员 pack 包 doggy bag (饭店里客人将吃剩食物打包带走时用的)纸包 两个饺子


9 A Visit to the City Centre

On their first day in the capital, Diana and Peter visited the Old Tower which stood on a hill near the city centre. There were stairs leading to the top, but Diana and Peter decided to take the lift. At the top there was a café and a balcony where visitors could stand and enjoy the view. It was magnificent — you could see the whole city, the river and the hills beyond.On their way back from the Tower, Diana and Peter went past the main square in the city centre. They stopped at a stall to have some orange juice, and sat and watched the traffic for a while. The square was very busy, with cars, buses, bicycles and pedestrians going in all directions. In the centre of the square there was a policeman controlling the traffic.

stair 楼梯 take the lift 乘电梯 balcony 阳台 magnificent 壮观的 stall 摊点 pedestrian 行人 control 控制 游览市中心



10 Rain, Rain, Go Away(Nursery Rhyme) 雨,雨,走开吧(童谣一首)

Rain, rain, go away, 雨,雨,走开吧, But not on me. 但不要下在我身上。

Come again another day. 改天再来吧, Rain, rain, go away, 雨,雨,走开吧,

Rain, rain, go to Spain, 雨,雨,去西班牙吧, Come again on washing day. 洗衣服的那天再来吧。

Never show your face again. 不要再出现了。 Rain, rain, go to Germany, 雨,雨,去德国吧,

Rain, rain, pour down, 雨,雨,尽情地下吧, And remain there permanently. 永远待在那里吧

But not a drop on our town. 但是一滴也不要下到我们镇上来。Rain, rain, go away, Rain on the green grass, 雨下在碧绿的草地上, Come on Martha's wedding day.

And rain on the tree, 雨下在树上,

And rain on the housetop, 雨下在房顶上, remain 保持,逗留permanently 永远地 11 An Embarrassing Show

The day of the school science fair had finally arrived, and Lisa was both nervous and excited. She couldn't wait to show off her volcano model at the fair. She might even win the first prize!

As Lisa was setting up her volcano, she noticed her friend Alex's project on the table the solar system, and Lisa was glad to help. He never told her he as going to enter it in the Science Fair! His model was painted beautifully in different colours. Finally Alex got the first place and Lisa felt very embarrassed.

fair 展览会 nervous 神经紧张的,不安的 excited 兴奋的 show off 炫耀 volcano 火山 project 设计,计划

create 创作,创造 solar system 太阳系 embarrassed 觉得难堪的 一次令人难堪的展览


12 Humour — Things Your Mother Wouldn’t Say幽默——母亲不会说的话

"Be good and I'll buy you a motorcycle for your birthday! “你表现好,我就给你买辆摩托车作为生日礼物!”

"How on earth can you see the TV sitting so far back?" “你怎么能够坐得这么远看电视呢?”

"Don's bother wearing a jacket — it's quite warm out. “不用麻烦再穿夹克衫了——外面很暖和。”

"Let me smell that shirt — yeah, it's good for another week. “让我闻闻这件衬衫——好,还可以再穿一个星期。”

"I think a cluttered bedroom is a sign of creativity.? “我觉得乱七八糟的卧室也是创造力的表现。”

"Yeah, I used to skip school, too.? “好,我以前也逃过课。”

"Just leave all the lights on...it makes the house more cheery. “就让所有的灯都开着吧??这样的房间更令人愉快。”

"Could you turn the music up louder so I can enjoy it, too? “你可以把音乐开得再响一点吗?这样我也可以欣赏它。”

humour 幽默 motorcycle 摩托车 on earth 究竟 smell 闻 cluttered 混乱的 sign 预兆,表现 creativity 创造力 skip 跳 cheery 愉快的 13 Dogs

People often say that a dog is man's best friend. Over thousands of years, man has taught his dogs to do many kinds of work besides guarding the home. For example, sheepdogs are famous for their ability to control a flock of hundreds of sheep.

Dogs have been used to aid disabled people for centuries. A guide dog can lead its blind owner. Nowadays, dogs can be taught to turn on light switches, open refrigerator doors and dial the telephone for their disabled owners. For the majority of people, however, dogs are simply pets and friends for both young and old members of the family.

guard 看守,看护 sheepdog 牧羊犬 flock 群 aid 帮助 disabled 残疾人 century 世纪 guide dog 导盲犬

dial 拨 majority 大多数 狗



14 Detective Work

A bank robber stole a lot of money. He was caught and sent to prison, but the money was never found. When he came out of prison, they watched him to see what he would do. Here is the detective, reporting to the inspector. "Yes, sir, I found Johnny Armitage. I followed him all around the town, but frankly, I couldn't make anything out of what he bought. Here's the list. “shirt heavy crowbar box of chocolates shovel heavy hammer bunch of flowers”

The inspector said, "Good. That helps me a lot. Do you remember how we watched him helping his neighbour, old Mrs. Judson to cover her backyard with cement?

detective 侦探的侦探 robber 强盗,盗贼 prison 监狱 inspector 检察官 frankly 坦白地,真诚地 crowbar 铁撬,撬棒 shovel 铲,铁铲 hammer 铁锤,锤子 backyard 后院 cement 水泥 侦探工作


当他从监狱出来时,他被监视,看他会做什么。这不,侦探正向检察官报告:“是的,先生,我发现了强尼•阿米塔基,我跟着他转遍了全镇,但坦白说,我不能从他买的东西中推断出什么。这里是清单。” 衬衫、大铁撬、一盒巧克力铁铲、大铁锤、一束花 。


15 What is Time? (Nursery Rhyme)时间是什么(童谣一首)

Time is grain for peasants. 对农民来说,时间就是粮食。 grain 粮食

Time is wealth for workers. 对工人来说,时间就是财富。wealth 财富

Time is life for doctors. 对医生来说,时间就是生命。 Time is victory for soldiers. 对士兵来说,时间就是胜利。victory 胜利

Time is knowledge for students. 对学生来说,时间就是知识。 Time is speed for scientists. 对科学家来说,时间就是速度。 Time is money for businessmen. 对企业家来说,时间就是金钱。 Time is everything for all of us. 对我们大家来说,时间就是一切。

Therefore, seize the time of today! 因此,把握今天!seize 抓住,把握 16 Perfect Match

A rich woman is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same colour as the vase. Several painters try to mix the colour right, but none comes close enough to satisfy the woman.

Eventually, a painter comes. He is confident that he can mix the proper colour. The woman is pleased with the result, and the painter becomes famous. Years later, he retires and turns the business over to his son. "Dad,"asks the son, "there's something I've got to know. How did you get those walls to match the vase so perfectly?" "Son,” the father replies, "I painted the vase."

proud of 自豪 valuable 值钱的 antique vase 古董花瓶 paint 用油漆漆 satisfy 满意 eventually 最终

confident 有信心的 retire 退休 match 和??相配 绝配


最后,来了一个油漆匠。他很有信心可以调出合适的颜色。果然妇人对最终的效果感到满意,漆匠也因此成名。 几年后,漆匠退休了,他把生意交给了儿子。“爸爸,”儿子问,“有件事我想知道。你是如何调配出和花瓶一样的颜色的?” “儿子,”父亲回答,“我把花瓶也一起漆了。” 17 A Barbecue

When I was a child, I once went camping with my family in the summer. We decided

to make a barbecue in the valley. So we collected some tree sticks to make a fire. My father asked me if I could try to make a fire. I was glad to take the job. Then I tried to set fire to the wood with a match, but produced only smoke. Then my father said, "That's not the right way. I'll show you how to do it. First use the small pieces of wood because they catch fire easily. Then put the larger ones on top of them." My father helped me make a big fire.

barbecue 烧烤 valley 山谷 stick 枝条 make a fire 生火 烧烤




小片的木头,因为它们容易点燃,然后把大些的放在它们上面。”父亲帮我点起了旺旺的 火。

18 A Joke— “I stand corrected”

I have this friend who always seemed to lean slightly to the left all the time. It used to bother me, so I suggested he see a doctor, and have his legs checked out. For years, he refused and told me I was crazy, but last week, he finally went. Sure enough, the doctor discovered his left leg was a quarter inch shorter than his right. A quick bit of surgery later, he was cured, and both legs are exactly the same length now, and he no longer leans. “So,”I said, "You didn't believe me when I told you a doctor could fix your leg. He just looked at me and said, "I stand corrected.

lean 倾斜 slightly 轻微地 check out 检查 refuse 拒绝 quarter 四分之一 surgery 手术 cure 治愈 fix 治愈 stand corrected 认错


我有一个朋友,他似乎总是微微向左倾斜。这个问题曾经非常困扰我,所以我建议他去看医生,检查一下他的腿。几年来,他总是不听我的建议,还说我不正常,但是上星期,他终于去看了医生。果真,医生发现他的左腿比右腿短四分之一英寸。一个很快的小手术后,他康复了,现在他的两条腿完全一样长了,他也不再倾斜了。“你看,”我说,“那时我告诉你医生可以治好你的腿时你还不相信我呢。”他看着我说:“我认错了。” 19 Making a Kite

One day, Paula and Richard decided to make a kite. First they went out and found two straight sticks of the same length. They brought them back home and tied them with a piece of string into the shape of a cross. Then they took some string and used it to tie the four ends of the sticks together. Then, they spread some brightly coloured paper over the frame and glued it around the string. They stuck a tail made of paper to one of the corners, and tied a long string to the centre of the kite. On the next windy day, they took the kite to a hill near their house and flew it.

straight stick 直木棍 tie 系 string 绳子 shape 形状 cross 十字 spread 传开 frame 框架 stick 粘 tail 尾巴 windy 有风的 做一个风筝


20 Animals in Danger

Some of the animals and birds in the rainforest, such as monkeys and woodpeckers, live in the treetops. They are always swinging and flying from one tree to another looking for food among the leaves and branches. They even sleep in the treetops so they do not have to come down to the ground.

Have you heard that such animals and birds in the rainforests are in danger? Because people are cutting down so many trees in the forests, the animals are losing their homes. Do you know the reasons for it? Yes, people want wood, paper and land. As a result many animals and plants are dying. Some forests are so badly damaged that they become deserts.

rainforest 雨林 woodpecker 啄木鸟 treetop 树顶 swing 摇荡 leaves 树叶(leaf的复数形式)

branch 树枝 desert 沙漠

濒 危 动 物



21 English in the World

Some people say that the English language no longer belongs to the English, and it belongs to the world. It is estimated that the number of people who use English exceeds 750 million. Among these, about 350 million are native speakers, while the rest use it as an official language. If we add to this number the people who have acquired the language to some extent, the total is close to one billion.

English plays an increasingly important role in the world as a medium for conducting international business and diplomacy, as well as in science and medicine, the Internet, air and sea communications, international sports events, radio and TV programs, pop songs and movies.

estimate 估计 exceed 超过 native 本族的,本国的 official 官方的acquire 掌握 to some extent 达到某种程度 billion 千万 increasingly 越来越多地medium 工具,手段 conduct 实行,执行 international 国际的

diplomacy 外交 medicine 医药 communication 通信 event 事件



英语,作为进行国际业务和外交的工具,在世界上起着越来越重要的作用。它还在科学、医药、互联网、空中及海洋通信、国际体育赛事、电台电视节目、流行歌曲及电影中发挥着越来越重要的作用。 22 A Friend

When you read an English book, you of碰到new words. You might try to guess猜测what the words mean from the words you know, but when you cannot guess the meanings of new words at all, what should you do?

You have a good friend then. From him you can learn what a word means, how to pronounce a word, how to use a word, and so on. This friend can always be with you, and you can always ask him to help you. Do you know who this friend is?

It is a dictionary. You can learn some important things about words from it, so you must know how to use it. 朋 友




23 “I Have Never Heard You in Carmen” Mark Twain was once invited by a friend to go to the opera. The friend was very rich. He and his wife had their own box at the theatre. During the opera the friend's wife talked all the time. She also talked rather loudly. She talked so much that it was often difficult for Mark Twain to listen to the opera.

Toward the end of the opera she turned to Mark Twain and said, "Oh, my dear Mark Twain, I do want you to be with us again next Friday night. I'm sure you will like it — the opera will be Carmen."

"Thank you very much,"said Mark Twain. "That will be fine. I have never heard you in Carmen."

Carmen 《卡门》(歌剧名) invite 邀请 opera 歌剧 box 包厢 theatre 剧场,戏院 “我还从未听过你唱卡门”


歌剧临近结束时,她转而对马克?吐温说:“噢,我亲爱的马克?吐温,我真的想让你再和我们一起度过下周五。我保证你会喜欢的——下周的歌剧是《卡门》。”“非常感谢,”马克?吐温说。“想来会很好。我还从未听过你唱《卡门》。” 24 Learning English in England

I came to England last summer. I have been in England for eleven months. I am going to finish my studies in England soon, and will leave for China next month.

At first it was very difficult for me to communicate交流with other people in English. Now I can speak English much better, and even understand English television, because I have studied hard and my teachers and classmates have helped me a lot. I have lots of English friends now. Some of them have even invited me for dinner at their houses. They are interested to learn about China and Chinese people. Every time they ask me a lot of questions, I realize how little I know about my own country.



一开始,我觉得很难用英语和别人交流。现在我英语说得好多了,甚至可以看懂英语电视,这是因为我学习很努力,老师和同学对我的帮助也很大。现在我有许多英国朋友。一些朋友甚至邀请我去他们家吃饭。他们对中国和中国人很感兴趣。每当他们问我许多问题时,我才意识到自己对祖国的了解是如此之少。 25 The Hare and the Tortoise

One day a hare was telling the other animals how fast he could run. "I can beat anyone!" cried he. "Will one of you try a race with me?" "I will,” said the tortoise.

"You!” laughed the hare. "Oh, oh, how funny!?

"Save your laughing for the end of the race,” said the tortoise.

So a starting line was made, and away they went. The hare ran fast and was soon far ahead, so he sat down to rest. By the time the tortoise came up, the hare was sleeping.

On and on went the tortoise, and when the hare looked up at last, it was too late. There sat the tortoise by the sign that said: The End.

hare 野兔 tortoise 龟,乌龟 beat 打败 race 比赛


一天,兔子正在向其他动物炫耀他能跑得很快。“我能跑过任何人。”他喊道。 “你们有谁想和我比一比吗?” “我。”乌龟说。 “你!”兔子笑道,“哦,哦,太滑稽了!”



乌龟一直往前走,当兔子最后醒来时,已经太晚了。 乌龟坐在一块牌子旁,上面写着: 终点。

26 Helping Parents

Parents often get angry because of their trouble in their lives. Let's say that your mother is not happy about her boss. If she doesn't have other ways of expressing her emotions, she might come home and yell at you, scream at your dad, kick at the dog, or even say something mean to you.

Here's how to handle it when an adult in your life has trouble controlling his or her anger: Don't make it worse. Angry people can have trouble thinking clearly, so try not to do or say anything to make things worse. Wait till your parent cools off, then talk to him or her in a calm tone, and try to explain how the anger is affecting you.

yell 大叫,呼喊 scream 尖声喊叫 handle 处理 adult 成年人 cool off 平静下来 tone 语气 affect 影响

帮 助 父 母



27 Humour — What Is a Teenager? A teenager is ...

... someone who can hear his favourite singer three blocks away but not his mother calling from the next room.

... a whiz who can operate the latest computer without a lesson but can't make a bed. ... a connoisseur of two kinds of fine music — loud and very loud.

... an enthusiast who has the energy to bike for miles but is usually too tired to dry the


... a romantic who never falls in love more than once a week.

... a boy who can sleep till noon on any Saturday and suspects the room needs cleaning. ... an original thinker who is positive that his mother was never a teenager.

block 街区 whiz 天才,能手operate 操作connoisseur 内行,鉴赏家 enthusiast 热心的人,热情的人

energy 精力romantic 浪漫主义者 suspect 怀疑original 新颖的,独创的positive 肯定的

幽默——少年是什么样的人? 少年是??


?? 一个不用上一节课就可以操作最新电脑的能手,但却不会铺床。 ??两种音乐的鉴赏家——吵闹的和非常吵闹的音乐。





28 Charles Chaplin

One day a small boy called Charles Chaplin was walking along the street in London. It was a cold winter's day in 1900. He wanted to buy some bread, but he didn't have any money. His father had died when he was very young. He and his brother, Sid, had to work to help their sick mother.

Although Charles was small, his dream was very big. He wanted to be a great man in the world of films, so he worked very hard to become a good dancer and singer.

Thirty years later, this same boy was among the most famous people in the world.

Even if you do not understand English, you can enjoy his films, because no words are used in his films.

dream 梦想 dancer 舞蹈家






29 A Seaside Picnic

One morning last April, Joan was lying in bed when the telephone rang. It was her friend, Dave, who invited her out for a picnic at the seaside.

Later that day she left her flat and walked to the bus stop to catch the bus. Joan was wearing a T-shirt and skirt as it was quite hot. As she sat on the bus she looked out of the window. The sun was shining. She saw a plane going over a forest and some horses in the fields.

Before long she arrived at the seaside and met Dave. They went down to the beach and had their picnic next to a rock. They had sandwiches and crisps, and Dave painted a picture. They had a lovely day.

flat 公寓 (英国英语) forest 森林 crisp 油炸马铃薯片





30 A Dish Washer

Some people have dogs or cats as pets. One woman in New York keeps a monkey as her pet. This monkey can wash dishes. He washes the dishes for the woman every day. He likes to wash dishes and never breaks a dish. Sometimes he washes the same dishes over and over. If the woman tries to stop him, he then gets angry. He begins to throw the dishes in all directions. But this does not happen very often.

The woman's husband is very happy with the monkey. The husband never needs to help his wife wash the dishes. The monkey does all this work. The husband says that he cannot understand how anybody, a person or a monkey, can like to wash dishes so much.

direction 方向

洗 碗 工


女人的丈夫非常满意这只猴子。他从不需要帮自己的妻子洗碗。猴子包办了这些活。这个丈夫说他无法理解, 不管是谁,人还是猴子,怎么会如此喜欢洗碗呢。 31 A Young Pioneer

Long ago, when the western part of the United States was still a wilderness, a young boy, called Kit, not yet twenty years old, went from his home in the East to learn about the new country. He wanted to know what lay beyond the Rocky Mountains.

Kit's father had taught him to shoot straight, but he learned more about hunting and trapping in the country of the Indians.

Kit was always calm in times of danger. He was strong and brave. Most of the Indians liked and respected him for his honesty.

For many years, Kit lived in the West. He taught other white men many things. Probably the most important thing he taught them was how to get along with the Indians.

wilderness 荒野pioneer 先锋,先驱hunting 打猎trapping 诱捕 respect 尊敬honesty 诚实,正直

get along with 与??相处





32 A Robot Babysitter

In 2005 Japan made a new robot. It can take care of a child. The new robot is called iPapero. It weighs 13.2 pounds, and has a body of 15.2 by 10.3 and by 9.8 inches.

iPapero is a small robot, but it has many special skills. It can recognize and remember up to ten faces and use its eight separate electronic ears to understand human voices even in noisy situations. It also plays games with children when they are unhappy, or sing songs or ask quizzes to entertain the child. If the child is bored, iPapero will change new songs and quizzes so that it doesn't repeat itself. The robot babysitter even has a cell phone to call a parent when the child asks for his mother.

babysitter 保姆separate 分开的electronic 电子的 situation 情形,境遇entertain 使快乐 quizzes 猜谜,问答比赛(quiz的复数)




33 The Eagle and the Raven

An eagle was trying to break open a nut in his beak when a raven landed on a branch beside him. The raven eyed the nut hopefully, "You'll never break it like that,"he said. "If I were you I would fly up in the sky as high as I could, then drop the nut onto the rocks. It's the only way you'll get at the kernel."

The eagle flew up into the sky, then let the nut fall down, down, down to the ground. The raven hopped quickly from his branch and seized the nut in his beak. By the time the eagle had found his way back to the right place, all that was left was a broken piece of shell.

eagle 鹰raven 渡鸦beak 鸟嘴land 着陆 kernel 果实hop 单脚跳broken 破碎了的shell 壳




34 Buying Books on the Internet

It's easy to order books from the Internet. There are several companies that ship books to customers in China. Just decide which company you would like to use and type that company's name into the search engine. The company's homepage will appear within a few seconds. Next you can type the name of the author or the title of the book you want to buy in the space provided on the page. If you decide to buy one of the books you will need to give further information such as your address and your credit card number. You will also need to decide how you want to have the book shipped. Finally, all you have to do is wait for the book to arrive in your mailbox.

Internet 互联网company 公司ship 运送search engine 搜索引擎 author 作者title 标题space 空白处provide 提供 further information 进一步的信息credit card 信用卡

网 上 购 书


35 A Bus Ride

One day I was on a bus. I found an elderly woman standing in front of me. She had a big bag in her hand. "It's a virtue for a young person to help the old, "I said to myself.

When I was standing up to give my seat to the old lady, a young foreigner got up quickly saying, "Please sit down." The old lady thanked him and sat down. She looked very happy.

I was a little embarrassed because I was sitting in the middle of the bus. Suddenly a pregnant woman got onto the bus. I quickly stood up to give up my seat to her. The foreigner smiled at me. He said that he was an Australian, and was a student studying Chinese culture in China.

ride 骑马、骑脚踏车或乘坐公共交通工具旅行elderly 年长的 virtue 美德pregnant 怀孕的


一天,我在一辆公共汽车上。我发现一位年长的妇人站在我的面前,她手里拿了个大包。“帮助老人是年轻人的美德。”我对自己说。 当我正要站起来把自己的座位让给那位老妇人时,一个年轻的外国人很快站了起来,说:“请这里坐。”老妇人谢谢他,然后坐下,她看上去非常高兴。


36 The Dog and His Shadow

It happened that a dog had some meat that he wanted to eat at home. On his way home he met a river. As he looked down, he saw his shadow in the water.

"Just look!" said he to himself. "That dog down there has some meat, too. If I could get it away from him, I would really eat well tonight!"

With this thought, he made a snap at the other dog's meat. And as he did, his own meat fell into the water. So then he had nothing at all.

Then he saw that the other dog had lost his meat, too. "That is as it should be!” thought he. "For I saw him trying to take my meat away from me." By wanting to have everything, he has lost everything he had!

shadow 影子snap at 抓,咬




然后,他看到另一只狗的肉也没了。“活该!”他想,“因为我看到他想从我这里抢走我的肉。” 什么都想要,却失去了原来所拥有的! 37 Managing Your Emotions

What makes me angry? Mostly, I hate when someone tries to make someone else feel bad. I have to admit that once, when I was really angry, I actually called names. I regretted doing this afterwards, but not full heartedly because I think I was provoked in that situation. The most positive way of dealing with anger is talking about the problem. I talk to someone who listens, or I'll write my thoughts down on paper. Learning how to deal with anger as you're growing up is so important. When you're younger, you might yell, or cry when you're angry, but as you get older, you're expected to handle your emotions much better.Learning to control your emotion now will prevent you from doing something that you'll regret later on in life!

emotion 情绪manage 控制,操纵,管理admit 承认 full heartedly 全心全意地provoke 激怒prevent 预防,防止





38 “I Don’t Have to Eat All the Egg.”

A lady once wrote a long story. She sent it to a famous editor. After a few weeks the story was returned to her. The lady was angry. She wrote to the editor: "Dear Sir:

Yesterday you sent back a story of mine. How do you know that the story is not good? You did not read it. Before I sent you the story, I pasted together pages 18, 19 and 20. This was a test to see whether you would read the story. When the story came back yesterday, the pages were still pasted together. Is this the way you read all the stories that are sent to you?" The editor wrote back: "Dear Madam: At breakfast when I open an egg I don't have to eat all the egg to discover that it is bad.?

editor 编辑paste 用浆糊粘


曾经有位女士,她写了一篇很长的小说,并把它寄给了一位著名的编辑。几周后小说退回来了。女士很生气,她给编辑写了封信。 “尊敬的编辑先生:昨天你把我的小说退回来了。你怎么知道这小说不好?你根本没有读过。在寄给你之前,我把十八、十九和二十页粘在了一起。这是要检查你是否会读我写的小说。昨天小说退回来时,这三页还粘在一起。难道这就是你阅读所有寄给你的作品的方式吗?”编辑回信写道:“尊敬的女士: 早餐时我打开一只鸡蛋,我不必等到吃完整个鸡蛋后才发现蛋是臭的。”

39 Visiting Shakespeare’s Home

In 1998, when I was working for an export company, I went to England. After finishing my business, which took several days, I went to Stratford, where Shakespeare was born. In Stratford, I visited several sites that are associated with Shakespeare, including the house where he was born, the church where he was buried, and the cottage where his wife's family lived.

I wanted to see a play, so I asked at the theatre box office for whatever tickets were available. I got a seat for The Merchant of Venice, which is my favourite play. Afterwards, I waited at the stage door for my favourite actor, who was in the play. I got his autograph and talked to him. It is an experience that I will remember forever.

export 出口associated 有关的,有联系的bury 埋葬 cottage 村舍merchant 商人autograph 亲笔签名



40 A Thrilling Ride

Bill and Jane were coasting on a hill. Down the hill went the sled. Bill steered. Jane held on tightly. The coasters on the hill watched them. Past trees they whizzed. Jane yelled, "Stop the sled! Stop the sled!” but Bill could not stop it.

Suddenly Jane had a feeling that she was a bird in flight. Was she dreaming? She landed in a big pile of snow. Where was Bill? He must have gone all the way down the long slide to the end of the hill. Now, Bill came in sight plodding up the hill. Jane laughed as she called to him. They were so glad to be together. The coasters cheered to see them safe. They went home to tell Mother what a thrilling ride they had had.

thrilling ride 惊心动魄的经历coast 滑行,滑下sled 雪橇 steer 驾驶,掌舵tightly 紧紧地coaster 滑雪橇的人 whiz 飕飕作声,发出嘶嘶或呼呼声flight 飞行 plodding 沉重缓慢的thrilling 惊心动魄的




41 Saving the Earth

One day, I went with the group to a nearby river. We wanted to check if it was clean. We did many scientific tests to see if the river was healthy. Surprisingly, it was! We still, though, took any rubbish we could find out of the river. We wanted to make sure fish could live there happily.

Recently, I helped the group plant flowers at our school. We're hoping the flowers will bloom this spring and make the school look beautiful. How did we pay for all the plants? We made T-shirts and sold them to our friends! We're still got some money left from selling the T-shirts. We hope to use it to buy some recycling bins for the school.

surprisingly 令人惊奇地 bloom (花)开 recycling bin 回收箱

拯 救 地 球

一天,我和小组其他人一起来到附近的一条河边。我们想检查这条河是否干净。我们做了许多科学实验以测试这条河是否健康。令人惊奇的是,这条河很健康!虽然我们还是从河里捞起了一些我们可以发现的垃圾。我们想要确保鱼能在这条河里开心地生活。 最近,我和小组的其他人一起在学校里种了一些花。我们希望今年春天这些花会开,把学校装点得更美丽。我们怎么会有买这些植物的钱呢?我们自己做T恤衫,然后卖给我们的朋友!我们还剩余了一些卖T恤衫得来的钱。我们希望可以用这些钱为学校购买一些废物回收箱。

42 Two Goats on the Bridge

One day a goat started to cross a little bridge. At that very minute, another goat started out from the other side of the bridge.

When they saw one another, they knew that one of them would have to go back. "Go back!” cried the first goat. "Where is no room for you to pass here while I am crossing."

"It is you who must go back!” cried the other goat. "You can start again after I cross over.” The first goat said as he was in the right and would not give way.

"We will see!" cried the other goat, and they started to fight. In another minute, the two goats fell into the water. A man who was fishing saw the fight. He laughed as he pulled the goats out of the water. "You see,” said he. "When everyone thinks he is right, something always goes wrong!"

goat 羊 give way 让步

