新世纪英语教案第1册Unit Eight
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Unit 8
This Generations Means Business 教学目的(teaching objective):
Master the key words and structures, and see why this generation starts young in the US. From the example of Joe Lampson, the students should learn something about the youth of the country and how some of them start their own businesses and become successful in life.
教学内容、课时安排及教学方法设计(Teaching contents, classes and methods)
教学进程 1 教 学 内 容 教学课 时 Study of the Text: Warm-up activities, New words and text explaining, Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks of the text 2 3 4 Focus on and Work out : Ex. I-VI Grammar Tips: Tag Questions Reading Skills: pre-reading (two passages), Practical Reading: Reading about Neighborhood Resources 5 6 Practical Writing: cover letter Listening and Speaking: I’m sorry 1 2 讲练、板书、师生互动 讲授、听说、师生互动 3 1 1 讲练、板书、师生互动 讲练,板书,师生互动 讲练,板书,师生互动 4 提问、讲授、板书或课件设计、师生互动 教学方法设计 教学重点(key points):
VocabulaCalculate/handle/involve/launch/plead/decade/enterprise/explorer/finance/instinct/iry nvestment/survey/drop out/meet one’s needs/turn to/credit card/living expenses StructurWould rather?than e Learning Pre-reading skills Skills Reading about neighborhood resources Learning how to write a cover letter Grammar 反意疑问句 ListeninHow to express “I’m sorry.” g and Speaking 教学难点(Teaching difficulties): 1. 课文难句理解; 2.翻译全文; 3.应征涵的基本写法; 4.对话模仿。
教学方法(Teaching methods):
课文以启发式提问导入,采用讲授法。通过教师分析、讲解、提问使学生掌握重点难点。 阅读采用阅读指导法:重点指导阅读技巧。 练习采用练习辅导法:指导学生正确完成课后练习。 实验法:主要应用于听力训练和课堂讨论; 教学手段 (Teaching instruments):
板书和多媒体教学相结合,使用语音设备进行听力训练。 教学过程(Teaching procedures): I. Warm-up Activity
Directions: Before the lesson, some questions for the students to answer freely: 1. What do you dream of?
2. Do you want to start up your own business? II. Background information
Directions: Introduce the background information of the text. 1. Credit Card
A credit card is a thin plastic card, that contains identification information such as a signature or picture, and authorizes the person named on it to charge purchases or services to his account’s charges for which he will be billed periodically. Today, the information on the card is read by automated teller machines (ATMs), store readers, and bank and Internet computers. 2. Stanford University
Stanford University is a private institution of higher education in Stanford, California. It was founded in 1885 by the American statesman, railroad magnate, and patron of education Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane Lathrop Stanford, in memory of their son, Leland Stanford, Jr. The university opened in 1891. III. New words and expressions Directions:
1) listen to the tape recording or ask the students to read the new words, 2) correct the pronunciation, ask the students to read after the teacher. 3) explain some usage of words and phrases and introduce some methods of enlarging Vocabulary. IV. Study of the text
Directions: listen to the tape recording or ask students to read and then explain the text paragraph by paragraph. Give out the language points of the text, and then ask some questions to understand the text completely. Language Points Lines 1-5
1. he was dropping out of Stanford University to launch his own software company. 1) drop out: leave school, college, or university before you have finished studying Teenagers who drop out of high school have trouble finding jobs.
2) launch: cause (an activity, plan and way of life) to begin The government launched a new plan to build more houses.
2. Can’t you wait a few months? his father pleaded. plead: make an earnest appeal to
The young man pleaded for another chance to show his worth. Lines 6 - 13
3 by streamlining some office work, such as shi in and receiving.
1) streamline: make a business or organization work more simply and efficiently A. The new director soon streamlined the finance department. B. We need to find ways of streamlining the decision-making process.
2) ship: send (esp. a large article) over some distance by post or other means The mailorder company shipped my new books by air.
4. Yet buying and selling the lifeblood of business was still being done by instinct:
Companies do business with most customers instinctively, trading is the key factor. 5. For instance, the average hospital could choose among many bandage suppliers. average: usual, ordinary
What’s the average rainfall for July?
6. ?while meeting all the customer’s needs. meet: satisfy Does the flat meet your needs or requirements? Lines 14-17
7. In spite of Lampson’s confidence, no one would finance his start-up company... in spite of: taking no notice of They continued, in spite of my warning. 2) finance: provide money for
His parents financed his college education.
8. Venture capitalists explained that new enterprises needed experienced managers and technicians...
1) venture: undertaking in which there is risk
We are seeking possibilities of forming a joint venture with your company. 2) enterprise: an organization, esp. a business firm
The number of foreign funded enterprises has doubled in the past five years. Lines 18 - 21
9. So he turned to the great investment bank of his generation: plastic. turn to: go to for help, advice, sympathy, comfort, etc. They always turn to me when they are in trouble. Line 22 - 26
10. Meanwhile he persuaded engineers at Hewlett-Packard... meanwhile: during the same period of time
Mother was cooking the dinner and meanwhile Mary was cleaning her bedroom. 11. Lines 37 - 38: Since then, orders from other Fortune 500 companies have flooded in:
After that, other companies among the Fortune 500 companies sent a large number of orders to Trilogy. (从那时起,来自《财富》杂志排名前500位的大公司的定单纷至沓来。)
flood in: arrive in large numbers Application letters came flooding in. Lines 27 - 29
12?.has close to 400 employees. close to: nearly; similar to It’s close to 5:00.
13. The company’s 1996 incomes have been estimated at more than $120 million. estimate: make a judgment about; figure the amount of The dealer estimated the value of my painting at $1,000. Lines 30 - 34
14. Lampson, who just celebrated his 29th birthday... celebrate: do something special to mark an occasion I celebrated my birthday with friends in a restaurant.
15?.the young people... are actively involved in trying to start their own businesses...
be involved in: take part in an activity or event ; cause to become connected or concerned
Don’t involve other people in your mad schemes. Lines 35 - 44
16. According to a survey, twice as many young people would rather own their own businesses...
The latest survey shows a majority in favor of the government’s new foreign policy. 17. They were like explorers hacking their way through a jungle, they had to be prepared to handle anything...:
On their way to success, they had to overcome all the difficulties, just like explorers in a jungle who had to cut their way through.
18. A decade later it turns out that these survival traits are excellent skills for entrepreneurs.
1) survival: state of continuing to live or exist
Thirty young adventurers took part in last week’s survival competition. 2) trait: particular quality, esp. of a person
Hospitality is her most pleasing trait. IV. Summary Questions
Directions: After studying the text,assign the students to think over the following questions beforehand and then discuss in class so that the teacher can know whether the students understand the text fully and the students can practice their spoken English. The teacher provides the key points for reference.
I. Why did Joe Lampson decide to leave university only six months from graduation?
2. How did he manage to get the money to start his own company?
3. How did many of the Fortune 500 companies place large orders for his Trilogy software?
4. What can we learn about the younger generation between the ages 25 and 34 in the United States?
V. Concluding Remarks of the Text
Directions: After discussion, the teacher summarizes the text.
Knowing that a leading position is extremely important in software business, the 2 1-year-old Joe Lampson decided to set up his own software company just six months before his graduation from Stanford University, which greatly surprised his father. Joe Lampson and his partners developed a program to improve the trading situation in business. But to their regret, no banks or risk capitalists would invest in their new company, Trilogy. Joe Lampson had to use 35 credit cards to finance it and living expenses for his partners and he was once heavily in debt. Finally, Trilogy software was extremely popular in the market and Joe Lampson became one of the most successful young American entrepreneurs.
Today, it has become another American dream that most American youth hope to realize.
VII. Focus on and work out
Directions: Ask the students to review the text and prepare all the words\\ structure\\ translation exercises before hand and then ask them to do in oral in class. (all exercises are written in the book ) VIII. Grammar Tips: Tag Question
Directions: Explain the definition of the grammar, and then ask the students to do practice VII. Correct the errors, if there are any, in the following sentences. Practice VIII. Fill in each blank with the words given in an appropriate form. IX. Reading skills: Practical Reading:
Directions: Introduce reading skills and then ask the students to read two passages using the reading skills, finish practice IX. And X, after that, check the answer. X. Practical writing:
Directions: Introduce the form of Cover Letter, tell the students how to write, and then ask them to imitate to write according to the samples. XI. Listening and Speaking: I’m sorry Directions:
1. Review the phonemes by listening to the tape; tell the students the differences in the positions of the speech organs for these phonemes.
2. Listen to the dialogues, fill in the blanks, and speak with fluency by imitating the pronunciation and intonation. Steps:
1. Get the right sound
Section A: After listening, circle the word the students hear, and then repeat them. Section B: Listen and repeat, paying attention to the pronunciation of the words.
Section C: Ask the students to circle the words that they hear. 2. Dialogues
Section A: Expressions learnt before
Section B: Look at the pictures in the book. What would you say in the following situations?
Section C: Listen to the dialogues again and complete them with what you hear. Before your listening, learn the following words and phrases. 3. Speak out: Ask students to make conversations by pairs 4. Listen More Section A
Listen to the definitions and choose the best answer in meaning. Section B
Listen to four statements and choose the closer one in meaning to the statement you hear on the tape. Section C
Listen to three dialogues and answer the questions by choosing the best answer. Section D
Listen to a dialogue and judge True or False Section E
Listen to a passage and choose the best answer 5. Homework: Practice conversation
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