九年级(上)Unit 3-4 综合单元能力测试题

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九年级(上)Unit 3-4 综合单元能力测试题

I.词汇运用 (15分)

i. 同义替换。 (共8小题; 每小题 1分) ( ) 1. His clothes look clean though they are old. A. although C. but

( ) 2. ---Who made the decision to go fishing with us? --- Tom and Jack.

A. refused C. explained

( ) 3. You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a week.

A. teach C. hope

B. seem

B. decided

B. and

( ) 4. You can open the windows. I don't mind. A. care C. think

( ) 5. I don't like this type of camera because it's not convenient to take. A. part C. set

( ) 6. There are so many people in the cinema. I suppose all the tickets have been sold out now. A. advise C. think

( ) 7. She felt ashamed of making so many mistakes in her article. A. frightened

B. surprised B. mention B. kind B. lose

C. embarrassed

( ) 8. How often do you hear from your sister? A. stay away from

C. get a letter from

ii.词汇释义。(共 4小题;每小题1分)

( ) 9. If something is ___________, it is your own and not connected with anyone else.

A. personal C. secret

B. amazing

B. join in

( ) 10. __________ can be described as the work that you do as part of your job.

A. Attention C. Energy

( ) 11. A(n) __________ means a formal written or spoken test, especially at school or college,

to see how much you know about a subject A. exam B. diet C. lecture

( ) 12. To __________ means not succeeding.

A. teach C. fail

iii. 根据上下文线索猜词。 (共 3小题;每小题 1分)

( ) 13. Jane is always __________, so all guests like her very much.

A. careless B. ashamed C. polite

( ) 14. The boys __________ doing homework on Sundays, so they feel unhappy when parents

ask them to do it. A. like

B. avoid

B. meet

B. Business

C. hate

( ) 15. You lost my car key. You were __________.

A. happy B. careless C. useful II. 语法填空(10分)

阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。(共10小题;每小题 1分) .

There is a nice family living in Valladolid, a beautiful city in central Spain. (16) __________ father, Jose Garcia, is a tall and friendly man. He (17) __________ (work) at a famous company. He married Teresa, a (18) __________ (beauty) woman, (19) __________ dark eyes and light hair. She is a (20) __________ (teach) of Primary Education. Jose and Teresa have three (21) __________ (child): Susan, Rebecca and Juan. The (22) __________ (old), Susan, is 24 years old. She's a doctor and busy with her work every day. She (23) __________ (usual) goes to work at 8 a.m. and comes home afier 7 p.m. Rebecca, a beautiful girl with big dark eyes, is 19 years old and (24) __________ (study) Chinese in the Canary Islands. Juan, a naughty 11-year-old boy, dreams of (25) __________ (become) a great football player. We can know they have a happy family. III. 完形填空(15分)


Nellie Bly was a newspaper reporter in New York. When she read the book Around the world in Eighty Days, she thought she would make her own trip and 26 it in less than 80 days. In 1889, a trip around the world was much 27 than it is today. There were no planes. There were only trains and ships. However, Nellie Bly made up her mind to travel around the world, and her manager 28 .

On November 14, 1889, Bly 29 New York City on a ship. On the first night, a terrible storm hit the ship. Bly was seasick (晕船的) and she 30 if she had made a wise decision.

But the world was watching and she couldn't 31 . Bly wrote newspaper stories about the food she ate, the 32 people wore, and the different cultures she met. Thousands of people around the world read about Bly's 33 in the papers.

Bly 34 San Francisco with 12 days left. She got on a train and travelled around the country in 4 days. On January 25, 1890, she 35 home to New York City. Bly had travelled around the world in 72 days. It was a new world record! ( ) 26.A.damage

B. play

C. do C. wider C. agreed C. left C. wanted C. come along C. clothes C. thoughts . C. got C. left

( ) 27. A. harder B. quieter ( ) 28. A. offered B. explored ( ) 29. A. filled ( ) 30. A. realized ( ) 31. A. turn back

B. chose B. wondered

B. copy down

( ) 32. A. glasses B. tents ( ) 33. A. things B. trips ( ) 34. A. reached

B. required

( ) 35. A. came B. returned IV. 阅读理解(30分)



Joey De Souza sighed. Today was no fun. His elder brother Donny was playing soccer with his friends and he wouldn't let Joey play with them. Loretta was mad at him because he made a big mess in her room. He was only trying to find his shoes. And Katy was too little to play with. Joey pulled out his plastic bricks. Maybe he'd build something. Maybe he'd build a tall building.

Katy came over and sat down night next to him. \


They sat next to each other, working on the building. When Katy couldn't reach the top, she stood up. And that was when it happened. She gave the tall building a push. Down it went \

\ \

\very nice. You'd better help Joey pick everything up.\

\It's just not fair.\

And with that he ran out of the living room, through the kitchen, and out of the door. ( ) 36. Why did Joey De Souza sigh at first?

A. Because his mother was mad at him. B. Because no one wanted to play with him. C. Because Katy knocked the tall building over.

D. Because there was nobody suitable (合适的) to play with. ( ) 37. Why was Loretta mad at Joey De Souza?

A. Because he wanted to play with her. B. Because he didn't want to play with her. C. Because he couldn't find his shoes. D. Because he made a big mess in her room.

( ) 38. Katy came over and sat down right next to Joey to __________.

A. learn from him B. say sorry to him C. play with him

D. talk about their mother

( ) 39. What did Mom ask Joey to do afier the tall building fell?

A. She asked him to go out to play. B. She asked him to pick up the bricks. C. She asked him to take good care of Katy. D. She asked him to act like a brother. ( ) 40. What's the best title for the passage?

A. Joey De Souza's bad day. B. Joey De Souza's family. C. Joey De Souza's mother. D. Joey De Souza's tall building.


School is starting soon. Last year I bullied(欺负) a boy. (I'm a girl.) I attacked him even though he's stronger because I knew he wouldn't hit a girl. I want to apologize but I don't know how. I feel bad for doing this. He doesn't trust me. How should I show him I have changed? ---Lily Firstly, be proud of yourself for changing. It's not easy to admit (承认) that you bullied someone or to stop once you start. Offering an apology to someone you bullied is a great first step toward starting over. If you can, tell him, \him, \ People who are bullied often have difficulty trusting others, especially the people who bullied them in the past. So don't expect the other person to accept your apology. Secondly, be patient. It will take time. You've probably heard that \words\So afier offering words of an apology, you then need to show him that you've really

changed: be kind and helpful to him. Thirdly, you can remember: first, what you're doing takes courage and you can be proud of the fact that you are taking real steps to change. Second, whatever happens, you're building some good skills and learning more about yourself and the kind of person you want to be.

( ) 41. What's Lily's problem?

A. The boy doesn't trust her and doesn't play with her. B. She wants to tell the boy how she has changed. C. She was bullied by a strong boy last year. D. She wants to apologize but she doesn't know how. ( ) 42. What's the first step toward starting over?

A. Being proud of yourself for changing. B. Accepting others' apology. C. Offering an apology.

D. Choosing the right time to apologize.

( ) 43. Which of the following is TRUE about people who are bullied according to the passage?

A. They want to bully others. B. They have difficulty trusting others. C. They want to be friends with others. D. They can accept the apology easily.

( ) 44. If a person doesn't accept your apology, you should __________.

A. stay away from him or her B. write a letter to apologize again C. be kind and helpful to him or her D. offer words of apology again

( ) 45. The writer wrote the second part of the passage to __________.

A. give advice B. ask for help C. admit the mistakes

D. encourage Lily to learn more


Will your parents believe what you say and listen to and respect your opinions? A lot depends on your parents. Some parents are easy to talk to, and some are hard to talk to.

But some of what happens depends on you too. Since communication is a two-way street, the way you talk can affect(影响) how well a parent listens to and understands you. So here are some guides to consider how to talk to parents:

Be clear. Be clear about what you think, feel, and want. Give details that can help parents understand your situation. They can listen better or be more helpful if they understand what you mean and what's really going on.

__________ If you're always honest, your parents will be likely to believe what you say. If you lie, they will find it hard to trust you.

Try to understand their point of view. If they don't agree with you, can you see your parents' side? If you can, say so. Telling parents you understand their views and feelings helps them be willing to see yours too.

Try to be calm. Using a friendly tone (声调) makes it more likely that parents will listen and take what you say seriously. It also makes it more likely that they'll talk to you in the same way. If you feel angry, do something to stop it before talking: Go for a run or cry. Do whatever it takes to sound calm when you need to.

( ) 46. Whether your parents believe what you say and listen to and respect your opinions,who

will it depend on mostly? A. Yourself. C. Your parents.

B. Your brother. D. Your grandparents.

( ) 47. What does the underlined word \

A. Information. C. Skills.

B. Gifts. D. Energy.

( ) 48. Which can be put back into the blank?

A. Be friendly. C. Be happy.

B. Be honest. D. Be surprised.

( ) 49. What should you do if you feel angry before talking?

A. Try to find another time to talk. B. Try to forget about it. C. Do something to stop it. D. Show it to others.

( ) 50. What's the best title for the passage?

A. Why to depend on your parent. B. Stop being angry with your parent. C. Communication is a two-way street. D. How to talk with parents.


Most people living during the Middle Ages lived in the country and worked as farmers. Usually there was a local lord who lived in a large house called a castle. Local peasants(农民) would work on the land for the lord.

The peasants worked hard all year long. They grew crops. They also had gardens where they grew vegetables and fruit. They also sometimes had a few animals such as chickens for eggs and cows for milk. Life in the City

City life was very different from country life, but it wasn't much easier. The cities were crowded and dirty. A lot of people worked as craftsmen. Other jobs in the city included servants,

businessmen, bakers, doctors, and lawyers (律师). What were their homes like?

Although we often think of pictures of large castles when we think of the Middle Ages, most people lived in small homes with one or two rooms. These homes were very crowded and usually all slept in the same room. In the country, the family animals, like a cow, may also live inside the home. The home was usually dark and uncomfortable. Did they go to school?

Very few people attended school in the Middle Ages. Most peasants learnt their job and how to live from their parents. Some children learnt crafts in stores. Rich children often learnt through tutors (家庭教师). They would go to live in the castle of another lord where they would work for the lord, learning about how a large castle was run. ( ) 51. Which can be put back into the blank?

A. Life in the Middle Ages. B. Farmers in the Middle Ages. C. Gardens in the Country. D. Life in the Country.

( ) 52. Which is TRUE about life in the city?

A. It was easy to live in cities at that time. B. There were few people in cities at that time. C. A lot of people worked as businessmen. D. There were some doctors in cities at that time.

( ) 53. What kind of houses did most people in the Middle Ages live in?

A. Small. B. Large. C. Beautiful.

D. Expensive.

( ) 54. Where did most of the rich children learn?

A. They went to school.

