2015小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar第五课时(表格版)

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2015小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar第五课时(表格版)

课题 年级 课型 学习准备

Unit 3 My 课时 school calendar 五年级 主备人 新授 班级 教师准备 动词卡片,教学挂图 学生准备 本课的单词卡片




Let’s spell Read and write 交际法、游戏

授课人 五年级 教学方法 录音机及磁带

1.能够通过听例词发音,学习 ch 和 sh 在单词中的单词中的发音。 学习目标 2.能根据 ch 和 sh 组合的发音,读出生词, 3.理解书上重点句子,如: We will play many games. 重点 难点 1、句型:We will....的掌握及回答。 学习过程 教学过程 Step1 : 预习温故(用时 5 分钟) 1.Review these words: January, February, November, December 2. Review these sentences: T: When is ......? Ss: It’s .....多和几组学生操练。 二次备课 We will look for eggs......

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时 17 分钟)由于本节课内容多,可以 增加时间操练。 (一)Learn“Let’s spell”. 1. Read listen and chant.: 交流展示 音) 2. Listen, number and say。 ( ( ( )Chinese children ) a short sheep ) a shirt and shorts ( ( ) an English teacher ) fish for lunch ch/ sh(注意让学生听懂不同的发

Can you try to read the words by yourself? 3. Choose , write and say. (老师先示范并读出所组成的句子。) (二)Read and write: Easter Party 1.Ss: Read the passage and try to translate the sentences and finish Tick or cross

2015小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar第五课时(表格版)

2. 老师讲评并反复重复句型 We will........ 3. Read and tick or cross.

4.Write three sentences about what will you do if you have a birthday party. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时 10 分钟) 1. 读一读含有字母组合 ch 和 sh 的单词。 2. 同桌相互分享自己所写句子。 Step 4. 达标检测(用时 8 分钟) 一. 圈一圈,读一读。 (老师任意读出每组中的一个单词) 1. China meet see lunch 2.shorts fish 3. year bear 4.

二.单项选择 ( ) 1.----- ______is Tree Planting Day? ------It’s in

March. A. When ( on ( B. What C. How A.in B.

) 2. The Easter party is _____ April. C. At ) 3.When _____ your birthday?

A . is



C. Are ( ) 4.________ is the first month of a year. A. February C. January ——____________. C. No, it is

B. December (

)5.——Is your birthday in June? A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, it isn't.

三. 根据短文内容,补全句子。 Today is Amy’s birthday. It’s June 2nd . She gets some presents and cards from her friends. Her

grandparents give her a lovely doll. Her

mother buys her

a lot of delicious food. She climbs mountains(爬山) with her father. She is very happy today.

2015小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar第五课时(表格版)

1.Today is ____ birthday. 2. When is Amy’s birthday? ______________________.

3. Amy’s mother buys her__________________________. 4.Amy climbs mountains with her ___________________. Unit 3 My school calendar

We will play many games. We will look for eggs......


