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Laser Light Scattering System Technology and Application
近年来,光电子和计算机技术的飞速发展使得激光光散射已经成为高分子体系和胶体科学研究中的一种常规的测试手段。现代的激光光散射包括静态和动态两个部分。在静态光散射中,通过测定平均散射光强的角度和浓度的依赖性,可以得到高聚物的重均分子量M w,均方根回旋半径R g和第二维利系数A2;在动态光散射中,利用快速数字相关器记录散射光强随时间的涨落,即时间相关函数,可得到散射光的特性弛豫时间τ,进而求得平动扩散系数D和与之对应的流体力学半径R h。在使用过程中,静态和动态光散射有机地结合可被用来研究高分子以及胶体粒子在溶液中的许多涉及到质量和流体力学体积变化的
Tynadall effect(1820-1893)
James Clerk Maxwell (1833-1879)
Lord Rayleigh(1842-1919)
Abert Einstein(1879-1955)
Chandrasekhara (1888-1970)
1928年,印度籍科学家Raman提出了Raman 效应(也称拉曼散射),即光波在被散Lord Rayleigh Tyndall effect
Peter Debye (1884-1966)
延续了Einstein 的理论,描述了分子溶解于溶剂中所产生的光散射现象,提出用Debye plot 。1944年,Debye 利用散射光强测得稀溶液中高分子的重均分子量。
Bruno H. Zimm (1920-2005)
1948年,Zimm 提出了著名的Zimm 作图法,即在一张图上同时将角度和浓度外推
Robert Pecora
Cummins H Z
Edward Roy Pike
Walter Ttscharnuter (Brookhaven 创始人)
Brookhaven Instruments Corp.
1980年,推出世界上第一块商业化的数字相关器BI-2030;1990年推出世界上第一块单卡式数字相关器BI-9000;2003年推出新一代采用大规模集成电路设计的数字相关器TuborCorr 。
1. 静态光散射
当一束单色、相干的激光沿入射方向照射到无吸收的高分子稀溶液时,光束中分子的电子云在光的电磁波作用下极化,形成诱导偶极子,并随着电磁波的振动向各个方向辐射出电子波,该电子波成为二次光波源,也就是散射光。如果分子是静止的,则散射光和入射光的频率相同,称弹性散射。高分子溶液的散射光强远远高于纯溶剂,并且强烈依赖于高聚物的分子量、链形态(构象)、溶液浓度、散射光角度和折光指数增量(dn/dc 值)。因此由光散射法测得不同浓度的高聚物溶液在不同散射角下的散射Peter Debye Robert Pecora
光强数据后,可按以下公司求得高聚物的重均分子量M w ,均方根回旋半径R g 和第二维利系数A 2。理论公式如下:
C A R n M R
KC g W
22220222])2(sin 3161[1+???+><+=θλπθ (1)
其中: K :
光学常数,K=4π2(dn/dc)2n 02/(N A λ04)
R : 瑞利因子,R =I r 2/I 0
M w : 重均分子量
R g : 均方根回旋半径
A 2: 第二维里系数
n 溶剂的折光指数
C : 溶质分子的浓度(g/mol )
n 0: 标准液体的折光指数
dn/dc : 溶液的折射率与其浓度变化的比值
N A : 阿伏伽德罗常数
λ0: 入射光波长
I : 入射光光强
I 0 散射光光强 r 光源到测量点的距离
将KC/R θ对sin 2 (θ/2 ) + kC 作图,即得到Zimm Plot ,其中K 为调整横坐标的设定值。见图2。
通过以下三种特例,可推导出M w ,A 2和 > 的值。 当θ 0时,公式(1)简化为 C A M R KC w 221+=θ (2) 由θ=0直线的斜率可求得A 2。 当C 0时,公式(1)简化为 ])2(sin 3161[12220 22???+><+=θλπθg w R n M R KC (3) 由C=0的直线斜率可求得 > 当 0、C 0时,公式(1)简化为 w M R KC 1=θ (4) θ=0、C=0在纵坐标上交点的倒数即为M w 除了用Zimm 图处理光散射数据外,还可采用Debye 和Berry 作图法。该实验的关键技术是高分子溶液必须进行仔细除尘和纯化,以达到清亮透明。溶剂应当预先重蒸纯化。高分子溶液则需要经过适当孔径的微孔过滤器直接过滤注入散射池。 2. 动态光散射 与静态光散射相比,动态光散射不是测量时间平均散射光强,而是测量散射光强随时间的涨落,因此称为“动态”。当一束单色、相干光沿入射方向照射到高分子稀溶液中,该入射光将被溶液中的粒子(包括高分子)向各个方向散射。而且,由于粒子的无规则布朗运动,散射光的频率将会随着粒子朝向或背向检测器的运动出现极微小的(-105~7)的增加或减少,使得散射光的频谱变宽,即所谓的产生Doppler 效应(频谱变化)。显然,频率变宽的幅宽(线宽Γ)是同粒子运动的快慢联系在一起的。但是,加宽的频率(-105~7)与入射光频率(~1015 Hz )相比,更小得多,因此难以直接测得其频率分布谱。然而,利用计算机和快速光子相关技术并结合数学上的相关函数可得到频率增宽信息。如果频率增宽完全是由平动扩散所引起,那么由此可测得高分子平动扩散系数及其分布、流体力学半径等参数。这种技术称为动态光散射(光子相关光谱),由于散射光的频率发生了非常微小的相对移动,所以动态光散射又 称为准弹性光散射。公式如下: 光强的时间自相关函数: C (τ)=A [ 1 + β* g (τ) 2 ] (5) 散射光电场的时间自相关函数: g (τ) 2 = exp –Γτ (6) 将公式(5)带入公式(6)展开: C (τ)=A [ 1 + β* exp –2Γτ] (7) 平动扩散关系式: Γ=D * q 2 (8) Stokes-Einstein 方程: D =KT/6πηR h (9) 其中: G (τ) 光强的时间自相关函数 g (τ) 电场的时间自相关函数 A : 基线,由测量得出 β: 空间相干因子,0<β<1 τ: 驰豫时间 Γ: 频率线宽 D : 平动扩散系数 q 散射因子,q=4πnsin /λ0 n 溶剂的折光指数 λ0: 入射光波长 K Boltzman 常数 T 绝对温度 η 溶剂粘度 R h 流体力学半径 对于一个多分散体系,归一化后的电场自相关函数g (τ) 和线宽分布函数G(Γ)的关系如下。利用Laplace 反演可得到G (Γ)。G (Γ)分布获得之后,进而得到扩散系数以及粒度大小的分布。 ?∞ Γ-ΓΓ=0)()(d e G g ττ (9) 对一个高分子稀溶液一般而言,Γ对浓度C 和测量角度的依赖性如下: )1)(1(/222q R f C k D q g D ><++=Γ (10) 其中: D : 角度和浓度外推到零时的扩散系数 k D : 平动扩散的第二维利系数 f : 一个与高分子构型、分子内运动以及溶剂性质相关的参数 三、仪器介绍 动静态激光光散射仪(也称为广角激光光 散射仪)属于精密的光学仪器,为了实现动态 和静态光散射测量的功能,仪器结构组成上有 其独特的特点。图1显示了Brookhaven公司 广角激光散射仪的平面及侧面结构图。下面就 结构图1中各个部件的名称以及主要部件的 特点作一简略介绍。 图1 广角激光光散射仪的仪器结构图 1,部件名称: 1.激光器及激光器支架;8.旋转台中心校准刻度表14. 反射镜调节器 2.旋转台底座9. 光束聚焦调节透镜15. 目镜 3.旋转台10. 样品池组件16. 孔径片 4.旋转臂11.光束阻拦器17. 滤光轮 5.2mm准直狭缝12A. 光束调节透镜(水平)18. 检测器 6.检测器支架12B. 光束调节透镜(垂直)19. 角度调节器 7A,B. 旋转台中心调节螺丝13A. 狭缝调节器(水平)20. 角度离合器 7C. 旋转台中心固定螺丝13B. 狭缝调节器(垂直)21. 支撑环 2,主要部件介绍: 激光器:激光器种类很多,常见的有氦氖、固体、氩离子等激光器,功率介于10~3000mW之间。按激光颜色来分,主要由532nm附近的绿光激光器和632nm附件的红光激光器。使用者可以根据高分子溶液的散射和吸收特点来选择合适功率和波长的激光器。近年来,关于高分子溶液的吸收问题越来越引起关注,很多用户因此搭建了双激光光源的光散射系统(比如200mW 532nm的绿光激光器和35mW的红光激光器),这样就很好解决了吸收问题。通常根据高分子溶液的散射强弱,入射光强通过一组衰减片来加以调节。 散射池和匹配液池:圆形样品池的圆心要求与 检测器的旋转中心重合。通常,样品池固定在一个 中空的恒温铜块中,铜块置于一个直径为150mm的 同心石英杯(也称匹配液池)中,杯中充满了折射 率与石英玻璃相近的匹配液(十氢萘)。光学上, 匹配液池和十氢萘的作用是使样品池的外壁增厚, 直径增大为100mm。从而入射光束不会因为样品池 细小的直径而出现聚焦或者发散,从而可最大限度 减小杂散光的影响。 匹配液循环系统:在光散射测量过程中,经常会频繁地更换样品池,容易导致匹配液有杂质,从而对散射光产生影响。匹配液循环系统主要由蠕动泵、过滤膜和管路组成,其作用是在测量之前将匹配液循环过滤,达到清洁样品池表面和澄清匹配液的目的,同时对匹配液池也有保洁作用(清洗匹配液池后 需重新准直管路)。 温度循环系统:温度循环系统主要由热量交换装置(位于匹配液池中部和底部)和外部水浴循环器组成。热量交换装置以环状形式垂直位于样品的周围,并且独立于匹配液的循环之外,在测量时可以关掉匹配液循环,而温控系统继续有效的工作。一般的温控范围是-20~80℃(选件-20~150℃),并可由软件进行程序控制。需要注意的是,当实验温度低于室温时,可用干燥、无油的空气或氮气冲刷匹配器的外表面,以防止因为结冰(雾)对散射光强的干扰。 旋转台(角度计):旋转台利用蠕动齿轮和球状轴承转动,可通过手动或计算机控制,可将测量角度控制在8°~162°之间任一角度。 检测器系统:检测器是将光信号转变为电信号的器件。目前常用的有PMT(光电倍增管)和APD(雪崩型二极管)两种种检测器:APD 以其高灵敏度适用于小颗粒的测量;PMT 检测器以其良好的线性范围适合测量分布较宽的样品体系。需要说明的是,APD 检测器必须采取完善的保护措施,包括光路保护与检测器自身的带有微处理器CPU 的电子保护装置,要不如极易烧坏。整个检测系统装在一个转臂上,散射光进入检测器之前,先经过“透镜---狭缝---孔径片---滤光轮”的光学系统的会聚。孔径片的大小有100μm 、200μm 、400μm 、1mm 、2mm 和3mm ,一般情况下:动态测量时,选用的孔径片越小,光路的相干体积就越小,绘制出的相关函数就会越好,测量精度就会越高;静态测量时,选用大孔片,这样可以测得稳定的散射光强。如静态测量选用如200μm 的小孔径片,光强受样品的布朗运动影响比较大,将得不到稳定的散射光强。滤片轮装有适于、532nm 、与不同波长的激光源过滤片(并根据用户具体要求加装滤光片),根据不同的激光器选择不同波长的滤光片。 图2 光强随时间变化的曲线图 相关器:相关器是动态光散射的一个核心部件。检测器输出的光强信号类似于图2所示的那样,初看起来像是无规律的噪声,当仔细分析发现,信号谱中含有光散射体系的信息,这些光强信号分析和处理都由数字相关器来计算完成。具体的计算按照时间相关函数的定义进行,即()()()()()τττ+==∑=i n i n I I C N i 10,运算示例如图3, 图3 光强自相关运算 其中()i n和()τ+i n分别为在时间i和τ+i时计数器所接收到得光子数,N为总通道数。对于一个给定对于一个给定的的弛豫时间τ,相关器可算出C(τ)一个对应的值(运算结果得到图4相关函数)。 图4 光强自相关函数 根据得到的自相关函数C(τ)就可进一步求得高分子溶液的扩散系数、粒径及其分布等有用信息。这些年,随着大规模集成电路的应用,相关器已有一台大型的仪器发展成为一块单板机。目前,相关器可以做到522个物理通道(相对于1010线性通道),延迟时间范围25ns~1310s,大大提高了运算效率。 需要指出的是,光散射仪的安装和调试时一个非常精细的过程(也称为准直过程)。入射光和不同角度的散射光必须严格地处在同一个平面。同时,入射光要垂直地入射散射池且通过样品池和检测器的旋转中心。另外,激光光散射实验中一个重要的步骤是对溶液样品除尘。除了激光下肉眼观察外,还可将检测器移至小角度观察散射光强的波动。对一个除尘充分的样品,光强在小角度的波动不应大于5%。制备一个尽可能无尘的样品是得到好的光散射结果的先决条件,应该在实验中予以充分的重视。 四、200SM的典型应用 1.胶束的表征: 两亲性分子(如磷脂、两亲性聚合物大分子)在溶液中能够自发形成不同形态胶束(如: 球形、棒状、层状和囊胞等), 胶束结构为其功能和应用的实现奠定了物理基础. 胶束在生命体系中广泛存在, 在保护细胞、存储物资和输运物资等方面扮演重要角色, 在人工释放体系和高级材料模板等应用领域有重要价值. 不溶嵌段重复单元数较小的嵌段共聚物胶束可通过类似于表面活性剂胶束的制备方法直接把高分 子溶解在某一溶剂体系中制得。而对于不溶嵌段重复单元数较大的嵌段共聚物,直接将其溶解在某一溶剂体系中,不可能制得稳定的胶束。一般需要将高分子首先溶解在两嵌段的共同良溶剂中,再通过加入另一溶剂组分改变溶剂性质,使其变为某一嵌段的不良溶剂,从而得到稳定的胶束结构(如下图)。 图1 聚合物胶束形成示意图 在浓度低于临界胶束浓度(cmc)时,嵌段共聚物以单链的形式存在。当浓度达到cmc 附近时,嵌段开始缔合成松散的聚集体,并保持着聚集体与单链之间的平衡关系,且有大量的溶剂存在于胶束核内。随着共聚物浓度的增加,平衡向着形成胶束的方向移动,溶剂分子被逐渐地从胶束核中排出,不溶性嵌段开始在胶束中进行重排以达到最低的构象能。当溶液达到高浓度区域,胶束间相互作用变得尤为重要,胶束/单链平衡则由于长程超分子结构的形成而受到影响。 在胶束的应用上,胶束的大小、结构、温敏性、pH值敏感度等决定着胶束的性能及应用前景,而光 散射法也成为表征这些参数的主要手段之一。利用动态光散射得到动态Zimm图,进行浓度和角度外推, 进而求得平动扩散系数D0,再依Stoke-Einstein公式 求得流体力学半径R h及其分布;利用静态光散射得到 静态Zimm图,可以得到绝对重均分子量Mw w,均方根回 旋半径R g和第二维里系数A2。通过以上参数再结合核- 壳模型,我们还可以计算得出胶束的密度ρ、聚集度 N agg和特征参数R g/R h比值。特征参数R g/R h可用来表征高 聚物链的构想:通过理论计算,当R g/R h=时,为硬球构 想,当R g/R h=1,为空心球构想;R g/R h=~4,为椭圆形构 想;R g/R h=时,为柔性高聚物缠绕。同时,还可以利用 示差折射仪测得胶束的dn/dc值。通过以上参数的表 征,我们很容易得出胶束随温度、浓度、溶剂、pH值 等因素变化信息,更好的了解和发挥胶束的性能。 [参考文献 ] Block-Selective Solvent In?uence on Morphology of the Micelles Self-Assembled by PS38-b-P (AA190-co-MA20) WangqingZhang,LinqiShi,*YingliAn,LichaoGao,KaiWu,RujiangMa,BanghuaZhangState Key Laboratory of Functional Polymer Materials for Adsorption and Separation, Institute of Polymer Chemistry,N&T Joint Academy, Nankai University, Tianjin,300071, Macromolecules Chemistry and Physics 2004, 33, 2017-2025 Summary: The influence of block-selective solvent on the self-assembly of polystyrene-block-poly[(acrylic acid)-co-(methyl acrylate)] was studied. The nature of the block selective solvent, which is a binary solvent mixture with different composition, exerts remarkable influence on the morphology of the resulting micelles. When the block selective solvent is a binary solvent mixture of acetone and water with acetone content ranging from 0 to 90 %, the resulting aggregates are core-shell spheres with diameter about 60 nm, porous aggregates with diameter of 100, 180 and 250 nm, and core-shell cauliflower-like aggregates with size about 200 nm, respectively. The reason that the morphology of resulting micelles changes with acetone content has been discussed. The structure of the resulting micelles is further characterized in detail by DLS and SLS. Morphological tuning is also achieved by using a binary solvent mixture of ethanol and water or a binary solvent mixture of DMF and water as block-selective solvent. In these cases, core-shell spheres, hollow aggregates, and incompact aggregates are formed with the ethanol or DMF concentration ranging from 10 to 80 %. Synthesis of pH-Responsive Shell Cross-Linked Micelles and Their Use as Nanoreactors for the Preparation of Gold Nanoparticles Shiyong Liu, Jonathan V. M. Weaver, Maud Save, and Steven P. Armes* School of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science, University of Sussex,Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 9QJ, United Kingdom; Langmuir 2002, 18, 8350-8357 ABSTRACT: Poly[(ethylene oxide)-block-glycerol monomethacrylate-block-2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate](PEOGMA-DEA) and poly[(ethylene oxide)-block-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-block-2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate] (PEO-HEMA-DEA) triblock copolymers were synthesized directly, without recourse to protecting group chemistry, via atom transfer radical polymerization by successive polymerization of GMA(or HEMA) and DEA monomers using a PEO-based macroinitiator. These triblock copolymers dissolved molecularly in aqueous solution at low pH; on addition of NaOH, micellization occurred above pH 7-8 to form three-layer “onionlike” micelles comprising DEA cores, GMA (or HEMA) inner shells, and PEO outer coronas. Selective cross-linking of the GMA (or HEMA) inner shell was successfully achieved by adding divinyl sulfone [DVS] to the alkaline micellar solution at room temperature. Unexpectedly, the PEOHEMA-DEA triblock proved to bemuchless reactive towardDVSthan the twoPEO-GMA-DEAtriblocks, and an excess of DVS was required to prepare shell cross-linked (SCL) micelles using the former triblock. The resulting SCL micelles exhibited reversible swelling behavior on varying the solution pH. At low pH, the DEA cores became protonated and hence hydrophilic. The effect of varying the block composition and the [DVS]/[GMA] molar ratio on the structural stability and pH-dependent (de)swelling of theSCLmicelles was studied. Longer DEA blocks and lower [DVS]/[GMA] molar ratios led to increased swellability, as expected. Finally, these SCL micelles can serve as nanoreactors for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles. The basic DEA residues in the cores of the SCL micelles were first protonated using HAuCl4, and then the electrostatically bound AuCl4 - anions were reduced to nanoparticles of elemental gold using NaBH4 at neutral pH. The gold-loaded SCL micelles exhibited excellent long-term colloid stability. 2. 囊泡几何形状、大小和囊壁厚度的表征 微胶囊是通过成膜物质将囊内空间和嚢外空间隔离开以形成特定几何结构的物质,其内部可以是可以填充的,也可以使中空的。微胶囊技术在现代科技与日常生活中有重要作用,如药物、染料、纳米微粒和活细胞等都可以被包埋形成多种不同功能的微胶囊。然而,传统技术制备的中空微胶囊,其几何形状、大小和嚢壁厚度都无法精确控制,所得微胶囊的分散性和稳定性不佳,限制了微胶囊基本物理性能如膜结构、通透性、力学强度的研究。 利用动静态光散射技术再结合核-壳模型,可以对微胶囊的几何形状、粒径大小、分子量大小和囊壁厚度进行表征,进而人为对微胶囊的囊壁组成和结构进行精确的控制与调控,从而调控微胶囊的各种性能和功能。 [参考文献 ] Polymeric Vesicle Permeability: A Facile Chemical Assay Giuseppe Battaglia,*,? Anthony J. Ryan,? and Salvador Tomas*,? Department of Engineering Materials, The Kroto Research Institute, Uni V ersity of Sheffield, Broad Lane,Sheffield, ., S3 7HQ, and Department of Chemistry, The Uni V ersity of Sheffield,Sheffield, ., S3 7HF; Langmuir 2006, 22, 4910-4913 ABSTRACT: We present a simple method to characterize vesicles and determine, at the same time, the membrane permeability to specific molecules. The method is based on encapsulating highly hydrophilic 3,3’,3’’-phosphinidynetris-benzenesulfonic acid (PH) into vesicles and subsequently monitoring its reaction with 5,5’-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB). We tested the method by measuring the membrane permeability of vesicles formed from a series of poly(ethylene oxide)-co-polybutylene oxide (EB) copolymers and egg yolk phosphatidylcholine. We found that the experimental data are in good agreement with calculations based on Fick’s first law. We therefore quantified t he DTNB permeability across vesicle membranes, finding that polymeric EB membranes have a more selective permeability toward polar molecules compared to phospholipids membranes. 3.脂质体的表征 脂质体是一种定向药物载体,属于靶向给药系统的 一种新剂型。它可以将药物粉末或溶液包埋在直径为纳 米级的微粒中,这种微粒具有类细胞结构,进入人体内 主要被网状内皮系统吞噬而激活机体的自身免疫功能, 并改变被包封药物的体内分布,使药物主要在肝、脾、 肺和骨髓等组织器官中积蓄,从而提高药物的治疗指 数,减少药物的治疗剂量和降低药物的毒性。 脂质体是由磷脂、胆固醇等为膜材包合而成。这两种成分不但是形成脂质体双分子层的基础物质,而且本身也具有极为重要的生理功能。 用磷脂与胆固醇作脂质体的膜材时,必须先将类脂质溶于有机溶剂中配成溶液,然后蒸发除去有机溶剂,在器壁上形成均匀的类脂质薄膜,此薄膜是由磷脂与胆固醇混合分子相互间隔定向排列的双分子层所组成。 按结构和粒径,脂质体可分为单室脂质体、多室脂质体、含有表面活性剂的脂质体。按性能,脂质体可分为一般脂质体(包括上述单室脂质体、多室脂质体和多相脂质体等)、特殊性能脂质体、热敏脂质体、PH敏感脂质体、超声波敏感脂质体、光敏脂质体和磁性脂质体等。按荷电性,脂质体可分为中性脂质体、负电性脂质体、正电性脂质体。 利用动静态光散射技术再结合核-壳模型,可以对脂质体的分子层结构进行表征,例如几何形状、大小和双分子层厚度进行表征,进而人为对脂质体的双分子层组成和结构进行精确的控制与调控,从而调控脂质体的各种性能和功能。 [参考文献 ] Size, Stability, and Entrapment Efficiency of Phospholipid Nanocapsules Containing Polypeptide Antimicrobials LILIAN M. WERE,?,§ BARRY D. BRUCE,§,# P. MICHAEL DAVIDSON, ?,§ ANDJOCHEN WEISS*,?,§ Department of Food Science and Technology, 2605 River Road, Department of Biochemistry andCellular and Molecular Biology, Walter Life Sciences, and Food Safety Center of Excellence,The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996; J. Agric. Food Chem. 2003, 51, 8073?8079 8073 ABSTRACT : The effect of lipid composition [phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and cholesterol] on size, stability, and entrapment efficiency of polypeptide antimicrobials in liposomal nanocapsules was investigated. PC, PC/cholesterol (70:30), and PC/PG/cholesterol (50:20:30) liposomes had entrapment efficiencies with calcein of 71, 57, and 54% with particle sizes of 85, 133, and 145 nm, respectively. Co-encapsulation of calcein and nisin resulted in entrapment efficiencies of 63, 54, and 59% with particle sizes of 144, 223, and 167 nm for PC, PC/cholesterol (70:30), and PC/PG/cholesterol (50:20:30), respectively. Co-encapsulation of calcein and lysozyme yielded entrapment efficiencies of 61, 60, and 61% with particle sizes of 161, 162, and 174 nm, respectively. The highest concentration of antimicrobials was encapsulated in 100% PC liposomes. Nisin induced more calcein release compared to lysozyme. Results demonstrate that production and optimization of stable nanoparticulate aqueous dispersions of polypeptide antimicrobials for microbiological stabilization of food products depend on selection of suitable lipid-antimicrobial combinations. 4.聚电解质样品的表征 聚电解质可用作食品、化妆品、药物和涂料的增稠剂、分散剂、絮凝剂、乳化剂、悬浮稳定剂、胶粘剂,皮革和纺织品的整理剂,土壤改良剂,油井钻探用泥浆稳定剂,纸张增强剂,织物抗静电剂。近年来,聚电解质在药物载体研究方面有着诸多应用。聚电解质组装体不但可以为药物、基因、显像诊断试剂及功能纳米微粒提供负载场所,赋予组装体 药物和基因传输和显像诊断功能,而且由于组装体的内部及表面携带多种反应性官能团(如—OH , —COOH 等),既可直接结合生物酶、细胞、抗体、药 物等,又可便于化学修饰以实现不同的功能与需求。 同时,聚电解质组装体还具有对溶剂、离子环境、 温度和浓度敏感的特点。 聚电解质具有高分子溶液的特性,例如粘度、Static light scattering results for charged supramolecular nanoparticles without (open circles ) 渗透压和光散射等。由于它带有电荷,并且这三方面的性质又不同于一般的高分子,不能用上述溶液的特性与分子量的关系式来测算分子量。例如,在无盐条件下聚电解质溶液的Kc/R值与q2值不成线性关系,只有在适当浓度的盐溶液中才呈线性关系(图1)。在动态光散射表征方面,在无盐条件下单分散的聚电解质溶液在动态光散射粒度分布上会呈现多峰分布(通常有大峰存在),只有在加入适当的盐溶液的情况下,才会屏蔽掉这个大峰,粒度分布呈现出聚电解质的真实分布情况。所以测定聚电解质的分子量时,必须把聚电解质溶解在一定浓度的盐溶液中。另外,聚电解质组装体还具有对溶剂、离子环境、温度和浓度敏感的特点,利用动静态光散射仪可以表征聚电解质的这些特点,例如,聚电解质在不同温度条件下的流体力学半径R h、绝对重均分子量Mw w,均方根回旋半径R g、第二维里系数A2、密度ρ、聚集度N agg和R g/R h比值等,从而更好的了解聚电解质的特性,为我们更好地使用聚电解质提供参考。 [参考文献 ] Polyelectrolyte-Gelatin Complexation: Light-Scattering Study W. A. Bowman, M. Rubinstein,*, and J. S. Tan* Imaging Research and Advanced Development, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York 14650-2116, Macromolecules 1997, 30, 3262-3270 ABSTRACT: Complex for mation between negatively charged polyelectrolytes and a net negatively charged polyampholyte (gelatin) has been characterized by light scattering. The two polyanions studied are sodium poly(styrenesulfonate)(NaPSS) and sodium poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonate)(NaPAMS). The molecular weights of the single polyelectrolyte chains NaPSS and NaPAMS increase 20-and15-fold, respectively, upon saturation with gelatin. Despite such molecular weight increases, the radii of gyration of the complexes were found to be only slightly larger(~15%) than those of the corresponding parent polyelectrolytes. Increasing negative values for the second virial coefficients were observed upon saturation of gelatinon the polyanionchains, indicating increasing inter chain attraction. Both the stoichiometries and sizes of the complexes decrease monotonically with pH. At a constant pH, the complex stoichiometry peaks around . These results suggest that electrostatic interaction is the main driving for ceforcomplexation in these systems. Polyampholyte molecules are polarized in the electricfield of apolyelectrolyte chain. This polarization-induced attraction is believed to be the main mechanism of complexation. Charge density of the polyanion is suggested to be an important factor for determining its extent of gelatin binding. Single Chain Characterization of Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolytes Using Cyclodextrin/Hydrophobe Complexes M. F. Islam,? R. D. Jenkins, ? D. R. Bassett,§ W. Lau,⊥and H. D. Ou-Yang*,? Department of Physics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015, Technical Center, Union Carbide Corporations Asia Pacific Inc., Singapore, UCAR Emulsion Systems, Research and Development, Union Carbide Corporations, Cary, North Carolina 27511, and Research Laboratories, Rohm and Haas Company, Spring House, Pennsylvania 19477;Macromolecules 2000, 33, 2480-2485 ABSTRACT: The characterization of hydrophobically modified alkali-soluble emulsions (HASE) using conventional techniques such as gel permeation chromatography or static light scattering is difficult because of the hydrophobic association. Two different approaches were taken to prevent the hydrophobic association of HASE polymers in aqueous solution: (1) hydrolyze the polymer to dislodge the hydrophobic constituents, and (2) use methyl-β-cyclodextrin, which has a hydrophobic cavity and a hydrophilic outer shell, to shield the hydrophobes from associating. Using these two approaches, the molecular weight (Mw), hydrodynamic radius (Rh), and radius of gyration (Rg) of single chains of these polymers were determined using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and dynamic (DLS) and static (SLS) light scattering techniques. The molecular weight of the control polymer ., polymers with similar composition but with no hydrophobe) is found to be ×105 g/mol. The molecular weights of these polymers with C8, C16, and C20 hydrophobes were found to be ×105 g/mol. By comparing GPC and SLS results, we were able to determine that, except for one chemical site, branching or grafting did not occur in the polymer chain during synthesis. 5.自组装 自组装已经成为纳米科学领域一个重要的课题。它的主要研究内容是高分子之间、高分子与小分子 间、高分子与纳米粒子之间通过非共价键的相互作用,进行自组装而实现不同尺度上的规则结构。如胶束、囊泡、聚电解质、脂质体、高分子与无机纳米粒子共聚物等。目前研究较多的组装方法有:化学吸附法、分子沉积法、接枝成膜法、慢蒸发溶剂法和旋涂法。 影响组装体系稳定性的因素有:分子识别、组分、溶剂、温度及热力学平衡状况。而通过测定组装体系的扩散系数、粒径、分子量、均方根回旋半径,第二维利系数等变化,可以方便地表征自组装体系的这些性能。 [参考文献 ] Self-Assembly of β-Cyclodextrin in Water. Part 1: Cryo-TEM and Dynamic and Static Light Scattering Massimo Bonini,?Simona Rossi,?Go¨ran Karlsson,?Mats Almgren,?Pierandrea Lo Nostro,*,?and Piero Baglioni? Department of Chemistry and CSGI, University of Florence, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze), Italy, and Department of Physical Chemistry, Uppsala University, Box 579, S-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden ; Langmuir, 2006, 22, 1478-1484 ABSTRACT:In this article, we report evidence of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) self-aggregation in water. A critical aggregation concentration (cac) between 2 and 3 mM was determined by using dynamic (DLS) and static (SLS) light scattering to investigate the presence of β-cyclodextrin aggregates. Transmission electron microscopy at cryogenic temperature (Cryo-TEM) was used to detect the structural features of cyclodextrin self-aggregates. The results show the occurrence of polymorphism depending on the β-CD concentration: polydisperse nearly spherical objects with diameters of about 100 nm are present at lower concentrations, whereas micrometer planar aggregates are predominant at higher concentrations. Structure of Self-Organized Multilayer Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Y. Gerelli,? S. Barbieri,? M. T. Di Bari,? A. Deriu,?,* L. Cantu`,§ P. Brocca,§ F. Sonvico,? P. Colombo,? R. May,| and S. Motta? Dipartimento di Fisica, UniVersita` degli Studi di Parma and CNISM, CRSSOFT, INFM-CNR, Parma, Italy, Dipartimento di Chimica, Biochimica e Biotecnologie per la Medicinas-LITA,UniVersita` di Milano and CNISM, Milano, Italy, Dipartimento Farmaceutico, Universita` degli Studi di Parma, Parma, Italy, and Institut Laue-LangeVin, Grenoble, France,Langmuir 2008,24, ABSTRACT: The combined use of cryo-TEM, dynamic light scattering, and small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering techniques allows a detailed structural model of complex pharmaceutical preparations of soybean lecithin/chitosan nanoparticles used as drug vectors to be worked out. Charge-driven self-organization of the lipid(-)/polysaccharide(+) vesicles occurs during rapid injection, under mechanical stirring, of an ethanol solution of soybean lecithin into a chitosan aqueous solution. We conclude that beyond the charge inversion region of the phase diagram, ., entering the redissolution region, the initial stages of particle formation are likely to be affected by a re-entrant condensation effect at the nanoscale. This behavior resembles that at the mesoscale which is well-known for polyion/amphiphile systems. Close to the boundary of the charge inversion region, nanoparticle formation occurs under a maximum condensation condition at the nanoscale and the complexation-aggregation process is driven toward a maximum multilamellarity. Interestingly, the formulation that maximizes vesicle multilamellarity corresponds to that displaying the highest drug loading efficiency. Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles with Efficient Urinary Excretion for Nanomedicine Andrew A. Burns,?Jelena Vider, ?Hooisweng Ow,§ Erik Herz,?Oula Penate-Medina,?Martin Baumgart,§ Steven M. Larson,? Ulrich Wiesner,*,?and Michelle Bradbury*,? Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Cornell UniVersity, Ithaca, New York 14853, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 10065, and Hybrid Silica Technologies, Ithaca, New York 14850 NANOLETTERS 2009 , 442-448 ABSTRACT: The development of molecularly targeted probes that exhibit high biostability, biocompatibility, and efficient clearance profiles is key to optimizing biodistribution and transport across biological barriers. Further, coupling probes designed to meet these criteria with high-sensitivity, quantitative imaging strategies is mandatory for ensuring early in vivo tumor detection and timely treatment response. These challenges have often only been examined individually, impeding the clinical translation of fluorescent probes. By simultaneously optimizing these design criteria, we created a new generation of near-infrared fluorescent core-shell silica-based nanoparticles (C dots) tuned to hydrodynamic diameters of and nm with improved photophysical characteristics over the parent dye. A neutral organic coating prevented adsorption of serum proteins and facilitated efficient urinary excretion. Detailed particle biodistribution studies were performed using more quantitative ex vivo fluorescence detection protocols and combined optical-PET imaging. The results suggest that this new generation of C dots constitutes a promising clinically translatable materials platform which may be adapted for tumor targeting and treatment. 6. 体系聚集与生长--动力学特性研究 由于体系的变化可以通过粒度、光强、扩散系数、相关曲线等的变化加以表征,所以通常我们可以用光散射的方法来表征,从而得到体系的聚集、解离以及生长等信息。 如在蛋白质晶体生长过程中,连续采集其光散射信号,通过对其光强、粒度、扩散系数及相关曲线等变化数据进行对比与分析,了解蛋白质晶体生长的情况及其性能变化的情况。如外加温控设备可以进而研究体系的相变温度等溶液行为。 在一些复杂溶液体系的研究中,研究级光散射系统也是不可或缺的手段。例如对于油包水、水包油微乳液的“初始”状态与膨胀行为,以及对于双连续相微乳液的研究等。 [参考文献 ] Particle Growth Behavior of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Nanoparticles Synthesized by the Reversible Addition Fragmentation Transfer Living Radical Polymerization Reaction Jusung Kim,1,2 Juho Kwak,3 Dukjoon Kim1 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Polymer Technology Institute, Sungkyunkwan University,Suwon, Kyunggi 440-746, Korea 2Synthesis and Process Group, Chemicals R&D Center, Cheil industries INC, Uiwang 437-711, Korea 3Sung-Rim Chemical Co., Ltd, Incheon 404-818, Korea; Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 106: 3816–3822, 2007 ABSTRACT: PMMA nanoparticles with highly mono-dispersed size distribution were prepared using the RAFT living radical emulsion polymerization technique. A novel suriniferter for the RAFT reaction, DTBA, was synthesized
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