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单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停留在使用very good等小学词汇,那老师把你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能用更好),下面教你用高级替换简单词汇~~

severe 替换掉serious(严重的)a severe water shortage严重缺水wealthy 替换掉rich (富裕的)

beneficial 替换掉good (有益的)

undesirable 替换掉bad (不好的,不受欢迎的)

nevertheless 替换掉however/but(然而,不过)

fundamental / significant/vital /crucial 替换掉important(重要的)relevant 替换掉related (有关的)....is highly relevant to....... extraordinary/amazing 替换掉surprising (惊人的,非凡的)provided/providing (that)替换掉if (如果.....)

on condition that替换掉as long as

promote /strengthen 替换掉improve (提高,加强)

cope with 替换掉solve(解决)

motivate 替换掉encourage(激励)

pros and cons 替换掉advantages and disadvantages(好处和坏处)

--You must consider all the pros and cons of the matter before you


make a decision.在你做决定之前,必须考虑这个问题的正反两个方面. approach / method 替换掉way(方法,方案)

adopt 替换掉use (采用,采取)

the aged 替换掉old people(老人)

adolescents 替换掉the young (青少年)

employment/occupation 替换掉job(就业,工作)

affair 替换掉thing (事情,东西)

catastrophe 替换掉(disaster 灾难)

subscribe to 替换掉agree with(同意)

acquire 替换掉gain (获得(尤指知识上的))

administration 替换掉government (政府部门)

extremely/desperately 替换掉very/hard (非常地,极度地,拼命地)for instance 替换掉for example (例如)

advocate 倡导替换掉suggest, propose

compensate for替换掉make up弥补.....

Hence 替换掉so 因此

In contemporary society 在当今社会

A vast amount of 大量的替换掉 a lot of

sustainable development 可持续发展

be abundant in 富有... 替换掉be rich in

on ones own account 为了某人自己的利益

on account of/ in view of 鉴于,由于


by no means 绝不

arise from 由....引起

assess 评估,评价

authentic 替换掉true真实的,可信的

trend 趋势,趋向,潮流

emphrasize 强调,重视


--He devotes all his spare time to reading.

nothing but\anything but替换very

--The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.

--The film we saw last night was anything but boring.

be supposed to 替换should

appreciate 替换thank

On+名词/doing, No sooner…than…/Hardly…when…//The moment替换as soon as

--As soon as he arrived, he began his research. →

--On his arrival, he began his research..

--No sooner had we arrived at the cinema than the film started.

due to替换because of

contribute to替换be helpful/useful/cause

--Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study. round the corner 替换coming soon/ nearby


--The summer vacation is round the corner ( coming).

come up with替换think of

It occurrs to me that…替换I realize

set aside替换save

be of + n. 替换adj.

can not but / can not help but替换have to do

more often than not替换usually

lest替换so that /in order that

be long for sth. / be long to do sth. 替换want to do sth./wish for

be crazy about/be absorbed in/be addicted to替换be interested in perfect (ly)/fantastic/amazing 替换good/ very well

do sb a/the favor 替换help

the other day替换a few days ago

--The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.

in the course of替换during

the majority of替换most

consist of替换be made up of

be worn out替换be tired / broken


spare no efforts to do替换try one’s best to do

many a 替换many

meanwhile替换at the same time


occasionally替换sometimes /once in while

seldom替换not often

as a matter of fact 替换in fact

Comprehensive 综合的

Profound 深远的,深刻的,深奥的

Frankly 说实话

Indifferent 冷漠的

Diligent 勤奋的

Excessive 过多的

Conventional 传统的,惯例的,常见的

Prospective 未来的,有前途的

Prosperous 繁荣的

Ultimately 最终地

Dominant 支配的

Miracle 奇迹

Constantly 不断地

Extensive 广泛的

Essentially 本质上

Drawback 缺点

Dilemma 困境

Globlization 全球化

Urbanization 城市化


Innovation 发明,创新

Guarantee 保证

Stimulate 刺激

Conquer 克服

Illustrate 阐述

Circumstance 情况

Reach a consensus 达成共识

Underestimate 低估

Cultivate 培养

Controversial 有争议的




It was not until I arrived home that I realized I had left the bag on the shop counter.

It was then that I realized the importance of English.


Only in this way can we solve the issue properly.


Not only did he speak correctly,but he spoke easily.


With the advance of society, if we encourage the merits and eliminate the drawbacks, all people will enjoy a better life.


with the advance of the society,more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that....

随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是….. He always likes to sleep with the windows open.


Linda is no more(less) beautiful than Marry.

非谓语动词:可以将状语从句或并列的动词简化为非谓语动词。Hearing that, the driver’s wife quickly added that her husband often talked nonsense after drinking. (低级形式:When he heard that, ……)

B orn in American, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor.


The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills.


My hometown is no longer what it used to be.



We came to a place to which they had never paid a visit before.


It was quite an experience for us both, which I’ll never forget for the rest of my life.


Child as he is ,he can speak many foreign languages.


But for your help, I wouldn’t have accomplished the work on time.

适当加一些不关痛痒的插入语:一些连词、副词可以放到句子中间充当语气较弱的插入语,如generally speaking, believe it or not, besides, what’s more等,就更像英美人士的文章了。


①It will be + some time + before…

It won’t be long before humans visit the Mars.

② It is + adj./n.+ for sb to do sth.

It is very significant for us to learn computer well, because it has changed our life so much.

more …than any other表示最高级

Among the optional courses, spoken English and computer study are more popular than any others.




When it comes to ..., Some people argue that….., whereas others maintain that….. As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view.

当谈到...一些人认为.......另一些人支持....观点. 在我看来,我较同意后一种观点。

It is universally acknowledged that.....


As the proverb says ….有句谚语是这样说的...;常言道...

It plays an vital role in our life.


..., such dilemma we often meet in daily life. 这样的事情我们在生活中经常遇到.

..., the story(proverb) still has a realistic significance.这个故事(格言)仍然很有现实意义.

But some others have just the opposite opinion.


But every coin has two sides.


Recently, the phenomenon of (that) …… has aroused wide public concern最近, XX现象引起了人们的广泛关注


There is no denying the fact that .....不可否认的事实是.....


问题的常用词:question, problem, issue, phenomenon

A case in point is ... 一个典型的例子是...

Just imagine what would be like if...


Recently, the issue of ...... has been brought into public focus.


Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in people's attitude towards some traditional practice.


Promote(strengthen) the public awareness of 增强了...的公共认识

The government should take effective measures and immediate actions. 政府应该采取及时有效的措施.

There is no point in doing.....做...是没有意义的.

The issue whether it is good or not to .... has aroused a heated discussion all over the country.


People rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue. 对于这种极具争议的话题,我们很难做出绝对的回答。


The controversial issue is often brought into public focus. People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue.


But on the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that..,.


There are several reasons for this phenomenon.


A more essential factor why.... is that

________ 的更为重要的原因是____________。

There is no denying that every thing has one more face and ... is no exception.

不可否认,每一件事物都有其两面性,其实,______也不例外。….undoubtedly plays an increasing significant role in modern life.


The merits of this is obvious... 其好处显而易见。

As we know, ... bring many benefits and convenience to people.

众所周知,_______ 为我们的生活带来很多好处。

There are no less than three advantages_______ 至少有三种好处。Despite its merits, it also brings some problems to solve.



In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.


Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that....


It goes without saying that... 不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的)


For instance,

To illustrate this, there is an example that is very persuasive.



In general, all in all, on the whole , in brief, in summary, in conclusion, in short, in a word,...

From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. If we encourage the merits and eliminate the drawbacks, all people will enjoy a better life.

From what has been discussed above, we can see ... does more harm than good to us. Therefore, I strongly approve of the motion that...


从以上论述可知,_____ 对我们百害而无一利。

From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that...



1) 表示列举或次序:first, first and foremost; second; finally, last but not least

2) 表示递进:furthermore, in addition,

3) 表示举例:for instance, as an illustration,

4) 表示对比:similarly, on the contrary, whereas(连)

5) 表示让步:though/although(连), even though(连), in spite of (介)

6) 表示转折:however, nevertheless

7) 表示原因:because(连),due to(介), on account of(介), as a result of(介)

8) 表示结果:so(连), consequently, hence, therefore, as a result, as a consequence,

9) 表示总结:in conclusion, in brief, in summary, on the whole,


