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1. After he gave a report about the school, Mr White____ the visitors around it. A. went on to show B. went on showing C. went on with showing D. kept on showing 解析: go on to do sth 接着做另一件事 go on doing sth 继续做手头上的事 2. -- Tom works hard at English.?-- _____, and _____. A. So does he; so you do B. So you do; so is he C. So he will; so do you D. So he does; so do you 解析:so does/is he 他也是如此 so he does/is 他确实是如此 3. When you write to him, please _____ him. A. give my loves to B. give my regard to C. remember me to D. give my wishes for

解析:正确的形式应为give my love to, give my regards to, give my wishes to

4. We have done things we ought not to have done and_____ undone things we ought to have done.

A. left B. leave C. will leave D. leaving

解析:空格中所需的单词应和have done 的形式是一样的 5. People are puzzled _____ they read the book. A. the first time B. at the first time C. for the first time D. at first

解析: the first time用做连词引导句子时前面不需要加介词, 用法相当与when.

类似用法的短语有each time, every time,last time, the moment=the second =the

minute(一?? 就??), the second time

6. In some countries,_____ are called \A. that B. which C. as D. what

解析: 分析空格后的句子知道该句缺少主语,故应选一个能充当主语的词

that 通常做连词,不能做主语,引导定语从句时,可做主语或宾语,但前面必须有先行词 which 通常引导定语从句,前面必须有先行词或用以指代的东西

as 除了做连词,介词,副词外,可用做关系代词,引导定语从句,前需有先行词 what 通常不用来引导定语从句,但在句子中可一做主语引导主语从句 7. -- The boy is tall enough _____ his age. --Yes, I was much _____ when I was his age. A. to; shorter B. at; taller C. at; shorter D. for; shorter

解析: be tall enough for his age 理解为 对他的年龄来说很好了

much 可以修饰比较级,类似的词有 even, a lot, a little, rather, far, by far, 8. --Who are you waiting for?

-- _____ the man wounded in the left leg. A. The doctor will operate on B. Tie nurse to be looked after C. The doctor to operate on D. His brother got

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解析:此题应该注意不要答非所问。 此题问你在等谁,故应回答一个人,当然可以加一个定语修饰

该人。注意,定语可由简单的形容词充当,也可以是定语从句或Ving形式做定语 9. --How did you _____ the movie last night? --Oh, both interesting and instructive. A. find B. consider C. think D. feel 解析:提问某人对某事的看法有: How do you like/find sth? What do you think of sth?

10. With his son _____, the old man felt unhappy. A. to disappoint B. to be disappointed C. disappointing D. being disappointed 解析:此题考查介词with的复合结构 to do adj/adv with + n.+ Ving Ved 介词短语

11. The food tastes _____ and sells _____. A. well; well B.good; good C. good; well D.well; good


感官系动词有 look, taste, sound, feel, smell 这些词没有被动语态和进行时态,其后



如sell,open,close,wash,teach,burn,measure,cut,lock,cost,read,write,tear,wear,pull, clean,add,cook,let


例如: My pen writes well. 笔写的很好。 This book sells well. 这本书买的很好。 This oil burns eaisily. 这种油很容易燃烧。 注意:要表示书已经被卖完时 The book has been sold out.

12. The sun was shining brightly, _____ everything there _____ more beautiful. A. making; look B. to make; looked

C. and made; looking D. and making; be looked

解析:第一个空考查动词ing 形式做状语的用法,Ving 做状语可以表示时间,结果,原因,伴随 在该题中做伴随状语 make sth/ sb do sth/sb is made to do

13. It' s too late to go out now. _____, it's starting to rain. A. Besides B. Meanwhile C. However D. Anyhow

解析:besides 做介词时,意思为 除了?之外还有; 做副词时意思为 此外,而且 meanwhile意思为同时,等于in the mean time

however 意思为 然而, 使用时前后通常都有标点符号如: I did received his gift. However, I didn’t accept it. Anyhow=anyway 无论如何

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14. Everybody in the little town knew my first teacher, so we had no _____ finding his home. A. difficulties in B. difficulty with C. difficulty D. difficulty to

解析:have (no/much) in sth/doing sth 为固定搭配 意思为做某事有困难。注意,在此固定搭配中 difficulty 为不可数名词 in 可省略

15. I can't understand it, will you please _____ once more? A. explain that word B. repeat that word

C. explain us that word D. explain that word for us

解析: can’t understand 意为不明白,故应该在解释一遍, 如果听不清,可以重复一遍repeat

16. --How often do you go to the library?--______. A. In two days B. Every few days C. Each third day D. Every a few days

解析: how often 是提问频率的,故应选every few days 答案D 本身就是错误的 17. We are just _____ calling you up _____ you come in. A. about; when B. on the point of; while C. on the point of; when D. on the point of; as 解析:be about to do 意思为刚要做某事,正要做某事 on the point of doing sth 也是正要做某事的意思 when 和while 区别:

while 只能引导时间段。如:Jack was listen to the music while I was doing my homework.


when 可以引导时间段,也可以引导时间点。如:上题,when you come in 是一个时间点 也可以引导时间段。此时等于 while. As 引导时间状语时

18. --They all agree _____ George. Has the project been passed? --Who _____ George can make the final decision? A. except; expect B. except; besides C. but; but D. besides; but

解析:but 和except 都可以表示 除了。。 讲

besides 作介词时当除了。。。还有。。。讲 在13题已经讲过 19. I come to tell you Jack _____ for London next month. A. is leaving B. is about to leave C. will leave D. would leave

解析: be doing = be going to do表示将来的打算 will leave 表示一种意向

20. You can say \A. on the car; by car B.on foot; in his car C. by foot; by car D.in his car; by his foot 解析: on foot 表示徒步行进 in one’s car 表示开车

21. Jack is a good friend _____, he often comes to our home for a visit. A. of my father B. of my father's C. for my father D. with my father

解析:此题考察名词双重所有格 基本结构为 n.+ of + n’s

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我父亲的一个朋友 a friend of my father’s 我的一个朋友 a friend of mine 马力的一个朋友 a friend of Mary’s

22. What way are you thinking of _____ rid of the flies? A. to get B. getting

C. being got D. to be getting

解析: 空格后的成分应是对way 的修饰, 而way 用法通常为: way to do sth way of doing sth

此题陈述句为You are thinking of what way to get rid of the flies. 或You are thinking of what way of getting rid of the flies. 原题空格前的of 是与thinking 搭配的,故选项B 前加 of 才对。

23. We must do something to _____ factories _____waste water into the river before it is cleaned.

A. stop; pouring . B. prevent; to pour C. keep; pouring D. stop; to pour 解析:此题考察几个动词的用法及搭配 stop sth/sb (from)doing sth prevent sb/sth from doing sth keep sb/sth from doing sth 上述结构都表示阻止。。。干某事。

注意:在keep sb/sth from doing sth 结构中,如果去掉 from, 该结构则表是 使。。。保持做某事。

24. \A. All; Some B. Both; Every C. Both; Neither D. All; Both

解析:此题考察部分否定,加not 表示部分否定的词有all, every, both 等, not 的位置不受限定。

All of them are not teachers.= Not all of them are teachers. 三者或三者以上的否定用none (of) 两者的否定用 neither (of) 25. --How did you do in the test?

--Not so well. I _____ much better but I misread the directions for Part D. A. could do B. could have done C. must have done D. should do

解析:此题考察虚拟语气的一种。即情态动词+have could have done 表示本来当时能够干某事而没有干

should(ought to) have done 表示本来当时应该干某事而没有干 may/might have done 表示本来当时可能干某事而没有干 must have done 不是表示虚拟,而是表示对过去情况的猜测。

26. Mary cares about clothes too much, and she _____ too much money _____ clothes. A. spend; in B.cost; at C. pays; to D. spends; on 解析:此题考察spend的用法 spend time/energy in doing sth spend time/energy on sth

27. Our kind teacher wanted to teach us _____ he knew at this lesson.

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A. that B. all what C. that all D. everything which 解析:此题考察的很灵活。

Our teacher wanted to teach us all that he knew at this lesson.

在该句中that 引导定语从句 all是代词做先行词,在从句中做宾语,此时that 可以省略,该句等于Our teacher wanted to teachus all he knew at this lesson.

在Our teacher wanted to teach us all what he knew at this lesson.中,all 和what 并不是连在一块的。All 做代词,做us的同位语, 而what 引导宾语从句。

28. They started early that morning in order that they_____ there before noon. A. would get B. got C. must get D. might get

解析:此题考察in order that 用法, that 是连词,后通常跟完整的句子。 还有in order to do 的句型。 两者都表示为了干某事

29. Is this research center _____ the foreign guests visited last week? A. that B. which C. where D. the one


This research center is ________the foreign guests visited last week. 很明显句子缺少表语。四个选项只有the one 可以充当标语。 注意:the one 后本来是定语从句,因关系代词充当宾语,故省略。 30.--What is the model plane look like?

--Well, the wings of the plane are _____ of its body. A. more than the length twice B. twice more than the length C. more than twice the length D. more twice than the length 解析:倍数的表示方法:

1.A + be + 倍数+ as +形容词原级+as +B Asia is four times as large as Europe. 2.A + be + 倍数+ as +形容词原级+than +B Asia is three times larger than Europe.

3.A + be + 倍数+the size/height/depth/width/depth/+of +B Asia is four times the size of Europe.

4.The size/length/height/depth/width+of +A+be+倍数+that of +B

The size of Asia is four times that of Europe.(也就是说在该结构中,在倍数后直接加名词或名词短语)

31. The enemy troop suddenly took the small village by surprise _____ a rainy morning. A. on B. at C. in D. during

解析:通常情况下我们说in the morning,但在具体的某一天早上或morning, evening前加了修饰


如:on July,1,1996 on a sunny day on a rainy day on a snowy day

32. This is the school _____ they visited last year and is the one _____ my father once worked. A. that; where B. where; that C. where; where D. that; that

解析:很明显该题第一个空格前的句子缺少表语, 同29题。 而第二个空的句子是完整的,要填只能用附加成分,如状语。填where 引导定语从句。先行词是the one

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33. The college entrance examination is coming, the students are _____ it. A. preparing B. prepared for C. prepared D. preparing for

解析:此题考察prepare 和prepare for 的用法 prepare 是准备某事情的意思 prepare for 是为。。。做准备的意思

如:prepare lunch 和prepare for lunch 意思分别为 “做午饭”和“为午饭做准备(如买菜等)” 34. The task was very hard, so _____ were needed. A. ten more men B. ten men more C. more ten men D. men more ten 解析: 此题答案的结构是 数词+more+n two more weeks three more men 注意:这种结构等于 another +数词+n 即 two more weeks = another two weeks three more men = another three weeks

35. He wanted to read more, so he asked his friend if there was _____ to read. A. something easy enough B. something enough easy C. enough easy something D. easy enough something

36. The room is very large and only little room _____ by the new piano. A. are taken up B. takes up C. is taken up D. is taking up 解析:room 可以当房间讲是可数名词 当空间讲时是不可数名词

37. What _____ time it is to listen to a speech having nothing to do with you! A. waste B. wastes C. a waste of D. a waste for 解析:固定表达方法 a waste of +n

It is a waste of money to buy such a thing. 买这样一个东西简直就是浪费钱。 38. _____ your help, we have _____. A. Thanks to, finished B. Thanks to, ended C. Thanks for, finished D. Thanks for, completed 解析:此题考察固定短语。 Thanks to 是“多亏了?”意思

Thanks for 是 因。。。感谢的意思, 如: thanks for your help 39. When and where to build the new factory _____ yet. A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided 解析:此题考察主谓一致。

当when and where..作主语时,用单数 但当when...and where...做主语时,用复数。

40. It is necessary ___ me ___my studies before a new term. A. for, to make a plan for B. of, making a plan for C. for, to make a plan of D. of, making a plan of

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解析:It is+ adj+ for sb to do of sb to do 区别 for 表示不定式动作的特点 of表示人的品质,品德


如:It is difficult for us to finish the work within two weeks. It is kind of you to help me with my work. 41. He _____ the club and _____ its activities. A. took part in; joined B. joined; took part in C. joined; took a part in D. took part in; took part in 解析:此题考查join ,join in 和take part in 的区别

join 表示 “加入某个团体,组织” join the army, join the chess assosiation(协会) join in 表示“参加某个活动” join us in a walk join in the stirke 而take part in 多用来表示参加“文体娱乐活动”

42. The noble man prefers ___money to him ___sorry to him. A. giving; to saying B. giving; to say C. give; to say D. to give; to saying 解析:考查prefer ?to ?的用法 结构有prefer sth to sth

prefer doing sth to doing sth

prefer to do sth rather than do sth(I prefer to stay at home rather than stay

at home.我宁愿呆在家里而不去学校。)

43. To gain honor for our country, we will try our best_____ the game. A. competing in B. competing against C. to compete with D. to compete in

解析: try/do one’s best to do sth尽力干某事 in game 在比赛中

44. Tom was so angry with Bob that he hit _____. A. Bob in the head B. Bob's head C. Bob on the head D. on Bob's head 解析:考查关词the 的用法 1.表示人体的某个部位时

hit/strike/beat sb on the head/nose hit/strike/beat sb in the face/arm/leg 2. 表示“按?计算”

The workers are paid by the hour/by the day /by the month/by the week The eggs are sold by the dozen.

This materail is sold by weight/height/length/width.

注意: 画线部分的名词本身是可以计量的时候, 如day, week, month,dozen等,前面有the,

使用名词的单数形式;当名词本身是不可以计量的时候,如weight /height/ length/ width,前面没有the.

45. _____ at the news that I didn't know what to say to comfort her. A. So sad she looked B. So sad did she look C. So sadly she looked D. So sadly did she look

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解析: 考查倒装及系动词的用法.

常见的系动词可以分类如下: 系动词后可用名词、不定式、分词和形容词等作表语,这类词有:

表感观的系动词:look,sound,taste,smell,feel,seem,appear(这些词用形容词作表语) 表变化的系动词:become,get,turn,grow,make,come,go,fall,run表依旧的系动词:remain,keep,stay,continue,stand,rest,lie,hold

可带名词作表语的系动词:be,become,make,look,sound,fall,prove,remain,turn(该词后接的单数名词前多不用冠词。如:He turned teacher.)(91高考)These oranges taste____________.A.good B.well C.to be good D.to be well 该题第一句中so ?that?句型位于句首,故使用倒装. 常见使用倒装的情况:

1. not until 位于句首,主句用倒装. Not until I finish my work did I leave for home. 2. 表示否定意义的副词或连词位于句首时,使用不完全倒装.常见词有never, hardly,

scarcely, seldom, little, barely,rarely, nowhere, not until?,及固定搭配 hardly had?when?, no sooner had ? than ? Never shall I forget the old professor.

Not a single word did he say before he left. Hardly did I think it possible. Seldom does she Watch TV.

Little does he care whether we live or die. Nowhere could I see him.

Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. No sooner had he reached home than it began to rain.

Hardly (scarcely) had I entered the room when the phone rang.

3. not only?but also?

Not only can she speak English, but also German. 4. only 后接介词短语\\副词或从句,放句首用倒装.如: Only then was I able to stand him.

Only yesterday did I finish reading this novel. Only in this way can you study English well.

Only when they told me did I know what had happened.

46. Only a fool enjoys _____ in public. A. making fun of B. to make fun of C. being made fan of D. to be made fan of 解析; 首先 根据题意应使用被动语态. Make fun of sb 取笑某人

类似的结构有 make a fool of make a joke of play a trick on play a joke on

47. Our English teacher _____ by the teachers and students. A. is good thought of B. is thought high of C. is sung highly praise for D. is spoken highly of 解析: 表示高度赞扬人的几个固定短语 think/sing/speak highly of sb

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sing high prise for sb comment highly on sb

48. I like ______ of the two stories, for this story is _____ than that one. A. both; not more interesting B. neither; no more interesting C. neither; not more interesting D. either; no more interesting 解析: 两者的肯定用both (of), 否定用 neither (of) 三者或三者以上用all (of) 否定用none (of) I like both of the books. 这两本书我都喜欢。 I like neither of the books. 这两本书我都不喜欢。 All the students are boys. 所有学生都是男生。 None of the sudents are boys. 所有学生都不是男生。

注意: All the students are not boys. 或 Not all the students are boys. 都表示部分否定。 加 not用来表示部分否定的词有 every, each, both, all,等词。 49. You'd better make a mark _____ you have any questions. A. at which B. at where C. the place D. where

解析:考查地点状语从句。这种题型很容易与定语从句混淆。区别应从两种从句的特点进行区别。 定语从句必须有先行词, 这一点在解题时很重要。 例如在该题中,如果选择A,则找不到先行词。

因此,只能处理为地点状语从句。另外,地点状语从句通常可以放在句子的句首或句尾。此题 可以改为Where you have any questions, you’d better make a mark. 50. The stubborn boy didn't _____ so that he missed the chance. A. take advice B. follow an advice C. give some advice D. ask for advice

解析:听取某人意见的表示方法:follow one’s advice take advice 51. Old as the car is, _____ it works quite well. A. but B. yet C. so D. however

解析: 此题的难点在于第一句,Old as the car is, 怎样理解。 As在该句中引导让步状语从句,为“虽然”的意思。在英语中的虽然和但是所代表的单词通常是不能同时出现的。但,yet 可以和代表虽然意思的单词连用。如:上题。

再如 Although I don’t like the flower, yet I at last I accepted it. 52. They were _____ inventors than pure scientists. A. more B. less C. many D. worse

解析:此题考查 more than 结构分开时的用法。通常结构如下

more+n than +n He is more a teacher than a reporter. More+adj than+ adj He is more brave than clever.

在考查more 的用法时,还有下列结构no more than no less than no more than 后跟某些名词时,相当于only I have no more than 10 yuan.

当no more than 分开时,即中间加形容词时

He is no taller than me. 翻译时应取该形容词的反意。 即 他和我一样矮。 此时,要注意和He is not taller than me 的区别。

53. The teachers are doing what they _____ their stuaits. A. can to teach B. can teach C. can teaching D. can to teaching 解析: 该题的关键在于to do 表目的。

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如 do sth to do sth 结构,为了做某事而做某事。

还有,此题也可以利用句段的正确停顿来做。如果在The teachers are doing what they can后能进行正确停顿,做题时也很简单。

54. Liaocheng, Shandong Pro. is a beautiful city, ____ I pay a three-day visit. A. which B. where C. to which D. in which 解析:此题相对简单。考查固定搭配。

此题给我们的最大提示是 不要忘了固定短语的介词。

如:pay a vistit to , pay attention to , take care of , make use of , play a part in等,当句子中有宾语时,介词不能丢。

55. Don't have your children _____ for hours reading books in _____ dark a room. A. sitting; so B. sit; such C. to be sitting; so D. to sit; such 解析:考查have 的用法及so和such 的用法。 Have sb doing 使某人一直干某事 Have sb done使某人承受。。。 Have sth done 使某物承受。。

such+a/an+n. so+adj.+a/an+n.

such+adj.+n. so+many/much+n. 56. I want to know _____.

A. what the matter is B. what matter it is C. what's the matter D. the matter is what 解析:此题语境不够明确,但AC两项的区别应该注意 A 表示 事情是什么

B表示问题、麻烦是什么 所表达的感情色彩不一样。 57. After so long a walk, he was too _____ further. A. tired for walk B. tire to walk C. tiring to go D. tired to go 解析:考查too?to?结构。

做此题更应该学会该结构的变体的用法,及和too 有关的用法

1) 如果否定该结构的后半部分,即too?not to?此时该不定式就不再带有否定的含义, 意思接近于too?enough to?,不定式表示肯定。

2) only too? to ? 也不等于该结构,而与very,very much 意思相近。 如:The opportunity given was almost __________grabbed by someone. A. too good to be B. too good not to be C. so good to be D. too good not being

It was too great an honour not to excite the envy of his enemy.(这是极大的光荣,不能


I shall only be too glad to get home. 回到家真是太高兴了。

They are only too plased to accept you kind invitation. 他们很高兴接受你门的邀请。 有关too的其它特殊用法:

当too 前有not, never, hardly, 构成 can not/hardly/never? too +形容词/副词句型,构成双重否定, 也表示肯定的意义。意思为“无论怎样。。。也不过分”。

You cann’t be too careful in making the decision as it is such a critical case.

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A man is never too old to learn.

58. Why not trust and use David? He is still as strong as____ in the team. A. somebody else B. everybody else C. anybody else D. nobody else


A 表示另外其他人B表示另外每个人C表示另外任何人,语气强 59. After the accident, she had _____ all over. A. pains B. pain C. ache D. aches 解析:纯粹考查单词。

Pain表示肉体上的疼痛时不可数,但当表示身体某部分的疼痛或不适为可数。 Ache 表示持续而隐约的疼痛,可一用做可数名词

60. I forget where I read the article, or I _____ it to you now. A. will show B. would show C. am going to show D. am showing

解析:当句子无明显的可一入手的标志时,我们应考虑语气,从语气中可推测出有用的东西。 61. ____for the doctor's careful treatment, he____till last year. A. If it is not; can't live B. Were it not; couldn't live C. Had it not been; couldn't have lived D. If they were not ; couldn't live

解析:考查虚拟语气。虚拟语气的从句中,如果有were, had, shoud, 往往可以省略掉if, 然后把were, should, had 放到句首。如: Were I you, I would do the same.

Had you come yesterday, you would have met him. Should there be a folld, what should we do?

62. They stayed up until midnight _____ the old year out and the new year in. A. and saw B. to see C. seeing D. for seeing 解析:

63. George spent _____ studying. A. the whole day B. all during the day C. altogether a day D. entirely a day 解析:

64. You may _____ find it hard to get along well with them. A. certainly B. likely C. possibly D. probably 解析:

65. The house that _____ by the fire belongs to A. was destroyed, mine B. destroyed, mine C. was destroyed, me D. destroyed, me 解析:

66. ---____ will the meeting _____?---In about 20 minutes.

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A. How long, last B. When, last C. How often, finish D. How soon, end

解析:考查对介词in 的理解,意思为多久之后。另外,对how long, how often,how soon 的用法也应该掌握。

67. While _____ in the room, we were all very excited. A. waited B. waiting C. to wait D. wait

解析:考查分词做状语。当分词ing做时间状语时,前面可以加when 或while.对与分词做状语部分的知识点应重点进行识记。可以参考语法书。

68. _____ you _____ to go to watch the football match with me? A. Would; like B. Would; rather C. Do; feel like D. Do; would like 解析:

69. She asked _____ we were getting on well with our work. A. how B. if C.what D. that 解析:

70. I'm wondering_____ he expects will win the gold medal in Men's Single. A. whom B. which C. who D. what 解析:

71. Don't think of the exam. _____, it has been passed quite a few days. A. In all B. Not at all C. After all D. At all 解析:

72. She _____ a man _____ a lot of money. A. was married; with B. married; with C. marrietl; to D. was married; to 解析:

73. During the next ten years we both worked day and night to _____ the money we had borrowed.

A. pay off B. pay for C. pay to D. pay back 解析:

74. --Where do you think _____ he _____ the computer? ---Sorry, I have no idea.

A. /; bought B. has; bought C. did; buy D. had; bought 解析:

75. We have been _____ by all our friends since we settled in the new house. A. called on B. called at C. called into D. called for 解析:

76. I _____ her voice at once on the phone, though we hadn't seen each other for ten years. A. heard B. knew C. realized D. recognized 解析:

77. But she had to ___ the company and ____a man in order to get a job. A. lie to; pretended to be B. lie; pretended to be C. lie to; pretended being D. lie; pretended as 解析:

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78. The man went into the room, _____ rather strange. A. to look B. looking C. looked D. and looking 解析:考查系动词的用法。系动词无被动语态,无进行时。

79. The driver drove __ hit a big tree and the car came to a stop. A. too carelessly to B. carelessly enough to C. so carelessly that he D. so careless that he

80. When he saw all his books _____ here and there on the floor, he knew that something terrible _____.

A. lying; must have happened B. lie; must happen

C. lay; might have happened D. had lain; could have happen 解析:

81. ____Mr Brown's anger, it was his own son who didn't agree ____him. A. To; with B. Because of; to C. With; of D. For; on 解析:

82. But later people developed a way of printing, _____rocks. A. used B. using C. and use D. uses 解析:分词做伴随状语。

83. The problem was that it is ____valuable ___everyday use. A. too; to B. too; for C. too; of D. so; that 解析:经过观察四个选项知道此题 的关键在于第二个空 use的搭配通常为be used for 故在名词的用法中类似 84. ---Where is Mother

---She is in the kitchen. She _____the housework all morning. A. is doing B. was doing C. has done D. has been doing 解析: 由时间状语 all the morning 推知 应使用完成进行时态.

85. What a strange man! He loves his wife, but _____ he often beats her. A. at a time B. at one time C. at times D. at the same time 解析: at a time 每一次 at one time 曾经,一度 at times 时常

at the same time 同时

86. The books, _____ the dictionaries, must be put back where they _____. A. included; were B. to include; are C. including; were D. including; are 解析: 考查include 和 事态的

87. Paper _____ the fibres of plants for many years. A. has been made from B. have been made out of C. has made up of D. have been made into

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88. Before the game started Alien's friends believed he was ___ but he didn't feel ___. Then after the first ten minutes, he began to take heart.

A. sure to win; sure to success B. sure of success; sure of it C. sure to win; sure about that D. sure about winning; sure to win 解析:

89. His father looks young, but _____ fact he is _____. A. in; in the forties B. in; in his forties C. in the; in the forties D. in; in his forty 解析: in the 1980s in one’s forties 背过

90. It's quite strange that the man sleeps with his mouth____ and his eyes _____. A. closed; open B. closed; opened C. closing; open D. closing; opening 解析:

91. If you have a problem _____ your composition, you had better ask your teacher ______. A. in; on some advice B. for; for some advices C. on; some advice D. with; for some advice 解析:

92. There _____ a lot of coal mines in the south, but many of them have been closed or are _____ be closed.

A. use to having; about to B. used to be; to C. use to having; going to D. used to be; supposed to 解析:

93. The weather in Britain is ____too cold in winter___too hot in summer. A. either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor D. or; and

94. Forgive him, please. I don't think he broke your mirror____. A. with care B. on purpose C. for fun D. with aim

95. He advised the fanners to choose the best seed-heads,____ that had the best colour. A. the one B. the ones C. one D. ones 解析:

96. Although he is considered a great writer, _____. A. his works is not widely read B. but his works are not widely read C. however his works are not widely read D. yet his works are not widely read

解析:在英语中although, but 是不能连用的,类似的有because,so 但although 可以和yet 连用。

97. --_____ of the population of the city _____workers? --About 60 percent.

A. What; is B. What; are C. How much; is D. How much; are 解析:此题解题的关键在于 怎么回答的。

由about 60 percent 推知 第一句应该是提问多少的。

而对population 中的多大部分提问用how much , 表示的是复数意义。

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98. I was advised to arrange for insurance _____ I needed medical treatment. A. although B. in case C. so that D. if only 解析:此题考察固定短语。In case 是万一的意思

if only 是“要是?就好了的意思”, 后常接虚拟语气。 If only I were you. 对现在的虚拟用一般过去

If only I had attended the meeting.对过去的虚拟用过去完成 If only I would join the army. 对将来的虚拟用过去将来

99.---What can I do for you?---Well,I'm afraid the box is _________ heavy for you,but thank you all the same. A. so B. much C. very D. too 解析:

100.--Peter is very clever and he studies hard as well. ---No ______be always wins first in the examinations. A.doubt B.question C.wonder D.problem

解析:no wonder (that) 后接句子,是固定搭配,意思是“难怪,怪不得。。” no problem 是“没有问题”的意思,通常用来回答做某事在能力范围之内。 如: ---Can you finish your work within another two weeks? ---No problem doubt作动词时,用在肯定句中后跟whether 用在否定句或疑问句中后跟 that

如: I doubt whether he will help me. I don’t doubt that he will help me. Do you doubt that he will help me? 作名词时,固定搭配有 without a doubt 好无疑问 1--5 ADCAA 6--10 DDCAC 11--15 CAACA 16--20 BCCAB 21-25 BAAAB 26-30 DBDDC 31--35 AADAA 36-40 CCAAA 41-45 BADCB 46-50 CDBDA 51-55 BAACA 56-60 CDCAB 61-65 CBACC 66-70 DBABC 71-75 CBDAA 76-80 DABCA 81-85 ABBDD 86-90 CACBA 91-95 DBCBB 96-100 DDBDC

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