新目标八下全册英文教案Unit 1-10

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Unit 1 Will people have robots ?

Teaching goals:

1. Words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .

2. will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答. 3. There be 句型的一般将来时. 4. more , less , fewer 的用法.

5. 学习一般将来时态的相关知识,学会对未来进行预测.

6. 对five years ago ,today ,in five years 简洁回顾与展望的方式,贴近实际符合学生心理,激发学习兴趣.

7. 通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时. Important and difficult points : 1. will构成一般将来时态的句式。 2. There be 句型的一般将来时态。 3. more , fewer , less 的用法。 4. How to make predictions .

Period 1

Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings: Welcome to school .

What’s the date today ? Who’s on duty today ? Do you enjoy your winter holiday ? Do you finish your homework ? Do you want to live on the moon ?

Can you guess what will happen in ten years ?

Collect the Ss’ answers and say something about their predictions . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 2 ,1a .


1. Look at the picture :How will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?We’re going to talk about sth in 100 years .

2. Read each predictions to the class .Explain the new vocabulary . 3. Read the instructions .Make sure Ss know what they should do . 4. Do it by themselves .

5. Talk about the answers with the class . Explain :一般将来时态

构成: will / be going to +动词原形

Step 3 While-task SB Page 2 ,1b .

1. Practise reading the six predictions .

2. Read the instructions to Ss .Circle the things you hear on the recording .

3. Play the tape twice .

4. Play the tape a third time .At the same time ,check the answers . SB Page 2 , 1c .

1. Pay attention to the dialogues . 2. Read the dialogues fluently .

3. Pairwork .Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample .

4. Ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class . SB Page 3 , 2a & 2b . 1. Read the predictions .

2. Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .

3. Play the tape twice .Ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer . 4. Check the answers .

学生探究: less , fewer 的区别。

Step 4 Post-task

1. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Practice reading . 2. Look at activity 2b .Groupwork:Take turns to make conversations about the predictions . Grammar Focus:

1. Review the grammar box .Ss say the statements and responses . 2. Make summaries about “will” ,“fewer” and “less” . Homework:


1. Make predictions about yourself in 10 years .Write down 5 sentences .

2. Go over the new words .


Period 2

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free talk .

2. Check their homework :Ask two or three Ss to speak out what they wrote down .(教师作出适当的评价) Step 2 Pre-task

1. Go over what we learnt yesterday .

2. 通过三种时间的对比简略复习一般过去时与一般现在时。 Step 3 While-task SB Page 4 , 3a .

1. Point to the three picture and say :This is Sally .The first picture is Sally five years ago ,the second one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future . 2. Read the instructions .

3. Complete filling in the blanks individually . 4. Check the answers .

5. Practise reading .Then ask some Ss read them out . SB Page 4 , 3b .

1. Look at activity 3a .Make predictions about Sally .

2. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two Ss to read the dialogue to the class . 3. Practise reading .

4. Pairwork .Make their predictions about Sally . Step 4 Post-task 1. Write about yourself .


With the help of the sample of Sally .We can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today and in five years . 2. Complete the work individually .

3. Review the task .Ask a few more Ss for answers . Homework :

Draw a picture of the city in 20 years .Describe it to the class .


Period 3

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings .

2. Say yourselves :five years ago , today and in five years . 3. Check the homework. Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 5 , 1a .

1. Look at the form and read the headings to the class .Make sure the Ss know what they mean .

2. Read the list of seven words .Explain the new words .

3. Write each word in the correct column .Check the answers. SB Page 5 , 1b .

1. Read the words already written on the chart .

2. Groupwork: Think about what we learned before .Write some words in the chart above .Divide the class into groups of four ,let them have a competition . Step 3 While-task SB Page 5 , 2a .

1. Look at the pictures carefully .Can you guess what we’ll listen ?Talk about them .

2. Read the instructions .We’ll listen to 3 conversations .Number the pictures 1-3 .


3. Play the tape twice .Check the answers . SB Page 5 , 2b .

This activity is easy ,I think .For we know the conversations are talking about Alexis 10 years ago ,today and in 10 years . 1. Read the instructions .

2. Pay attention to the sentences and the verbs in the box . 3. Play the tape and correct the answers . Step 4 Post-task 1. Read the instructions .

2. Pairwork. One is Alexis, one is Joe .

3. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Read it to the Ss . 4. Talk about Joe’s life now , ten years ago and in ten years . 5. Ask some pairs of Ss to say their dialogues . Homework:

1. Go over the words .

2. 写一篇50个单词左右的小短文,预测与展望未来我们的学习和生活。


Period 4

Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings .

2. Ask two Ss to say sth about Joe . 3. Check their homework . Step 2 While-task SB Page 6 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Give Ss 3 minutes to read the passage , tick out the new words. 3. Explain the new words and practice reading .

4. Point out the chart .Read the column headings to the class .


5. Read the passage again .Write words from her answers in the correct columns below . 6. Check the answers . 7. Practise reading .

SB Page 6 , 3b .Playing a game :Who write it ?

1. Ss write about their life in ten years on a piece of paper but don’t write names on the paper . 2. Put all the Ss’ papers together .

3. Take turns reading the paper .The other Ss guess who wrote it . Step 3 Post-task SB Page 6 , Part 4 .

1. Read the questions below .

2. Ask two Ss to read the dialogue . 3. Answer the questions .

4. Pairwork. Get your partner’s answers . 5. Share a few Ss’ conversations . Homework:

1. Finish selfcheck as their homework . 2. Go over the words in this unit .


Period 5

Teaching contents:

Reading :Do you think you will have your own robot ? Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free talk .

2. If possible,draw a robot on the Bb or put up a picture of a robot. Tell :What does it look like ? What can it do ? 3. Tell your partner what you know about robots . Step 2 Pre-task


SB Page 8 , 1b .

1. Read the title of the passage .

2. Look at the picture together .Ask a few Ss to describe What they see .

3. Read the words and phrases in the box .Practice reading the words .

4. Circle the words you think you will read in the passage . Step 3 While-task SB Page 8 .

1. First let Ss scan the passage for the main idea . 2. Explain something . help sb with sth /do sth do the same as … make sb do sth

It takes /took /will take …

3. Ask a few comprehension questions around the class . 4. Read the passage by the Ss . Step 4 Post-task

1. Go through the reading again .

How many words in 1b did you correctly predict ? 2. Go over the structures in SB Page 9 , 3b . Make their own sentences . Homework:

1. To make sure the Ss understand the passage .and I want to know whether they’re careful in the class ,let Ss translate the passage into Chinese . 2. Go over this unit .

3. Make their own sentences .

4. What ways do you think a robot will help you and your family in the future .Write your ideas .



Unit 2 What should I do ?

Teaching goals :

1. Words & phrases : keep out , loud , argue , What’s wrong ? football , either , except , themselves , include ,etc . 2. 情态动词could /should 的用法。

3. Why don’t you … ?结构表建议的运用。 4. 如何谈论问题及提出建议。

5. 在处理问题中学会自省与人际交往。 Important and difficult points : 1. should /could 情态动词的用法。 2. 如何提出建议。

Teaching aids : a tape recorder5 , cards .

Period 1

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free talk . 2. Check the homework . Step 2 Pre-task

T: I want to buy a new guitar but I don’t have enough money .What should I do ?

Ss think it over ,and try to give his/her advice . Write their advice on the Bb .

1. Borrow one .

2. Buy a second-hand guitar . 3. Get a part-time job . 4. Don’t buy a guitar . 5. Wait until next year .

Practice reading the advice by the Ss .

导入: In this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn how to give these people advice –to tell people what we


think they should do . Step 3 While-task SB Page 10 , 1a .

1. Read the instructions to the Ss . 2. Read the problems by the Ss .

3. Ask Ss to write the problems in the “Serious” or “Not serious” columns . 4. Explain .

5. Talk about the answers with the class .Practice reading . SB Page 10 , 1b .

Make sure the Ss understand what should they do .Play the tape twice .Ss circle the problems they hear .Play the tape a third time .Check the answers . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 10 , 1c .

Look at the problems in activity 1a and make conversations . Step 5 While-task SB Page 11 , 2a .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what should they do .

2. Point to the sentences below .

3. Play the tape the first time .Ss only listen .Pay attention to Peter’s friend’s advice .

4. Play the tape again .Ss circle “could” or “should” . 5. Correct the answers . SB Page 11 , 2b .

Read the instructions .Pay attention to Peter’s answers .Play the tape again .Check the answers . Step 7 Post-task

Make conversations with peter and his friend with the help of 2a & 2b .

Step 8 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions and the responses .Explain the differences between could/should . Homework:

1. Go over the words .


2. My clothes are out of style ,what should I do ? Please give the advice .


Period 2

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greeting and free talk .

2. Check the homework .Collect the students’ advice .Write it down on the Bb . Step 2 Pre-task

1. Review the differences between “could /should” . 2. Learn the new words in Page 12 . Step 3 While-task SB Page 12 , 3a . 1. Read the instructions .

2. Read the conversations by Ss or listen to the tape .Then write “good idea” “okay idea” or “bad idea” . 3. Talk about the students’ answers .

4. Make sure the students understand the dialogue.Practice reading Step 4 Post-task SB Page 12 , 3b .

1. Read the instructions .Point out the example conversation and ask two students to read it to the class .

2. Use your head .Find some other ways to get money that aren’t in the book .

3. Ask Ss to work with partner as they ask for and give advice . 4. Pairwork .

5. Act out the conversations to the class . Step 5 While-task SB Page 12 , Part 4 .


1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2. To students read the dialogue . 3. Practice reading .

4. Ask another pair to give their advice on another topic . 5. Pairwork . Homework :


1. keep out 2. out of style 3. What’s wrong ? 4. call sb up 5. pay for 6. ask for something 7. summer camp 8. stay at home


Period 3

Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free talk . 2. Check the homework . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 13 , 1a .

1. Read the instructions to the students .

2. Read the sentences and ask a student to read the sentences to the class .

3. Write NI , I , VI for each statement .

4. “What is important to you when you choose clothes ?”Write one or more of their statements to the class . Talk about the answers with the class . Step 3 While-task SB Page 13 , 2a .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .


2. Read the three sentences in the box .You will be listening to a radio advice program .They will be talking about one of these problems .

3. Play the tape twice .Ss check the problem they hear . 4. Play the tape again ,Ss correct the answers . SB Page 13 , 2b .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure Ss understand what they should pay attention to .

2. Look at the chart .There are three persons ,Kim , Nicole , Emilio .Who will give Erin some advice ?What are they ? Read each name for the class .

3. Play the recording again .Ss write their answers .

4. Play the recording again ,one sentence by one sentence .Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task SB Page 13 , 2c .

1. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Ss practice reading .

2. Pairwork: What do you think Erin should do ? 3. Share their conversations with whole class . Homework :

You left your homework at home ,what should you do ? Please give your advice .


Period 4

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings & free talk .

2. Check the homework :I left my homework at home ,what should I do ? Share some students’ advice .


Step 2 While-task SB Page 14 , 3a .

1. Scan this letter ,underline the problem .

2. Read the letter again , tick out the new words . 3. Explain something :

except=but 除…之外(不包括在内) besides 除…之外(包括在内)

All the students went to the park except him . Lucy and Lily will come to the party besides me . find out = learned 了解到 find 找到 I just find out there is a dance tomorrow . 4. Listen to the recording .Ss practice reading . SB Page 14 , 3b .

1. Pairwork: Give some advice to the lonely kid in 3a . 2. Suppose you’re Mary .Write the letters on your own . 3. Read the letters to the class . SB Page 14 , Part 4 .

1. Read the problem in the box . 2. Two students read the dialogue .

3. Pairwork : Think them over and give your advice . 4. Groupwork: See which classmate has the best advice . Step 3 Post-task

SB Page 15 , Selfcheck .

1. Fill in the blanks with the words given .Try to make your own sentences with the words .

2. Read the letter to Aunt Chen’s advice column and then write some advice . Homework :

What’s your problem ? Please write your own letter to an advice column .



Period 5

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework :Read the letter out in the class ,the other Ss give their advice . Step 2 Pre-task

1. What after-school activities can you think of .Write what you do and what you don’t do .

2. SB Page 16 , 1b .Read the words and guess the meaning .if there are some new words in the box , look up in the dictionary . Step 3 While-task SB Page 16 .

1. Read the passage quickly and get the main idea .

2. Listen to the recording .Circle the words in the box in 1b . 3. Explain something : busy enough It’s time for sth .

the + 姓s : 夫妇/一家 SB Page 17 , 3a .

1. Read these statements .

2. Pairwork: Number each pair 1-5 around the class .Ask each pair to discuss only the question with their number .

3. After a while .All pairs with the same number from a group and compare ideas .

4. After five minutes .Each group report their ideas to the class . Homework :

1. Write four sentences using one of the words from 1b in each sentence .

2. Are you or your friends under pressure ? Do a survey to find out .



Unit 3 What were you doing when the

UFO arrived ?

Teaching goals :

1. Words : barber shop , well , bathroom , accident , earth , silence , playground , around , strange , kitchen , modern , follow , shirt . 2. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。 3. 学习过去进行时态。

4. 利用知识谈论过去发生的事情。 5. 复习过去式,学会讲故事。

6. 了解一些自然科学知识和社会科学知识。 Important and difficult points: 1. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。 2. 学习过去进行时态。

Teaching aids : a tape-recorder , cards .

Period 1

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free-talk . 2. Check the homework .

3. Dictate the words in Unit 2 . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 18 , 1a .

1. Point to the sentences .Read the sentences .Explain what each one means .

2. Look at the picture .Point out the six people .Match the statements with the people in the picture . 3. Check the answers . 4. Practice reading . Step 3 While-task


SB Page 18 , 1b .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2. Look at the dialogue in the picture . Explain :

过去进行时态的构成: was / were + doing .



I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived . 3. Play the tape twice . Circle the correct responses . 4. Check the answers . Step 4 Post-task

Talk about what people were doing when the UFO arrived . Step 5 While-task SB Page 19 , 2a .

1. Read the sentences .Make sure the Ss understand what they mean .

2. Play the tape twice .Order these statements . 3. Play the tape again ,correct the answers . SB Page 19 , 2b . 1. Read the instructions .

2. Play the recording .Write “when” or “while” on each line . 3. Play the recording again ,correct their answers . Notice: when / while

※ When comes before a quick action that happens only once .The word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time . Step 6 Post-task SB Page 19 , 2c .

1. Point ort the picture .Ask what each person is doing .

2. Groupwork : Ask “What was …doing when the UFO arrived ?” 3. Ask a group to say its conversation to the class . Step 7 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences . Homework :

1. Go over the words in this unit


2. 用介词或介词短语填空。

① They were talking the phone . ② I was the barber’s chair .

③ The boy was walking the street when a UFO landed . ④ I had a very unusual experience Sunday . ⑤ The alien visited the Museum Flight .


Period 2

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free-talk . 2. Check the homework . Step 2 While-task SB Page 20 , 3a . 1. Read the instructions .

2. Read the e-mail by the Ss first .Number the pictures in the correct order .

3. Explain something .

4. Practice reading and listen to the tape . SB Page 20 , 3b .

Cover the story .Look at the pictures and take turns to tell the story . I think this activity is hard to most of the students . If necessary , do it as homework . SB Page 20 , Part 4 .

What were you doing at these times last Sunday ? 1. Read the sample dialogue in the box .

2. Look at the table .Read the times for the Ss .

3. Pairwork : Talk about what they were doing at different times . 4. Write down your answers . 5. Practice reading .


Step 3 Post-task Make an interview .

Interview two classmates in your class and write down their answers .Begin like this :What were you doing at … ? I was … . Homework :

Cover the story in 3a .Try to retell the story .


Period 3

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free-talk . 2. Check the homework . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 21 , 1c .

1. Look at the pictures .Please say something about the picture . 2. Read the sentences and explain the new words . 3. Match the sentences with the pictures . 4. Check the answers . Step 3 While-task SB Page 21 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the things in the chart below .They will help Ss to guess what you will heard .Hear six things in the chart . 2. Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .

3. Play the recording a second time .Check the phrases they hear on the recording .

4. Listen again .Pay attention to the persons who did each thing in the chart above .Match the phrases with the persons . 5. Play the tape again and correct the answers .


Step 4 Post-task SB Page 21 , 2c .

Pairwork : Read the sample dialogue in the box .Talk about the people in activity 2a .S1 begins a sentence with the word “while” ,S2 complete the sentence .

① While John was walking to school , he saw a cat in a tree . ② While John was climbing the tree , a man saw him .

③ While the man was calling the police , a woman called the

newspaper .

④ While the newspaper reporter was taking photos ,the cat

went up the tree again .

Ss can say them out by themselves . Homework :

SB Page 23 , Selfcheck , Parts 1and 2 .


Period 4

Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework : Correct the answers . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 22 , Part 3 .

1. Read the instructions ,pointing to the article and the list of questions .

2. Scan the passage for the main idea .

T: Who found Linda’s dog ? (the police officer’s dog )

3. Read the questions by the Ss .Make sure they understand them . 4. Play the recording .Ss listen carefully . 5. Write answers to the questions .


6. Practice reading . 7. Correct the answers . Step 3 While-task SB Page 22 , 4a . 1. Read the instructions .

2. Look at the pictures .Discuss in groups .

3. Ask students to explain what is happening in each picture .

4. Complete the work on their own .Remind them to use times in their stories .

5. Share their stories .(If someone can’t finish it in class ,do it as homework .)

Step 5 Post-task SB Page 22 , 4b . 1. Read the instructions . 2. Read the times .

3. Pairwork : One is the police officer ,the other is the bicycle thief .Begin like this :

A: Where were you at … ? B: I was in the park .

A: What were you doing there ? B : … .

4. Show the role-plays to the class . Homework :

1. Finish Selfcheck , Part 3 .

2. 运用过去进行时态when / while 来描述上个星期日两人不同的动作,写出五个正确的句子 。

Action Time Linda Me 8:00 am read English play football 12:00 am have lunch read newspaper 2:00 pm have a rest play computer games 4:00 pm play basketball sleep 6:00 pm do homework watch TV 教学后记:


Period 5

Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free-talk . 2. Check the homework . Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 24 , Groupwork .

1. Arrange the Ss in small groups .Ask them to look at the pictures and talk about the events .Encourage students to say how historical events affected their lives .

2. Tell the Ss to help each other with vocabulary they might need and don’t know . Step 3 While-task

1. Reading strategy :The title can be helpful for you to understand a text .It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before reading .

2. Read the title ,which gives an indication of the content of the reading .Think of one question they think might be answered in the reading .

3. Play the recording , Ss listen .

4. Ask Ss to read the story out to the class .

5. Ask Ss to comment on whether their questions in the previewing stage were answered . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 25 , 3a .

Read the four events and match them to the correct dates .When finished ,ask Ss to swap their book with a partner for correction . Homework :

Write about an event that you remember well .Give dates and say why you remember it ,and what you were doing at the time when you heard the news .



Unit 4 He said I was hard-working .

Teaching goals:

1. Vocabulary: hard-working ,report card ,can better ,speaking ,listening ,average ,surprise . 2. Patterns: What did your math teacher say ?

He said he could speak three languages . 3. 直接引语和间接引语的转换。

4. 写成绩报告单,并能将自己的成绩报告给他人。


Important and difficult points : 1. 新的词汇和习语。

2. 个人Report card 的写作。

3. 直接引语转换间接引语中,注意一些关键动词的变化和人称代词的变化。 Teaching aids : teaching cards , pictures and a tape recorder .

Period 1

Teaching contents:SectionA 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,Grammar focus . Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in

Ask several Ss what they are going to do after school .Write their sentences on the Bb . Step 2 Pre-task

Say, These Ss talk about what they are going to do after school ,if you want to tell a friend what they said ,how would you tell him ? Write the words “He said” and “She said” on the Bb .Say,We can use the words “He said” and “She said” to tell your friend like this :He/She said he/she was going to play basketball after school .Get the Ss to repeat .

Repeat this process with the other sentences on the Bb . Step 3 While-task


SB Page 26 , 1a .

1. Ask a student to read the four questions .

2. point out the TV screens in the picture .Ask one student to read what the person says in the first picture .Then ask another student :What did she/he say ? Help to answer :She/He said she/he was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night . 3. Repeat with the other pictures .

SB Page 26 , 1c .Pairwork.First Ss work in pairs ,then ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class .

SB Page 26 , 1b .Play the recording and correct the answers . Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 27 , 2a & 2b .

1. Ask several Ss to read these sentences . 2. Play the recording .Ss circle their answer . 3. Check the answers .

Step 5 Grammar Focus

1. Review the grammar box by ask Ss to say the statements .

2. Explain: In each case ,the direct speech talks about present situations and the reported speech talks about past situations . Step 6 Homework

用she/he said 将直接引语改为间接引语。

1. I am a clever girl . 2. I am having lunch at school . 3. I can dance well . 4. I play football every day . 5. I don’t like my younger brother .


Period 2

Teaching contents :SectionA 3a ,3b ,4 ,SectionB 2a ,2b ,2c . Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in


Check the homework .Ask several students to read their sentences to the class .

Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 28 , 3a .

1. Read the article to the class .

2. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own . 3. Correct the answers .

SB Page 28 , Part 4 .Ss work in groups of four to complete the role plays .Ask a few Ss to show their role plays to the class . Step 3 While-task SB Page 29 , 1a .

1. Read the sentences to the class and teach new words .Then ask Ss to check the sentences that are true for themselves .

2. Ask one student to read each sentence to the class and ask Ss to raise their hands if they checked that answer . SB Page 29 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions to Ss .Make sure they know what to do . 2. Play the recording two or three times .Correct the answers . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 29 , 2c .

Pairwork . In pairs ,get Ss to choose a report card from activity 2b to talk about .Then ask some pairs to present their dialogues . Step 5 Homework

SB Page 28 , 3b .Ask Ss to write anything they want .


Period 3

Teaching contents: SectionB 3a , 3b , 3c , 4 , selfcheck . Teaching procedures :


Step 1 Leading in

Check the homework .Ask several students to read their episodes to the class .

Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 30 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions and ask Ss to read the letter on their own and write Alan’s name on his report in activity 2b . 2. Correct the answer . SB Page 30 , 3b .

1. Get Ss to use the information from activity 2b to write a letter to a relative or a friend about their report cards .

2. Ask a student to read his or her completed letter to the class .Orally correct any mistakes . Step 3 While-task

SB Page 30 , 3c .Ask Ss to write their own report cards .While Ss work ,walk around and offer assistance if necessary . SB Page 30 , Part 4 .

1. Get Ss to make up their teachers comments . 2. Pairwork. In pairs ,talk about their report cards . 3. Ask several pairs to share their conversations . Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 31 ,Selfcheck ,Part 1.

1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own . 2. Correct the answers.

3. Have Ss make sentences with the words . SB Page 31 , Selfcheck , Part 2 . 1. Ask Ss to read the story .

2. In pairs ,have Ss to make conversations according to the story . 3. Ask some Ss to share their conversations with the class . Step 5 Homework

Ask students to write their conversations on their exercise books .



Period 4

Teaching contents: Reading :She said helping others changed her life .

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in

Ask Ss to think of people who need help and write some ideas .Then discuss with their partner . Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 32 , Section 2 .

1. Have Ss read the passage first for meaning . 2. Ask Ss to read it again and fill in the blanks . 3. Check the answers . Step 3 While-task

SB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3a .

1. Ask Ss to read through again to find the relevant information for Yang Lei’s students .

2. Ask Ss to complete the information under “you” , saying what is true for their own lives .

3. Have Ss discuss their answers with their partner .

SB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3b . In pairs ,ask and answer the questions .

SB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3c .Have Ss write a summary of the reading and share the summaries in groups of five . Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 33 , Section 4 .

1. Have a class discussion about the work each organization does . 2. Ask some Ss to say which organization they would like to work for and why .

Step 5 Homework

Write the summary of the reading on their exercise books .



Unit 5 If you go to the party , you’ll

have a great time !

Teaching goals:

1. Words and expressions in this unit . 2. Target language :

Are you going to the party ?

Yes , I am . I’m going to wear my jeans . If you do , you’ll have a great time . You should wear your cool pants .

3. 掌握现在进行时态表示将来(Present progressive as future ). 4. 学习条件状语从句: if + will .

5. 进一步了解情态动词should的用法. 6. 学习谈论因果关系. 7. 做出决定是否做某事.

Important and difficult points :

1. 学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。 2. if 引导的条件状语从句。

Teaching aids : teaching cards , a tape recorder .

Period 1

Teaching contents:SectionA 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,grammar focus . Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in

Draw two pictures on the Bb ,in the first picture a boy is getting up late ,and in the second picture the boy can’t catch the early bus .Then talk about the pictures with Ss and write down the sentence “If you get up late , you will not catch the early bus .”Read the sentences ,Ss repeat . Repeat with other sets of pictures . Step 2 Pre-task


SB Page 34 , 1a .

1. Point out the pictures and ask Ss to tell what they see . 2. Ask some students to read the statements and responses . 3. Have Ss match the statements and responses on their own . Step 3 While-task SB Page 34 , 1b .

1. Play the tape and get Ss to check their answers to activity 1a . 2. Talk about the answers together . SB Page 34 , 1c .

1. Ask two Ss to read the example in the sample in activity 1c. 2. In pairs , get Ss to talk about what happened in the pictures . 3. Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class . SB Page 35 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the students know what to do . 2. Play the recording .Ss listen and write down their answers . 3. Correct the answers . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 35 , 2c .

1. Ask two students to read the sample dialogue .

2. In pairs ,get the students to role play the conversation between Andrea and her friend .

3. Ask a few pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class .

Step 5 Grammar Focus

SB Page 35 , Grammar Focus .

1. Review the grammar focus .Ask Ss to say the statements and responses .

2. Ask Ss to work in small groups .Ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the grammar focus as they can. 3. Ask some groups to share their sentences with the class . Homework :

Have Ss write their sentences on their exercise books.



Period 2

Teaching contents: SectionA 3a,3b,4,SectionB 1,2a,2b,2c. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in

Ask some students to make sentences with if . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 36 , 3a .

1. First ,let Ss read the notice from the principal .

2. Read the dialogue to the class saying bland when come to a blank line .

3. Get Ss read the notice again and fill in the blanks . 4. Correct the answers . Step 3 While-task SB Page 36 , 3b .

1. Ask some students to read out the sample dialogue and the words in the box .

2. In pairs , let Ss have a conversation about the rules . 3. Get some pairs to say their conversations to the class . SB Page 36 , Part 4 .

1. Read the instructions and ask Ss to complete the work in pairs . 2. Ask a few students to share their conversations . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 37 , Part 1 .

Ask students to complete the work on their own .Then do a quick check to see which things are most important to students in the class .

SB Page 37 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions and play the recording . 2. Ss listen and write down their answers . 3. Correct the answers . SB Page 37 , 2c .

In pairs , get Ss to role play a conversation according to the information in activity 2b .



Have Ss write their conversations on their exercise books.


Period 3

Teaching contents :SectionB 3a , 3b , 3c , 4 , selfcheck . Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in

Check the homework .Ask a few students to present their dialogue to the class .

Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 38 , 3a .

1. Read the instruction and ask students to read the article first for the meaning .

2. Let Ss read the article again and complete the chart . 3. Check the answers . Step 3 While-task SB Page 38 , 3b .

1. Read the instructions .Ask Ss to look back at activity 2a and 2b to get ideas for the letter .

2. Ask Ss to complete the letter on their own .

3. Ask some students to read their completed letters to the class . SB Page 38 , 3c .

1. Ask two different students to read the two sets of sentences in the examples .

2. Have Ss write about their own plans .

3. Ask several students to read their sentences to the class . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 38 , Part 4.

1. Read the instructions and then have a student read the example .


2. Ask the whole class to practice doing the exercise together . 3. Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five .Then let several groups to say their stories to the class . Step 5 Selfcheck

SB Page 39 , Selfcheck Part 1 .

1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own . 2. Check the answers .

3. Ask Ss to make their own sentences with the words given .

SB Page 39 , Selfcheck Part 2. Have Ss fill in the blanks on their own .Correct the answers . Step 6 Homework

Have students write the sentences in Part 2 on their exercise books .


Review of units 1-5

Teaching contents: Review of units 1-5(SB Page 40-43) . Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in

SB Page 40 , 1a .Ask Ss to do the crossword individually .Correct the answers . SB Page 40 , 1b .

1. Have Ss understand what they need to do by explaining the example .

2. Ask Ss to do the activity in pairs .

3. Ask several pairs to share their clues with the class .Let the other students guess the answer . Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 41 , 2a & 2b .


1. Read the instructions and let Ss know what to do . 2. Play the recordings of conversations 1-4 . 3. Correct the answers . SB Page 41 , 2c .

1. Replay the second dialogue about the school fire .

2. Ask two pairs of students to practice the sample dialogue for the class .

3. Ss complete the task . Step 3 While-task SB Page 42 , Part 3 .

1. Remind Ss to write in sentences . 2. Ask some Ss for their suggestions . SB Page 42 , Part 4 .

1. Ask a few Ss about things they like to do ,tell Ss to write five things they do .

2. Ask Ss to share their activities with their partner . 3. Ask Ss to share the answers with their partner . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 42 , Part 5 .

1. Ask Ss to rank the signs in order of importance . 2. Ask Ss for their answers . SB Page 43 , Part 6 .

1. Explain to Ss that aliens landed at your school the week before .Ask Ss to interview several people and write down what the people said .

2. Instruct Ss to turn the quotes they have into reported speech in their magazine article .Let Ss do activity on their own .Monitor and provide support as required . Step 5 Homework

SB Page 43 , Part 7 .Have Ss complete the questionnaire .



Unit 6 How long have you been

collecting shell ?

Teaching goals:

1. Words and expressions in this unit . 2. 现在完成进行时的用法。

3. Patterns: How long have you been doing sth ? I have been doing sth since … .

I have been doing sth for … (period of time) . 4. 谈论人们做某事持续多长时间。 5. 谈论人们的业余爱好。

Important and difficult points: 1. Words and expression in this unit .

2. 现在完成进行时的用法以及与现在进行时和过去进行时的区别。 Teaching aids: teaching cards , pictures , a tape recorder .

Period 1

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in

Ask one of the students the question: Liu Ziyang, when did you study English ?Help the student answer: I studied English in 2003.Say,in this unit we’re going to talk about how long we’ve been doing things .Then ask :Liu Ziyang, how long have you been studying English ?Help him to answer : I have been studying English since 2003./I have been studying English for two years .Get Ss to repeat .

Repeat the activity with other students . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 44 , 1a .

1. Ask a student to read the three questions ,and answer the questions as example like this: I started class at 9:00 .I slept for


ten hours . I have been skating for five hours/ I have been skating since five years ago . 2. Have Ss work in groups of four .

3. Ask the class each question and call on several different students to answer . Step 3 While-task SB Page 44 , 1b .

1. Play the recording and get Ss to fill in the chart . 2. Correct the answers .

SB Page 44 , 1c .In pairs ,get the students to ask and answer .Then ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class. SB Page 45 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do . 2. Play the recording .Ss write down their answers . 3. Correct the answers . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 45 , 2c .

1. Read the example in sample dialogue in activity 2c .

2. In pairs,role play the interview between Alison and the reporter . 3. Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class . Step 5 Grammar Focus

SB Page 45 , grammar focus . 1. Review the grammar box .

2. Explain that in these sentences “since” comes before a date and “for” before a period of time .

3. Ask What is the difference between “How long did you skate ?”and “How long have you been skating?” .Explain that “did” question means that the person has stopped doing the action .The “have you been” question shows that the person is continuing to do the action at the present moment . Step 6 Homework

Review the present perfect progressive .



Period 2

Teaching contents: SectionA 3a,3b,4,SectionB 1a,1b,2a,2b,2c. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in

Ask some students the questions: How long did you skate ?How long have you been studying English ? Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 46 , 3a .

1. Ask Ss to read the passage and fill in the table . 2. Check the answers .

SB Page 46 , 3b .Read the instructions and ask Ss to complete the task .Correct the answers . Step 3 While-task SB Page 47 , 1a & 1b .

1. Ask different students to say the items they see in the picture . 2. Ask students to write the names of things they collect and things they would like to correct in the chart .

3. Ask some students to read their lists to the class .

4. In pairs ,let students tell their partner what they collect and what they would like to collect .Say why .

5. Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class . SB Page 47 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions and let the students know what to do . 2. Play the recording and get students to fill in the chart . 3. Correct the answers . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 47 , 2c .

1. Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue . 2. Have students practice conversations in pairs .

3. Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class . Step 5 Homework SB Page 46 , Part 4 .

1. Read the instructions and ask two students to read the dialogue .


2. Make sure students understand what they need to do .

3. Have students complete the work in groups of four after class .


Period 3

Teaching contents: Section A 3a,3b,4a,4b,selfcheck. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in

Check the homework .Ask on group of students to share their conversations with the class . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 48 , 3a .

1. Ask some different students to tell what they see in the picture . 2. Read the instructions and make sure students know what to do . 3. Ask students to read the e-mail on their own and then draw lines matching each snow globe with its description. 4. Correct the answers . Step 3 While-task SB Page 48 , 3b .

1. Read the instruction to make sure students know what to do . 2. Ask students to complete the message ,writing about Bob ,Marcia or Liam in activity 2a .

3. Ask some students to read their messages to the class . SB Page 48 , 4a .

1. Ask two students to read the dialogue.

2. Ask a student the same questions but let him answer with his own hobbies .

3. In groups of four ,have students complete the work . 4. Ask two groups of students to share their conversations . SB Page 48 , 4b .

1. Point to the questions and ask a student to read them to


the class .

2. In groups of four ,get students discuss each question .

3. Read the four questions one by one and ask each group to say their answers to the class . Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 49 , Selfcheck , Part 1.

1. Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own . 2. Ask one student to write the answers on the Bb . 3. Correct the answers .

4. Ask some different students to make sentences with the words given .

SB Page 49 , Selfcheck , Part 2 . Ask students to complete the letter on their own .Then ask on student to read his letter to the class .

Step 5 Homework

Have students write their letters on their exercise books .


Period 4

Teaching contents: Reading:I’ve been studying history in China .

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Before reading SB Page 50 , Section 1 .

1. In groups of four ,get students to discuss the three questions . 2. Ask a speaker from one group to tell the class what the group knows .Help to complete any missing dynasties and famous characters the class should know . Step 2 While reading SB Page 50 , Section 2 .


1. Ask students to read the passage silently once for general meaning .Ask students if there is anything they don’t understand .

2. Let students read the passage again for detail . Step 3 After reading

SB Page 51 , Section 3 , 3a .Ask students to scan the text for information to complete the sentences . SB Page 51 , Section 3 , 3b & 3c .

1. In groups of three ,let students practice the sample conversations first ,then make their own conversations .

2. Ask two groups of students to present their own conversations in front of the class . Step 4 Go for it

1. Direct the students’ attention to the box and read the heading on the left and ask students to list other things they would miss . 2. Ask students to share their ideas .

3. In the same way ,do with the right part of the chart . Step 5 Homework

1. Remember the words and expressions in this unit . 2. Review the present perfect progressive .



Unit 7 Would you mind turning down

the music ?

Analysis of Unit 7 Teaching goals:

1. 学习Would you mind doing sth ?这一句型,学会恳请对方对于某事如何表达歉意。

2. 本单元围绕“歉意、恳请”这一话题展开教学,以此培养学生的交际能力。 Important points :

A: Would you mind doing sth ? B: I’m sorry .I’ll do it right away . A: Would you mind not doing sth ? B: Sorry. We’ll go and play in the park . Difficult points :

比较: Would you mind (not) doing sth ? Could you please do sth ? Please do sth .

You have to do sth . Structures:

Would you mind cleaning your room ? I’m sorry .I’ll do it right away .

Would you mind moving your bike ? No, not at all .I’ll do it right away .

Period 1

Teaching procedures: Step 1 Assign the task

Write the following requests on the Bb :

Can you give me the book ? Please give me the book .

Would you mind giving me your book .


Explain that the last example is a very polite way of making a request .

Step 2 Warm up Section A(1a-1c) SB Page 52 ,1a .

1. Point to the four requests in the box .Say each phrase to the class and ask the Ss to repeat it .

2. Point to the picture .Ask Ss to write the letter of each request in the correct place in the picture . 3. Correct the answers . SB Page 52 ,1b .

1. Point to the list of requests in activity 1a.Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .

2. Play the recording a second time .Correct the answers . SB Page 52 ,1c.

1. Ask two students to read the words in the sample dialogue in activity 1c. Say, You’ll work with your partner .Make requests . 2. Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class . Step 3 Pre-task Section A (2a-2c) SB Page 53 ,2a .

1. Read the instructions with the students .Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .

2. Play the recording a second time .Ask Ss to write the number of each conversation . 3. Correct the answers. SB Page 53 , 2b .

1. Point out the five responses in activity 2b .Ask different Ss to read each one to the class .

2. Play the recording .this time ask Ss to fill in the letters of the pictures in front of the responses . 3. Correct the answers . SB Page 53 , 2c .

Ask two Ss to read the words in the sample dialogue .Say, Make conversations like this about the information above . Step 4 Grammar Focus

1. Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses .

2. Ask students to talk about the differences among the


