中美教育差异 中英文对照

更新时间:2023-10-11 13:34:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



中国初等教育将开发孩子的智力,把高分看成首要目标;而在美国,初等教育的目的只有一个:培养孩子的创造力. 2.对待成绩的态度不同

对中国孩子来说,一份不好的成绩单会使他收到来自各方压力.然而在美国,每个学生年终的成绩单都是私人的物品.分数在大人心中比能力要差得远. 3.知识观是存在差异




在中国,除了少数人才不用看\高考\分数外,其余的均以\高考\成绩为录取人学得最重要的,唯一标准.但在美国学生年年都参加各类考试,这些考试成绩都可作为录取入学考量标准. 1.difference in the teaching goal

China's primary education prefer to develop children's intelligence and persue the high score while American's elementary education pays more attebtion to cultivating children's creativity. 2. Different attitudes towards achievement

For Chinese children, a bad report card he received can make him suffer from the competition pressure . However, in the United States, each student's year-end report card are private goods. And their praents tkink ability is more important than scores.

3. The differences between the view of knowledge

China's education pay attention to the accumulation of knowledge and lay stress on the respect for knowledge and authority while the United States pay more attention to training students' ability of how to use knowledge.and they prefer to cultivating the student's critical spirit.

4. Different education mode and the college entrance examination system

China heuristic education induced students, so that they can find \hool teaching method in the United States, not only guide students to understand and master teachers consistent answers, but give more free imagination with the student.

In China, only a few people don't have to rely on \ave to study so that they can achieve the standard which is getting a high score in the college entrance examination .But the students in the United States every year can participate in all kinds of examination and the examination results can be as a matriculated think standard.

