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ss=txt>unit 1 preview

1. listen to the recording of the text and then fill in the blanks in the following sentences. 1. aim/purpose;

training; universities

2. graduate school; shakespeare‘s plays;be a pharmacist 3. making a living; keep himself; his family; expose; ideas 4. waking; average; a living; all about

5. in danger; mechanized savages; push-button neanderthals 6. have left us; peculiar accomplishments; speciestraining; practical/professional skills; technical 7. center; storehouse 8. sarcastic; humorous

2. read the text for better comprehension and answer the questions, paying special attention to the parts in bold type. 1) it means annoying experiences, tough problems or failures. 2) they must have finished their graduate studies with an advanced degree like a phd.

3) it simply means ―one of the students‖. whole group of students. because the student is thin and tall. it is meant to behumorous rather than insulting. 4) he teaches english literature.

5) by using the word ―stuff‖, he shows his dislike for the course very clearly. he doesn‘t like the course because he thinks the word ―body‖ here means the it is useless for his planned career.

6) we can assume that he does not think it necessary to waste money on the books since he intends to drop the course.

7) the latter. it is a humorous way of referring to a certain type of people.

8) he is talking about the pharmacy

school. he is being sarcastic when he calls it ―a drugstore mechanics school‖ it means ―技工‖.

9) he is talking about the diploma for university or college graduates.

he has in mind people like what the student wants to be: pharmacists.

10) it means ―having been introduced to the ideas developed or produced throughout history.

11) it refers to his effort to convince the student.

12) ―hold‖ here is an intransitive verb meaning ―remain true‖. it is often used as a set phrase ―hold true‖.

13) it means ―things of the same kind‖. 诸如此类

14) we call it the future continuous tense. it is used for ongoing future actions.

15) he is saying here that you will make sure that the medicine you make will not be mixed with poison if you are trained as a pharmacist;

that the houses you build will successfully keep out bulls if your chosen job is engineering; and that your client will not be sentenced to death because you are incompetent if you want to be a lawyer.

16) these are all useful things to do… and raises/brings up your children.

17) in formal english, ―may‖ is used to express a hope or wish.

more examples:

may our country be prosperous and our people happy. may peace finally prevail.

note: suffice (be sufficient)it is formal for humorous effect. 18) 民主的思想家. will you be heading a family that is familiar with the great democratic ideas in past history?

19) he means the tall student. ―pest‖ is often used to refer to an annoying person especially a child.

20) no. he means that he is aiming to make money. that is his purpose for coming to school.

21) …you‘re going to have trouble finding something to do when you are not spending money.

22) … then you shouldn‘t go to college. you have no reason to go to college.

【篇二:现代大学英语 精读3(第二版)unit 9 答案】


into chinese

1.有力的工具 2.时髦的字眼 3.资金流 4.债券融资 5.产权投资 6.跨国兼并与收购 7.往来账目赤字 8.收支盈余

9.裙带资本主义 10.规模经济 11.零部件生产 12.吓人的前景 13.有道理的假设 14.强有力的反对 15.转基因作物

16.缺少共同的议事日程 17.腐蚀当地文化 18.声请加入 19.极力夸大某人的势力 20.推广技术 into english

1.a double-edged sword 2.national sovereignty 3.a daunting question 4.trade negotiation 5.economic unification 6.ever-declining costs 7.consumer confidence 8.economic forecast 9.economic entities

10.multilateral institutions

11.ensuing financial crisis 12.after adjusting for inflation 13.a full-scale economic downturn 14.lopsided trade flows 15.boom-bust cycle 16.management skill 17.product design

18.unpredictable consequence 19.high-cost industries 20.the oecd

1.propel/push/ spur

2.the amount we benefit;neutralized;heighten/intensify 3.inspire/rouse/stimulate/stire/give rise to/lead to 4.expected/estimated/projected/forecast;help to improve/contribute to improving/favor a rise in

5.shield/defend/preserve;reduce/lower;phase out/lift/eliminate 6.championed/advocated/stood for/fought for/supported;trade liberalization;engage with/integrate with/link up with/participate in 7.develop into/snowball until it becomes/grow into/escalate

into;slump/recession/depression/crisis 8.disregard/ignore 9.dwarfed/exceeded

10.retarded/impeded/obstructed/hindered/prevented/held back l.0ur company projects an 8% growth rate this year,up by 2% compared with last year. 2.china is projected to increasingly favor more and more cross-border mergers and acquisitions. 3.the slides projected on the screen showed that he tried to project himself as a strong man in the election campaign.

4.he was greatly relieved to hear that the authorities had accepted his recommendation and the multibillion-dollar

project had been postponed indefinitely. 5. dr nelson had been operating on one wounded soldier after another for five hours. therefore we all sighed with relief when dr mason was able to come to relieve him. 6.government relief is like a pain-killer. it gives you relief,but it does not cure the disease. besides,you can easily get hooked on it.

7.private businesses are not asking the government to shield them against competition. they just hope not to be discriminated against.

8.we must try to win them over or neutralize them so that we can completely isolate the main enemy.

9.judging by the rate of inflation so far,perhaps it is necessary to raise interest rates again so that the recent pay raise will not be completely neutralized.

10.a general feeling of optimism when the reform stared. people all believed that there were bright prospects for our modernization.

1-11cbabc acbca b

1(p218) 1.alien 2.foreign 3.foreign 4.foreign 5.alien 2(p219) 1.surpass 2.exceeded 3.surpassed 4.exceeding 5.surpass 6.exceeding 3(p219)

1.consist in 2.consist in 3.consist of 4(p219) 1.threat 2.menace/threat 3.threats

4.menace/threat 5.threat 5(p219) 1.deadly 2.deadly 3.dead 4.dead/deadly 5.dead grammar 1 (p.220)

the kind of noun that is generally used as subject in such sentence refers to a fact, an idea or equivalents. words that can be followed by an appositive clause can generally be used with be + predicative clause.

1. nouns that refer to facts or equivalents: question, reality, addiction, truth (1, 6, 5, 8) 2. nouns that refer to opinions or equivalents: answer, danger, presumption. significance (2, 3,4,7)

3. nouns that refer to feelings or equivalents: worry, regret (9, 10) 2 (p.220)

1. whether we are going to be the servants or the masters of technology

2. my answer is that it is neither; love is simply a strong

feeling of deep affection 3. that its facilities are superb but the fares are a bit too high

4.that they can hardly cope with the need of resources of the ever-growing population 5. that it has some functions of a computer like web browsing

6. whether temporary employees could enjoy social security benefits as permanent staff

7. that this area will sooner or later turn desert 8. that man is descended from the apes 9. how important decisions are made here

10. that the teacher-student relationship is so harmonious both in and after class 1 (p. 221)

1. subject我们所说的那个市场

2. object of the preposition about 教育家喜欢称之为“顿悟”的那个概念 3. predicative (没有)人们通常认为士兵所具有的样子 4. object of the preposition “of”你们叫天气的那东西 5. predicative有些人所说的那种酷爱读书的人 6. predicative第欧根尼自诩的那种人

7. object of the preposition “in” 生态学家所说的“极大而独立的自然保护区” 8. object of the preposition “to”我所认为的那个现实世界 2 (p. 222)

1. what you call works of art

2. what their friends considered only pocket money 3. what other people considered pressure

4. what the media termed the toughest war on drugs so far 5. what we called traitors

9. what people used to regard as the most important virtues 10. what they term a love-hate relationship 1. this is a simple sentence.

subject: ever declining costs for communication and transportation predicate verb: favored

qualifier: before the internet object: more global commerce

parenthesis: from jet planes, batter undersea telephone cables and satellites ( the prepositional phrase, separated from the

rest of the sentence by dashes, explains how the ever declining costs are achieved. )

2. this is a complex sentence subject: companies predicate verb: seek

qualifier: by trying to maximize their presence in as many

nations as possible (an adverbial modifying the predicate verb seek)

object: to achieve economies of scale and to stay abreast of technological changes parenthesis: that is, to lower costs

through higher sales and production volumes (used to explain “ to achieve economies of scale ” )

qualifier: that can now occur almost anywhere (a relative clause modifying “ technological changes ” ) 4 (p. 222)

“你的嘴说:‘不,不,不’,可你的眼睛却说:‘是,是.是’。”这是一首古老的流行歌曲中的一句歌词。这句歌词听起来或许有点不真实,不过作词者却在暗示那种被称为肢体语言的非言语交流。这种交流比从他或她嘴里说出的任何话都能更准确地反映出一个人的观点。 我们有些肢体语言的表达是通用的语言。比如,对多数人来说,拇指和食指组成一个圆圈的意思是“一切顺利。”拇指向上仲出握拳表示“好运”或者“一切准备就绪。”

【篇三:现代大学英语 精读3(第二版)unit 4 答案】


2.do the following exercises.

1.paraphrase the following sentences.

1.he had opened his eyes when the sun rose,scratched (because he had an itch on the skin), relieved himself like a dog at the roadside? notice the euphemism “done his business.”the author could not have used the normal expression”used the toilet”because there was no toilet.

2.live simply and freely.pay no attention to conventions, which are unnatural and useless. avoid or get rid of all those unnecessary things that make our life complicated and wasteful?

3.they own and control him. he is their slave. in order to get some goods that have no true value and will be useless very soon, he has sold the only true, lasting good, his own independence.

4.he knew very well what he lived for:it was to change

people’s values, to make them know the true meaning of life? 5.he was the most popular/important/successful person at this particular moment or his century? 2.translate the words in bold type.



3.说来自相矛盾的是,他们越想帮忙,就越是妨碍了经济的发展。 4.她正在使尽全力准备这一顿丰盛的晚餐。



7.社会习俗同样也在变。先是量变,然后是质变。但这需要时间。 3.observe how these words are formed. 1.-ware:articles of the same general kind 2.auto-:prefix, meaning “same” or “self” 3.these are compound adjective consisting of a noun and an adjective. in these words, the nouns modify the adjectives. vocabulary

1.translate the following expressions. into english

1. scratch each other’s backs 2. publish or perish 3. make rmb convertible 4. seek the truth 5. discard conventions

6. satirize people’s vanity and extravagance

7. the island is uninhabited, and being without drinking water, is also uninhabitable.

8. admire their courage/guts/bravery 9. neglect one’s duty 10. escape/avoid the consequence 11. erase/delete sth from one’s memory 12. take command

13. block the way/stand in the way/be in one’s way 14. ruin one’s reputation/name into chinese

1. 年久失修的防御工事 2. 临时占用或建造的简陋小棚 3. 储物缸 4. 容易变质的商品 5. 社会旧习 6. 摇摇晃晃的酒鬼 7. 隐士住的山洞 8. 此刻的风云人物 9. 英雄人物 10. 决定未来的气势 11. 咄咄逼人的眼光 12. 对战争的恐慌 13. 落石如雨 14. 一小撮捣乱分子

2.put in the blanks appropriate propositions or adverbs.

1. with,of 2. with,up 3. round 4. with,out,of 5. to,out,of,for,in 6. by,for 7. upon,over,to 8. for,into 9. in,to,to 10. to,out,of,into 3.choose the right words or expressions.

1. ashamed,garment 2. resulted from,matter 3. affairs,requires,restrain 4. restrict,empty 5. respected,emulating

6. empty,bare,bare 7. changed,hollow 8. vacant,respectfully 9. activities,convert 10. laughing,behavior

4.replace the italicized parts with words or expressions from the text.

1.minds; lunatic

2.sick with anxiety; purchase; were highly perishable 3.call upon; realm; a large corps of; seek out

4.elaborate doctrines/creeds; developed/described/expounded 5.approached; rose in respect

6.examined/inspected; inhabited; occasionally; discarded 7.out of choice/by design; complexities and extravagances 8.gave scant; expected him to 9.possessed; unanimously elected 10.switched; with his air of destiny

5.translate the following sentences using the words listed below in their appropriate forms.

1.only in this way can we give a reasonable account of his strange

