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Survey report on the college students laptop buying

Team members: Zhang Qian, Cai Rui Jie, Luo Kai

I Intention

We hope to know the specific situation on the college students buying laptop through the questionnaire survey. By this, We could analysis the statistical data to find the laptop brand、price、the hardware configuration and the main use which is the college students preference.

II Method and Object

Survey Object: College students Survey Method: Sampling survey

III Process


Design the survey scheme

issue the questionnaire through QQ、E-mail etc.

Recycling Questionnaire: 50


Issuing Questionnaire: 50

The efficient of Questionnaire: 100%

IV Time

2013.4.13 ---- 2013.4.17

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V The result of analysis

1. The analysis of laptop brand

laptop brand Lenovo HP ASUS Acer Dell HASEE Others Result 26 11 5 2 2 3 1 Percentage 52.0% 22.0% 10.0% 4.0% 4.0% 6.0% 2.0% From the table we could know Lenovo is the most popular laptop brand in college students and the percentage is 52% . The percentage of HP is 22% and it is also an important PC brand. In the other sides, ASUS and HASEE are also a kind of buying choice.

2. The analysis of laptop brand

Price <=2999 3000--3999 4000--4999 5000--5999 >=6000

Result 4 11 16 14 5 Percentage 8.0% 22.0% 32.0% 28.0% 10.0% - 2 -

After analysis the table data we could know the laptop price in 4000-5999 may be more acceptable. If you want to promote the high-end product in college students market, it is not easy. At last, we draw a conclusion that the middle-end product have the most market competitive in the college students market.

3. Analysis of the purchase places

Purchase places Specialty stores Online Shop Computers City Market Others

Result 16 5 23 5 1 Percentage 32.0% 10.0% 46.0% 10.0% 2.0% From the table we could know 32% students choose to purchase notebooks at specific stores; 10% students choose to buy notebooks online;46% students choose at Computers City. This shows that most students would choose go to computer city or specific stores to buy notebooks, and less students would buy online. Although shopping online is very convenient, most students don’t like this way. Most of them still tend to determine its own selection buy seeing the notebooks.

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4. Analysis Reasons to Purchase

Reasons After-sales Surface Function brand Configure Rate Result 32 13 26 12 26 18 Percentage 64.0% 26.0% 52.0% 24.0% 52.0% 36.0% When the college students purchase the notebooks, 64% of them think After-sales is the most important reason. Configure and function is the second important reasons to be considered. The third most important reason is the price, the rate is 36%.So the notebook sellers need to strive to do After-sales work.

5. Analysis of Hardware configuration

Hardware Configuration Graphics Card Memory Monitor Processor HD Keyboard Board Sound card Battery Digital camera Result 20 21 6 25 16 2 18 1 14 1 Percentage 40.0% 42.0% 12.0% 50.0% 32.0% 4.0% 36.0% 2.0% 28.0% 2.0% - 4 -

As the table shows, Processor is the first reason to be taken into consideration when college students buy a laptop. The proportion of Graphics card, memory, board respectively is 40%, 42% and 36%. The influence of monitor size, keyboard, sound card, digital camera and the configuration for the Students is not very high, respectively accounted for 12%, 4%, 2% and 2%.

6. Analysis of Notebook type

Type Performance Stylish appearance Low Price Balance of all Others Result 17 5 2 25 1 Percentage 34.0% 10.0% 4.0% 50.0% 2.0% The results shows that about half of the users choose the all-round notebook.Functional balance is a major factor for college students.The second is the strong performance notebook,34% college students are more inclined to purchase this type of product. Users tend to look stylish notebook also account for a certain percentage, about 10%.

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7. Analysis of the main use

The main use play games watch film chat Study and work others

Result 8 7 5 29 1 percentage 16.0% 14.0% 10.0% 58.0% 2.0% Due to many professional learning needs notebook as an auxiliary tool, study and work is the main purpose for the college students to buy a laptop, the percentage accounts for 58%;Secondly, college students have more time for themselves to control, so a considerable part of the students use notebook to play games, watch movies and chat, percentage accounted for 16% and 14% and 10% respectively. 8.The shortcomings of the current notebook

(1)Some people think that the appearance of the notebook is not personalized enough

(2)Battery life is short; the body is too heavy;not waterproof; camera pixels is too low; keyboard is easily dirty;difficult to clean

(3)Service is poor and the rate is too high

(4)With the growing attention to health,the computer physical injury is become an increasingly important part for consumers to consider.

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( )1.你的笔记本品牌是?

A、联想 B、惠普 C、华硕 D、宏基 E、戴尔 F、神舟 G、其他____________

( )2.你购买笔记本电脑可以接受的价格是? (单位:元) A、2999以下 B、3000~3999 C、4000~4999 D、5000~5999 E、6000以上 ( )3.你会选择到哪里购买笔记本电脑?

A、网购 B、专卖店 C、电脑城 D、商场 E、其他__________ ( )4.你选择笔记本最看重哪些因素?【最多三项】

A、价格 B、配置 C、品牌 D、功能 E、外观外形 F、售后 H、其他____________ ( )5.你选择笔记本是最看重的硬件配置是?【最多三项】

A、显卡 B、内存 C、屏幕大小 D、处理器 E、硬盘 F、键盘 G、主板 H、声卡 I、电池 J、摄像头 K、其他____________ ( )6.你想购买哪种类型的笔记本?

A、性能强劲型 B、时尚外观型 C、价格低廉型 D、各方面均衡型 E、极致轻薄型 F、其他____________ ( )7.你购买笔记本的最主要用途是?

A、游戏娱乐 B、看电影电视 C、上网聊天 D、学习工作 E、其他_______________ ( )8.你认为目前笔记本还有那些不足?


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谢 谢 您 的 合 作 !



A B C D E F G H I J K 1 26 11 5 2 2 3 1 2 4 11 16 14 5 3 16 5 23 5 1 4 18 26 12 26 13 32 5 20 21 6 25 16 2 18 1 14 1 6 17 5 2 25 1 7 8 7 5 29 1

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