
更新时间:2023-05-06 17:13:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



U1 Hello!

----Hello, I’m Wu Yifan.

----Hi, I’m Sarah.

----I have a ruler/an eraser.

----What’s your name?

----My name’s John.


----Bye, Miss White.


r_______ p______ e_______ c_______ b_____ p_____ p________ b_______

U2 Colors

----Mr Jones, this is Miss Green.

----Good morning, Miss Green.

----I see red.

----Good afternoon, Wu Yifan.

----Nice to meet you.

----Nice to meet you, too.

----Color it brown!


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r____ g______ y_______ b_____ b_______ b_______ w_______ o_______

U3 Look at me!

----How are you?

----I’m fine, thank you.

----Let’s go to school!

----Look at me!

----Very well, thanks.

----Let’s make a puppet!



f______ e______ e______ n______ m_______ a______ h_______ h______ b______ l_____ f_______

U4 We love animals

----What’s this?

----It’s a duck.

----What’s that?

----Cool! I like it.


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d______ p____ c_____ b______ d______ e________ m_______ b______ t______ p_______

U5 Let’s eat!

----I’d like some juice, please.

----Here you are.

----Have some bread.

----I’m hungry!

----Can I have some water, please?

----You’re welcome.


b_______ j_______ e______ m______ w______ c______ f______ r______

U6 Happy birthday!

----This one ,please.


----How many plates?

----Happy birthday!

----How old are you?

----I’m six years old.

十以内的数字,开始____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

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U1 Welcome!

—Where are you from?

—I’m from the UK.


——Who’s that man?

——He’s my father.

——Who’s that woman?

——She’s my mother.

——Is she your mother?

——Yes, she is.

——Is he your father?

——No, he isn’t.


g__________/___________ g__________/_____________ f___________ m__________ s___________ b___________


---It’s so tall!

---Come here, children!

---It has a long nose.

---It has small eyes and big ears.

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----Let’s go home!

——Where is my pencil box?

——It’s in your desk.

Silly me!

——Is it in your bag?

——No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.

-----Have a good time!


c_______ d________ c_______ b________ c_______ b_______ m_______ t________ b_______


------Honey, let’s buy some fruit.

——Do you like oranges?

——No, I don’t. / Yes, I do.

——Sorry, I don’t like grapes.

——Me neither.


p_______ a_______ o________ b_________ w__________

s____________ g__________

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----How many kites do you see?

-----The black one is a bird!

------How many crayons do you have?

------Open it and see!

请从一数到二十:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .



We have a new classroom.

Let’s go and see!

——Where is it?

——It’s near the window.

Let’s clean the classroom!

Let me clean the windows.


——What’s in your schoolbag?

——An English book, a math book, three storybooks and---- ——What color is it?

——It’s blue and white.


__________ _________ __________ _________ __________

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——What’s his name?

——His name is Zhang Peng.

-----He’s tall and strong.

-----Who’s he?

-----He has glasses and his shoes are blue.


——Is she in the living room?

——No, she isn’t.

——Where are the keys?

——Are they on the table?

——No, they aren’t. They’re in the door.


b_________ l___________ s_________ k_________ b__________ b_____ s______ p_____________ f______________


----What’s for dinner?

——What would you like?

——I’d like some soup and bread, please.

-----Help yourself.

——Would you like a knife and fork?

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——No, thanks.

-----I can use chopsticks.


m________ b_______ c_________ n_________ s_______ v___________ c___________ b_______ f________ k________ s_______


——How many people are there in your family, Chen Jie? ——Three.

----My family has six people.

——Is this your uncle?

——Yes, it is. He’s a football player.

——What’s your aunt’s job?

——She’s a nurse.


d_________ c________ d_________ f_________ n________



——Where’s the teacher s’ office?

——It’s on the second floor.

——Is this the teacher s’ office?

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——No, it isn’t. The teachers’ office is next to the library.

------Is that the computer room?

——Do you have a library?

——Yes, we do.


——What time is it?

——It’s 6 o’clock. It’s time for dinner.

------Time to go home, kid

------It’s time to get up.


-----Can I go outside now?

-----It’s cold outside.

-----Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.

——What’s the weather like in New York?

——It’s rainy.

——Is it cold?

——No, it isn’t. It’s 26 degrees.


c_______ c_______ w_______ h_______ s_______ w_______ c________ s________ r________


——Are these carrots?

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——Yes, they are.

——What are these?

——They’re tomatoes.

——What are those?

——They’re horses

——Are they hens?

——No, they aren’t. They’re ducks.


——Are these yours?

——No, they aren’t. They’re Chen Jie’s.

——Is this John’s?

——No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s.

——Whose coat is this?

——It’s mine.

——Whose pants are those?

——They’re your father’s.


P_______ h______ d________ s________ c________ s_________ s________ s________ j_________ s_________


——Can I help you?

——Yes. These shoes are nice.

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------Can I try them on? Size 6, please.

------They’re too small.

——How do you like this skirt?

——It’s very pretty.

——How much is this skirt?

——It’s 89 dollars.



——Is he young?

——No, he isn’t.

——What’s she like?

——She’s kind.


o_____ y_______ f________ k______ s________ p________ h___________ h_________ c_________ s_______


——What do you have on Thursdays?

——I have maths, English and music.

——Do you often read books in this park?

——No, I don’t.


M_________ T__________ W__________ T____________

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F___________ S___________ S___________

W___________ W___________


——What would you like to eat?

——A sandwich, please.

——What would you like to drink?

——I’d like some water.

——What’s your favorite food?

——Noodles. They’re delicious.


——What can you do for the party, children?

——I can sing English songs.

——Can you do any kung fu, John?

——Yes, I can.


-----There is a big bed.

------There are so many pictures here.


——Is there a river in the forest, Miss White? ——No, there isn’t.

——Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? ——No, there aren’t.

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1、You can’t judge a book by its over.(不能以貌取人)

2、For the hard-working, a week has seven days; for

the lazy, seven tomorrows.(勤奋的人,一个星期


3、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(每天一个苹


4、Practice makes the perfect.(熟能生巧)

5、East or west, home is best.(东好西好,不如家好)

6、Seeing is believing.(眼见为实)



——When do you finish class in the morning?

——We finish class at 1 o’clock.

——What do you do on the weekend?

——I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.


——Which season do you like best, Mike?



——Because I like summer vacation!

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——When is the party?

——It’s in April.

——When is the trip this year?

——It’s in October. We’ll go to the Great Wall.


——When is April Fool’s Day?

——It’s on April 1st.

——When is your birthday?

——My birthday is on April 4th.


----The yellow picture is mine.

-----Are these all ours?

——Whose is it?

——It’s Zhang Peng’s.

——Is he drinking water?

——No, he isn’t. He’s eating.


——What are they doing?

——They’re eating lunch!

——What’s the little monkey doing?

——It’s playing with its mother!

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-----Shh. Talk quietly.

------Keep your desk clean.


1、The early bird catches the worm.(早起的鸟有虫吃)

2、Every season brings its joy.(春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风


3、Life has seasons.(人生有四季)

4、Yesterday, today and tomorrow—these are the three days

of man.(人生有三天:昨天、今天和明天)

5、Let sleeping dogs lie.(别惹是生非)

6、It’s the empty can that makes the most noise.(半瓶水响叮



U1 How can I get there?

---Where is the museum shop?

---It’s near the door.

---How can we get there?

---Turn left at the bookstore.

你想象一下,站在十字路口(C________)处,你能看到街道(S_________)上的那些建筑物?比如:s_______ m_______; P______ o________; b_________; c_________; h_________

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U2 Ways to go to school.

---How do you come to school?

---Usually, I come on foot.

---In the USA people on bikes must wear one.

---Don’t go at the red light!

---I must pay attention to the traffic lights!

你能想到哪些交通方式?比如:on _______; by _______; by ________; by _________; by _________; by ________; by __________.

U3 My weekend plan.

---What are you going to do tomorrow!

---I’m going to have an art lesson.

---We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.

---Where are you going?

---We’re going to the cinema.

---When are you going?


去滑冰____ ________ 洗衣服_____ ______ 画画_____ _________ 堆雪人______ ____ _________ 去野餐____ ____ ___ _______ 拜访我的祖父母______ ____ ____________ 看电影_____ __ ______ 去旅行______ ___ _______

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U4 I have a pen pal.

---What are Peter’s hobbies?

---He likes reading stories.

---Does he live in Sydney?

---No, he doesn’t.

---Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?

---Yes, he does.

关于兴趣和爱好,你能想到哪些单词?比如:跳舞_______ 唱歌_______ 讲故事_____ _________ 踢足球______ ________ 练中国功夫______ ______ _________

U5 What does he do?

---What does he do?

---He’s a businessman.

---Where does he work?

---He works at sea.

---How does he go to work?

---He goes to work by bike.

关于职业,你能想到哪些名词?比如:工人_______ 邮递员________ 商人__________ 警察______ _______ 渔民_________ 科学家__________ 飞行员________ 教练________ 记者reporter 秘书

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U6 How do you feel?

---They’re afraid of him.

---The cat is angry with them.

---What’s wrong?

---Your father is ill.

---He should see a doctor this morning.

---Do n’t be sad.

描述人的感情或者内心感受可以用哪些形容词?比如:生气的________ 害怕________ 难过的_______ 担心的_________ 高兴的________


U1 How tall are you?

---That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.

---It’s taller than both of us together.

---How tall are you?

---I’m 1.65 meters.

---What size are your shoes, Mike?

---your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37. ---How heavy are you?

---I’m 48 kilograms.

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十个描述人物的形容词的比较级:1_______ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ 6________ 7________ 8________ 9_______ 10_______ U2 Last weekend

---How was your weekend?

---It was good, thank you.

---What did you do?

---I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.

---Did you do anything else?

---Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.

---I want to buy the new film magazine.

---What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film?

---No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.

九个动词的过去式1______ 2______ 3______ 4______ 5_______ 6_______ 7_______ 8_______ 9_______ U3 Where did you go?

---What happened?

---Are you all right?

---I’m OK now.

---Where did you go?

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---It looks like a mule!

---Did you go to Turpan?

---Yes, we did.

---How did you go there?

---We went there by plane.

---Sounds great!

写出下列动词的过去式:go______ ride______ hurt______ eat______ take______ buy______ fall______ 去野营了__________去钓鱼了_________照相了______________

U4 Then and now

---There was no library in my old school.

---Tell us about your school, please.

---How do you know that?

---There were no computers or Internet in my time.

---Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class.

---I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling everyday.

本单元你学到了哪些运动?去骑自行车___________滑冰____________ 羽毛球运动___________

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