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文献出处:Barney J B. The employee’s incentive s mechanism in small and medium-sized enterprise[J]. Academy of Management Review, 2016, 31(7): 464-476.


The employee’s incentive s mechanism in small and medium-sized enterprise

Barney J B


"Incentive" is a psychological term, psychologists point out that all behavior is caused by the motivation of associated with it, as one of the person's state of mind, this motive for human behavior has the effect of reinforcement, vertebral move and inspire, known as a motivation. Incentive is mainly to inspire people to inner potential, cause people intelligence, mobilize people's enthusiasm and creativity. In this paper, the construction of small and medium-sized enterprise employees incentive mechanism problem. From the use of different ideas, different angles, for enterprise employees incentive. Staff incentive mechanism is through the system, rational system to reflect the interaction between incentive subjects with incentive object, is the enterprise connect the ideal into reality. Small business managers should learn effective research method for reference, targeted to solve their practical problems, and strive for a breakthrough in terms of theory. In the research and construction of small and medium-sized enterprise incentive mechanism on the road to constantly innovation, divergent thinking, from surface to inside, and realize the goal of research. And summarizes a set of suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises for effective incentive mechanism, to promote the vigorous development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, incentive mechanism, staff requirements


In the increasingly fierce competition, more and more small and medium-sized enterprises begin to realize enterprise's competition is talented person's competition,

actually only attach importance to talents, pay attention to the development of human resources management, to constantly improve their own core competitiveness, make the enterprise in the incentive competition advantage. However, the construction of the incentive mechanism is the core of the construction of enterprise human resources management, and enterprise operation of each link, and employees are closely linked. Use reasonable effective employee incentive mechanism to attract talent, formed a set of scientific, perfect enterprise candidates, choose and employ persons, cultivate people's human resources management system, is to motivate employees continuously enterprising, the key to motivate staff morale; Is in motivating talents plays an important role in promoting the competition to attract talent, retain talent; Is to guide employees to establish scientific, and the basis of the strategic target of enterprise organization goal is consistent. But most of the small and medium-sized enterprise development history is short, the lack of management experience, management system is not mature, the understanding of human resource management is not deep, incentive mechanism is not sound, for enterprise employees cannot give a sufficient motivation, to arouse the enthusiasm of employees, lead to the market competition of enterprises is relatively weak. Therefore, how to strengthen the management of human resources, to establish scientific and effective employee incentive mechanism, and reasonable use of scientific and effective incentive mechanism, attract talent, talent of education development, to prevent the brain drain becomes the key to enterprise core competitiveness.

In the face of increasingly fierce market competition, establish a scientific and reasonable employee incentive mechanism for the production and business operation and sustainable development of enterprises play a vital role. Only retain talent, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of employees, play employees' creativity, to constantly strengthen the enterprise core competitive power, to give priority to occupy talent highland, finally to make small and medium-sized enterprises in the fierce competition of modern society.

Summary of incentive and incentive mechanism

The meaning of incentive

As a social people are engaged in all behaviors are caused by some kind of motivation, desire, motivation, desire is a kind of mental state, through the role of the mental state can inspire people to dig their own potential, fight, fight for the realization of self-worth. Incentive mechanism as one of the important content of enterprise human resources management has an irreplaceable role. In the enterprise staff work enthusiasm, motivation and ability to work effectively and use is one of the important factors of enterprise sustainable development, enterprise managers through scientific and effective means and ways of reasonable use of limited resources, to understand employees at the level of the rationalization of demand and, in turn, meet the demand of employees of rationalization, to motivate, inspire and guide the enterprise staff's work enthusiasm, goal setting and enhanced to enterprise's loyalty, to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise management process. Motivation mainly includes the trigger a desire, guide the target, etc.

The meaning of employee incentive mechanism

Employee motivation is to use some kind of external cause, use all kinds of effective measures to meet the diverse needs of employees or restrict, and through certain rules and regulations to regulate and constraint, penalties, employees, motivate employees, to constraint employee morale and employee motivation, arouse the enthusiasm of work, desire, etc., make the person has an inner motivated employees can form a certain goal, and keep a high mood and actively state to the desired goal of psychological process. This process relies on a system we defined as incentive mechanism can also be called incentive system. Incentive system concrete application in the process of the employee's incentive, in the process of the interaction, constraints, and incentive results closely linked to a kind of comprehensive function. In terms of enterprise employees incentive mechanism its essence lies in through scientific, perfect system construction, promote employees in the direction of the organization to make persistent efforts. Staff incentive mechanism in the enterprise application is urge employees strive to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise incentive system.

The type of staff incentive mechanism

In the era of global competition and knowledge-based economy, more and more

small and medium-sized enterprises gradually realized that the competition between the enterprises is the result of the talent competition, talent as a resource is the first of all resources. The sustainable development of small and medium-sized enterprises, fundamentally, mainly depends on the enterprise the competitive advantage of human resources. Employee’s incentive mechanism as one of the main content of human resource management, contains a lot of ways, it not only through the every link of the enterprise, but also closely connected with the employee's personal interests. Employee incentive way is not the same, one of the main forms are:

Material aspects of the stimulus

Physiological needs is a kind of demand at the lowest level of all the requirements, it is mainly refers to people in their daily lives for clothing, housing, food, travel tools, air, water and other basic living needs and physiological needs. Physiological demand is people in social activities, maintain the basic survival motivation, the basis of the material aspects of the incentive is to be able to make people physiological demand and life needs are met. The implementation of the material incentive is can make employees work power source. Material things incentives also include wages, salary, promotion, bonuses, welfare, insurance, reward housing, echo managers in the use of employee wages, bonuses and other incentives in terms of money, should be aware of the value of money between employees have different value, cannot treat as the same, and each employee to earn the satisfaction is not the same, therefore, when using monetary rewards not should adopt the principle of distribution of average, should be targeted.

Goal setting incentive

Goal setting incentive, namely through the guide staff according to their own actual situation to set realistic goals, causing employee morale, motivate and inspire employees to complete the goal setting and constantly struggle, make employees the purpose of energy. Staff has constantly encouraged by power and passion, striving to make progress constantly asked him to pursue higher goals. Managers in the process of human resource management, be good at discover employees inner expectations and goals, and moderate guide employees to achieve their goals and formulate

detailed implementation steps, the corresponding work objectives for each employee, the task assigned to each employee, can give employees the invisible pressure, in turn, into power, strengthening the staff's sense of responsibility. When employees own goal is to realize the satisfaction of, will strengthen their awareness of the enterprise goal, to strengthen the enterprise's loyalty, thus make the enterprise organizational goals be implemented step by step.

The respection of incentive

The respection of incentive is one of the most basic of incentives, is to speed up the staff passion of the catalyst. Respect for every employee, to win the respect of each employee and loyalty. As a manager to respect employees at all levels of the independent personality and value orientation, in particular, pay attention to the demands of grass-roots staff, timely grasp and meet the needs of staff rationalization, is the embodiment of the enterprises fully respect for employees, at the same time, the staff work hard, obey organization arrangement, is the employee feedback and enterprise managers' respect and obedience. Respect include mutual respect between employees, mutual respect between leadership and staff, between enterprises and enterprises such as mutual respect, the main performance for mutual respect between superiors and subordinates, friendly atmosphere of mutual respect and promote the affection between staff, staff and leadership, strong force mouth among employees, between employees and leadership, make the enterprise team to better cooperation, strengthen team cohesion.

The employee involvement of incentive

Staff participation motivation mainly refers to the enterprise should pay attention to the cultivation of enterprise employee ownership. Now the employees have to participate in the management of the appeal. As managers, establish reasonable mechanism of employee involvement, advice for mechanism and system of employee ownership, create and provide opportunity for employees to provide reasonable Suggestions for the development of enterprises, and the proportion of adopting staff have put forward opinions and Suggestions, and to adopt the opinions and Suggestions of certain rewards to employees, make employees really participate in the

management of the enterprise, enhance the staff of the enterprise belonging, at the same time make the employees get the realization of self-worth, make employees in respect of expectations, the realization of self-worth, got fully meet the desire. At the same time, also can create more effective value for the enterprise. Can also set up the system of mutual selection between staff and departments, which respect the wishes of employees, allows employees to have jobs initiative, options, and conducive to business to choose jobs suitable for working people.



Barney J B






