八年级英语下册Unit 6 导学案

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Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?(第一、二课时) 主备人: 付文娟 授课时间: 2013.4.10-11 班级: 八年级 知识目标 1.识记并会运用单词collect, shell, pair, skate, since 2.理解并运用短语 for five years, a pair of... 学习 目标 3. 掌握并运用句型(1) --- How long have you been skating ?--- I have been skating for five hours. (2) -- How long have you been skating ?-- I have been skating since I was seven years old. 能力目标:能用新句型进行对话,了解完成时态的用法。 情感目标:培养学生们的交际能力,以及相互帮助和合作的能力。 重点:现在完成时态的构成及用法,标志词.难点:have /has been and have/has gone 的区别. 预习检测:(自读课本44-46页,完成下面三关。) 第一关:看我七十二变 你还能认出我吗? 1.collect(n.) _____________(表人n.) ______________ 2. skate(表人n.) _____________________ 第二关:新课初探 快来迎接这9个重点短语吧! 1.收集贝壳 ________________________________ 2.为慈善事业募捐 __________________________ 学 3.一双,一副 ___________________________4.滑冰马拉松 ________________________________________ 5.三年半 _________________ ____________________ 6. 第一个做某事的人________________________ 7. 整整五个小时___________________ 8. 几个溜冰者_______________ 9. 一小时前____________________ ◆大显身手,那就快试试吧! 习 1. Students are skating to r_____ money for Hope Project. 2. Mike has studied for s_____ months before the exam, so he can pass it. 3. She’s going to buy a p_______ of shoes. 4. There are many beautiful s________ on the beach. 导 5. _______ (collect) shells is his hobby. 6. The old man is a famous _________ (collect) . 4.他只是一个小时前开始的。He ___________________________________. 【Task Two】 :Read 3a and tell T or F 1. The skating marathon is in the Hilltop School. ( )2. Students are skating to raise money for charity. ( ) ( ) 5. My glasses are broken. I need to buy another ___. A. one B. pair C. it 第三关:读3a,完成下列两个任务。 :找出下列句子(3a)。 航 【Task One】1.孩子们正在为慈善团体筹募钱而溜冰。 Students are ________________________________________. 2.马拉松溜冰比赛已经进行了五个小时。The ________marathon___________________________. 3.艾利森是第一个开始的已经滑了整整五个小时。Alison was ___________ and has___________________. 3. The skating marathon has been going for six hours now. ( ) 4. Sam was the first to start . ( ) 5. Sam and Lu Ning have been skating for four hours.( ) 【课堂练习】 一、时态填空 1. They ___________ (go ) to London next year. 2. The boys _____________ ( play) football for two hours. 3. What _______ you _________ (do) when your mother came in? 4. --- What ________ your father _________ ( do ) ?---- He is a computer engineer. 5. --- How long ________ you _________ __________ ( watch ) TV ?---- For only half an hour. 学 6. What ______ you ________( do ) if it ____________ ( rain ) tomorrow ? 7. She _______ _________ __________ ( skate ) since she __________(be) five years old. 8. --When ________ you ___________ (get) up this morning ?--- At about six o’clock. 9.I’ve been practicing the piano _____ 8:30. ( since 或for) 10. Maria has been running _____ 25 minutes. ( since或for) 习 二、句型转换 1.He has been working for five hours(对划线部分提问)______ ________ ________ he ________ __________? 2.He has been collecting stamps since five years ago.(改为一般疑问句) ________ _________ __________ ___________ stamps since five years ago? 导 3.Lily has been swimming for twenty minutes.(改为否定句)Lily ______ ______ ______ for twenty minutes. 4.I’ve been skating since I was seven years old. (对划线部分提问)______ _____ ______ you _____ ______? 【课堂检测】 单项选择 航 ( )1._____ of them has a study.(书房) A.Both B.All C.Each D.Every ( )2. They _____ have their own e-mail address. A.both B.all C.each D.every ( )3. -- ___ have you been standing here ? -- For half an hour. A. When B. Where C. How long ( )4. -- ____ you ___ to the party yesterday? -- Yes, I did. A. Did ; go B. Have; been C. Do; go ( )5-How long did your brother skate?-He _____ for five hours. A.did skated B.skated C.is skating D.was skating ( )6.They ______money to build a new school for the faraway village. A.collected B.took C.spent D raised ( )7.He said he _____ doing some shopping. A.would like B.liked C.wanted D felt ( )8.____the girls ate up the _____ cake in about five minutes. A. All , whole B. All, all C. Whole,all ( )9.My elder sister is____in the writer job.A.interested B.interesting C.interests D to interest ( )10.The Smiths have been living here___ about 15 years. A.for B.since C.in D.to ( ) 11. —__ shall we start for Shanghai ? —At eight o’clock tomorrow morning . A.How long B. When C. How soon Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?(第三、四课时)

主备人: 付文娟 授课时间: 2013.4.12/ 4.15 班级: 八年级 预习目标】:1、知识目标:New words:stamp,kite 2、能力目标:Drills:1,would like to do 2 have been doing 学习 目标 3、情感目标:培养情趣,爱好 【预习重、难点】:1、How long has he been collecting kites ? 2、He has been collecting kites since he was ten years old. 预习检测:(自读课本47-48页,完成下面两关。) 第一关:看我七十二变 你还能认出我吗? 1.run(过去分词) ________ 2.box(pl.)__________ 3.hobby(pl.)________ 4.seven(序数词)___________ 航 Dear Sir or Madam, I want to join your stamp collectors’ club very much. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________第二关:新课初探 快来迎接9这个重点短语吧! 1.收集贝壳______________________2.集邮_______________________3.事实上 _____________________ 4.用完,用尽____________________ 5.在我的第七个生日___________________________ 6.顺便说一下________________ 7.想要________________8.因…而感谢 _________________9.放风筝_____________ 大显身手 1.I have two _________(box) of candy. 2.I’ve ________(run) out of room to store the toys. 4.On my __________(seven) birthday, I got many gifts. 5.Thanks _______(介词) your help. 6.______ (介词)the way, what’s your hobby? 7._______ ________(事实上),I like English very much. 书面表达 假如你是Mike,你喜欢集邮。你看到网上一个集邮俱乐部在招收会员。你对此非常感兴 于是决定用e-mail发一封个人简历。 要求:内容要包含所给信息。词数:60词左右。 Hobby When started How long How many More information collecting stamps 10 years old four and a half years over 200 get 12 from foreign friends and get to know more countries and their culture 学 3.Tom has many ________(hobby), like reading, swimming. 习 导 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 【课堂练习】 一、用所给词适当形式填空 1.Thank you for _________(tell) me the truth. 2.Thanks for s___________ me the beautiful card. 3.He has been working here since he_________(become) a worker. 4. —How long______your sister been_______(work) in the factory? —Since she __________ (leave) school. 5. That’s an______________(interest) question. 6. Are you __________(interest) in English? 7.Two weeks passed. They _______(run) out of money. 8. Time is____________(run) out. 二、单项选择 ( )1.__ of us can work out this problem. A, Anyone B. Anybody C. Any one ( )2. How long have you___ writing ____ English? A. be; in B. been; on C. been; in D. be; on ( )3. She has been working in this school ____ four years.A. since B. for C. been D. after ( )4. Would you like____ any of these stamps? A. to collect B. collect C; collecting D; collected ( )5.____ there anyone here who can do such a job? A, Is B. Are C. Has ( )6. Collecting shells_____ his hobby. A. is B. are C. were 【拓展练习】 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I’d like___________(have) something to eat, I’m very hungry now. 2. How long_____________ you been_________ (collect) toys? 3. Who is the first student___________ (come) to school? 4. They would like_____(go) to the park this Sunday.5.I’m _______ in this (interest)______ book. 7.He needed__________(go) out for a walk. 8. Need we_______(go) so soon? 二、句型转换: 1. I started collecting stamps five years ago.(同义句) I ________ ___________ collecting stamps for five years. 2. They have been friends for ten years.(划线提问) _________ ________ have they been friends? 3. She collects shells because they are beautiful.(划线提问) ______ _______ she collect shells? 4. My grandma’s hobby is reading.(划线提问) _______ ________ you grandma’s hobby? 5. He sent me several snow globes.(同义句) He sent several snow globes_______ ________. Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?(第五课时self-check Reading) 主备人: 付文娟 授课时间: 2013.4.16 班级: 八年级 预习检测:(自读课本页,完成下面两关。) 第一关:看我七十二变 你还能认出我吗? 1.interest(adj.)_________ _________2.west(adj.)________ 3.win(过去式)______ 4.vedio (pl.)________ 第二关:英汉互译 1.听音乐录像_________________ 2.看英文电影__________________ 3.用英文写作________________ 4.对…….感兴趣________________________5.具有丰富多彩的历史________________________________ 6. 越…, 越…_____________________ 7.in Russian style _________________8.a thousand years __________________9.the Olympic Games___________________10. a foreigner like me ________________ Reading Task 1阅读后回答下列问题 1.Where is the write from? What does he do?________________________________ 2.What does he think of the city of Harbin?_________________________________________ 4.Will he be in China in 2008?How do you know?___________________________________ Task2: 翻译 3.What is his opinion about learning history?_____________________________________ 学 1.事实上,第一批犹太人可能在一千多年前就来到开封而且受到宋朝皇帝的欢迎。 , the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng a thousand years and were

the Song Emperor. 习 2.这个城市有欧洲文化的影响,而且哈尔滨的一些老建筑还具有俄罗斯风格。 There is some European in the city, and some of the old buildings in Harbin are Russian . 3.对于一个像我一样的外国人来说,我对中国文化了解越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。 导 a foreigner me, I learn about Chinese culture, I enjoy living in China. 4.尽管我住得离北京很远,但我相信我一定在这支持2008年奥运会 航 Although I live quite Beijing,I’m certain I will be here the Olympic Games 2008. 5. 他们为慈善机构捐钱而举办才艺展示. They organize a talent show money . 走进练兵场:一、填空: 1.Every year many _____________(foreign)come to visit the Great Wall. 2.I like this sweater because it’s ___________(color).3.Lucy likes __________(Russia)food. 4.______(thousand)of people are playing on the beach. 5.He ____(be) teaching in this school for 20 years. 二、改错:1. I think he has else something to tell us. 2. Someone will probable find it and return it. 3. Grandma thought it will be a good idea.

