
更新时间:2024-05-04 02:31:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



摘要: 《易经》是反映自然内在规律的一部奇书,而其中的卦象又从古至今被人们用来做占卜和预测未来之用。企业的产品应如何向市场推广,进入市场之后的命运会如何,企业该如何营销才能“趋吉避凶”,令产品更有生命力,企业损失更小,这是企业所希望知道和预测的。那么能否用《易经》来揭示产品推广的一般规律,能否用卦来预测产品营销各个阶段的“凶”和“吉”,能否根据卦象来“趋吉避凶”。通过研究,发现利用《易经》中的卦象可以指导企业如何在产品推广生命周期各个阶段进行营销,需要注意哪些问题,为企业产品营销提供参考。

abstract: the book of changes is a wonderful book which reflects the inherent law of nature. and the symbols have been used for divination to predict the future. the owners of enterprise want to know about how the product enters into market, and how enterprise does marketing to compete, how to avoid risk and reduce the loss. can we use the the book of changes to reveal the general law of production promotion, use the symbols to predict the situation of production marketing at each stage, and use the symbols to avoid risk? the research shows that the symbols of the book of changes can be used to guide the enterprise production marketing at each stage of production life cycle, and tell the problems

