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新编英语语法教程 第01讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 1A

1. A. his home work B. quickly, to play 2. A. The huge black horse B. the race

3. A. have thought about B. going into space 4. A. warms up and crawls B. out of the bag

5. A. one of the most beautiful planets to look at through a telescope B. because of the many rings that surround it 6. A. 165 years

B. to complete its path, or orbit,around the sun 7. A. you and your brother B. How many pairs of shorts

8. A. the most expensive meal listed on the menu B. What

9. A. an “Outdoor Code” B. their members 10. A. can blow

B. as fast as 180 miles (290 kilometers) an hour 11. A. The spiral of heated air and moist air B. to twist and grow and spin

12. A. The direction a hurricane’s spiral moves B. counterclockwise 13. A. does not shine

B. At the north pole: for half of the year

14. A. The cold winds that blow off of the Arctic Ocean B. a very cold place 15. A. might have been B. guilty of murder Ex. 1B

1. SVC

Within the stricken area, not a single soul remained alive, and the city centre looked as if it had been razed by monster steam-roller. 2. SV

The bomb exploded 1,000 ft. above the groun. 3. SVO

On August 6, 1945, an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Janpanese town of Hiroshima.

4. SvoO Three days later, yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow. 5. SVOC

The explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expense of reddish rubble. 6. SVA

Within the fraction of a second, the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an immense mass of enpanding gas, millions of degrees hot. 7. SVOA A tremendous blast of hot air whirled the debris of stone, cencrete, metal, and wood over the ground. Ex. 1C

1. Walden Pond, once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty, is now the site of many tourist stands. 2. Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through our bedroom windows, marking air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome. / Swepping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night, the cooling northeast wind made…

3. The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow, which fed two streams plunging down to join in the valley below.

4. With the river on one side and a large tree providing shade, this is a good spot for a picnic, and we can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll.

5. Panting for breath after running up the stairs, Mr wood stood at his neighbour’s door and knocked again and again till someone opened it. 6. The town folk envied horace, who had come into a small fortune with which he bought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town. 7. Standing in front of the mirror, Jim looked at his image, wondering at the big change that had come over him in recent years.

8. The idea that his only daughter whom he had greatly wronged might never forgive him almost drove hime mad. 9. The story, written in plain language, consists of three parts with an interesting plot centering round an aristocratic family living in 17th century France.

10. Mud-covered and shivering, John sat hunched over a bowl of hot broth prepared by his father to drive off the chill.

11. Far above the waters of a beautiful lake and over the tops of the tall pime trees growing on the steep of a hill stand five Chinese-style pavilions.

12. Farther down the street, the old man stopped and leaned against a lamp-post, listening to a cheerful song coming out of a restaurant on the oppsite side of the street.

13. Sarah sank in the nearest chair, completely exhausted, her limbs stiff with cold, her mind a piece of blank.

14. Throughout the day Mrs Rymer behaved very properly, her pleasant, refined face wearing a grave look, her elegant figure wrapped in deep mourning while occasionally she uttered a sigh or a sob.

15. Tony thought it necessary to break the news to his family, that Mr Jacob, his former employer, had promised him a half-day job at 20 pounds a week.

16. The thought that he might have wronged his friend who had rendered him good services on many occasions troubled his mind, already overburdened with worries and cares.

17. The men of the disbanded royal bodyguard, suddenly turned loose onto the street of a capital seething with unrest, unemployed and perhaps disgruntled at their abrupt dismissal, were a potentially dangerous element.

18. For many years London has been a business centre with hotel accommadation for visiting businessmen toghter with well-to-do travellers but completely inadequate for the swarms of shour-stay tourists landing at Heathrow or disembarking at Dover.

19. Nearing the top, he climbed recklessly faser and faster, his eyes already glowing with triumph, but suddenly he slipped and fell, tumbling to the ground and lying motionless there, a crumpled pile of arms and legs. 20. Bertrand Russell was one of the very few persons who have received both the Order of Merit, which was conferred on him by the British government in 1949, and the Nobel Prize for literature, conferred in Norway in 1950.

新编英语语法教程 第02讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 2A 1. come 2. are 3. has / have 4. are 5. are 6. are 7. was / were 8. is 9. costs 10. were 11. are 12. are 13. was 14. are 15. lie 16. were 17. are 18. is 19. is 20. was 21. Has 22. were 23. is 24. is 25. are 26. is 27. are 28. cover, are 29. is / are 30. was/were Ex. 2B

1. were 2. have 3. is, is 4. was 5. were 6. is 7. is 8. are 9. is 10. are, are

11. have 12. are, their, their 13. was, It, was 14, It / They, is / are 15. are, their, they, disapprove 16. were, they 17. was 18. are 19. were 20. were

新编英语语法教程 第03讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 3A

1. is 2. was 3. is 4. has 5. were 6. means 7. is 8. is 9. is 10. is 11. were 12. sells 13. is 14. are 15. are 16. are 17. is 18. is 19. was 20.provides 21. are 22. was 23.

stops 24. is 25. is 26. does 27. produces 28. is 29. is 30. was

Ex. 3B 1. ’s 2. are 3. is 4. are 5. is 6. was 7. is 8. were 9. is 10. ’s 11. is 12. is, is, is 13. are 14. is 15. have 16. is 17. are 18. looks 19. are 20. are 21. understand 22. has 23. was 24. have 25. was 26. was 27. are 28. is 29. is 30. was 31. is 32. is / are 33. leaves 34. is / are 35. are 36. are 37. is 38. comes 39. is 40. live 41. are 42. points / point 43. are 44. is 45. are 46. was 47. is / are 48. is 49. has 50. was Ex. 3C

1. is / are 2. is / are 3. is 4. is / are 5. is / are 6. remain 7. is 8. are 9. has / have 10.care / cares 11. is 12. plays 13. is 14. am 15. are / is 16. was 17. is, has 18. was 19. come 20. is

新编英语语法教程 第04讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 4A

1. description 2. arrangement 3. attendance 4. peculiarity 5. expectation 6. argument 7. dependence 8. originality 9. exaggeration 10. measurement 11. purity 12. persistence 13. extension 14. statement 15. generosity 16. entrance 17. loneliness

18. forgetfulness 19. happiness 20. seriousness Ex. 4B

1. strange sounds 2. foods are 3. chief, tribes, their, salmon (s)

4. The runners-up were given pound notes / The runners-up were each given a pound note.

5. bodies, their heroes 6. mice, tooth-marks 7. Crises, occur, families

8. / 9. / 10. these businesses 11. / 12. fruits are

13. / 14. these articles are well written 15. / 16. several personal kindnesses

17. / 18. sufferings 19. professors 20. children are playing, sands Ex. 4C

1. experience 2. waters 3. for advice 4. an important piece of information 5. for it is fun

6. were not numerous 7. Poultry 8. directors are 9. militia 10. geniuses 11. merchandise has 12. sympathies 13. experiences 14. were times, rivalry 15. clippings, were 16. lookers-on 17. foliage is 18. photos 19. 12-pages 20.

Luggage is Ex. 4D

1. blade 2. piece 3. choir 4. flash 5. lump 6. gang 7. grain 8. head 9. staff 10. collection 11. fleet 12. cluster 13. bundle 14. bunch 15. team 16. piece 17. ear 18. bar 19. herd 20. pack 21. flock 22. crowd / swarm 23. troupe 24. bench 25. grove 26. collection 27. suite 28. squadron 29. band 30. library Ex. 4E

1-5 BCADC 6-10 CBDAB 11-15 ADBBC 16-20 BDCAB 新编英语语法教程 第05讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 5A

1. my father has a car 2. the bull has horns 3. the prisoner escaped 4. her parents consented

5. somebody released the prisoner

6. somebody assassinated the President

7. a letter from the general / the general sent a letter 8. the crowd felt sympathy 9. a college for women

10. a summer day, a day in the summer 11. the earth has a (rough) surface 12. the absence lasted ten days 13. a doctoral degree, a doctorate 14. the bird made the nest

15. the committee made a report

16. a story told by the girl / the girl told a story 17. the volcano erupted

18. the victim had courage / the victim was courageous 19. somebody punished the boy

20. the critics recevied the play in a hostile manner Ex. 5B

1. The comedian performed, and he was well received by a huge audience.


2. She was thankful, for her little girl had quickly recovered. 她的小女孩很快康复,为此她非常感谢。

3. How to educate children presents a big problem. 教育孩子成了大问题。

4. He was happy that his wife loved hime. 他陶醉于妻子对他的爱情。

5. He did that because he loved his wife. 他干这个是出于对妻子的爱。

6. The enemy was defeated, and the war was brought to an end. 战争以敌人的失败而告终。

7. John was pleased because his teacher praised him. 约翰因受到老师的嘉勉而感到高兴。

8. She was punished for stealing, and the punishment was a year in prison.


9. As he had served unfailingly, the servant was remembered in his master’s will as a reward.


10. William’s homework is the only example that is never bably done. 只有威廉的家庭作业一贯做得好。 Ex. 5C

1. …Dick’s decision to emigrate to Australia.

2. the expansion of the Physics Department / The Physics Department’s expansion…

3. …a novel of Jane Austen’s.

4. That long report of Mr Allen’s… 5. Those new shoes of yours…

6. …the article of the student…

7. …Shakespeare’s tragedies / the tragedies of Shakespeare 8. …a ship’s carpenter.

9. The punishment of the offenders…

10. …the past decade’s events / the events of the past decade 11. …the enemy’s unconditional surrender / the unconditional surrender of the enemy.

12. …other people’s criticism of him.

13. …the younger generation’s education / the education of the younger generation.

14. …at John Wiley’s, the bookseller’s. 15. …an article of T. Johns’…

16. …this policy of the government’s…? 17. …an idiot’s tale. 18. That dog of Frank’s… 19. This book of Joe Hill’s… 20. Jane’s letter… Ex. 5D

1. The leg of the table is broken.

2. Mary and John’s house is on the corner. 3. …on birs’s nests.

4. …the students’ problems. 5. …at the Joneses’. 6. /

7. …Charles’ car but someone else’s.

8. …in ten years’ time.

9. The products’ effectiveness…

10. This week’s news… than the last two weeks’. 11. …others’ problems. 12. …each other’s worries.

13. My brother and sister-in-law’s house… 14. A friend of my father’s… 15. A wheel of the car… 16. /

17. The baseball player’ wives… 18. …women’s clothing only. 19. …Milton’s long poems. 20. Those new shoes of yours…

新编英语语法教程 第06讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 6A

1-5 AABDB 6-10 CCCDB 11-15 ACABC 16-20 DBDCD Ex. 6B

1. books 2. end 3. words 4. news 5. weeks 6. sign 7. money 8. intelligence 9. books 10. line 11. sentences 12. strength 13. apple, money, etc 14. case 15. nurses 16. bales 17. novel, ones 18. years, cause 19. rooms 20. cases Ex. 6C

1-5 BDCAD 6-10 BDBDC 11-15 BBCAB 16-20 CDDCC Ex. 6D

1. …little opportunity to travel. 2. …many such novels.

3. … / Neither sentence is correct English. 4. He has many more problems…

5. …this kind of apple / these kind (s) of apples. 6. I enjoy either kind, …

7. …every book in the fiction section.

8. …than in any other country in the world.

9. …a greater amount of rainfall this year than there was last year. 10. …all this luggage / all the luggage at the airport.

11. …such beautiful poetry / such a beautiful poem that it is hard to believe she has never had a formal education. 12. …a great many friends in New York. 13. Whatever nonsense…

14. That third sister of his…

15. I can’t for the life of me remember.

16. Presumably there are fewer / less diseases… 17. …than all other methods. 18. …once every three months. 19. …study of language.

20. …some more soup? Ex. 6E

1. How much work have you done this morning?

2. To dig a tunnel will need a great amount of labour. 3. He’s done the least work.

4. There are several methods of approaching this problem. 5. I know little French.

6. There must be less empty talk but more practical work. 7. Were there many people at the reception? 8. May I have a few words with you?

9. There were fewer people today at the exhibition than yesterday. 10. Harry made the fewest mistakes.

11. You’ve learnt more poetry and done more exercises than I have. 12. Jack’s done the most work and made the most mistakes. 13. He’s done a lot of work and made a lot of mistakes. 14. A millionaire has lots of money—and lots of worries.

15. Anna has enough worries because she hasn’t got enough money. 16. The telephone rang every few minutes.

17. We have been persisting in making the experiment all these last few cold days.

18. Both his next books on English linguistics will come out in 2006. 19. Soon we learned that we had to wait another three more weeks. 20. My brother spent $ 500 for a second-hand car, but I spent almost twice the amount for the same stuff. Ex. 6F

1. much 2. many 3. any 4.some 5. some, any 6. any 7. Some, any 8. many 9. few 10. little 11. fewer 12. little / less 13. either 14. either, neither 15. Both 16. All 17. none 18. every 19. each 20. any, all

新编英语语法教程 第07讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 7A

1. 0 2. 0 3. the, an 4. the 5. 0 6. the, the, the 7. 0, a 8. 0, the 9. a, the 10. the 11. 0, the 12. A 13. The, the 14. the 15. 0, 0 16. 0, the 17. 0, a, an, a, the 18. the, the, a, the 19. the, the, the, the, the, the 20. a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 / a

Ex. 7B

1. a 2. the 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. an 7. the 8. the 9. a 10. the 11. 0 12. the

13. a 14. the 15. a 16. 0 17. the 18. a 19. a 20. a / the 21. an 22. the 23. a 24. 0 25. an 26. the 27. the 28. the 29. the 30. a 31. the 32. the 33. a 34. a 35. the 36. the 37. the 38. the 39. an 40. 0 41. 0 42. 0 43. a 44. a 45. the 46. 0 47. the 48. a 49. the 50. the 51. the

Ex. 7C

2. Lake Michigan 3. The Straits of Gibraltar 4. Qomolangma 5. The National Gallery 6. the World Cup 7. Christmas 8. The Olympic Games 9. NATO 10. the BBC 11. Newsweek 12. The Times 13. Whitehall 14. the Finance Ministry 15. Parliament 16. the Senate 17. a John Spence 18. Jones and Smith 19. The watermans 20. The White House 21. university 22. church 23. table 24. the university 25. the hospital 26. prison 27. The train 28. The hovercraft, the boat 29. hovercraft 30. a taxi 31. school 32. a bus 33. the ferry 34. a cinema 35. The film 36. the Pope 37. a world 38. Language 39. experience 40. law Ex. 7D Ⅰ.

1. the 2. a 3. the 4. a 5. his 6. the 7. my 8. a 9. the 10. the 11. the 12. 0 13. a 14. a 15. Sam’s 16. the 17. A 18. the 19. The 20. His 21. the 22. her 23. your Ⅱ.

1. a 2. the 3. another 4. an 5. the 6. a 7. an 8. a 9. an 10. 0 11. 0 12. a 13. the 14. the 15. Each 16. a 17. the 18. the 19. a 20. other 21. the

22. another 23. the 24. a 25. the 26. the Ex. 7E

1. on the spot 2. from top to bottom 3. on hand 4. an the front 5. in a fashion 6. taken a fancy to 7. in case of 8. took the fancy of 9. in trouble, lend a hand 10. went by the board 11. within reach of 12. on top of 13. In the case of 14. in the shade

15. at a loss 16. in possession of 17. in the possession of 18. under cover 19. burning the midnight oil 20. at short notice Ex. 7F

1. Light travels faster than sound.

2. Be quiet, please. Don’t let me hear a sound.

3. In writing English, after each word we leave a space. 4. This box occupies too much space.

5. After a big meal, you should take a rest. 6. Everybody needs food, drink and rest. 7. He did it out of kindness.

8. Thank you. You have done me a kindness. 9. He lives close at hand.

10. The children suffered a lot at the hands of their stepfather. 11. Have you got an English-French dictionary?

12. Have you got an English and a French dictionary?

13. How do you like the red and white roses in my garden?

14. Have you seen the red (roses) and the white roses in my garden? 15. He is still in hospital.

16. I’m going to the hospital to see him. 17. There is a garden in front of the house. 18. There is a picture in the front of the book. 19. This style of dress is no longer in fashion. 20. She likes to read about the lastest fashion. 21. Don’t talk too much at table.

22. My friend was sitting at the table writing a letter. 23. When we called, his family were at dinner.

24. When we called, his family was giving a dinner.

25. The students take / took quite a fancy to their teacher.

26. The exhibits in the hall soon took the fancy of the visitors. 27. The old man is in possession of a huge fortune.

28. This island was once in the possession of the Great Britain. 29. You must immediately consult a doctor in case of illness.

30. Pauline is stupid, but it is different in the case of Mary; she is just lazy.

新编英语语法教程 第08讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 8A

1. its 2. his, he 3. them 4. it has 5. it, it has to 6. its / their 7. its 8. him / them

9. he is / they are 10. it 11. it 12. his / their 13. isn’t it 14. take / takes 15. his / their 16. has, her 17. their 18. has, his 19. they, themselves 20. tends, itself Ex. 8B

1. it / she 2. It 3. it / her 4. her 5. his / one’s, he / one, his / one’s 6. himself 7. she 8. it / she 9. he / he or she, he / he or she 10. it / she 11. it / she 12. his / his or her, his / his or her 13. it / him 14. it / him, it / he 15. It 16. he / he or she 17. his / her 18. it / she 19. he / he or she 20. he / he or she, he / he or she Ex. 8C (略)

新编英语语法教程 第09讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 9A

1. me 2. me 3. she 4. me 5. her 6. she 7. whom 8. who 9. who 10. whoever 11. him 12. its 13. anyone else’s 14. his 15. who 16. whoever 17. his 18. her 19. whom, her 20. whom Ex. 9B 1. theirs,ours 2. its, it’s 3. of his 4. The professor himself 5. for herself 6. beside ourselves 7. conducts himself 8. itself 9. he / he himself 10. no change 11. she / she herself 12. him 13. me 14. whom 15. who 16. whoever 17. us, who

18. him 19. his 20. whoever 21. his 22. your arriving late 23. whomever 24. Their

25. who 26. whoever 27. me 28. he himself 29. one / he 30. whether you Ex. 9C

1. …to teach the facts of life to their children. 2. …to change this situation…

3. …with great potentials which are not enhanced… 4. …major in accounting.

5. Bud Ellis challenged Jody Baker to a game of chess when they met at the Recreation Centre.

6. This morning’s paper says that Route 4 can’t be used until the flood damage is repaired.

7. On a hill was situated the cottage, which…

8. Two weeks after his uncle moved to Florida, Ed sold… 9. …as if the jails were equipped with revolving doors. 10. I put the package of frozen strawberries…

11. Before she left for Europe, Mother asked Mrs Spry to visit her. 12. …this vitamin, which is essential to sound teeth.

13. Burkett’s being given the leading role in the play displeased the rest of the cast.

14. …all the clothes stored in the attic were ruined.

15. Ann and Jan wouldn’t even look at each other when they met… 16. Since her arrival in New York, this was the first time that she had seen her mother.

17. …shoes. This pleased Mother tremendously.

18. …Those / The people interviewed are sometimes indignant. 19. When he spoke to the lawyer, Dad was extremely nervous…

20. …that the holiday makers can hardly find places to sit down, which is why those people who hate crowds keep away from these places. Ex. 9D

1. I 2. My 3. my 4. I 5. I 6. themselves 7. them 8. my 9. I 10. them 11. these 12. I 13. their 14. their 15. their 16. their 17. I 18. myself 19. them 20. them 21. I 22. I 23. I 24. me 25. it 26. my 27. my 28. I 29. they 30. me 31. I 32. they 33. the 34. their 35. it 36. they 37.they 38. they 39. They 新编英语语法教程 第10讲 练习参考答案 Ex, 10A

1. Don’t speak loudly. The children are sleeping. 2. Don’t disturb me. I’m thinking.

3. The chidlren were jumping to keep warm.

4. The woman got mad. She was hitting her head against the wall. 5. Old Tom knows Russian, but he can’t speak it well. 6. I hope she likes these reses.

7. Halleck resembles his father very much in disposition and appearance.

8. This material feels soft.

9. I believe we will certainly achieve success.

10. Last night we dined at a Thai restaurant. These almost all the dishes taste hot.

11. In grammar, English differs greatly from Spanish/ 12. This bus can hold 40 people.

13. This rule applies to all the tourists.

14. They were talking about pollution of the environment. 15. Spring is here. The treetops are turning green.

16. The economic situation there has changed from bad to worse. 17. I’m getting old. I can’t walk such a long distance. 18. This trunk weighs 50 kilos.

19. Surely you are imagining things.

20. I am not feeling (I don’t feel) very tired. Ex. 10B

2. called off 3. carry out 4. catch up with 5. came round / to 6. cutting down 7. looked into 8. held up 9. turn up 10. Keep off 11. Knocked him out 12. let you off

13. leave out 14.mix up 15. bring up 16. blew it up 17. Look out 18. put off 19. look on 20. put up 21. running into 22. run up against 23. sold out 24. send for / call in 25. taking…in 26. turned down 27. turned out 28. work out 29. wound up 30. took on, worn out, give…up Ex. 10C

1. This case is being looked into by the police.

2. Before long the children had taken to their ner teacher.

3. We can’t rely on other countries to help us tide over the difficulty.

4. The First World War broke out in 1914.

5. When she came to, she found herself lying in a hospital. 6. He was not really feeling sad. He was just putting on. 7. Some new problems cropped up at the last minute.

8. As most members were absent, the meeting had to be called off. 9. Can you figure out a way to solve this problem? 10. When he was criticized, he flared up. 11. Don’t be taken in.

12. I got very angry that he should come out with that rude remark. 13. You must work hand, or you won’t be able to keep up with the rest of the class.

14. Sophie is going to take a day off tomorrow; I must fill in for her. 15. We are going to bring up this question at the next meeting. 16. I’m going to forward to meeting you in Shanghai.

17. We all look up to Doctor Lin, because she serves herpatients selflessly.

18. He worked in the United States for three years, and he made the most of the opportunity to improve his English.

19. She was so lazy that she made a mess of her room.

20. This is a used car; it has changed hands several times. Ex. 10D

1. finding 2. occurred 3. waiting 4. studied 5. stood 6. read 7. read 8. decided 9. satisfy 10. carried 11. colored 12. taste 13. watching 14. slipped 15. took 16. found 17. was 18. ran 19. shouted 20. drank 21. tasted 22. was 23. learned 24. to question

新编英语语法教程 第11讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 11A

1. Patience wears out stones. 2. Pride goes bedore a fall.

3. Facts speak louder than words.

4. One swallow doesn’t make a summer.

5. The Changjiang flows into the East China Sea. 6. Water doesn’t exist on the moon. 7. It isn’t ever cold in Hawaii.

8. May in Paris isn’t always nice; it sometimes rains a lot. 9. He occasionally is wrong, but not often.

10. He never does any homework, but he does well in class. 11. Our company doesn’t always make very high profits. 12. My mother doesn’t usually have coffee in the morning. 13. She hardly ever goes to bed before midnight.

14. Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, is very dry; it hardly ever rains. 15. My parents seldom go to church on Sundays. 16. The earth revolves round the sun. 17. India lies to the south of China. 18. The Thames flows through London.

19. I usually vote for a Democrat, but my roommate almost always votes for a Republican.

20. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. Ex. 11B

1. is 2. see / will see 3. are 4. went 5. bought 6. was 7. set to, did 8. had 9. knew 10. knew 11. lived 12. wondered 13. sleep / will sleep 14. say 15. tells 16. hear 17. wanted 18. says 19. suggest 20. make 21. does not dislike 22. had 23. get

24. came 25. use(d) 26. do / did 27. rained 28. gather 29. stepped, sat, began 30. is; is; is; sits; rubs; coughs Ex. 11C

1. He came to see me every day last week.

2. It is winter time. We usually have breakfast at seven thirty. 3. How long ago did you buy the shoes you are wearing?

4. The old professor stepped into the classroom, opened the book and began to teach.

5. How I wish you were here with us!

6. Jane tells me you’re entering college next year. 7. Rome was not built in a day.

8. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 9. Practice makes perfect.

10. He who laughs last laughs best. 11. One good turn deserves another.

12. Whenever ammonia is added to this liquid, its colour changes to organge.

13. I wondered if you could lend me your car. 14. I hear that old Henry died last night.

15. This tape recorder is easy to operate. Watch what I do. I switch it on, press this button and it starts. Ex. 11D

1. is living 2. live 3. is…standing 4. stands 5. sees 6. is getting 7. are…spending 8. boils 9. is boiling 10. is getting 11. is always writing 12. are…talking about 13. write, know, is doing, Does your son write; hear, seems 14. are always hammering; keeps, begins, hear, shakes 15. smell; do, think, is coming, is probably ironing, irons, watches, gets, forgets, is pressing, is thinking 16. is running; passes, kicks; heads, misses; hits, bounces; is happening; is lying; is holding; is running; is running; is blowing Ex. 11E

1. arrived, was telephoning 2. arrived, telephoned 3. did…do; was (jiust) doing 4. was (always) ringing 5. was burning, was sleeping, was playing, (was) singing; was; stopped; woke 6. was drowning, dived, saved 7. was listening, rang, did not hear 8. exploded, was landing, climbed; were waiting, witnessed 9. ate; was doing 10. Did…want; hoped / was hoping 12. (1) was (just) hanging out (2) started (3) was wiping (4) lost (5) fell off (6) was washing (7) rushed (8) koncked over (9) let (10) was talking (11) managed (12) was doing (13) cut (14) was peeling (15) was reversing (16) forgot (17) bumped Ex. 11F 1. differs 2. belongs to 3. are landing 4. know 5. are. have 6. am getting 7. tastes 8. is waiting 9. is (just) coming in 10. flows 11. is raining 12. floats 13. is falling in 14. equals 15.

is…stopping 16. realize, forgive 17. is dictating 18. am trying 19. matters 20. is dying, is just leaving 21. concerns, think 22. prefer 23. smell, smells 24. goes / is always going 25. are…sitting 26. suppose, know, means 27. appreciate 28. is always doing / always does 29. cost 30. grow, have

Ex. 11G

1. is arriving, have 2. are being, am (still) having 3. think, am thinking 4. am expecting 5. expect 6. Do…mind 7. Is…minding 8. doesn’t hear 9. is hearing 10. am smelling 11. smell 12. am forgetting 13. forget 14. consider 15. is considering 16. are being 17. am measuring 18. measures 19. Does…apply, applies 20. am applying 21. am tasting, taste, tastes 22. is hurting / hurts 23. are hurting 24. Feel, Does…feel 25. extends, are extending 26. do…think, don’t think 27. are…smelling 28. is seeing to 29. do…feel / are…feeling, feel / am feeling 30. is tasting, think

新编英语语法教程 第12讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 12A

1. have been telephoning, Haven’t you nearly finished; haven’t got, have been trying, has been

2. have been playing, haven’t played 3. have been writing / have written

4. have … been learning / have … learned 5. has been sleeping /has slept 6. has been coughing / has coughed

7. have known, have been reading, haven’t finished 8. have been, have … come

9. has been learning, has mastered 10. has been raining, has stopped 11. have travelled 12. Have … read

13. have been reading 14. have read 15. has let

16. has been crying 17. has injured

18. has been assassinated 19. have been working 20. has been losing Ex. 12B 1. YES 2.NO 3.YES 4.YES 5.YES 6.YES, NO 7.YES, NO 8.NO, NO, NO 9.YES, YES, YES 10.YES, NO Ex. 12C

I. (1)struck (2)reached (3)lit (4)sat (5)had left (6)had had (7)put (8)undressed (9)got (10)fell (11)had put (12)had forgotten (13)dropped (14)burned (15)found (16)had burned (17)had … made

II. (1)opened (2)saw (3)had … been listening (4)wondered (5)had heard (6)asked (7)had been doing / was doing (8)said

(9)had dropped (10)had been looking (11)didn’t see (12)found (13)had … dropped (14)opened (15)had been taking (16)were (17)turned (18)asked (19)pulled (20)ran (21)recovered (22)had disappeared (23)moved (24)found (25)had been standing (26)had been telling Ex. 12D

1. I met George after he had heard … 2. I met George before he had heard …

3. We reached the football ground before the game had started. 4. We reached the football ground after the game had started. 5. As soon as we arrived at the station, we bought …

6. For several years after Dick (had) left school, he worked … 7. After she’d cleaned … she had … 8. When we arrived, they’d laid …

9. He’d done all his work by the time he went … 10. The secretary had typed … by the time I came … 11. I’d only been there … when John walked in. 12. He’d answered … before he got a job. 13. They left before I’d explained …

14. We managed … before the concert had started. 15. She didn’t notice it until he’d pointed it out. 16. I’d no sooner taken off … than it began … 17. I’d no sooner put … than I realized … 18. He didn’t understand until I’d explained. 19. He came in before I’d done …

20. We got to the hall after the concert had started. We didn’t get to the hall until after the concert had started. The concert (had) started before we got to the hall. Ex. 12E

1. went 2. was / were 3.hadn’t said 4.hadn’t drunk, hadn’t drunk 5.had expected, had intended 6.hadn’t lost 7.hadn’t told 8.knew /had known 9.had come 10.had meant 11.had wanted 12.wasn’t 13.hadn’t been 14.had never seen 15.had given 16.had seen 17.had asked 18.hadn’t broken 19.knew 20.had never been invented Ex. 12F

1.haven’t got to 2.Have you got 3.hadn’t got to 4.have got to 5.have got to 6.hadn’t got to 7.had got 8.have got 9.have got to 10.hadn’t got to 11./ 12.has got 13./ 14.haven’t got to … have we 15. have got 16./ 17./ 18.has got to 19./ 20./ Ex. 12G

1. have explained 2. have had

3. drank, drove, got, gave, has been breathalysed 4. was, had visited

5. had tried

6. will be, have had to

7. are going to stay, will be, haven’t been 8. will be, have taught; teach, take, will be 9. are … getting on; have done, learnt

10. Have … been; went, went, was, had been, liked, go Ex. 12H

I. 1. Do you … know 2. should /would like 3. have just heard 4.would exactly suit 5.doesn’t apply 6.won’t get 7.saw 8.had just left 9.said 10.was going 11.promised 12.(had) found 13.have heard 14.don’t even know 15.went 16.know 17.should/would be 18.would phone 19.have tried 20.doesn’t / didn’t seem

II. 1.wrote 2.asking 3.replied 4.enclosing 5.filled up 6.returned 7.have heard 8.am beginning 9.has gone 10.Would/Could you please check 11.have received 12.have received /did receive/ received 13.haven’t decided 14.should/would be 15.would tell 16.has already been 17.should/would like 18.don’t get 19.will have to 20.do 21.will have / have 新编英语语法教程 第13讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 13A

1. will just be coming out 2. will be, will be wondering 3. will come

4. will be doing, will be working

5. will get, will still be, will be going, will ask 6. will be melting, will be 7. won’t start, will give 8. will tell

9. will be reading, will be ringing 10. will be cooking, will ring 11. am going to shampoo

12. is going to bake, will soon get 13. will see

14. am going to have 15. am going to bottle

16. Are you going to paint, am going to take 17. am going to ring

18. am going to start, Are you going to do, is going to help 19. will start, will get, will bake 20. am going to make, will burn

21. is arriving, Is he spending, is he catching, is spending, is giving, is attending

22. am going to dye, Are you going to do, are you going to have, am going

to have

23. is going to rain

24. Are you doing, are coming, am going to show, Are you taking, am going to take

25. am going to send, am seeing

26. am moving, Are you going to have, am going to paint 27. am going to buy, is going to be

28. are you going to do, Are you going to sell, am going to learn, am having 29. am getting, are starting, is coming

30. is going, is having, is looking, is coming 31. will have finished, will be starting 32. will have planted

33. will have done, will be relaxing

34. will have done, will soon be leaving 35. will be trying, will have sent 36. will be living, will have spent 37. will be giving, will have given 38. will be coming, will have picked

39. will be fishing, will have been polluted, will be dying 40. will be repairing, will have repaired Ex. 13B

1. would have/were going to have

2. were going to swim/were swimming/were to swim 3. was to discover

4. (1)is going to catch/is catching/is to catch (2)is going to attend/is attending/is to attend

5. was going to show./ was about to show 6. was going to be/was to be 7. were not to use

8. (1)would be/was going to be/was to be (2)were going to discuss/were to discuss

9. (1)Are … going to watch (2)was going to watch

(3)is arriving (4)am going to meet (5)was going to arrive 10. (1)are … to be (2)were to be (3)were to have got (4)was to have taken place (5)are … to have Ex. 13C

1. We’ll start off as soon as the rain stops. 2. I’ll ring you up directly I hear the news. 3. If you are leaving early tomorrow morning, you’ll have to finish packing before bedtime.

4. The committee are to gather next Thursday to settle the question. 5. He is not to stay here any longer. He is to leave at once.

6. She said that by the end of the week she would have been back to China. 7. He told me yesterday that he was going to get married next month.

8. He announced at the press conference that the prime minister of Japan was to visit China next Monday.

9. If you go and see him at six, he will be taking morning exercises. 10. What will you be doing at 7: 30 tomorrow evening?

11. When you come back from Nanjing next week, the discussion will have finished.

12. By next weekend, I’ll have been here for a whole year. 13. Don’t get off the bus till it stops.

14. They are going to spend their holidays in Dalian next summer. 15. Look! The dark clouds are gathering. It is going to rain.

16. If I’m at lunch when he comes, please tell him to wait a little while. 17. We’ll stay here for a couple of days before we go on to Xi’an. 18. We’re having our dress rehearsal tomorrow evening. Are you coming? 19. How many students are going? Are they going by boat? 20. The Foreign Ministers were to have met on May 14 to discuss the proposals for easing the crisis, but the war broke out. 新编英语语法教程 第14讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 14A

1. This house was built 2. English is spoken …

3. He has never been beaten … 4. Milk is used ….

5. My piano is being repaired … 6. My shoes had been cleaned. 7. / 8. … a new system was being started.

9. This dress can’t be washed; it must be dry-cleaned. 10. A different attitude will have to be adopted. 11. / 12. The bag is to be left … 13. He will be sent to school … 14. Bicycles must not be left …

15. These engines used to be started … 16. / 17. The wall is going to be painted green. 18. You will be asked … 19. / 20. He was told never to come … 21. He was proved wrong.

22. Those books should have been taken back. 23. It may have been left … 24. / 25. This letter need not be typed.

26. Mary seems to be liked very much by John.

27. She happened to be met in the street by the boy. 28. / 29. / 30. /

Ex. 14B

1. Who was it written by? 2. Has my parcel been posted?

3. My attention was held by …

4. Your record has never been equalled. 5. Why wasn’t I informed of the change …? 6. A lot of time is wasted …

7. The books had to be taken back; we were not allowed to take … 8. This could be done much more easily by (a) machine. 9. Jack was invited, but Tom wasn’t (invited). 10. Weren’t you told to be ….?

11. You are sure to be asked that question.

12. That he wasn’t present should be borne in mind/ It should be borne in mind that ….

13. The principle known as Boyle’s Law was discovered by …

14. … my car had been towed away. I asked why this had been done and was told that … it had been parked …

15. He must have been terribly disappointed to be told he wasn’t wanted. Ex. 14C

1. This topic has been talked about … 2. It will then be dealt with … 3. The children weren’t properly looked after. 4. Has this matter been looked into?

5. Are you being attended to? 6. Smith’s warehouse was broken into …

7. My application has been turned down. 8. This question will be brought up …

9. The trains were held up by fog. 10. Your argument is not borne out by the facts.

11. Their stories are made up. 12. The application has been filled in incorrectly.

13. The scheme was thought out carefully. 14. The prices were put up. 15. Your photographs will be blown up well. 16. The recorded programmes can be played back.

17. These interruptions were put up with. 18. His retirement is being looked forward to very much.

19. The responsibilities are being faced up to badly. 20. He was looked up to by everyone.

21. This piece of legislation had been done away with reluctantly. 22. They weren’t taken in by her story. 23. I was got through the written papers by special coaching.

24. He will be seen off at the airport by all the ministers. 25. If it rains, the match will have to be put off … Ex. 14D

1. Your remarks have been taken careful note of / Careful note has been taken of your remarks.

2. His aristocratic connections are made rather too much of / Rather too

8. When and where did that happen?

9. Whose account of the fire is the best? 10. How often did fires break out during the war?

11. How many people were killed on the roads yesterday? 12. How much rain fell last night?

13. How far is it from here to the station?

14. How long will it take me to get there by car? 15. During which century was this castle built? 16. Why / For what purpose was the Aswan Dam built? 17. Why have you not yet finished it?

18. Who did an idea occur to while Benjamin Hall was speaking? 19. What do you believe he wants to do?

20. What should we do it if we haven’t renewed our licence? Ex. 27E

1. doesn’t she / (hasn’t she) 2. usedn’t he / didn’t he 3. wouldn’t you 4. isn’t it 5. mayn’y we 6. didn’t you 7. mustn’t I 8. could you 9. don’t they 10. doesn’t he 11. don’t you 12. oughtn’t we / shouldn’t we 13. didn’t you 14. wouldn’t she 15. mustn’t you / haven’t you 16. doesn’t it 17. would he 18. wasn’t he 19. doesn’t he 20. need I 21. haven’t you / don’t you 22. should he 23. mustn’t they / didn’t they 24. wouldn’t you 25. aren’t they 26. is there 27. will it 28. can it 29. did they 30. will there 31. will they / won’t they 32. won’t it 33. didn’t you 34. aren’t I 35. mustn’t you / aren’t you 36. don’t you 37. do they 38. can’t they 39. would you / will you 40. will you / would you 41. have you 42. can one / can you 43. don’t you 44. didn’t they 45. wouldn’t he 46. would he 47. have we 48. will you 49. does he 50. shall we

Ex. 27F (略)

新编英语语法教程 第28讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 28A

1. There was a ready… 2. There’a man sitting…

3. There was a student who came…

4. There’s another student (that) I ought to see. 5. There’s at least one book … in our library. 6. There’ll be a good film on… 7. There’s certain to be trouble… 8. There were several trains coming…

9. There were things called firesquirts used… 10. Is there anyone waiting…

11. There were people who believed that…

12. There was an old cellar with a thick flint wall… 13. There was a boy named George Sampeter sitting…

14. There were monkeys under the trees, … 15. There was a strange caller yesterday who… 16. There is likely to be… 17. There should be…

18. There must have been a mistake…

19. There are several thousand little islands in the Maldives. 20. There was a bolt on my front door… Ex. 28B

1. there to be 2. there being 3. there to be 4. there being 5. there to be 6. there to be 7. There being 8. there being 9. there to be 10. there to be Ex. 28C

1. On the top of the hill there stood / there was… 2. There will be / will come a time when…

3. Mary didn’t agree about there being no need for… 4. Were you disappointed at there not having been… 5. John asked for there to be… 6. There was a cow crossing…

7. There is no plant that doesn’t need…

8. We don’t want there to be any disturbance. 9. There being an index to this book is…

10. I’m surprised at there not being an index / being no index. 11. We have no objection to there being a meeting here. 12. It’s impossible for there to be … For there to be… 13. It’s not uncommon for there to be… / For there to be… 14. There’s an important message just being decoded. / There is just being decoded…

15. There were quite a number of…jewels stolen. 16. There was expected to be…

17. There is / are believed to be…

18. There was a meeting about the new building yesterday. 19. There have been three accidents at… 20. There’s a lawn that extends… 21. There is said to be trouble on…

22. I can just remember the trouble there was about it a year ago. 23. There will be people anxious that… 24. There seems to be a widespread change… 25. There was a day when it rained… 新编英语语法教程 第29讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 29A

1. It is possible that the Joneses will come to the party as well. 2. It doesn’t matter very much whether they will come or not.

3. It is quite likely that he will let you down. 4. It seems that you have taken a dislike to him. 5. It happens that I have had some nasty

experiences in dealing with him. 6. It was rather complicated getting the car on the boat. 7. It would be a good idea to get up a petition. / I think it a good idea to get up a petition. 8. It is a great pleasure to be here with you this morning. 9. It was so kind of you to invite us. 10. It doesn’t matter in the least what you say. 11. It is / remains a mystery how he came to have such a valuable painting. 12. It is regretted that you should feel obliged to resign at this point. 13. It would be pity to spoil such a fine drawing. 14. It makes me feel sad seeing you sitting here all alone. 15. Is it very dull living here?/ do you find it very dull living here? 16. It is impossible for me to forgive him. 17. It was not known whether there was gold left in the mine. 18. It looks as if the park is very small. 19. It seems as though our plan is perfect. 20. It was clearly indicated that he didn’t want to speak to me. Ex. 29B

1. It gets dark early in winter. 2. Its no use asking her. She doesn’t know anything. 3. Its two miles to the station from here.

4. Have you seen it hail? 5. We leave it to you to decide what must be done. 6. It is said that the spy slipped arsenic into his tea.

7. It’s a pity (that) you missed that concert. 8. It looks as if he were very afraid. 9. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 10. It was several months before we met again. Ex. 29C

1. 迟早我要跟他说个明白。 2. 误了末班车,我们只好步行回家。 3. 再做那件事,你就要受到责罚。4. 在这种天气登山,你一定会吃苦头。5. 桥梁被冲毁,除泅渡外别无他法。6. 那是没有办法的事。7.如果犯了法,你是逃脱不了(罪责)的。

8.只是为了好玩,我们才决定半夜去游泳。9.如果动身早,我们能够赶到。10. 是去是留,他难以决断。11.我痛骂他一顿。

12. 走开,这不是聊天的时候。 13. 总统乘坐美国直升飞机溜之大吉。 14. 他们吵了架,但很快又言归于好。

15.如果你要换衣服,请快点,我们随时都会动身。 16.窃贼离开后几分钟,他才镇定下来,叫了警察。 17.在经济危机中通常都是小商人蒙受损失。 18. 他很少发言,但是一开口就讲错话。 19.任何一个国家都不应骑在别国头上称王称霸。 20. 因而我们决定,在晴天的夜晚,我们露宿,而在雨天,我们就住旅馆,住客栈,住酒店。 Ex. 29D

2. …It was his wife that the man treated viciously. 3. …It is only for three months that she has been studying French.

4. …It was to London that Tom went on Tuesday. 5. … It is green that he has painted the windows.

6. …What he is determined to do is (to) pass the test. 7. …What he will be doing is flying to Moscow.

8. … It was the machine that he could not repair. 9. … It was from Henry that John bought the car.

10…It was by a man carrying a copy of The Times that we were met at the station. 11. …It was at the price that he was surprised.

12. …It was monitor of the class that the students elected him. 13. … It was because he’d never had the opportunity that John hadn’t yet learned to drive. 14. …It was Henry that I met in New York. 15. …What I did was (to) tell her the sad news.

新编英语语法教程 第30讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 30A

1. Brain locked the door and went to a nearby pub. 2. Tom speaks Chinese fluently but can’t write in it. 3. On Friday afternoon the students study current events, or have League meetings if there’s nothing special to study. 4. Ruel and Cameron went into the forest and collected a lot of insect specimens. 5. On his way up the hill Jack fell down and hurt his hands and knees, but Jimmy go to the top all right. 6. The girls decided to remain at home, for it was raining hard. / It was raining hard and the girls decided to remain at home. 7. They could not decide what to do and asked my advice. / They asked my advice, for they could not decide what to do. 8. For the first time I saw my father not as the giant of my childhood but simply as a lonely man. 9. Fewer blacks are leaving the rural South these days, not because farming has become more popular but because industry in moving in.

10. The four largest hotel companies in the United States are Hilton, Sheraton, Hyatt, and the fastest growing (hotel company) Western International. 11. Education is the largest “industry” in the nation either in terms of dollars spent or in terms of people involved. 12. There is not only concision in these lines but also elegance. 13. Mr Fisher neither loves the environment, nor is he accustomed to the weather. 14. In the United States television has been called a source of information, a means of entertainment and, as its severest critics call it, a “plug-in” drug.

15. For decades FBI agents wiretapped the phone of American citizens with the attorney general’s approval but without warrants. Ex. 30B

1. ; 2. , : 3. , , 4. / , 5. , , 6. ; 7. / ; 8. , / 9. , , 10. , ; , 11. : 12. ; 13. : 14. ; 15. : Ex. 30C 1. … but also instructive. 2. .. and inexpensive. 3. Both Mary and her husband will do it. 4. / 5. … and carefully outlined.

6. …blue-eyed and partly gray-haired. 7. … carefully and to write a short review of it. 8. He is either an absolute piker… 9. He likes not only the girl but also the family. 10. … but also showing an interest in political questions. 11. … as well as one’s / his intellectual self. 12. … nor can he compose. 13. He either needs/

needs either… 14. Neither Pauline nor her husband wanted to… 15. … neither with her own achievement nor with the team’s performance. 16. …, nor drink alcohol, nor idle away his time. 17. .. with neither a definite volume nor a definite shape. 18. …, to use but one side of the paper, and to endorse our papers in the proper manner. 19. .. with neither a sales tax nor an income tax, a major attraction for tax-weary residents of other states. 20. The admen convince the reader not only that… 21. …, and he’ll take a mile. 22. You should try and finish…

23. …, and moreover, he is an expert in translation. 24. …, he went and saw the doctor immediately. 25. …, and you’ll get sick. 新编英语语法教程 第31讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 31A

1. The film I saw yesterday was dull. 2. If/ Provided that the weather keeps fine, I see no reason why… 3. Because he didn’t get up early enough, he missed the train. 4. A German whose acquaintance I made in Hamburg last year is coming to see me. 5. One of the students who were trapped in the cave has already been brought out. 6. Because/ As she spoke French rapidly, I couldn’t understand her. 7. As any of these problems can be solved by ordinary intelligence and hard work, none of them are too difficult for us. 8. Because illness kept him away from school, he didn’t get the prize. 9. The auditorium might be the place where I lost my pen. 10. As/ When/ Whenever he ate too little and worked too hard for weeks on end, he became ill.

11. When/ As he came out of the Conference Room, he was surrounded by reporters.

12. While my wife was…, I was trying to… 13. Unless you promise…, you shall not…

14. His mother waited up until he came home. 15. As/When/After/Because he had spoken for three hours, he had a sore throat. Ex. 31B

1. whether 2. No matter what/ Whatever 3. While 4. as 5. If 6. Even if 7. Though 8. If 9. unless 10. so that

11. so that/ in order that 12. in that 13. As 14. because 15. how 16. as 17. Where(ver) 18. as if

19. Hardly / Scarcely / Barely… when; No sooner…than 20. Instantly Ex. 31C 1. He urged that I drive carefully. 2. He ordered that the men remain in camp. 3. She insisted that we go there on foot. 4. He asked that his sister cook dinner. 5. She requested that I telephone her family. 6. Grandmother urged that we bring the children for the summer. 7. He demanded that I answer all the questions. 8. Our parents insist that we come home by ten.

9. The doctor ordered that the nurses watch the patient carefully. 10. She insisted that we tell her the truth.

