1996年专四真题 —— 听力
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1996年专四真题 —— 听力新 闻部分
18. What happened to the schoolboy? A. He forgot to lock the cold store door. B. He was forced to work throughout the night. C. He caught cold while working at the butcher's. D. He was locked up by accident in a cold store. 19. Mr Warren Christopher A. believes there is hope for peace. B. will report to the UN on Thursday. C. will hold more talks before leaving the region. D. is not sure that the peace process will succeed. 20. With whom did Mr Christopher NOT meet? A. The Syrian President. B. The PLO leader. C. The Jordanian President. D. The Israeli Prime Minister.
21. The number of the escaped prisoners is A. 6. B. 5. C. 1. D. 7. 22. Following the prison breakout, the Government is to A. restructure the prison service. B. discipline some prison officers. C. recruit more security staff. D. look into security conditions. 23. The aim of the agreement is to A. encourage trade in the region. B. crack down on drug smuggling. C. save the declining fishing industry. D. strengthen crossboarder police presence. 24. Which group of people is now taking advantage of the agreement? A. Canadian police. B. Businessmen. C. Drug traffickers. D. Customs officers. 25. The percentage of cocaine brought through the coast has increased by A. 10%. B. 50%. C. 60%. D. 70%.
1996年专四新闻文本 [听力原文 18] A fifteen-year-old schoolboy, Peter Emerson, was recovered at home yesterday after being trapped all night in a cold store at the butcher's shop where he worked after school. The door swung shut as he was putting meat into the store. He realized that he was left all alone after he had shouted and kicked the door and no one answered. He kept warm by jumping and running around for about 10 of the 14 hours.
[听力原文 19—20] Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, has wrapped up his latest trip to the Middle East, saying the peace process is progressing. Mr. Christopher says he will leave the region Thursday, assured that the picture is much less gloomy than suggested by recent reports. During the two days of talks, Mr. Christopher met Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzak Rabin and Foreign Minister of Simon Perez in Israel, and with PLO Chairman Joseph Alfat in the Gasa Strip. He also met with the SyrianPresident, Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus.
[听力原文 21—22] Prison serrice staff, Harren Briton, has been severely criticized in an official report for the escape of 5 Irishprisoners and an armed robber from Whitemore Prison, Kemprishire. Bombmaking equipment was subsequently discovered out the jail. The government has announced a major review of the present security throughout England and Wales. And in- task force will be set up at home office and a detailed list of recommendations is expected to be issued by the end of the year.
[听力原文 23—25] The Canadian police said the New North American Free Trade Agreement which is to open fro
ntiers across the continent has been exploded by drugs smugglers from South America. The Mafia can now move drugs across the continent with minimum supervision. Police estimated 60 % of the cocaine which came through Canada this year has been brought through the east coast. Last year it was 10 percent. Police said the Mafia are benefiting from the declining fishing industry. There are more boats available to move the drugs.
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