六年级英语 unit 4 知识点总结

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英语个性化教学教案 授课主题 Unit 4. Then and now. 复习课 一、【经典美文泛读】 授课教师 The Old Cat (老猫) An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, \have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young.\ 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。 教学过程 于是,老妇很生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。她开始打这只猫,猫说:―不要打你的老仆人,我已经为你服务了很多年,而且还愿意为你效劳,但是,我实在太老了,对年纪大的不要这么无情,要记住老年人在年青时所做过的有益的事情。 核心词汇与语法: quickly 快速地 bite 咬 mouse 老鼠 run away 逃跑,逃走 servant 仆人,佣人 unkind 不友善的,不友好的 remember 记得 young 年轻的 二、【趣味课程导入】 第 1 页 共 6 页

猜一猜: 1. 为什么公主结婚了九不用挂蚊帐了? (因为她嫁给了青蛙王子啊!) 2.为什么鹿和鸡是亲戚? (因为鹿像鸡,录像机) 3.一只候鸟从南方飞到北方要用一个小时,而从北方飞到南方则想要两个半小时,为什么呢? (两个半小时不就是一个小时吗) Do you get it ? 三、【基础知识梳理】 重点单词: dining hall 饭厅 grass 草坪 gym 体育馆 ago 以前 ice-skate 滑冰 star 星 easy 容易的 look up 查阅 Internet 互联网 race 赛跑 active 积极的 different 不同的 nothing 没有什么 felt 感觉 thought 想 badminton 羽毛球运动 cheetah 猎豹 trip 绊倒 woke 醒 dream 梦 重点句子: 1. There was no library in my old school. 在我以前的学校里没有图书馆。 2. Tell us about your school please. 请给我们讲讲有关你学校的事情。 3. There was only one small building in the hill. 只有一座很小的建筑物在山上。 4. Could you see stars at night? 你晚上可以看到星星吗? 5. One day I’m going to visit the moon. 有一天我将去拜访月亮。 6. How do you know that ? 你是怎么知道的呢? 7. There were no computers or Internet in my time. 在我那个年代没有电脑也没有互联网。 8. I didn’t like winter before, I thought it was too cold. 我以前不喜欢冬天,我觉得它太冷了。 9. How about now? 那现在呢? 10. Why am I so slow now? 为什么我现在这么慢了呢? 第 2 页 共 6 页

知识延伸: 1.could 的用法 1). could引导的一般过去时的否定句,在could之后加not : could not=couldn’t He could send emails four years ago.(改为否定句) → He couldn’t send emails four years ago. 2). could引导的一般过去时的一般疑问句,将could调至句首: Mike could read and draw six years ago.(改一般疑问句) → Could Mike read or draw six years ago? 3). could引导的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + could引导的一般疑问句: They could ride a bike.(对画线部分提问) → Could they ride a bike ?(用do what替换) → What could they do? 2. me too 表示“我也是”、“我也一样”。 I like star very much. ----- Me too. I can play the guitar. ----- Me too. 3. How do you know that? 你是怎么知道的呢? Know 表示知道、了解, know sb / sth 知道某人,了解某事 例:I know how to play badminton. 我知道怎样打羽毛球。 I know who is the writer. 我知道谁是作家。 4. The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. 美国人花了五年的时间,在1969年才到达那里。 有关某国人复数的表示 口诀:中日不变,英法变,其余s 加后面。 \某国人\的复数有三种类型: (1) Chinese, Japanese:单、复数同形,不需加s(还有 Swiss瑞士人) (2) Englishman, Frenchman,Dutchman复数要把man 变为men。 如:Englishman—Englishmen英国人 Frenchman--- Frenchmen法国人 (3) 其他各国人以–an, -ian收尾的均直接加s 如:American--- Americans, 美国人 Australian----Australians, 澳大利亚人 German---- Germans 德国人 5. take 本意是“拿、带”,还可以指花费时间或金钱。常用句型为: 某人+ take / took + 时间(金钱)+ to do sth 某人花费时间或金钱去做某事 例:I took three days to read this book. 我花了三天时间来看这本书。 He took one month to travel around the world. 他花了一个月的时间环游世界。 6. look up 查阅,查找, 代词it 要放在中间。 Look it up in the dictionary. 从字典中查阅。 Look it up on the Internet. 从互联网上查阅。 第 3 页 共 6 页

7. 时间的表示: 1).今天 today 2).昨天 yesterday 3).明天 tomorrow 4).后天 the day after tomorrow 5).上星期六/天 last Saturday / Sunday 6).上个周末/ 月 last weekend/ month 7).几年前 years ago 8. didn’t 是did + not 的缩写形式,did 是 do的过去式。 I do my homework at six o’clock every day. 我每天六点做家庭作业。 I did my homework yesterday. 我昨天做家庭作业了。 I didn’t do my homework yesterday. 我昨天没有做我的家庭作业。 9. Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class. 以前我很安静。现在,我再班里非常活跃。 1)before 之前,以前 Long before there was an old man living there. 很久以前那里住着一位老人。 2)quiet 安静的,文静的。反义词是 noisy 吵闹的,嘈杂的。 10.常见的动词总结如下: 动词原形 三单形式 过去时 动词原形三单形式 过去时 形 read reads read draw draws drew write writes wrote do does did use uses used call calls called have has had listen listens listened watch watches watched make makes made buy buys bought eat eats ate fly flies flew get gets got go goes went take takes took work works worked invent invents invented look looks looked talk talks talked wait waits waited ride rides rode 11.不规则动词有: 写 write 阅读 read 制造 make 买 buy 想 think 去 go 能够 can 绊倒 trip 跌倒 fall wrote read made bought thought went could tripped fell 第 4 页 共 6 页

12. 有关今昔对比句子的写法: 句型:(1)?years ago (2)?now? (3)This was me years ago, I was . (4)I could I couldn’t (5)Now, I . Three years ago, I was a little boy. Now, I am tall. This was me three years ago, I was thin and short. Before, I could read books and play piano. I couldn’t go cycling and play badminton. Now, I can do many things. 一、写出下列单词的反义词。 课堂作业 1. quiet _______ 2. slow _______ 3. big _______ 4. tall _______ 5. cold _______ 6. new _______ 7. before _______ 8. dark _______ 9. dirty _______ 10. everything _______ 二、连词成句。 1. race, there, a, was, second (.) ___________________________________________________ 2. fast, animal, what, run, can, very (?) ___________________________________________________ 3. dream, did, what, you, about (?) ___________________________________________________ 4. couldn’t, bike, I, ride, well, my (.) ___________________________________________________ 5. people, Internet, the, couldn’t, use, before (.) ___________________________________________________ 三、用所学单词,补全对话。 Wu Yifan: Mum, I had an interesting ______ last night. Mum: What did you dream _______? Wu Yifan: I had a _______ with Dad and Max. But I could not run.[来源 Mum: What happened then? Wu Yifan: Robin gave me some _____. I drank it and then could run very fast. Suddenly I tripped and fell. Then I______ up. Mum: What a dream! 本课小结 第 5 页 共 6 页

根据所给选项补全短文。 A. I found they could talk! B. I found I can swim. C. We became good friends and lived together (一起). D. I woke up. E. While I was swimming 课后作业 布置 I had a wonderful dream not very long ago. In the dream, ___(1)____ I swam freely in the sea, where I saw many strange trees and plants I had never seen before. ___(2)____, some brightly colored fish followed me. When I stopped, they all gathered(聚集) around me, as if anxious to know who I was. To my surprise, ___(3)____ So we made an interesting conversation(交谈). ___(4)____ In the fantasy(幻想的)land, I forgot all my troubles. In fact, I forgot that I was a human being (人类). However, this wonderful life didn’t last too long. The dream ended and ___(5)____ 第 6 页 共 6 页

根据所给选项补全短文。 A. I found they could talk! B. I found I can swim. C. We became good friends and lived together (一起). D. I woke up. E. While I was swimming 课后作业 布置 I had a wonderful dream not very long ago. In the dream, ___(1)____ I swam freely in the sea, where I saw many strange trees and plants I had never seen before. ___(2)____, some brightly colored fish followed me. When I stopped, they all gathered(聚集) around me, as if anxious to know who I was. To my surprise, ___(3)____ So we made an interesting conversation(交谈). ___(4)____ In the fantasy(幻想的)land, I forgot all my troubles. In fact, I forgot that I was a human being (人类). However, this wonderful life didn’t last too long. The dream ended and ___(5)____ 第 6 页 共 6 页

