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【奥鹏】[福建师范大学]福师《大学英语(2)》在线作业一 试卷总分:100 得分:100
第1题,I will give this book to____________wants to have it. A、whomever B、whoever C、whatever D、wherever
第2题,The juvenile offender was released from custody on condition that he____________a job immediately and____________out of trouble for six months. A、found ... stayed B、finds ... stay C、find ... stays D、find ... stay
第3题,Either John or his friends ____________to blame for the bad results. A、are B、is C、was
D、has been
第4题,We didn't know his telephone number, otherwise we____________him. A、would have telephoned B、must have telephoned C、would telephone D、had telephoned
第5题,The news you told me_______ surprising. A、is B、are C、will D、should
第6题,She didn't fancy ___ out alone. A、go B、to go C、of going D、going
第7题,-I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! -_________.
A、Don't worry about it
B、Congratulations! That's a difficult course C、Mr. Brown is very good D、Good luck to you
第8题,-Oh, I'm sorry. But I promise I'll be careful next time. -___________________. A、It's nothing at all
B、Oh, never mind. It doesn't matter C、Thank you
D、There are no questions
第9题,A student, ____________ name I don't know, came to see me. A、that B、who C、whose D、whom
第10题,This is ____________ I want to tell you. A、it B、that C、which D、what
第11题,We have come to a critical moment. You must take immediate ___. A、act B、action C、activity D、doings
第12题,Economics, several courses of which I have taken thus far, ____________to be difficult but useful for almost all students. A、prove B、proves
C、have been proved D、are proved
第13题,The conductor and composer ____________by a crowd of people. A、are greeted B、is greeted C、greets
D、have been greeted
第14题,The village____________my mother grew up in is not far from the city. A、what B、where C、which D、wherever
第15题,The patient isn't out of danger. He is ____________than how he was yesterday. A、no better B、worst C、not worse D、not more
第16题,____________the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday.
A、In spite of B、But for C、Because of D、As for
第17题,While he was in prison he was not allowed to ___ with his family. A、comment B、complain C、communicate D、comprehend
第18题,____________, he slipped through the window. A、With anyone noticing B、With anyone noticed C、Without anyone noticing D、Without nobody noticed
第19题,I think English is____________than Japanese. A、much important B、important
C、much more important D、more much important
第20题,-It's cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door? -_______.
A、With pleasure B、Yes, please C、Of course not D、Thank you
第21题,Four hours______ too long for him to write the letter. A、has B、are C、is D、have
第22题,This new clue _______ the policemen and they were more confused by the murder. A、puzzled B、surprised C、trapped D、discouraged
第23题,Will you _____ me a favor, please? A、do B、make C、bring D、give
第24题,He is fond of playing ____ piano while his brother is interested in listening to ___ music. A、/; the B、/;/ C、the; / D、the; the
第25题,She's the only child in her family, but they didn't really _______ her. A、hurt B、damage C、spoil D、harm
第26题,The Red Army seized the land and _____ it to the poor peasants.
A、attributed B、distributed C、contributed D、assigned
第27题,I found ___ to answer all the questions within the time given. A、no possibility
B、there was impossibility C、impossible D、it impossible
第28题,The speech____________, a lively discussion started. A、to be delivered B、was delivered C、be delivered
D、having been delivered
第29题,-Do you mind telling me where you're from? -_________. A、Certainly. I'm from London B、Sure. I was born in London C、Not really, you can do it
D、Certainly not. I'm from London
第30题,There were no tickets _________ for Sunday's performance. A、possible B、probable C、available D、feasible
第31题,The more he tried to help her,____________she seemed to appreciate it. A、less B、the less
C、the least D、the lesser
第32题,We cannot judge a person simply on the ___ of his education. A、condition B、basis C、principle D、theory
第33题,The country is faced with great problems, starvation____________the top of them.
A、has been B、is C、being D、is being
第34题,I'd like to __________ him to you for the job. He is a very clever and industrious boy. A、refer B、suggest C、recommend D、propose
第35题,The higher the standard of living,____________. A、the greater is the amount of paper is used B、the greater amount of paper is used C、the amount of paper is used is greater D、the greater the amount of paper is used
第36题,____the teacher____at this college last year? Yes, he did. A、Did, taught B、Does, teach
C、Did, teach D、Is, teaching
第37题,Either of these young ladies____________perfectly qualified to teach Greek, Latin and French. A、were B、are C、is
D、have been
第38题,Why____ with him? He'll never change his mind. A、argued B、argue C、arguing D、to argue
第39题,The machine is such ____________I have never seen before. A、what B、as C、when D、where
第40题,It was ______fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children. A、such great B、so great C、such a great D、so great a
第41题,The news____________ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy.
A、what we would go B、how we would go
C、that we would go D、where we would go
第42题,The rising ___ of living is as hard on country families as on city families. A、price B、spend C、expense D、amount
第43题,His tone ___________ his real feelings more truly than his words. A、brought B、conveyed C、handed D、fetched
第44题,We must do well____________the boss assigns us to do. A、that B、whatever C、whichever D、those
第45题,The reason we're so late is ____________. A、for the car breaks down
B、due to the car breaking down C、that the car broke down D、because the car broke down
第46题,The landlady ___ us bread and milk. A、offered B、recovered C、received D、confronted
第47题,Is this the place ____________the exhibition was held? A、where B、that C、on which D、the one
第48题,The manager will not _______ us to see use his car. A、have B、let C、agree D、allow
第49题,-Do you mind my smoking here? -_________. A、No, thanks. B、Yes, I do.
C、Yes. I'd rather not. D、Good idea.
第50题,- What was his performance like? - Oh, it couldn't have been____________. A、much wonderful B、more wonderful C、less wonderful D、the most wonderful
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