
更新时间:2023-11-07 20:30:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



(A 男 B 女) 准备开始

A:May I have your attention please! The competition is about to begin, please take your seat, and keep quiet!



A:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the 1st YongJiang University's culture of English and Speaking_English competition. My name is WangYingFeng. Next to me is lovely LiJing, We’ll co-host this competition together for you, tonight !

B:尊敬的各位嘉宾,亲爱的同学们! (AB)大家晚上好!

B:欢迎参加本次邕江大学首届英语文化节开幕式暨英文演讲比赛。我是本次节目主持人李静( A:我是王迎峰。) 下面我宣布:本次邕江大学英语文化节开幕式暨英文演讲比赛——(AB)现在开始!


A:Let me introduce our judges, and honored guests. They are:


A:OK, let’s warmly welcome their present! B:欢迎,欢迎我们嘉宾的到来!


A:Before the beginning of competition, Let warmly welcome Mr. ___________ give a speech for us !

B:好,在比赛开始之前。让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎_________ 老师为我们致辞!!!


B:现在由我来介绍本次比赛流程: (一) 比赛分为两轮: 1.第一轮为定题演讲 2.第二轮为即兴演讲 (二) 主题演讲由两个组成部分: 1.定题演讲(限时3分钟)


(三) 第二轮为即兴演讲:



A:Now let’s go over the rules of the competition. The standard of judgment

①Beautiful rich emotional speech (2 points) ②Good and fluent pronunciation (2 points) ①Pronounces clearly fluent (1 points) ②Making a quick (1 points) ③Smart reaction (1 points)

①The emotion reveals (1 points )

②The movement is moderate and posture nature (1 points) ①Tidy clothes ,and good manner (0.5 points ) ②Natural stance and suitable posture (0.5 points )


1.语音优美富有感情。(2分) 2.语调标准。(2分) 3.发音清晰流利。(1分) 4.节奏处理得当。(1分) 5.技巧运用。(1分) 6。情感流露。(1分) 7。动作适度,姿态自然。(1分) 8。着装整齐。(0.5分) 9.大方得体。(0.5分)

A:OK, time for show Now! the contests is divided into 2 groups include English and non-English . The first group witch go first is Non-English include 9 contestants.

OK now, lets welcome the first contestant _________,his topic is 《____________》 Welcome !

B:有请我们非英语专业组的第一位选手________上台演讲! 他演讲的题目是《_________》。 有请!!!


B:Thanks contestant No. ! for the wonderful performance!

Now, let’s welcome contestant NO. 2. From Application English(应用英语) of grade two. his topic is ..... Welcome!



Good job! Now, let’s welcome contestant NO.3……


A:Ladies and gentlemen, what’s going on will refreshing you a lot! there’s a song named



A:Wonderful! What a charming voice! OK, now! Let’s continue our competition! It's turn to the Next group of English. Let's warmly welcome the first contestant who is from (专业+名字)his/her topic is ________ ! Welcome!!!

B:接下来是英语专业组,欢迎第一位选手________上台演讲! 他演讲的题目是《 》 。掌声有请!!!!


A:OK Now ,the first round is ended ! And after all the contestants finished their speeches. There is a _____节目 Named ______ Witch is X X singing for us! With the song , we are walking into the next round !


B:好,经过紧张、激烈的比赛后,请大家休息片刻,接下来有请( ) 给我们带来的( ) 。伴随着歌声,我们将进入下一环节, 掌声欢迎!!!!


A: Right Now, what we’re going to announce is the winners from the first round : (获奖名单)

The third winner is :

B: 获得三等奖的是:

A: the second winner is : B: 获得二等奖的是:

A: Ladies and gentlemen, can you feel the most exciting moment?! Tonight, our YongJiang University’s 1st YongJiang University's culture of English and Speaking_English competition’s champion is —— Contestant NO. XX . They are from XX . Welcome!!!!!

B: 欢迎,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎我们一等奖获得者: A:

B: 最终将评出年度总冠军一名,即A、B类比赛分别获一、二等奖的共6名选手同台进行最后的PK,题目由评委组设定。


B: 尊敬的位嘉宾,亲爱的同学们,虽然那不是我们所希望的,但我现在不得不宣布——本次邕江大学首届英语文化节开幕式暨英文演讲比赛到此结束!! A:我谨代表大家向为今天辛勤地、认真地、公正地工作的各位评委,向为比赛做出贡献的各支部负责人及计时员、计分员、摄影师等幕后英雄们表示衷心的感谢。

A: thought it’s not our willing, but I have to announce that —— the first YongJiang University’s English soundtrack competition is end Now! our judges, and honored guests leave first please. please everyone leave in order, and wish you have a nice stay with us!

B:现在请我们的嘉宾退场。 (嘉宾退场完毕) 好,请同学们有秩序的退场。祝大家晚安!

