七年级英语上学期Unit 12教案1

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Unit 12 Don’t eat in class. ( The 1st period section A: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c ) Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: To master the following new words and sentences in class: rule, hallway, classroom, Mrs., fight School Rule Don’t arrive late for class. Don’t fight. Don’t run in the hallway. Don’t eat in the classrooms. Don’t listen to music in the classrooms. What are the rules? Well, we can't arrive late for class. Ability aims: Train students' listening and speaking skills. Emotion aims: As students, we must obey school rules. Key points: The school rules and the target language. Difficult points: Learn to talk about the school rules. Train students' listening and speaking skills. Teaching tools: Pictures. A projector. A tape recorder. Teaching steps: Step1、Revision T: Hello! How are you? What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? What do you want to do? Do you have a pen pal? Where is your pen pal from? What animals do you like? What do you like for breakfast? What is he doing now? Do you like talking with others? Can you talk in class? Can you talk at home? Can you talk in the hallways? Step2: Presentation T: What’s your favorite subject? Do you like music? Now I’d like to enjoy a song with you. (play the tape) Do you like the song? What do you think of the song? Who is your favorite singer? Can you listen to music in the classroom? Can she/he listen to music in the hallways? Why can’t we listen to music in the classroom? S: It is our class rule. (T helps them to say it.) T: So please don’t listen to music in the classroom. (Write the sentence on the blackboard.) Read after me please. Then get Ss to read it one by one. 经常复习学生学过的知识,增加复现率,让他们学会在不断积累中,掌握英语,学习英语。同时对一些基础不是很好的同学也一个自信。 从can’t 中引出don’t,学习一些学习规则的表达方法。 So can we listen to music at home? S: Yes, we can. We can listen to music at home. T: Excuse me. What’s your favorite sport? S: My favorite sport is basketball/… T: Where do you usually play basketball/…? S: I usually play it on the playground/outside. T: Can you play basketball in the classroom/hallways? S: No, we can’t. We can’t play …in the classroom/hallways. T: So don’t play … in the classroom. Can we run in the classroom? T: Don’t run in the classroom (Write it on the blackboard.) T: Excuse me. What time do you usually come to school? What time does the class begin in the morning? T: So you are early for class. You are a good student. If you get to school at 8:10, you are 10 minutes late for school. That is a bad one. So don’t arrive late for class. T: Look at this boy. Is he good or bad? What is he doing? Do you know? Can we fight with others? Can we fight in the classroom/hallways? T: It is impolite to fight. So don’t fight. We should be good friends. T: These are all class rules. What else can’t we do in our classrooms? Please say the sentence like this: Don’t …. S1: Don’t eat in the classroom. S2: Don’t sleep in class S3: Don’ wear hats in class. S4: Don’t talk in class. S5:… Step 3Task1 Now please use these phrases to make up a dialogue. You can work in group of three or two. Suppose one of you is a teacher, and the others are breaking the rules. Model: A: Hi, Peter. What are you doing? B: Hi, Ms/Mr. Green. I’m eating.( Student should use their gestures.) A: Can we eat in the classrooms? B: No, we can’t. We can’t … A: Don’t eat in the classroom. B: Oh, I’m sorry. Step4、1a,1b 1、 If you want to be good students, don’t break the school rules. The rules are good for your study. But now here are some bad 给学生一个发挥的空间,运用刚学的祈使句,把以前学过的知识运用出来。 这部分主要是让学生运用Can 和don’t编一个小对话。而且同时还复习了学过的进行时态。 students. Look! Each of these students is breaking one of these rules. Write the number of the rules next to the student. 2、Check the answer. 3、Listening. Now there are three students Peter, Selina and Nick. What rules are these students breaking? Please listen to the tape and write the numbers after the names. Peter__________ Selina_________ Nick__________ Step5、Section A 2a,2b 1) T: Now please open your books to 72. Look! What can you see in the picture? S: … T: Yeh, the boy is Alex, and the girl is Cindy. T: What are they doing? S: They are talking. T: What are they talking about? S: … T: Now let’s listen to the tape and check the activities Alex and Cindy talk about. 2) Listen again. Can Alex and Cindy do these activities? Circle “can ” or “can’t ” above. 3) Listen and repeat. 4) Check the answer then report the list. Report: These are their rules. They can…, but they can’t… So please don’t … Step6、drill T: You know, some students are not bad students. But they also break the rules. Because they are new students. They don’t know much about the rules. So can you help them out. Now please tell them the rules of your school. You can work with your partners. Suppose one of your partner is a new student. A: What are the rules at your school? B: Well, don’t arrive late for school. A: Can we listen to music, Alex? B: No, we can’t listen to music in the classrooms, but we can listen to it outside. Step7: Homework 1) To sum up your school rules, use “can, can’t and don’t” 2) To copy the new words 感觉这里连接不是很好。 设计也有点死板。 这一步是让学生学会如何处理表格,对表格进行汇报,这样也就讲出了听力的主要内容。 Bb design Unit 12 Don’t eat in class! Don’t (school rules) listen to music in the classroom in the classrooms run in the classroom in the hallways arrive late for class on the playground fight at school eat at home … in class Can we listen to music in the …? Yes, we can. We can …. No, we can’t. We can’t …

