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Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

Unit 1 In-depth Reading- Into the Ivory Tower

Vocabulary Preparation

1. graduate

vi. 毕业 graduate from… 从…(地方)毕业 * 你是从哪所大学毕业的?

Which university did you graduate from? * I could skip every lecture for a month and still graduate.

Chinese meaning: 我可以一个月不去上课还可以照常毕业。 n. 毕业生;研究生

* 他是牛津大学的毕业生。

He is a graduate of Oxford/an Oxford graduate. * 她是文学专业的研究生。

She is a graduate student in literature. graduation n. 毕业

2. abroad

adv. 在国外,到国外 travel/go/live abroad 去国外(旅行/生活) * 小时候,我们从未去过国外。

We never traveled/went abroad when we were kids.

* The Harry Potter movies are very popular now, both at home and abroad.

Chinese meaning: 哈利波特的电影目前非常受欢迎,无论是在国内还是国外。

C.f.: abroad aboard 在(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)上;登上(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)

* 飞机失事导致机上的160名乘客全部遇难。

The plane crashed killing all 160 passengers aboard. * 为了出国,他正在努力争取奖学金。

He was going for a scholarship in order to go abroad.

3. challenge

n. 挑战 challenge of sth./doing sth. …的挑战 pose a challenge to sb. 对(某人)构成挑战 face/meet/take a challenge 面对/迎接/接受挑战 * 他愿意接受各种角色的挑战。

He liked to accept/meet/the challenge of playing all roles. * 这次罢工对政府构成了严峻的挑战。

The strike (has) posed a challenge to the government. v. 挑战 challenge sb. to sth. 向(某人)挑战(某事) * After dinner my brother challenged me to a tennis match.

Chinese meaning: 晚饭后,我弟弟向我发出挑战要和我打一场网球赛。 challenger n. 挑战者 challenging adj. 挑战的,考验能力的

4. experience

n. 经历,阅历;经验

* 我从自己的经验中得知这项工作有多难。


Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

I know from my own experience how difficult the work can be. * 他童年的经历给他上了很好的一课。

His childhood experience/His experience as a child taught him a good lesson. vt. 经历;体验

* 许多老人在退休以后会经历许多问题。

Many old people will experience a lot of problems after they retire.

* Quite a number of women will experience anxieties when they are expecting a baby. Chinese meaning: 许多女人在怀孕期间都会有焦虑的体验。 experienced adj. 经验丰富的 inexperienced adj. 没什么经验的

5. await

vt. (正式用法)等候;期待 * 请在大堂等候总统。

Please assemble in the lobby to await the President. C.f.: await wait

* 他们都在等待着欧文的到来。

They were all waiting for Owen's arrival. * Death awaits all men.

Chinese meaning: 人终有一死。

6. impact

n. 巨大影响 have an impact on sth./sb. 对(某事/某人)造成巨大影响 * 计算机对现代人的生活造成了巨大影响。

The computer has a great impact on the lives of modern people. v.影响 impact on/upon

* The new Act will impact on/upon the development of food industry. Chinese meaning: 新法案将会影响食品工业的发展。

7. tip n. 建议

* You may get handy tips on using school library by talking to professors.

Chinese meaning: 通过与教授交谈,你可以得到很多使用图书馆的实用建议。 n. 小费

* 在那家西餐厅吃完午饭,我总会留下5美元的小费。

I often left a 5 dollar tip after having lunch in the western style restaurant. n. 尖端

* What's her name? It's on the tip of my tongue but I simply can't remember. Chinese meaning: 她叫什么名字来着?话到嘴边,我一时想不起来了。

8. budget

v. 有计划地使用;谨慎使用 budget (sth.) for (sth.) 为了(某事)有计划地使用(某物) * 如果我们为了将来精打细算地使用时间,我们就离成功更近了一步。

If we budget our time carefully for the future, we will be one step closer to success. n. 预算 a tight budget 预算紧 within/over budget 未超出/超出预算


Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

* From now on, I have to live on a tight budget.

Chinese meaning: 从现在起,我只得勒紧裤腰带生活了。 * 我们必须按时、不超支地完成项目。

We must finish the project on time and within budget.

9. set

n. (一)套;(一)系列 a set of * 这家公司正面临着一系列的问题。 The company is facing a set of problems. * 我在生日那天收到一套园艺工具。

I received a set of gardening tools on my birthday. v. 设定,确定

* The government hasn't set a date for election.

Chinese meaning: 政府仍未确定选举的日期。 * 史密斯先生把闹钟定在早上8点。

Mr. Smith set his alarm for 8 o'clock in the morning. * 桌上摆放了12位客人的餐具。 The table was set for 12 guests.

10. recommend

v. 建议;劝告 recommend sb. to do sth. recommend sth. to sb. recommend that… * I recommend that you (should) get some suggestions/advice from your schoolmates. I recommend you to get some suggestions/advice from your schoolmates. Chinese meaning: 我建议你从校友那儿取取经。

* 他向我推荐了一些网站。

He recommended a few websites to me. recommendation n. 推荐;提议

11. manage

v. 管理,料理;做成(某事) manage to do sth. * 管理足球队比想象的要难。

Managing a football team is harder than you think. * How do you manage yourself to be so slim?

Chinese meaning: 你是怎么让自己这么苗条的?

management n. 管理 manager n. 经理 manageable adj. 可操纵的;可处理的

12. schedule

n. 工作计划;日程安排 ahead of/on/behind schedule 提前/按计划/延后做(某事) * 威尔逊先生于3月5日按时抵达北京。

Mr. Wilson arrived at Beijing on schedule on March 5.

* In spite of all the difficulties, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule. Chinese meaning: 尽管有许多困难,我们还是提前完成了任务。

take time out of one’s busy/tight schedule to do sth. 百忙之中抽时间做(某事)


Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

13. access

n. 接近/使用…的机会/权力 get/gain/have access to sth.

* As his private secretary, she has/gains/gets access to all his correspondence. Chinese meaning: 作为他的私人秘书,她有机会接触到他的所有信件。 * 市民们可以免费使用这个图书馆。

Citizens have/get free access to this library. v. (从电脑上或网络上)获取信息 * 可以从几个文档中同时获取信息。

Information may be accessed from several files at the same time. accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的

14. assignment n. 作业;任务

* All freshmen of this university are required to accomplish three written assignments the first year.

Chinese meaning: 这所高校的所有新生均需在入学第一年完成三项书面作业。 assign v. 分配;分派 assign sth. to sb. assign sb. sth.

15. due

adj. 预期的 be due to do sth. 预计做某事 * Her child is due next May.

Chinese meaning: 预计她的孩子将在明年五月份出生。 * 火车将于三个小时后到达。

The train is due to arrive after three hours. * 如果书到期了我还没看完能续借吗?

Can I extend the book if I can’t finish it before the due date? due to 因为,由于

16. approach v. 靠近,接近

* 到本世纪末,这个城市的人口将接近1200 万。

The population of the city will approach 12 million by the end of the century. * Spring is approaching.

Chinese meaning: 春天来了。

n. 方法,方式 approach to sth./doing sth. * 我们采取了一种新的方法来教语言。

We’ve adopted a new approach to teaching language.

17. priority

n. 优先事项;首要事情 first/top/main/high priority * 重建这一地区是当务之急。

Rebuilding the area is the first/top/main priority. * You should decide on the priorities.


Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

Chinese meaning: 你应该分清轻重缓急。 prior adj. 优先的;在前的

18. resource

n. 资料;资源 resource room/center 资料室/重心 natural/human/financial/mineral resources * 越来越多的人致力于保护水资源。

More and more people are engaging in the protection of/protecting water resources. * Time is your most valuable resource, especially in emergencies.

Chinese meaning: 时间是你最宝贵的资源,特别是在出现紧急情况时。 resourceful adj. 机敏的;足智多谋的

19. available

adj. 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的 readily/publicly/freely available 随时/随手/公开场合可以得到的

* 这些货品在杂货店可以随时购得。

These goods are readily available at grocery stores adj. (人)有空的

* The manager is not available for the moment. Chinese meaning: 经理现在没空。

20. via

prep. 经由/经过(某处) * We flew home via Paris.

Chinese meaning: 我们乘飞机经巴黎回家。 prep. 通过/凭借(某种方式)

* 你可以通过互联网找到我们的主页。

You can access our homepage via the Internet.

21. gain

v. 增加,增添 gain confidence/strength/experience/weight * Normally, women will gain weight after getting pregnant. Chinese meaning: 女人怀孕后一般都会增加体重. v. 获得 gain independence/benefits/profits * 这个国家100年前获得了独立。

This country gained independence a century ago.

22. track n. 足迹;踪迹 be on right/wrong track 步入正轨/误入歧途 keep/lose track of ... 了解/不了解...的动态;与...保持/失去联系 * 我们有责任让他们走上正道。

It's our responsibility to put them on the right track. * I lose all track of current affairs.

Chinese meaning: 我一点儿也不了解现在的时事动态。


Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

23. consume

v. 消耗(能量,燃料,时间等) * 小型机动车消耗的燃料较少。

A smaller vehicle will consume less fuel. v. (正式用法)吃,喝

* Before he died, he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol. Chinese meaning: 他死前喝了大量的酒。

consumer n. 消费者 consumption n. 消耗,消费 time-consuming 耗时的

24. delivery

n. 传送;递交;交付 take delivery of... (正式用法)取(某物) * 你什么时候能来取包裹?

When can you take the delivery of the parcel(s)? n. 演讲方式、风格

* The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor delivery.

Chinese meaning: 这优美的诗被她拙劣的朗诵给糟蹋了。

n. 分娩 an easy/difficult delivery 顺/难产 a delivery room/ward 产房 * 这名护士能熟练地接生婴儿。

The nurse is skilled in helping the delivery of babies. v. deliver 递交;演讲;生产

25. maintain

v. 维持,保持;供养

* 保持温室内的温度很重要。

It's important to maintain the temperature inside the greenhouse. * 他太穷了,供不起五个孩子。

He is too poor to maintain his five children. v. 坚持,主张

* Johnson maintained that he was out of the country when the crime was committed. Chinese meaning: 约翰逊坚持说案件发生时他在国外。 maintenance n. 维持,保持;保养;供养

26. finance

n. 资金(状况)(常用复数)

* 这位教师拒绝回答有关她个人财务状况的问题。

The school teacher refuses to answer questions about her personal finances. n. 资金,钱财

* Unless we get more finance, we'll have to close the store.

Chinese meaning: 除非我们能弄到更多的资金,否则这家店得关门大吉。 financial adj. 财政的;财务的;金融的

27. struggle

v. 奋斗,努力,争取 struggle to do sth. struggle with/against sth. * We go there to work and struggle to overcome these difficulties.


Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

Chinese meaning: 我们去那儿是为了工作并努力克服这些困难。 * 这家航空公司正在高昂的成本中苦苦挣扎。 The airline is struggling with/against high costs. * 我的母亲已经与癌症抗争了两年。

My mother has struggled against/with cancer for two years. n. 奋斗,努力,抗争;搏斗 struggle with sb. for/against sth. * 该公司正与对手抗争,希望获得更多的市场份额。

The company is in a struggle with its rivals for more market shares. * There will be no end to the struggle between good and evil. Chinese meaning: 善恶之争永无止境。

* There was no sign of struggle at the murder scene. Chinese meaning: 谋杀现场没有搏斗的痕迹。

28. ideal

adj. 完美的,理想的;最合适的 be ideal for * 这个游乐场是孩子们的理想去处。

This amusement park is ideal for children. * This book would make an ideal gift.

Chinese meaning: 这本书是馈赠佳品。

idea n. 想法,观点 idealism n. 理想主义 idealize v. 理想化

29. related

adj. 相关的,有联系的 be closely/strongly/directly related to... 与...有紧密/直接联系的 * 许多英文谚语与动物有关。

Many English idioms are related to animals. * 教育与收入关系紧密。

Education is closely/strongly related to income. adj. 有家庭关系的

* Lily and I are distantly related.

Chinese meaning: 莉莉和我是远亲。 relative n. 亲属 relationship n. 关系

30. credit

n. 赊购;赊欠 on credit 贷款 * No credit is given at this shop.

Chinese meaning: 这家商店概不赊账。 * 你现在的信用额度是3000美金。 Your credit limit is now 3000 dollars. * 在美国,许多人贷款购车购房。

In the United States, many cars and houses are bought on credit. n. 学分

* I have barely enough credits to graduate. Chinese meaning: 我的学分刚够能毕业。


Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

31. profit

n. 利润,收益 gain/make/earn/turn a profit * 某些网站年获利高达百万。

Some websites make/earn a profit of more than one million a year. n. 利益,好处

* There is no profit in delaying the meeting. Chinese meaning: 延期开会没什么好处。

non-profit 非盈利的 profitable adj. 有利可图的

32. account

n. 账户 bank account

* 我昨天刚开的户,明天就准备销户。

I opened a bank account yesterday but I'll close it tomorrow. n. 描述 give an account of ...

* 她详尽地向警方描述了所发生的事。

She gave the police a full account of what happened. take sth. into account 考虑到,顾及

* Assignment is taken into account as well as class performance.

Chinese meaning: 除了课堂表现外,作业完成情况也要记入成绩。

33. sign

v. 签字,签署 sign up for sth. 报名(参加)课程 * I was forced to sign the agreement against my will. Chinese meaning: 我被迫违心地在协议上签了字。 * 我能提前报名参加这门课吗?

Can I sign up for this course in advance? n. 标志,标牌;迹象

* 墙上的牌子上写着“禁止吸烟”

The sign on the wall reads: \* The weather shows no sign of improving.

Chinese meaning: 天气没有一点好转的迹象。 signature n. 签名;签字

34. provide

v. 提供,供应 provide sb. with sth. provide sth. for sb. * 他能给你提供消息吗?

Was he able to provide you with information/provide information for you? * The measure is designed to provide people with more jobs.

Chinese meaning: 这项措施的目的是为年轻人提供更多的工作机会。

35. outlet

n. 发泄的途径

* Children need an outlet for their energy.


Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

Chinese meaning: 儿童的精力需要发泄出来。 n. 专营店;廉价品商店(奥特莱斯)

* 仅在北京,这家企业就有24家专卖店。

The business has 24 retail outlets in Beijing alone.

36. public

adj. 公共的;公开的;公立的;公众的 * 五月的第一天是公共节假日。

The first day of May is a public holiday. * This may be the singer's last public appearance.

Chinese meaning: 这可能是这位歌手的最后一次公开亮相。 * 他拥有为大众服务的精神。

He has the spirit of public service.

* 总的来说,有两种学校:公立的和私立的。

Generally speaking, there are two types of schools: public and private.

n. 公众;公共 the (general) public (广大)人民群众 in public 公开地 * She never wants to be seen in public without her make-up on. Chinese meaning: 她从不愿不化妆就公开露面。

37. likely

adv. 很可能 most/very likely

* 他极有可能坐飞机,而不是乘火车来。

He will most likely come by plane rather than by train. adj. 可能的;预料的 be more/less/most/least likely to do sth.

* Ticket price of all major scenic spots will be more likely to go up in the busy/high/peak season. Chinese meaning: 旺季时各大景点的门票很有可能会上涨。

38. opportunity

n. 机会,时机,机遇 take/seize/use the opportunity to do sth. * 我想借此机会向我的家人感谢他们对我的支持。

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my family for their support. C.f.: opportunity 机遇,好运 chance (偶然的)可能性 * There is a chance that he may be alive. Chinese meaning: 他还活着也说不定。

* 幸运的是,她最终得到了在世界五百强工作的机会。

Luckily, she finally got an opportunity to work with one of the world top 500.

39. focus

v. 集中(注意力、精力)于... focus on/upon sb./sth. * 这次讨论主要集中在五大主要问题上。 The debate focused on five main problems. n. 焦点

* The war in Afghanistan has become the focus of world attention. Chinese meaning: 阿富汗战争成为了世界关注的焦点。


Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

Unit 1 Real World Reading -A Welcome Letter to Freshmen

Vocabulary Preparation

1. contain

v. 包括,包含;容纳

* In general, a grammatical sentence contains a subject and a verb.

Chinese meaning: 一般来说,一个语法正确的句子包括主语和谓语。 * 这封信里含有有关他家庭成员的信息。

The letter contains information about his family members.

2. pack

n. (一起供应的)全套物品

* 免费的信息咨询报已经于一个月前发至贵校。

The free information pack was sent to your school a month ago. n. (纸)包,(纸)袋,(纸)盒 a pack of cigarettes/gum * You can buy CDs in pack of ten.

Chinese meaning: 你可以整盒买唱片,每盒十张。 v. 包装,包裹;打包 pack sth. up

* 我们收拾一下,去郊区过个周末吧。

Let's pack up and spend a weekend in the suburb.

3. ensure

v. 保证,担保,确保

* 已经采取措施确保安全。

Steps have been taken to ensure safety.

* Please ensure that all computers are switched off before leaving the office. Chinese meaning: 请确保离开办公室前关上所有的电脑。 * 这种药能保证你晚上睡个好觉。

This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.

4. clue

v. 提供最新信息 clued up on sth. 对(某事)很熟悉,知之甚多 clue sb. in/on sth. 给(某人)提供最新信息

* 她会给你提供与此相关的最新信息。 She will clue you in/on this.

* Please get me clued up on what I'm going to experience in college. Chinese meaning: 请让我了解一些大学里我会经历的事情。 n. 线索 clue to/about sth.

* 鉴定杀手身份的唯一线索就是一个烟头。

The only clue to the identity of the killer is a cigarette end. * 我猜谜之前,能给我点儿线索吗?

Can you give me some clue before I guess the riddle?

5. role


Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

n. 作用;地位;角色 have/play a (important/major/minor) role in (doing) sth. role model 楷模、典范

* 她在那部电影里扮演了一个微不足道的角色。 She played a minor role in that movie.

* 公共交通体系在今天的社会中起着重要的作用。

Public transportation plays an important role in today's society.

6. instruction

n. 用法说明;操作指南 (常用复数) * 你可以根据说明书使用新洗衣机。

You may follow the instructions to use the new washing machine. n. 教育,教学 instruction in sth.

* Miss. Thompson gives instructions in mathematics. Chinese meaning: 汤普森小姐教数学。 instructional adj. 教学的,教育的

7. payment

n. (应付的)款项

* The next payment will be due in a couple of days. Chinese meaning: 再过几天就该付下一笔钱了。 n. 付款

* 他坚持要求现金付款。

He insisted on payment by cash. n. 报答,报偿

* 谨以薄礼聊表谢意,敬请笑纳。

We'd like you to accept this gift in payment for your kindness. pay v. 付(款),付出 repay v. 回报

8. arrival

n. 到达,抵达 on/upon arrival

* 她一到就给我打了电话,所以我知道她平安无恙。

She phoned me on/upon arrival so that I knew she was safe and sound. * There are about 200 arrivals and departures every day at this airport. Chinese meaning: 这个机场每天有约200次航班到港和离岗。 arrive v. 到达,抵达

9. keen

adj. 渴望,热衷于 keen sense/eye be keen on doing sth. 热衷于做某事sth. 渴望做某事

* 像狗这样的动物有着很敏锐的嗅觉。

Animals like dogs have a keen sense of smell. * 我爷爷曾极其渴望回到家乡。

My grandfather was keen to return to his hometown.

* Some of my schoolmates are very keen on outdoor activities.


be keen to do Words to Learn-Unit 1 (Teacher Use)

Chinese meaning: 我有些同学特别热衷于户外活动。

10. official

adj. 正式的;官方的

* To find more information, please log onto our official website. Chinese meaning: 若想获得更多信息,请登录我们的官方网站。 * 按计划,正式演出是在明年九月。

The official performance is planned for next September. n. 官员

* 高官们带着太太来参加宴会。

The higher officials came to the party with their wives.

11. social

adj. 社交的,交际的 social life/skill/gathering * 集体体育活动能帮孩子拓展社交能力。

Team sports help to develop a child's social skills. adj. 社会的

* 在过去的十年中,这个可怜的国家经历了重大的社会变革。

In the past decade, the poor country has experienced major social changes. sociable adj. 好交际的,合群的 socialize v. 社会化;交往,交际


