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第I卷 (选择题,共85分)

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第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1. earthquake which happened in March, 2011, is ______ great disaster to Japan. It needs a long time to recover from it. A. The; a

B. An; a

C. An; the

D. The; the

2. It was in the shop ______ I bought my new coat that I met my girlfriend. A. that

B. where C. which D. when

3. She ______ a smile when she heard her family went to Italy without her. A. managed B. wore

C. performed D. controlled

4. But for the heavy traffic, the police ______ the thieves who tried to escape in the stolen car. A. would not catch B. couldn’t have caught C. haven’t caught 5. _______ her address, we couldn’t get in touch with her.

A. Not to know B. Having been known C. Not knowing D. Not been known 6. Intelligent students can always ?????????_______ good solutions to problems.

D. couldn’t catch



A. come up to B. come up with C. stick to 7. — Hurry up! There is little time left before the train leaves. — We _______ take a taxi, Dad. A. could

B. must

C. may

D. should

D. deal with

8. It is not clear ______ the price can be controlled from rising. A. why

B. what

C. whether

D. that

9.One important aim of our school is to prepare us for the future ______ we can face all the challenges with confidence.

A.in that B.so that C.even if D. if only

10.For the sake of students' health, outdoor activities ______ in some areas late last year because of the smog pollution.

A.do not allow B.did not allow C.were not allowed

D.are not allowed

11.______ leads a life full of love is rich even though he doesn't have much money.

A.Whenever B.However C.Whatever D.Whoever

12.—Sarah is busy adapting her novel into a movie.

—Oh! No wonder I ______ her around these days. A.haven't seen B.hadn't seen

C.didn't see D.won't see

13.It is not their interest but the need of the market _____ influences students' choices of college majors.

A.that B.which C.what D.who

14.I didn't realize my mother loves me so such until I received her gift for my 18th birthday, a diary______ the process of my growth.

A.recorded B.to record C. recording D. having recorded 15.Without joint efforts of all the members, we ______ our task in such a short time.

A.shouldn't accomplish C.couldn't accomplish

B.shouldn't have accomplished D.couldn't have accomplished

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Old Henry and his wife Phoebe loved one another. They were simple 16 . Their world was their fruit trees, cornfields and a backyard 17 pigs and chickens. The rest of the world was a 18 place like stars in the sky.

Sometimes, Henry worried about 19 . His wife would say, “If you __20___ talking like that, I will go away and what would you do? There is nobody to 21 you.”



Old Henry knew his wife would never 22 him. The only thing he __23___ was death and the life if his wife died. Knowing she was there, beside him, in the dark, made Henry __24____ again. In this way, they lived 25 in their world.

One day, Phoebe became sick and 26 . Old Henry watched them put her body in the earth. When people left, he still stood near the tomb for long. At night, he read newspapers _27___ most of the time, he just sat, looking at the door, 28 where Phoebe was and 29 he would die.

For five months, he lived like this. One day, he went out to cut grass. Just 30 the hill, he saw Phoebe again. Yes, there she was, down in the valley, smiling up at him. She was in the same blue dress. She __31___ a hand and seemed to say, “Come, come with me.” Henry felt the strong pull of a new world 32 he and Phoebe would always be together. He gave a 33 cry, “ Wait, Phoebe, wait for me. I’m coming.”

The next day, some farm boys 34 Henry at the bottom of the hill. His body was broken. There was a soft, happy smile on his face. The 35 smile he had worn when Phoebe was alive. 16. A. workers 17. A. on 18. A. small 19. A. harvest 20. A. enjoy

B. farmers

B. in

C. doctors

D. teachers

D. from D. big

C. with

C. close

B. faraway

B. wealth

B. keep

C. health

C. finish

D. death

D. mind D. look for D. ask D. feared D. gentle D. warmly D. walked D. for

D. remembering D. how much D. at the foot of D. saw D. where D. disappointed

21. A. look at 22. A. leave 23. A. had

B. look after

B. move B. failed

C. look up

C. watch C. performed C. simple C. gladly

24. A. quiet 25. A. sadly 26. A. died

B. lonely B. worriedly

B. disappeared C. cried B. so

27. A. but 28. A. knowing

C. and C. expecting C. how soon

B. wondering B. how often B. on the top of

29. A. how long 30. A. in front of 31. A. waved 32. A. when 33. A. crazy

C. at the bottom of C. shook

B. lost

B. that C. which C. happy

B. surprised


34. A. picked

B. found C. searched D. met


35. A. different B. separate C. same D. kind

第三部分 阅读理解(每小题2分,满分40分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


The dyed bun scandal (染色馒头丑闻) deals another blow to shoppers' confidence in buying food products, as well as the reputation of local sellers. Li Zhen reports on shoppers’ reactions in Shanghai.

An investigation by the municipal government revealed that Shanghai Shenglu Food Company produced more than 3,000 steamed buns daily. These were then sold across the city, including large supermarkets such as Hualian, Lianhua and Dia.

Fewer steamed buns were for sale at this Lianhua Supermarket. More than 32,000 buns were taken off store shelves when the scandal emerged.

Mr. Wang, Sales Manager of Lianhua Supermarket, said, “We removed the dyed steamed buns produced by Shenglu as soon as we learned of the incident. We gave customers who had bought the steamed buns from our outlets refunds with their receipts. Despite the scandal, our sales volume has been fine so far.”

However, most customers we met remained concerned about food safety. Steamed buns are a regular breakfast food for Ms. Gao. She used to buy them mostly from supermarkets because she felt it was in a clean and safe environment.

But now, she has second thoughts about buying the popular snack.

Ms. Gao, Shanghai shopper, said, “I can’t believe that even steamed buns from the supermarkets are no longer safe. The only places I trusted to shop at were major supermarkets and specialist shops. But now even there, product quality cannot be guaranteed. I really don't know where to buy my goods from in the future.

Shoppers at supermarkets who still bought steamed buns said they had few options. “I feel like giving up supermarkets. But I really don’t know where to do my food shopping. I can't make these things myself.” said Ms. Tang, Shanghai shopper.

36. The colored buns were sold in some large supermarkets EXCEPT ______. A. Hualian

B. Lianhua

C. Shenglu

D. Dia

37. What Ms. Gao and Ms. Tang said suggests that ______. A. they still trust major supermarkets when shopping B. they will make food by themselves



C. they will never go to supermarkets D. they feel confused about where to buy safe food

38. The underlined word in the last paragraph can be replaced by ______. A. choices

B. ideas

C. hints

D. marks

39. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Major supermarkets removed the dyed steamed buns. B. Dyed steamed buns brought great loss to major supermarkets. C. Famous supermarkets are involved in the bun scandal. D. Dyed bun scandal hurts consumers’ confidence. 40. Where can you most probably read the passage? A. In a fashion magazine.

B. In a newspaper. D. In an official document.

C. In a guideline book.


Acting legend Elizabeth Taylor has passed away. She leaves behind her own life-long movie of ups and downs, marriage and divorce, and sickness and recovery. The world of entertainment is mourning the death of the last classic movie star.

Taylor died of congestive heart failure in Los Angeles at the age of 79. Taylor's more than 50 movies included unforgettable portraits of

innocence and of decadence(堕落), from the children's classic \Velvet\《玉女神驹》to Oscar-winning transgressions in \《谁怕弗吉尼亚·澳尔夫》and \《巴塔费尔德第八》.

Fans gathered on Hollywood's Walk of Fame to pay tribute(讼词) to the actress. They

placed tributes on her star and recalled about highlights of her career.

Sandra, Hollywood, California, said, \she just led an amazing life, and she went out

with style.\

Phil Schuman, Reporter of KTTV in Los Angeles, said, \child star, remarkably beautiful, all the marriages, almost dying, then all of her great work with AIDS research, Michael Jackson's best friend. It's just a one-of-a-kind story, I think.\

Taylor was not only the most blessed actress, but also the most loyal of friends and defender

of homosexuals in Hollywood. She won a special Oscar, the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award for her efforts to support AIDS research.


Taylor's private life is also a legend. She was a star at age 12, a bride and a divorcee at 16, a



superstar at 19 and a widow at 26. She has married 8 times. One of her former husbands, former U.S. Senator John Warner, 84, paid tribute to the late star during an event in Washington. 40.Elizabeth Taylor experienced all the following in her life EXCEPT______. A. ups and downs

B. marriage and divorce

C. sickness and recovery D. AIDS and awards 41.Which statement about Elizabeth Taylor is wrong? A. She acted in more than 50 movies all her life. B. She was Michael Jackson's best friend. C. Her movie \elvet\

D. She died of congestive heart failure at the age of 79. 42.The passage implies(暗示) that ________________. A. Fans were very glad to know Elizabeth Taylor’s death B. Taylor made great efforts in the research of AIDS C. The world were sad for losing the famous actress D. John Warner was the husband of Taylor at present 43.What is the author’s attitude towards Taylor?

A. Indifferent. B. Objective. C. Positive. D. Negative.


I was stopped at a red light only a mile or so from my goal of my brother’s house. I was planning to drive down to North Carolina to be with my father who was badly ill.

As I waited at the stop light, I noticed Sharper's Florist where I had experienced many things ---

floods of memories went through my mind. I noticed the wine store straight ahead where my father and I had been many times before, picking out the beer of the week. We both liked German beer.

The light finally turned green and I made a left turn and drove through the poor section of our hometown. I remembered how each Thanksgiving my would be together. I also remembered how my father would take sometime out of each Thanksgiving to make sure there was no one hungry in the neighborhood. As a young boy, I went with him to deliver some food. I was scared. I had never been into this part of town deeply before.

My father seemed calm and went about his business. The people we went to seemed to know him and gratefully accepted what he came to offer. My father seemed able to give away the food in a way that honored the people he was giving it to. This was not an arrogant act. He would stop at each place and talk a little. He wanted to be sure that everyone had food. If he found people



who didn't have food, he would take the time to go back and get more. That's the kind of man he was.

44. After the father became ill, he _______. A. stayed with the author's brother B. helped the poor in North Carolina C. picked out the fresh beer with the author D. gave away food to the poor in the town

45. The author was afraid of giving away food to the poor when he was young because . A. he was not familiar with the surroundings B. he had never met so many poor people before C. his father did not stay with him then D. his father didn't take good care of him

46. The underlined word “arrogant” in the last paragraph means“____________”. A. having an effect B. feeling or showing love

C. full of meaning D. behaving in a proud and impolite manner 47. We can infer from the passage that the father is _______. A. careful B. active C. generous D. brave


Benjamin Spock's first book caused a revolution in the way American children were raised. His book, “The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care,” was published in 1946. The book gave advice to parents of babies and young children. The first lines of the book are famous. Doctors pock wrote: “Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do”.

Doctor Spock's book did not receive much notice from the media when it was published in nineteen forty-six. Yet, seven hundred fifty thousand copies of the book were sold during the year after its release. Doctor Spock considered his mother, Mildred Spock, to be the major influence on his personal and professional life. He said his ideas about how parents should act were first formed because of her.

Benjamin Spock was born in 1903. He was the first of six children. He attended Phillips Academy, a private school in Andover, Massachusetts. Later he attended Yale University in New Haven. He joined a sports team at Yale that competed in rowing boats. In 1924, he and his team members competed in rowing at the Olympic Games in Paris, France. They won the gold medal. Benjamin Spock worked at a camp for disabled children for three summers during his years at Yale. He said the experience probably led to his decision to enter medical school. He began at Yale



Medical School, but he completed his medical degree at Columbia University in New York City. He graduated as the best student in his class in 1929. Benjamin Spock had married Jane Cheney during his second year in medical school. They later had two sons, Michael and John.

In the 1960s, Benjamin Spock began to be active in politics. He supported John F. Kennedy in his campaign for president. He joined a group opposed to the development of nuclear weapons. In nineteen seventy-two, Doctor Spock decided to seek election as president of the United States. He was the candidate of the small “People's Party.”

Benjamin Spock died in nineteen ninety-eight at the age of ninety-four. Yet his advice continues to affect the lives of millions of children and their parents. 48. The best title of the passage might be __________. A. the Life Story of Doctor Benjamin Spock

B. the Book: the Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care C. A Person Influencing the USA

D. A Revolution Caused by Benjamin Spock's First Book 49.lt can be indicated from the passage that___________.

A. it became a hit in the USA the moment Benjamin Spock's first book was published B. it was his mother that really guided many American parents C. in the 1960s, he opposed to develop nuclear weapons D. not until he died did his advice to parents took effect

50.The reason why Benjamin Spock decided to seek medicine according to the passage lies in____.

A. his own poor health conditions B. his parents advised him to do that C. his willingness to help disabled children

D. the fact that he wanted to tell parents how to raise their children 51. Which of the following statements about Benjamin Spock is True? A. He completed his medical degree at Yale Medical School in 1929. B. He didn't marry until he graduated from medical school.

C. He was elected president of the United States with the help of John F. Kennedy. D. His book still influences millions of children and parents in America.


My pretty girlfriend had a failed marriage in the past. After divorce, her parents shed the deepest protection and care to her by helping her attend to the child and offering financial aids. Her parents’



love made her pull herself together and forget the man who had hurt her before.

Nonetheless, her father, an honest and upright old man, after hearing his ex-son-in-law got promoted in his company, felt terrifically irritated (激怒)and went to his company to question his boss why a philandering(沾花惹草的) man with corrupt conducts could get promoted. The whole office fell into a mess immediately and many staff just watched on the sidelines. Some people even whispered lightly, “It is a new era now and the relationship between men and women is very open. No one would care about that any more!”

The old man stood silently in the office with his hands shivering and eyes tearing. That night, my girlfriend cried heavily in front of me. I asked her whether it was her father’s stupid deeds that made her feel shamed. But she said that she felt guilty for her dad and that though the rest of the whole world betrayed her, her old father would still back her up and help her get the justice she deserved, just as when she was young and the neighboring boy grabbed her ball, her father would get it back for her. However, this changed world was no longer the stage for her old father and his deeds became funnily obsolete(老式的). No one managed to see the real and ever-lasting love to his daughter behind his seemingly rude behaviors.

Now we have grown up, so much so that we could support our family and have our own children. But in our parents’ heart, they are still worried about us. They even would not like us to suffer a bit and try all means to protect us without caring about whether what they do is awkward and stupid or not.

Who in the world would love us so deeply and relentlessly without asking for any repay? Only our parents!

52. The friend’s parents of the author helped _______ after her divorce. A. look after her child B. find another husband for her C. scold her ex-husband D. make money for her

53.Why did the friend’s father go to his ex-son-in-law’s company? A. Because he wanted to ask his ex-son-in-law to remarry his daughter. B. Because he was angry at his ex-son-in-law conducts. C. Because he wanted the boss not to promote his ex-son-in-law. D. Because his ex-son-in-law hurt his daughter. 54. What does the author want to tell us in the passage? A. No love can compare with parents’ love. B. An unforgettable experience in life. C. Father’s times have been passed. D. The life of the friend after her divorce.



第II卷 (选择题,共65分)

第四部分 阅读表达(每小题2分,满分10分)

阅读下面短文并用英语回答问题,交答案与在答题卡相应的位置上(请注意76、77、79 和80四个小题后面的词数要求)。

[1] Jean Paul Getty was born in 1892 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He became a millionaire when he was only 24. His father was wealthy, but he did not help his son. Getty made his millions alone. He made his money from oil. He owned Getty Oil and over 100 other companies. The Fortune magazine once called Getty “the richest man in the world.”

[2] But money _________. He married five times and divorced five times. He had five children but spent little time with them. None of Getty’s children had very happy lives.

[3] Getty loved to make money and loved to save it. In spite of his great wealth, Getty was miser. Every evening, he wrote down every cent he spent that day. He even put pay telephone in the guest’s bedrooms in his house so he could save money on phone bills.

[4] In 1973, kidnappers took his 16-year-old grandson, and demanded a large amount of money for his safe return. Getty’s son asked his father for money to save his child. But Getty refused. The kidnappers were merciless and Getty’s son made repeated requests for help from his father. Finally, Getty agreed to lend the money, but at 4 percent interest.

[5] Getty started a museum at his home Malibu, California. He bought many important and beautiful pieces of art for the museum. When Getty died in 1976, the value of the collection in the museum was $1 billion. He left all his money to the museum. After his death, the museum grew in size. Today it is one of the most important museums in the United States. Getty made a large fortune in his life, but he gave his money to the art world because he wanted people to learn about and love art.

55. What is the main idea of Paragraph 1? (no more than 8 words)

____________________________________________________________________________ 56. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 7 words)

____________________________________________________________________________ 57. Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph3.

______________________________________________________________________ 58. What did the kidnappers do to Getty’s family (no more than 10 words)

____________________________________________________________________________ 59. What does the author want to tell us about Getty in the last paragraph? (no more than 10 words)



____________________________________________________________________________ 第五部分 短文改错(每小题1.5分,满分15分)

How are you? Today I've got a wonderful news to tell you. 60._______ I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my 61._______ further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam 62._______ for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. However, 63._______ my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against me 64._______ going there. They say it is too far away that they will not see me 65._______ for a whole year and they are afraid of I will feel lonely. They 66._______ can't imagine a girl so young live alone. They advise me to study 67._______ in the capital instead. Then I'll be able to continue living with 68._______ them. How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up? 69._______

Best wishes,


第六部分 阅读短文,根据所给出的首字母补全单词(每小题1分,满分15分) Dax and Dora are coworkers at a downtown office. They are talking about the salaries they will receive after the firm announced the difficult situation it is facing. Dora: Dax, did you read that m____70____ from the boss? Dax: Why? What’s it about?

Dora: It says: “D____71.____ to the difficult business conditions, every employee’s pay must be r____72____ by 5 percent.” I’d say business is good but the boss just wants m___73___ money. Dax: Dora, do you mind if I o____74___ a suggestion?

Dora: Of course not, Dax. Do you mind if I organize a protest in the office?

Dax: No, no. Actually, I was going to say that maybe you should be more c____75____ about the things you say.

Dora: Why? I’m not w____76____ about losing my lower-paying job, if that’s what you m____77___.

Dax: Maybe you should be. But more importantly, your attitude may be affecting other workers — in the wrong way.

Dora: OK, I see. I will think it over before t____78___ any action. A____79___, thank you for your suggestion.

第七部分 书面表达(共1题,共25分)







参考词汇: 福岛核电站the Fukushima nuclear power plant

卫生部:Ministry of Health


放射性物质:radioactive substance


第I卷 (选择题,共85分) 第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一部分 单项选择

1-5 ABABD 6-10 BDCBC 11-15 DAACD 第二部分 完型填空

16-20 BCBDB 21-25 BADAC 26-30 AABCB 31-35 ADCBC 第三部分 阅读理解

36-40 CDADB 41-44 DABB 45-48 AADC 49-52ABCD 53-55 ACA

第I卷 (选择题,共85分)

第四部分 阅读表达

56. Getty was a self-made millionaire./ Getty became rich through his own efforts. 57. did not buy happiness for Getty

58. Although he was very rich, Getty hated to spend money. 59. They took Getty’s grandson and asked for money.

60. Getty made a great contribution to the art world./ Getty had another side. 第五部分 短文改错



61.去掉a 62. have后加been 63. exam→exams 64. was→were 65. strong→strongly 66. too→so 67. 去掉of 68. live→living 69. √ 70.act后that 第六部分 首字母填空

71. message 72. Due 73. reduced 74. more 75. offer 76. careful 77 worried 78. mean 79. taking 80. Anyway 第七部分 书面写作 【参考范文】

China's Ministry of Health has strengthened its monitoring for nuclear radiation along the country's coastal areas after the explosion at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Although low levels of radiation are discovered in more than 20 provinces of our country, they are not large enough to affect public health or the environment. And experts also say no protective measures are needed.

Besides,it is not possible to detect more radioactive substances because the wind direction is from west to east. That will blow radioactive material away from China. What’s more, distance can reduce radioactive substances. They can drop by 50 times along a route of ten kilometers. That means, they will probably drop by 7-hundred times along thirty kilometers. So only a little of radioactive substances have reached coastal areas. Please don’t panic or worry.


