《英语语法》第十三章 状语

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第十三章 状语


状语在不同的语法层次上可以有多种形式,可以是副词,名词;也可以是介词短语,副词短语,形容词短语,名词词以是从句,限定分句,非限定分句,例如: ①She is always losing her keys.(副词)她总是丢钥匙。

②Strange enough, they refused to come to the party.(形容词短语) 奇怪的是,他们拒绝参加晚会。

③They traveled a long way before they came here(名词词组) 他们走了很长的路才到这儿。

④I have lived here for three years.(介词短语)我在这三年了。

⑤It is ten years since I saw him last.(限定性分句)我上次见他到现在已经十年了。 ⑥To be honest,I didn't enjoy the party.(非限定分句)老实说来,我并不喜欢那次舞会。

⑦The sun setting, the farmers went back home. (-ing分词结构) 太阳落山了,农民们回家了。

除了形式多样化以外,状语的位置也非常灵活: ①Immediately he replied.(句首)他立即给了答复。 ②He immediately replied.(句中) ③He replied immediately.(句末)


根据状语的语法功能,可以把状语分为结合性状语和分离性状语。EK和Robat建议可以采用如下方法来鉴别结合性状语和分离性状语:把句子移入It is true that (__) 的括号中,看状语是否能放进括号中:

①John drove slowly.约翰开车速度很慢。 →It is true that John drove slowly.

②Fortunately,he came back just in time.幸好他及时赶了回来。 →Fortunately, it is true that he came back just in time.

③However,it was a good meeting.然而这是一个很好的会议。 →However, it is true that it was a good meeting.



结合性状语——修饰性状语 状语 评注性状语 分离性状语 连接性状语 本章主要是根据状语的分类讨论其意义及用法。 修饰性状语

修饰性状语是依附于某一从句来说明某一事件或局面的有关情况的一个词(通常是副词)或词组,例如:何时,何地,如何发生的。因此修饰性状语又可分为时间状语,地点状语,方式状语。 时间状语

时间状语通常回答的是“何时”这一问题,然而又不仅限于此,根据所要表达的不同的时间概念,时间状语可分为多种。还要注意,多种时间状语同时出现时要遵循一定的顺序。 时间状语的种类


①We are going to the theater tomorrow.(何时状语)明天我们去看戏。

②They have lived here for twenty years.(持续状语)他们已经在这儿生活了20年了。 ③She sees her doctor twice a month.(频度状语)她一个月看两次次医生。

何时状语指的是某一事件或状态所发生的时间,因此可以用when…?来提问。例如: ①They arrived yesterday.他们昨天到的。 →When did they arrive?他们什么时候到的? ②She lived here in 1985.1985年她住在这儿。 →When did she live here? 她什么时候住在这儿?

③His parents divorced when he was little.他小时候他的父母就离婚了。 →When did his parents divorce? 他的父母什么时候离婚的?

何时状语指两种时间概念:(1)具体的时间点或时间长短(具体的时间表达),(2)隐含的时间点或时间长短(非具体的时间表达)。具体的时间表达包括几点,几天,天数,周数,月数,年数,季节等,非具体的时间表达指交流双方相互明白的时间区域。 (1)①We must start working now.我们必须现在就开始工作。 ②They arrived at 10 o'clock.他们十点钟到的。

③The president was assassinated on Friday morning. 总统星期五早上被暗杀的。 ④The war started on May 4,1952.战争于1952年五月四嘲爆发。 (2)①They will be back soon.他们很快就回来了。 ②See you later.再见。

③He woke me up as usual before dawn.他像往常一样天亮前就叫醒了我。 ④I'm sorry for not answering the letter earlier.很抱歉,没有及时回信。


①The party started at about 6.晚会大约六点钟开始。

②I guess they moved away in 1980 0r thereabouts.我想他们大约1980年左右搬走的。 何时状语经常以从句的形式出现,其结构与用法就复杂一点。这样的时间状语从句通常由下列从属连词引导:after,as,before,once, since, till, until, when, whenever, while, now (that), as long as, as soon as,等等。

①When I was young, I listened to the radio waiting for my favorite song. 小时候听收音机时我总是等着听我喜欢的歌曲。 ②They managed to reach the theater before the concert started. 他们设法在音乐会开始前赶到了剧院。

③I'll call you as soon as I hear the news.一听到消息我就给你打电话。 ④Now (that) you’ve grown up, you must learn to take care of yourself. 既然你已经长大了就应该学会照顾自己。

何时状语从句也可以由下列用做从属连词的名词词组引导:the moment, the minute, the instant, the day, the year, each time, every time,the next time, the last time, the first/second time. ①He went to bed the moment he finished his work.他一千完活儿就上床睡觉了。 ②I'll tell you the whole story the next time we meet.下次再见时我将把整个故事告诉你。 ③He knew that she was the woman he wanted to marry the instant he saw her. 他一见到她就知道她正是他想要与之结婚的女人。 ④The last time we talked he said he needed another two days. 上次我们谈话时他说他还需要两天。

有两个最常用的引导何时状语的关联词:no sooner...than和hardly/scarcely/barely...when,他们用于表示一个动作紧接着另一个动作发生。注意,第一个分句常用过去完成时,如果no sooner或hardly置于句首,那么,主谓要倒装:

①He had no sooner asked the question than the answer came to him. ②No sooner had he asked the question than the answer came to him. 他一提出问题,答案就出来了。

③She had hardly entered the room when the phone started to ring. ④Hardly had he entered the room when the phone started to ring. 她刚走进房间电话就响了。


①Adults sometimes overestimate their own strength when dealing with children. 在处理孩子这一问题时,成年人总是过高地估计自己的实力。

②Sue listened to us talk while pretending not to.苏已听到我们的谈话尽管她假装没听。 ③I deliberately did not read the book before going to see the film. 我故意在看这部电影前先不读这本书。 ④After leaving school, she worked as a waitress at a restaurant.


⑤Michael used to look hurt and surprised when scolded. 米歇尔在受责备时常学显得很伤心很惊讶。

⑥Once convinced of the necessity of a move, he worked with persistence and diplomacy until the college found a new home. 一旦确信有必要搬,他就努力同各方面联系,直到选定了这个校址。 限定性时间分句也可以缩减为无谓语动词的从句:

①He had read of her elopement while at college.在大学时他就知道了她私奔的事。 ②Help must be given when necessary.必要时必须给予帮助。 ③Steam or boil them until just tender.蒸或煮直到它们刚好鲜嫩可口。 ④When a girl of fourteen, she started to make a living on her own. 当她还是个十四岁的姑娘时就开始自己谋生了。

持续状语指的是某一事件或状态发生时所持续的时间,因此,常常用How long....? 来提问。除了其他的表达外,持续状语经常用for+名词词组: ①I have lived here for ten years.我在这儿已经生活了十年了。

②I'm afraid he can only stay for a short while.恐怕他只能在这儿呆一会儿。 ③He usually works far into the night.他常常工作到深夜。

④Don't worry. He won't be here very long.别担心,他不会在这儿停很久的。 ⑤I haven't seen him lately.我最近没有见过他。

⑥She is temporarily living with her parents.她只是暂时跟父母住在一起。 ⑦John left for Britain ten years ago and I haven't seen him ever since. 约翰十年前去了英国,从此以后我就没有见过他。

⑧She has been hopping from one job to anothersince graduation from university. 她大学毕业后不断跳槽。

⑨It is a long time since we met last. 我们上次相见到现在已经很长时间了。

⑩You'd better wait till,’m done with my work. 你最好等到我做完我的活儿。

频度状语指某一事件或状态发生的频率,可以用How manytimes...?或How often...来提问。频度状语常通过副词来实现,常用的副词有daily,weekly,monthly,annually,habitually,commonly,invariably,often,frequently,always等,频度状语还可以用名词词组,介 词词组,或从句来表达:

①I pay my newspaper bill monthly.我的报纸钱每月一付。

②She used to see her doctor twice a month.他过去一个月去看两次医生。

③They are always calling me by the wrong name. 他们总是叫错我的名字。 ④My father never goes to the cinema.我父亲从不看电影。

⑤I've told you a hundred times to be quiet.我已经一百次地告诉你要安静。 ⑥She visits her parents as often as she can.她尽可能常去看望父母。 ⑦They saw him wash his Porche from time to time. 他们看见他经常洗刷一走廊。

⑧My uncle brought me gifts whenever he came.我叔叔不论什么时候来都给我带礼物。 时间状语的位置


①Yesterday he thought that she would be back in afew days. ②He thought yesterday that she would be back in afew days.

③He thought that she would be back in a few days yesterday.昨天他想她几天就会回来的。 ④Yesterday he promised me face to face that he would come and help us out but today he changed his mind. 昨天他当面向我保证会来帮助我们的,但今天他又改变了主意。


①He was born on the morning of May4,1997.


②The ship set off on a stormy morning in the winter three years ago. 这艘船在三年前冬天的一个暴风雨的早上启航了。

当不同种类的时间状语同时出现时通常遵循的规律是:持续状语+频度状语+何时状语 ①She would stay with her parents for a couple of days once a month after she got married. 她结婚后每个月都抽几天时间与父母呆在一起。

②They' ve been visiting us frequently this year.今年他们经常来看我们。

③Our electricity was cut off briefly yesterday. 昨天我们这儿停了一会儿电。

④She does shopping for several hours every weekend.他每周都花几个小时的时间去购物。 地点状语

地点状语通常回答的是“何地”的向题,因此常用Where...?提问。象时间状语一样,地点状语可以分为不同的种类,放在各个固定的位置。 地点状语的种类

地点状语可以表达下列意思:地点,方向,距离,来源,目的等。 outside the village. (何地状语)他们在村外跑。 down the hill.(方向状语)他们向山下跑去。

They ran a long way.(距离状语)他们跑了很长一段路。 from the school.(来源状语)他们从学校那儿跑来。

