高考英语交际用语专题最后20天看、练(最详细2) - 图文

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1. ---Hello! May I speak to Zhao Hua? —Yes, ____.

A. My name is Zhao Hua B. I'm Zhao Hua C. This is Zhao Hua speaking D. Zhao Hua is me

2. —Do you mind my taking this seat?—____.

A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course not C. Yes, take it please D. No, you can't take it

3. —Have a nice weekend!—____.

A. The same to you B. You do too C. The same as you D. You have it too

二、考查考生掌握英美人的风俗习惯,特别是中西文化差异的情况。 4. —You have done the work very well. —____.

A. Great B. Thanks C. Oh, no D. Not at all

5. ---Thank you very much for your help. ----______.

A. No thanks. B. Don’t thank me C. You are too kind. D. You’re welcome. 三、考查考生根据所提供的情景和实际情况,应用语言知识进行合情合理应答的能力。 6. —He is not a friend of yours, is he? —____. I have never seen him before.

A. No, he isn't B. No, he is C. Yes, he is D. Yes, he isn't

7. —Sorry, I forgot to post the letter for you. —Never mind, ____ it myself tonight.

A. I'm going to post B. I'd better post C. I'll post D. I'd rather post

四、考查考生准确理解短语用法和句子含义的能力。(这是近年来考查交际用语的新趋势。) 8. —How do you like your English teacher? —____.

A. Yes, I like him very much B. No, I don't like him C. I like him D. He is very kind

9. —____?

---She is slim pretty.

A. What's the girl like B. How do you like the girl

C. What does the girl like D. How do you like about the girl 10. ---How often do you eat out? ---________, but usually once a week.

A. Have no idea B. It depends C. As usual D. Generally speaking

11. ---Will $200_____? ---I'm afraid not. We need at least 50 more dollars.

A. count B. satisfy C. fit D. do


(A) 特殊疑问句----特殊疑问句的答语通常针对特殊疑问词作出具体的回答。(不要答非所问.) 12. ---Why don't you travel to New York on vacation? ---________. A. I don't want to go B. Excuse me, because I can't

C. I want to but I haven't got enough money D. Because I'm going to school today 13. ----What subjects are you studying? ---________.

A. Yes, I'm study history. B. I'm studying now

C. I'm studying philosophy. D. I'm doing my homework 14. ---Which language do you speak at home? ---________.

A. I speak English very well B. I can speak English and French C. English is my mother tongue D. English, most of the time 15. ----When does the next bus leave for Glasgow? ---________.

A. I've never been there B. The next one is faster C. They leave every hour D. The city is far away 16. ----Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? ---________.

A. You can take a taxi B. It's about thirty miles

C. I'll fly to Sidney. D. It's only six hundred dollars 17. ---Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs? ---________.

A. I'd like to buy it. B. It's of very good quality

C. About eighty-five dollars D. It depends on how you like it 18. ---Do you mind telling me where you are from? ---________.

A. Certainly, I'm from London. B. Sure, I was born in London

C. Not really, you can do it D. Certainly not. I'm from London 19. ---How often do you have listening classes in a week? ---________.

A. Listening classes are difficult B. Last week and the week before

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C. They have no listening classes. D. Every Monday and Friday 20. ---That man alone over there. Who is he? ---_________.

A. He is a student B. He is Doctor Took C. A driver, I suppose D. He's drunk

(B) 反意疑问句: 陈述句/祈使句 + 简短的一般疑问句 (前肯定, 后否定; 或: 前否定后肯定)。反意问句的答语应根据

实际情况(上下文提供的情景)确定: 内容是肯定的, 就用“Yes, + 肯定”结构回答; 内容是否定的, 则用 “No, + 否定”结构回答. 当前面句子为否定时, 尤要特别小心, 不要搞错。如: --- It didn't rain yesterday, did it? ---- 昨天没有下雨,对吗?

---Yes, it did. --- 不, 下雨了. ---- No, it didn't. --- 对, 没有下 21. ---You are not the manager here, are you? ---________.

A. Yes, I'm not. B. No, I am C. Yes, I am D. No, not at all

22. ---Sue looks good in that new dress, doesn't she? ---________.

A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn't C. Yes, she does D. No, she didn't

23. ---Joe will come to the party, won't he? ---________.

A. Oh, yes. I forget. B. It's at 8 o'clock C. Yes, he's bringing his cousin, Sandy D. Yes, it's a nice party

(C) 选择疑问句: 选择疑问句是问话者提供两个或两个以上答案供对方选择回答的问句, 答语应作出一个明确的选择

(也可全部肯定或否定)。不能使用Yes/ No回答。 24. ---What would you like, tea or coffee? ---________.

A. Yes, I would B. Coffee, please. C. Yes, please D. It's very nice 25. ---Did you travel to Xi'an by train or by plane? ---________.

A. It is possible travel by plane. B. I travel either by train or by planes C. I traveled by train. D. I flew there

(D) 一般疑问句: 一般疑问句通常用yes和no来回答, 时态人称要一致. 注意口语化的回答。 26. ---Have you even been to Tokyo? ---________.

A. No, I didn't go there last year B. No, but I hope to go there next year C. Tokyo is a busy city. D. Yes, I will do it next time

27. ---Are there any drug-stores around here? ---________.

A. Yes, there is one on the left corner B. Yes, it is

C. No, it isn't D. Oh, you must have a cold.

28. ---Do you think the exam will be put off? ---________.

A. Not good news. B. The exam is difficult C. Not likely D. It was put off yesterday

(E) 省略倒装句: 省略倒装句的对话首句是肯定句时, 用“So+助动词+主语”或“Me too.”; 首句是否定句时用

“Neither+助动词+主语”或“Me neither”. So it is with sb. (某人的情况也是如此) 29. ---I think the Internet is very useful. ---________.

A. So do I B. That's a very good idea C. Neither do I D. I do rather go surfing on it

30. ---I don't like the sports programs on Sundays. ---________.

A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So am I D. Neither am I

31. ---I have been to the Great Wall. ---________.

A. Neither have I B. So do I C. Neither do I D. So have I

32. ---I haven't seen Belly for ten years. ---________.

A. Neither have I B. Neither did I C. Me too D. Me neither

(F) 情态动词 MUST: 情态动词must的否定回答, 表示不必时用“No, ?needn't/ don’t have to‖; 肯定回答, 用

―Yes, …must.‖

33. ---Must we hand in our homework now? ---________.

A. Yes, you will B. Yes, you mustn't C. No, you needn't D. No, you mustn't

34. ---Must I do the washing-up tonight? ----________.

A. No, you mustn't if you don't want. B. Leave it if you are exhausted C. Washing-up is really exhausting D. Washing-up really takes up time

(G) 祈使句的答语: 常见的有: I will. Thanks. I won’t. Certainly. Of course. 35. ---Do be careful next time. ---_________.

A. I do B. I can C. I will D. I am.

1----5 CBABD 6----10 ACDAB 11---15 DCCDC 16----20 BCDDB 21—25 CCCBC 26----30 BACAB 31—35 DDCBC


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基本用语 注意要点 a. 见面问候:Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi. b. 代向某人问候:Best wishes/regards to...=give one's regards to sb = give one's best wishes to sb = give one's best love to sb = give one's best regards to sb. c. 替某人向??问好: say“Hi”/“Hello”to sb from sb = give one's regards to sb. Please remember me to.... 回答用语: ----I will. Thanks. d. How do you do? (初次见面通常用语) ---How do you do? How are you? (比较熟悉的人之间用语) ---Fine, thank you, and you?/Very well, thank you. How are you getting along with...? (你近来...可好?) --Every is fine! How are you doing? (您工作还顺利吧?) --- I'm just great! How is everything? (一切还好吧?) ---Very(quite)well,thank you! How is your vacation/holiday(s)/Christmas Day/weekend? (假期怎么样?) --- Not bad! What's up? (近来可忙?) ---Couldn't be better, thank you! What's going on? (近来可好?) --- Just so so. (一般; 还可以) 1. ―Hello‖ 既可用于问候,有时也用于引起对方注意,打电话或叫人,多在熟人之间使用,而“Hi”的用法比“Hello”更随便,口语中多见。 2. Hello!和Hi!是互相熟悉的人之间的招呼语,比较随便,一天中任何时候都可以用。有时,后面还可加上对方的名字,以示亲热。Good evening! 一般用于晚上(通常是九点以前). 需要注意的是,不可用Good day来打招呼。Good morning!省略good 时,也可用来打招呼,但一般用于比较熟悉的人之间。 3. ―How are you?‖ 则用于询问对方身体情况答语可根据实际情况,如:―Fine/ Very well,thank you.‖ 注意: (very) good不能用来表示身体健康. 假如身体确实不太舒服并想让对方知道,不妨说Not too well, I'm afraid. 4. 对于不认识的人,想要他/她停下的说法:Hey, Sir/ Madam! Just a moment, Sir/ Madam. 5. 与英美人见面寒暄时,不应问及他(她)的年龄、婚否、收入等个人隐私情况。 ★ 介绍

a. This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Comrade.... May I introduce you to...? I’d like you to meet.... b. How do you do? Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you. Nice meeting you… c. My name is.... I’m a(student/teacher, etc.). May I know your name? Margaret, can you introduce me to her? Let me introduce you to others. Meet my sister Cathy. Bill, this is Tom. Hi, I'm Susan, this is my calling card. ―Nice to meet you.‖与 ―Nice to see you.‖ 有一点区别。前者的意思是初次见面(认识你很高兴)被人介绍相识后的寒暄用语。后者与前者在意思上相同,但是用于熟人之间(一段时间未见面后再次相遇)两者回答用语与问候语相同。 Nice to meet you.主要表示初次见面时的问候,而Nice meeting you.则是初次见面分手时的用语。 基本用语 注意要点 ★ 告别

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中西文化对比 有聚总有散!客人要走, 中国人常常会极力留客; 留不住, 也会送客很远很远; 嘴里说: ―慢走!‖ 客人要走, 英美人决不留客, 通常一句―Good-bye!‖了事, 出门一概不理! 对于客人的到访, 时常还要表示感谢: Thank you for coming. 1. 直接的告别话语有:Good bye! (Bye bye! Bye!) See you (tomorrow)! See you later! So long! Farewell! Good night. 2. 委婉的告别辞有: I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. I'm calling to say goodbye. I’m afraid I must be leaving/off now. I think it’s time for us to leave now. 3. 其他带有祝愿以及叮嘱等的告别辞有:I'll look forward to seeing you soon. Let's hope we’ll meet again. Hope to see you again. Drop in anytime you like. a. Good night./Night!只限于晚上告别或上床睡觉时使用。 b. Have a nice day!限于白天告别时用 (如早餐后家人互相道别)。 c. 告别前通常要说一两句客套话,如:I'm afraid I must be off (going) now. 长久告别时,还可同时表达希望今后多联系 (Keep/Get in touch),要对方保重身体 (Take care),问候对方家人 (Please send my best wishes/regards to your family.)等。 基本用语 注意要点

1. ---Hello, Sally. How's everything? ---__________.

A. Good for you B. Oh, I agree C. That's right D. Just so so

2. ---How are things with you, Bill? ---__________.

A. Hello, sure B. I am terribly busy these days C. Mind you own business D. See you later

3. ---Good night and thanks again. ---__________.

A. You can't say that B. Oh, no. It's what I can do C. How can you see that. D. Good night.

4. ---Well, it's getting late. I must be going. Thank you again for inviting me to the party? ---___.

A. Oh, it's so late B. Thank you for coming C. Oh, so soon D. I really had a happy time.

5. ---Mrs. Johnson, I've come to say good-bye. ---__________.

A. See you next time B. Have a pleasant journey. I will miss you C. That's OK D. Thank you for saying that.

6. ---- It’s getting late. I'm afraid I must be going now. ---- OK. ______ .

A. Take it easy B. Go slowly C. Stay longer D. See you 7. --- Let me introduce myself. I’m Albert. ---- ______________.

A. What a pleasure B. It’s my pleasure C. Pleased to meet you D. I’m very pleased 8. Jane: Tom, let me introduce you to Lucy. Tom:______. Lucy: Hi, I’m Lucy Lee.

A. What’s your name? B. Hello. C. Nice to see you. D. Sorry, not right now. 二、邀请(约会)

西方人在发出“邀请”前常有一个引子,尤其在客气的场合,如可先这样问一下对方是否有空:Are you free this evening? 而Would you like to...和I'd like to invite you to...的句式较为客气,带有商量、询问的口气,多用于不知对方能否接受邀请的场合。 a. 接受他人邀请时通常还要表示一下感谢。常用: Yes, I’d love to. Yes, it’s very kind/nice of you; Yes, with pleasure. b. 如果是稍有保留地接受,可这样说:I will if I can. 中西文It's very kind of you to invite me, but I'm not sure if I can come. 化对比 c. 拒绝他人的邀请一般不直接说No, 而要婉言谢绝(通常会说明理由),并要声明自己是愿意接受“邀请”的,但因某种原因不能接受,并表示歉意或感谢。常用: I’d like to, but I’m too busy. / I’m sorry I can’t, but… I really enjoy it, but I’ve got to go now. I wish I could accept your invitation, but I’m afraid I don’t have time to go. Thank you for your kindness, but I’ve got an appointment at that time. a. Will/ Would/ Can/ Could you come to...? Would you like to? I'd like to invite you to...& b. Yes, I'd love/ be glad/ happy to(...). Yes, I'd like to. / I'll be glad to. Of course. I'll be glad to. Oh yes, thank you. Yes, it's very kind/nice of you. OK. Thank you very much. Yes, great. Sure, why not? Sure. That's a good idea. Yes, with pleasure. c. I'd love to, but.... I'm sorry, but I can't. 基本用语 ★ 约会: 第 4 页 共 22 页

a. Are you/Will you be free this afternoon/tomorrow? 基本How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening? Shall we meet at 4:30 at...? 用语 b. Yes, that’s all right. Yes, I’ll be free then. c. No, I won’t be free then. But I’ll be free.... d. All right. See you then. 1.-- Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the cinema with you? -- Yes, I'd like to. 交际2.-- When shall we meet, today or tomorrow? -- I don't mind. Either time is OK. 例句 3.-- Are you free later today? -- Sorry, I'm free every day except today. 4.-- Are you free this afternoon? -- Oh no. Will this evening be all right? 5.-- Would you like to join us? (喜欢和我们一起吗?) Shall we dance?(我们可以跳个舞吗?) 1. ---Would you like to have a dinner with us this evening? ---________. A. OK, but I have to go to a meeting now B. No, I can't C. Sorry, I will go to airport this evening. D. I don't know

2. ---We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us? ---________.

A. Yes, it's very kind of you B. Of course not. I have no idea C. No, I can't D. That's all right.

3. ---Can you come over for dinner with us? ---________.

A. I'd love to, but I have a meeting tonight B. It doesn't matter

C. No, I don't like D. Oh, that sounds well

4. ---I have got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? ---________.

A. The tickets must be expensive. B. The match must be exciting C. Why not? Let's go D. The place is too far away 5. ---I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. ---________.

A. The appointment is put off B. You look sick and weak C. Please wait for a minute. He is busy now. D. Tell me your ID number 6. ---- Let’s go to a movie after work, OK? ---- ______ .

A. Not at all. B. Why not? C. Never mind. D. What of it? 三、感谢和应答:

1. 在英语文化中人们常常通过赞扬来鼓励某些合乎自己心意的行为,像You did a good job! Well done, everyone. You look nice. That's a beautiful shirt you're wearing. You are very clever. 而对他人的赞美,最普通、常用的答语是“Thank you.”而在中国的文化中,人们面对夸奖,常说“您过奖了”、 “哪里,哪里。”(“Where, where?”)以表示谦逊。 2. 英国人收到礼物时,通常都会当着送礼人的面打开礼物,同时会说一些喜欢或赞美的话以表示谢意,中西文送礼人此时常常附和说: “I'm glad you like it.” 而中国人往往说一些谦让的话“您太客气了。”“您这化对比 样做太破费了。”等。若用此表达方式对待英国人,对方肯定会觉得你不喜欢或对他的礼物不屑一顾。 3. 在西方, 别人给你做事、帮忙,别人向你问候或祝贺,别人给你鼓励或赞扬时, 不能直接说 No,而应该说Thank you。 4. 当别人问你要不要喝茶或吃点什么东西时,你若要喝或吃应说Yes, please,若你不想吃或喝应说 No,thank you.或 No,thanks. 5. 没得到或不需要对方的帮助可以说:Thank you all/just the same. Thank you anyway。 a. Thank you (very much)./ Thanks (a lot)./ Many thanks. /Thanks for.... It's very kind of you to?. 基本用b. Not at all. / That's all right. / You're welcome. /That's OK. / It's a pleasure/ 语 (It's) My pleasure。 Don't mention it. I'm glad you like it. It's really nothing at all. ★ 祝愿、祝贺和应答: A. 对于他人的祝愿、祝贺,英美人表示感谢(Thanks)。 B. 和大家同庆同欢乐, 回答用: The same to you / You, too. C. I’m glad to hear that. 用于向对方主动告知的喜事表示祝贺或“附和”. 中西文化D. 西方人喜欢收到礼物时当场打开并大加赞赏说:Wonderful!/ Beautiful!/ What a nice present! / How nice a gift!并表示感谢! 对比 E. 允许去玩乐说: Have a nice/good/pleasant/ wonderful time. / Have fun! 玩得开心点! 尽情去玩吧! F. 为人送行用: Have a good trip. / Have a pleasant journey. / Good luck with your trip! Good trip to you! Nice journey to you! 祝旅途愉快!祝一路顺风! 第 5 页 共 22 页

