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您本学期选择了学习“英语 1”。 英语

说明:本次作业是针对课件中 1--2 内容的,总分为 60 分,您的得分为 51 分 型题: A 型题: 1. She missed the plane, ______ driving very fast to the airport. A.according to B.because of C.despite of D.in spite of

2. Identify the errors in the following sentence:The scientist thinks it necessary that all the inventions of mankind must be used for good. A.thinks it B.mankind C.must D.for good

3. George was not aware ______ her presence till she spoke to him. A.in B.with C.to D.of

4. The offices on the second floor are ______ by a firm 错误:正确答案为:B A.lodged B.occupied C.exhibited D.exploited

5. To the citizens of the United States, the bald eagle symbolizes strength ______ freedom. A.as well as B.or C.also D.both

6. ______ he arrived, he was told to start back again. A.As far as B.As long as C.As soon as D.As well as

7. Identify the errors in the following sentence:If that is case, you will have to work harder. A.is B.case C.have to D.harder

8. Identify the errors in the following sentence:John said his mother would buy him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his sixteenth birthday. A.would buy him B.five-speeds C.for D.sixteenth birthday

9. With the population explosion, scientists will have to ______new methods of increasing the world’s food supply.

A.lead to

B.carry out

e up with

D.stick to

10. Louis was asked to clean the classroom ______. A.of herself B.by her will C.all by herself D.with one hand

11. Rain does not ______bring down the temperature. A.certainly B.undoubtedly C.necessarily pletely

12. The British troops ______ 500 miles a day by car. A.took B.covered C.came D.passed

13. If you work hard______, you won’t have to sit up all night before the exam. A.by yourself B.at other times C.willingly D.with some help

14. Children should be taught to ______ their toys ______ others. A.give ... into B.make ... in C.share ... with D.work ... for

15. They ______ for the West in a covered wagon. A.set off B.set to C.set aside D.set up

16. Geography is Linda's favorite ______ at school. A.matter B.object C.subject D.substance

17. Her arrival ______ us, for she was not expected until the next day. A.cheated B.surprised C.suspected D.advised

18. Identify the errors in the following sentence:Most people know to have their blood pressure taken but few understand what the numbers that are used to record blood pressure mean. A.Most people B.to have C.the numbers D.that are used

19. China succeeded _____ launching its first man-made satellite in 1970.





20. Identify the errors in the following sentence:By reading the directions carefully, some mistakes in the examination cold have been avoided. 错误:正确答案为:A A.By reading B.carefully C.in the examination D.cold have been avoided

21. It is a good habit to look ______ new words in a dictionary. A.up B.over C.into D.on

22. It was on that

______ day that she left the country. A.only B.very C.such D.just

23. If you ______your name and address on the card, we’ll send the book to you as soon as it is returned. A.go over B.fill in C.find out D.carry out

24. Identify the errors in the following sentence:The director felt badly about not giving Mary the position that she had applied for. A.badly B.not giving C.that D.applied for

25. Be sure to ______ your work at the end of the exam. A.ook over B.hang up C.set aside D.catch sight of

26. An average student should know that he needs to spend more time______ so that ______ a top student. A.studying ... he is B.to study ... he is C.studying ... he will be D.to study ... he will be

27. Identify the errors in the following sentence:The salad tasted so well that my brother returned to the salad bar for another helping. A.so well B.returned C.to the salad bar D.another helping

28. Identify the errors in the following sentence:Even if we had known the subject enough well, he insisted on explaining to us again. A.Even if B.enough well C.insisted D.on

29. Since he was a boy, one of his ______ has been stamp-collecting. A.hobbies B.proposals C.customs D.adventures

30. Our teacher asked us to ______ the blanks with the appropriate words. A.fill up B.fill with C.fill into D.fill in

31. Identify the errors in the following sentence:Unable to settle their disagreement at the meeting, the committee was going to put off the discussion until the next day. 错误:正确答案为:B A.Unable B.was C.until D.he next day

32. Identify the errors in the following sentence:I never dream of there to be a chance for me to be sent abroad. A.dream of B.to be C.for me D.abroad

33. Identify the errors in the following sentence:She wanted to visit the city so much that nothing could dissuade him to do so. A.to visit B.so much C.that D.to do so

34. The new law will ______ the workers to get extra pay from their companies. 错误:正确答案为:C A.relieve B.occupy C.enable D.bring

35. Identify the errors in the following sentence:Although the town has been attacked by the storm several times, few damages was done. A.attacked B.by C.few damages D.done

36. All hope of finding the missing ship was ______ and the search abandoned. A.given on B.given up C.given off D.given away

37. Identify the errors in the following sentence:While playing football, Tom's leg was broken in a bad fall. A.While playing B.Tom's C.broken D.in a bad fall

38. The teacher asked them to ______ the selected material after class.

A.go over

B.take out

C.skim on

D.examine with

39. Identify the errors in the following sentence:It was very late to save the drowning boy as he had gone down for the third time. A.very late B.drowning boy C.gone down D.third time

40. You had better make ______ that she is at home before you call on her. A.secure B.assure C.safe D.sure

41. One of his many faults is that he never ______ anything very long. A.decides on B.sticks to C.goes ove

r D.makes sure

42. Identify the errors in the following sentence:My ninety-years-old grandmother was going to visit my family during the Christmas season. A.ninety-years-old B.to visit C.during D.season

43. Identify the errors in the following sentence:Jim spent his vacation going to Mexico, flying to Hawaii and he visited Canada. A.spent B.his vacation C.flying to Hawaii D.he visited Canada

44. The airplane arrived one hour behind ______. A.timetable B.plan C.date D.schedule

45. Identify the errors in the following sentence: Because the excessively high cost, they gave up the project to build a bridge over the river. A.Because B.excessively C.gave up D.over

46. Could you ______ my application form before I send it? A.find for B.look over C.hold up D.stick to

47. ______ this road until you get to the church; then turn left. 错误:正确答案为:C A.Keep B.Change C.Follow D.Lead

48. Identify the errors in the following sentence:I can’t help to think it would be fun to play such an exciting game with them. A.to think B.would be C.to play D.an exciting

49. Identify the errors in the following sentence:Of the two lectures, the first was by far the best one, partly because the person who delivered it had such a pleasant voice. A.the first B.the best C.it D.such a

50. John ______ the invitation because he was too busy. A.was dissuaded from accepting B.dissuaded to accept C.was dissuaded to


D.dissuaded accepting

51. Wheel A turns ______ wheel B A.as fast as five times B.as five times as fast C.five times as fast as D.as five times fast as

52. The atomic weight of helium is ______ that of hydrogen. 错误:正确答案为:D A.heavier four times than heavier than B.four time heavier than C.than four times heavier D.four times

53. The baby smiled ______ he understood what mother said. A.as for B.as how C.as if D.as far as

54. There was more than ______rain and snow last year, so many parts of the country have been flooded this spring. 错误:正确答案为:D A.extra B.efficient C.permanent D.adequate

55. We will carry out the plan ______ he has any objections. 错误:正确答案为:D A.if B.until C.before D.unless

56. Identify the errors in the following sentence:His friends in the village asked him to write them as soon as one could.

A.in the village

B.to write


D.one could

57. We must depend mainly ______ our own efforts in accomplishing the task. A.on B.into C.from D.to

58. It was not a serious accident; the car needs only some ______repairs. 错误:正确答案为:C A.major B.secondary C.minor D.primary

59. You must make ______ of any opportunities you have of practicing oral English. A.means e C.sense age

60. Television keeps us informed about ______events and the latest developments in science and politics. A.current B.fashionable C.brand –new D.previous

