高考英语一轮复习 每日一题(第10周)每周一测(含解析)

更新时间:2023-05-02 01:17:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1.As soon as he comes back, I'll tell him when__________ and see him.

A.you will come

B.will you come

C.you come

D.do you come

2.— Does the G20 really include 20 countries?

—I’m not sure. But just a minute, I ______ it for you.



C.will check

D.have checked

3.Blog, a shared online journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experience and hobbies, ________more and more popular with people of all ages.

A.had become



D.is becoming

4.—Are you still busy?

—Yes, I__________my work, and it won’t take long.


B.am finishing

C.have finished


5.—I dropped by at 6:00pm yesterday but failed to see you at your house.

—I ________ in a gym at that time.

A.was exercising

B.am exercising

C.have exercised

D.had exercised

6.He told me that the man who__________to our headmaster was our new English teacher.

A.was talking



D.is talking

7.Don't phone me between 10:00 and 11:30 tomorrow morning.I_______ a meeting then.



C.was having

D.will be having

8.—Will you be able to see Mr. Smith off at the airport tomorrow afternoon?

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—I’m afraid not. I ________ a lecture on British literature.

A.will attend

B.am attending

C.am going to attend

D.will be attending

9.Salley__________Beijing for Shanghai and__________there ever since. You can go and pay her a visit on your way to Hangzhou.

A.has left; worked

B.left; worked

C.has left; had worked

D.left; has worked

10.You should have put the milk in the icebox. I expect it__________undrinkable by now.


B.had become

C.has become




People have a remarkable ability to remember and recall events from the past, even when those events didn’t hold any particular importance at the time they occurred. Now, researchers have evidence that dogs have that kind of "episodic memory" too.

"The results of our study can be considered as a further step to break down barriers between non-human animals and humans," says Claudia Fugazza of MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group in Budapest, Hungary.

In the new study, the researchers took advantage of a trick called "Do as I Do". Dogs trained to "Do as I Do" can watch a person perform an action and then do the action themselves. For example, if their owner jumps in the air and then gives the "Do it!" command, the dog would jump in the air too.

The fact that dogs can be trained in this way alone wasn’t enough to prove episodic memory. That’s because it needed to be shown that dogs remember what they just saw a person do even when they weren’t expecting to be aske d or rewarded. To get around this problem, the researchers first trained 17 dogs to imitate human actions with the "Do as I Do" training method. Next, they did another round of training in which dogs were trained to lie down after watching the human action, no matter what it was.

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After the dogs had learned to lie down reliably, the researchers surprised them by saying "Do It" and the dogs did. In other words, the dogs recalled what they’d seen the person do even though they had no particular reason to think they’d need to remember. They showed episodic-like memory.

Dogs were tested in that way after one minute and after one hour. The results show they were able to recall the demonstrated actions after both short and long time intervals. However, their memory faded somewhat over time.

1. What’s the conclusion of the study made by the researchers?

A. Dogs have as good a memory as human beings.

B. D ogs can recall a person’s actions.

C. Human beings can remember particularly important events.

D. Dogs can remember when an event occurred.

2. What does the underlined word “it” in the fourth paragraph refer to?

A. The training method.

B. The human action.

C. The dogs’ response.

D. The reward the dogs received.

3. Why did the researchers further train the dogs?

A. To make them learn to follow human’s action.

B. To see if the dogs can remember without being rewarded.

C. To prove the dogs do have episodic memory.

D. To further improve the dog s’ response speed.

4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. The dogs’“episodic memory” is gained by training.

B. The researchers were surprised at the dogs’ response to “Do it”.

C. The dogs thought they needed to remember to lie down.

D. The longer the interval was, the weaker the dogs’ memory was.




“You have cancer.” For many, these three words feel like a death sentence. I had Hodgkin’s disease, 1 after I found a strange lump (肿块) on my neck. I 2

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surgery and treatment, and six months later, my condition was 3 .

I came to understand cancer physically. But as many 4 know, the emotional effect was much more 5 to manage. I was overweight, with no hair on the top of my head. My skin looked dull, and my colleagues felt 6 for me. That was the last thing I wanted.

My friends, family, and relatives wanted me to 7 up but I was sad, with no one to talk to. While I tried to 8 , cancer came back into my life once again. In 1999, my 9 was diagnosed with colon (结肠) cancer. He was my hero in my heart, 10 the news was a huge 11 to me. Still, he was energetic and 12 , so I was sure he would beat it, just like I did.

I was right. He beat the 13 four times. But the fifth time, it formed a tumor in his brain, and after an 14 eight-year battle, it took my father’s life.

I was completely 15 , feeling like I was in some other world, and not really in my day-to-day life. I was 16 about my life: Why should cancer have taken my father?

17 today, cancer centers and hospitals are starting to put 18 to help people cope with cancer. Going through my father’s death, the one thing that helped me was to find a way to help others with my experience. Cancer 19 us —there’s no doubt about that. It’s up to us to 20 who we will become.

1. A. identified B. suffered C. infected D. experienced

2. A. cut through B. went through C. looked through D. checked through

3. A. worsening B. applying C. improving D. following

4. A. parents B. teachers C. friends D. survivors

5. A. convenient B. different C. difficult D. common

6. A. sorry B. good C. happy D. guilty

7. A. look B. grow C. come D. cheer

8. A. recover B. change C. realize D. respond

9. A. mother B. brother C. sister D. father

10. A. but B. so C. thus D. for

11. A. burden B. honor C. blow D. price

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12. A. negative B. optimistic C. attractive D. passive

13. A. failure B. wound C. cancer D. influence

14. A. exhausting B. interesting C. astonishing D. inspiring

15. A. destroyed B. convinced C. frightened D. affected

16. A. curious B. angry C. jealous D. doubtful

17. A. Respectably B. Fortunately C. Extremely D. Eventually

18. A. orders B. reports C. programs D. advertisements

19. A. develops B. calms C. assists D. changes

20. A. decide B. provide C. deliver D. protect


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Attention, ladies and 1 (gentleman)! Because of the bad weather, the game

has been canceled. Please start making your way towards the exits. Be very 2 (care), because the stairs may be slippery from the rain. If you have small children, be sure 3 are safe and don’t get 4 (lose) in the crowd. Workers will be standing at all exits to help 5 needs help. Since there is a lot of lightening from the storm, it 6 (suggest) that you keep away from metal things as much as possible, or you might get hurt. Don’t be afraid, but move out of the stadium in an orderly manner. Parking assistants will help direct traffic. Please be patient, as getting out 7 the parking lot will take some time and everyone will have to drive slowly in this weather. As for the game, it will be rescheduled for tomorrow evening at 8 same time, 9 (depend) on the weather. Please check our online sports channel for the 10 (late) news. We thank you for coming out in this weather, and we are sorry that the game could not be played.


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