更新时间:2023-09-30 19:41:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
1. Vocabulary & Struction 选择题 30% 2. Match 配对题 10% 3. Blank-Filling 填空题 10% 4. Reading 阅读理解 20%
5. Translate the paragraph into Chinese 英译中 10% 6. Translate the following Chinese into English 中译英7. Writing 写作 10%
10% 配对题
1. internal rate of return 内部收益率 2. net present value 净现值 3. payback period 投资回收期 4. bill of quantities 工程量清单 5. letter of agreement 协议书
6. pre-qualification document 资格预审文件 7. reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 8. cross-section n.横截面,剖面
9. elevation n.(建筑物的)正视图,立体图 10. foundation n.地基 11. load intensity 载重强度 12. preliminary design 初步设计 13. compressive strength 抗压强度 14. load-carrying capability 承载能力 15. prestressed concrete 预应力混凝土
1. Smoking has a close ____________ lung cancer. 2. They can’t really imagine what we are ____________.
3. Many paintings which were originally attributed to the masters were ____________ found to have been done by some of their pupils. 4. The earthquake occurred at ____________ 9:02 this morning. 5. The city has ____________ a number of new benches at the playground so that parents can sit and watch their children play. 6. The developers ____________ building plans to the council for approval.
7. When designing buildings in this area,you have to make ____________ against earthquakes.
8. These commercial buildings have become ____________ now that the government has moved its offices out.
9. A mixture of selected funds is a(an) ____________ choice for future security and return on investment. 10. The concert ____________ next Thursday.
11. Anyone who does not ____________ these regulations will be asked to leave.
12. Parents should be encouraged to send their children to schools, which will bring about significant impacts on children and families,and even the society____________.
13. They plan to have the bus stop(situation)____________at the corner of the road.
14. The downtown(locate) ____________ of the office building makes it an attractive investment.
15. On average, the (duration)____________ of a single blink of the human eye is 0.3 seconds.
16. In Britain,AIDS tests are now____________ on all people who offer to become blood donors.
17. His lecture was ____________ and difficult to follow.
18. We’re ____________ concerned with keeping expenditure down. 19. There was nothing ____________ about her physical appearance. 20. There are ____________ differences between the two types of materials.
21. The ____________ which went into some of these pieces of furniture was truly remarkable.
22. What is so impressive about their society is the ____________ of the public services.
23. ____________his flat in London,he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.
24. The ticket for this play is so high that the audience ____________ mainly ____________rich people.
1. The manager was very concerned at___________________________-(广告费收入的减少).(revenue) 2. The
3. If one side fails to observe the contract,the other side _________________________________(有权撤销合同).(entitle) 4. The loss for this reason should________________________________(有毁约方承担).(charge)
5. Hundreds of young people who work in the tourist trade________________________________(面临着被解雇的危险)at the end of summer.(face)
6. The building_____________________________________(在结构上收到重创) during the earthquake.(suffer from)
7. We need to_____________________________(找到更经济实惠的方法) to manufacture our products because our profit margin is too low.(economical)
8. Many architects and engineers believe that more equipment used in the building construction_____________________________(将会是全自动的).(automated)
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