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2019年福建师范大学外国语学院826英语综合之语言学教程考研仿真模拟五套题(一) (2)

2019年福建师范大学外国语学院826英语综合之语言学教程考研仿真模拟五套题(二) (10)

2019年福建师范大学外国语学院826英语综合之语言学教程考研仿真模拟五套题(三) (20)

2019年福建师范大学外国语学院826英语综合之语言学教程考研仿真模拟五套题(四) (27)

2019年福建师范大学外国语学院826英语综合之语言学教程考研仿真模拟五套题(五) (37)


第 2 页,共 49 页 2019年福建师范大学外国语学院826英语综合之语言学教程考研仿真模拟五套题




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1. distinctive features


a means of working out a set of phonological contrasts or oppositions to capture particular aspects of language sounds , first suggested by Roman Jacobson in the 1940s and then developed by numerous other people.

2. Conversational implicature

【答案】 Conversational implicature refers to a type of implied meaning , which is deduced on the basis of the conventional meaning of words together with the context , under the guidance of the CP and its maxims. For example , the implicature of He is a tiger could probably be he has some characteristics of a tiger.

3. Cross-cultural communication

【答案】 Cross-cultural communication is an exchange of ideas , information , etc , between persons from different cultural backgrounds. The cultural conventions of the participants may widely different , and misinterpretation and misunderstanding can easily arise , even leading to a total communication breakdown.

4. Open-class words

【答案】 Open-class words refer to words whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited and with the emergence of new ideas , inventions , and so on ; new expressions are continually and constantly being added to the lexicon. For example , nouns , verbs , and adjectives all belong to this class.

5. Language Acquisition Device (LAD )

【答案】 Language Acquisition Device : LAD refers to an innate faculty of language in general with which children are bom. It is posited by Chomsky , who argues that LAD probably consists of three elements : a hypothesis-maker , linguistic universal , and an evaluation procedure.

6. stream of consciousness writing

【答案】 The term was originally coined by the philosopher William James in his Principle of Psychology (1890) to describe the free association of ideas and impressions in the mind. It was later applied to the writing of William Faulkner , James Joyce , Virginia Woolf and others experimenting early in the 20th century with the novelistic portrayal of the free flow of thought. Note , however , that the majority of thought presentation in novels is not stream of consciousness writing. The examples we have


第 3 页,共 49 页 discussed above are not stream of consciousness writing because they are too orderly to constitute the free association of ideas. Perhaps the most famous piece of stream of consciousness writing is that associated with Leopold Bloom in Joyce?s Ulysses. Here he is in a restaurant thinking about oysters.

“Filthy shells. Devil to open them too. Who found them out? Garbage , sewage they feed on. Fizz and Red bank oysters. Effect on the sexual. Aphrodis. (sic ) He was in the Red bank this morning. Was he oyster old fish at table. Perhaps he young flesh in bed. No. June has no ar (sic ) no oysters. But there are people like tainted game. Jugged hare. First catch your hare. Chinese eating eggs fifty years old , blue and green again. Dinner of thirty courses. Each dish harmless might mix inside. Idea for a poison mystery.66 This cognitive meandering is all in the most free version of direct thought. It is also characterised by a highly elliptical sentence structure , with as many grammatical words as possible being removed consistently allowing the reader to be able to infer what is going on. The language is not very cohesive ,and breaks the Gricean maxims of Quantity and Manner. But we must assume that apparently unreasonable writing behaviour is related to a relevant authorial purpose. It is the assumption that Joyce is really cooperating with us at a deeper level , even though he is apparently making our reading difficult , that leads us to conclude that he is trying to evoke a mind working associatively.

7. Distinctive features of speech sounds

【答案】 The distinctive feature is a property which distinguishes one phoneme from another. For example , “voicing” is a distinctive feature , since it plays an important role in distinguishing obstruents in English.

8. constituent

【答案】 Constituent is a term used in structural sentence analysis for every linguistic unit , which is a part of a larger linguistic unit. Several constituents together form a construction : for example , in the sentence The boy ate the apple , S (A ) , the boy (B ) , ate the apple (C )

, each part is a constituent. Constituents can be joined together with other constituents to form larger units. If two constituents , in the case of the example above , B (the boy ) and C ( ate the apple ) , are joined to form a hierarchically higher constituent A (“S”,here a sentence ) , then B and C are said to be immediate constituents of A.

9. Phatic function ( communion )

【答案】 Phatic function : The phatic function of language refers to the use of the language which often consists of small , seemingly meaningless expression for setting up a certain atmosphere or maintaining social contacts rather than for exchanging information or ideas. For example , greetings , farewells , and comments on the weather in English could serve this function.


【答案】 It is a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound. It is often used synonymously with coarticulation. Nasalization , dentalization and ,velarization are all instances of assimilation. There are two possibilities of assimilation : if a following sound is influencing a preceding sound , it is regressive assimilation ;

the converse process , in which a preceding sound is influencing a following sound , is known as progressive assimilation. For example , in “mink”,“n”,which is originally pronounced as will be velarized by the following “k”/k/,and therefore the word will be pronounced as


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11.What is behaviourism?

【答案】 Behaviourism is a principle of scientific method , based on the belief that human beings cannot know anything they have not experienced. Behaviourism in linguistics holds that children learn language through a chain of “stimulus -response reinforcement”,and the adult?s use of language is also a process of “stimulus -response”.

12.Why is back-formation a productive way of forming verbs?

【答案】 Backformation is a type of word-formation by which a shorter word is derived by the deletion of an imagined affix of a longer form already present in the language. It is a special kind of metanalysis , combined with analogical creation , e.g. the verb edit was formed from editor by dropping the imagined derivational suffix -or.

The majority of backformed words are verbs ,for verbs have a peculiar property to develop around them a number of deverbal nouns , such as the agent noun and the noun of action , like edit from editor. Verbs also generate various types of participial adjectives , such as creating and created. Hence people expect to find a family of derivatives attached to a verb. On the other hand , when people come across one or more apparently deverbal nouns , they often take for granted that there must he a corresponding verb , and they simply create the verb base from which the original word seems to be derived.

13.How would you describe the oddness of the following sentences, using semantic features?

(a )The television drank my water.

(b )His dog writes poetry.

【答案】(a ) The verb drink represents a behavior of the animate beings , therefore , it is required that the subject of this verb should have a semantic feature as (+ANIMATE ) , however , the word television , which is in position of subject , has an opposite feature :(-ANIMATE ) . That?s why such a collocation results in oddness.

(b ) The action of writing poetry is normally one which only human beings could do , therefore , the subject is required to have a semantic feature as (+HUMAN ) ; however , the word dog in the subject position is featured as (-HUMAN ) . Therefore , the sentence is odd.

14.What is the cognitive interpretation of image schema?

【答案】 Image schema is a recurring , dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience.

Image schema exists at a level of abstraction , operates at a level of mental organization between propositional structures and concrete image , and it can be subdivided into the following items : a center-periphery schema , a continent schema ,a cycle schema ,a force schema ,a link schema ,a part-whole schema ,a path schema ,a scale schema and a vertical schema.

15.Why is Saussure hailed as the father of modem linguistics?

【答案】 Saussure was the first to notice the complexities of language. He believed that language is a system of signs. To communicate ideas , signs must be part of a system of signs , called conventions.


第 5 页,共 49 页 He held that the sign is the union of a form (signifier ) and an idea (signified ) , and it is the central fact of language.

By providing answers to questions concerning many aspects of language , Saussure made clear the object of study for linguistics as a science. His ideas on the arbitrary nature of sign , on the relational nature of linguistic units , on the distinction of langue and parole and of synchronic and diachronic linguistics , etc. pushed linguistics into a brand new stage.

16.Do you think there are true synonyms in English? Why?


Synonymy is the technical name for the sameness relation. It is used to mean sameness or close similarity of meaning. Total synonymy is rare. The so-called synonyms are all context dependent. They all differ in one way or another.

There are no real synonyms , because two or more words named synonyms are expected without exception to differ from one another in one of the following aspects :

① in shade of meaning (finish , complete , close , conclude );

② in stylistic meaning (buy , purchase );

③ in emotive ( or affective ) meaning (economical , stingy );

④ in range of use or collocative meaning (accuse , charge );

⑤ in British and American English usages (autumn , fall ).

For example , they may differ in style. In the context “Little Tom_____a toy bear”,here buy is more appropriate than purchase. Because purchase is more formal than buy.


17.What is communicative competence?

【答案】 Communicative competence includes :

(1)Knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language ;

(2)knowledge of rules of speaking (e.g. knowing how to begin and end conversations , knowing what topics may be talked about in different types of speech events , knowing which address forms should be used with different persons one speaks to and in different situations );

(3)knowing how to use and respond to different types of speech acts , such as requests , apologies , thanks , and invitations ;

(4)knowing how to use language appropriately.

When someone wishes to communicate with others , they must recognize the social setting , their relationship to the other person (s ) , and the types of language that can be used for a particular occasion. They must also be able to interpret written or spoken sentences within the total context in which they are used , or marked expression without reason ; on the hearer?s side , if the speaker used a prolix or marked expression , he did not mean the same as he would have had he used the unmarked expression. That is to say , in the normal situation , in a bus stop as the example above has shown , the intention of that the speaker asks others whether they wear the watch or not is not merely to care about the recipient has a watch or not , but has some other reason , because it would be bizarre to ask a stranger in the bus stop about such a personal staff.

Therefore , the hearer has to assume that the expression is related to the situation , and this expression is not what it literally means. Following this , the hearer reaches a connection between the


第 6 页,共 49 页 bus stop and the watch , which is the time. As a consequence , he knows what the speaker intends is the inquiring of the time.

18.The roles of Transformational-Generative linguistics and Functional linguistics in language teaching and learning.

【答案】 (1) In the framework of Transformational-Generative linguistics , language is not learnt by innate. While

acquiring his mother tongue , he compares his innate language system with that of his native language and modifies his grammar. Therefore , language learning is an activity of building and testing hypothesis.

Although the influence of such a formal and abstract grammar remains limited in the field of language education , there are still various attempts to apply TG grammar to language teaching. In designing teaching materials , for example , sentence patterns with the same deep structure can be closely related , such as the active and the passive. Transformational rules may assist the teacher in the teaching of complex sentence construction. In the teaching of literature , TG grammar provides a new instrument for stylistic analysis.

(2) The Functional linguistics sees language learning from a semantic-sociolinguistic perspective. In particular , Systemic-Functional linguistics , which was proposed by Halliday , sees the formal system of language as a realization of functions of language in use.

Its scope is broader than that of formal linguistic theories. In the field of language teaching , it leads to the development of notion/function-based syllabuses , which have attracted increasing attention.

19.How many types of data analysis have been employed in language acquisition research? How are these types of data analysis significant in SLA research?

【答案】 Four types of data analysis have been employed. They are contrastive analysis ,error analysis , performance analysis , and discourse analysis.

Contrastive analysis (CA ) systematically compares native languages and target languages to find the interference of native language when acquiring target languages. It has a close relationship with behaviourism. Although contrastive analysis was faced with a downfall as behaviorism was challenged , as a methodological option it was not abandoned.

Error analysis (EA ) studies and analyzes the errors made by L2 learners and suggests that many learner errors are not due to the learner?s mother tongue interference but reflect universal learning strategies such as overgeneralization and simplification of rules. Error analysis also fell into disfavor for

(1) its narrowness ——focusing on errors only and having difficulty in identifying the unitary source of an error , and (2) its failure to account for all the areas of the SL in which learners have difficulty. Nevertheless error analysis was not doomed to death rather incorporated into performance analysis.

Performance analysis (PA ) is an analysis of the learners5 interlanguage performance. It is superior to error analysis in that it is not limited to analyzing the errors learners commit. Also like its predecessors , however , performance analysis was found to be too limiting ; it did not take the input to the learner into consideration. And this limitation led to the emergence of discourse analysis.

Discourse analysis (DA ) recognizes the need to examine not only the leamer?s performance but also the input to the learner. Another quality of discourse analysis applied to SLA is that researchers are concerned not only with how IL forms evolve , but how learners learn how to use the forms appropriately for a particular discourse function as well.

