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(一) 名词性从句的概念


(二) 引导名词性从句的关联词

1. 连接词that,whether和if。它们只起连接作用,在从句中不充当句子成分。That


2. 连接代词who,whom,what,whose,which,whoever,whomever,whatever,whichever。


3. 连接副词when,where,why,how。这些词在从句中充当状语,表示时间、地点、



(一) 主语从句位于句首,直接放在主语的位置上

What we need is more time.

That she was chosen made us very happy.

Whether she will come or not is still a question. How he became a famous singer is known to all.

When and where the meeting will take place has not been decided yet.

(二) 以it作形式主语的主语从句


1. it is+名词+主语从句。例如: It is a fact that… It is a shame that… 事实是… It is common knowledge that… …是常识 It is a pity… It is good news that… It is no wonder that It is a wonder that… 遗憾的是… …是好消息 …不足为奇 It is an honour that… It is a pleasure that… It is a truth that… It is a general rule that… …真实可耻 …非常荣幸 很高兴…;是件高兴的事 …是真理/事实;事实是… 通常… 真是个奇迹… All I can say now is, it’s no wonder Dumbledore never talked about how his nose got broken. It’s a great pity that you can’t help us.

It’s a good thing that we do morning exercises every day.

2. It is +形容词+主语从句。例如: 很肯定… 很清楚… 很有可能… 最好… 很自然… 显而易见… It is strange that… It is true that… It is lucky that… It is plain that… It is surprising that… It is disturbing that… 奇怪的是… 的确…;…是真的 很幸运… 显然;很明显… 令人吃惊的是… 令人不安的是… It is certain that… It is clear/evident that… It is likely/probable that… It is better that… It is natural that… It is obvious that… It is lucky that he has passed the exam. It is uncertain why he denied the charge. It was clear enough what she meant.

3. It is +过去分词+主语从句。例如: It is said that… It is not decided that… 据说… …尚未决定 It is reported that… It is estimated that… It is believed that… It has been proved that… It is not known that… 据报道… 据估计… 据认为… 已证明… It must be pointed out that… It is announced that… It must be admitted that It can thus be concluded that …必须指出 据宣布… 必须承认… 可以由此得出结论… 不得而知… It is reported that the number of wild animals in Africa is decreasing. Has it been found out who set the record?

It is estimated that the work would take us two months. 4. It +不及物动词+that从句 It seems that… 好像是… It happened that… It follows that… It matters that… 碰巧… 由此可见… 要紧的是… It occurred to me that… It struck me that… It turned out that… It appears that… 我想到… 我突然想到… 结果是… 看来… So it didn’t matter to me that we were surrounded by our extraordinary dangerous enemies. It occurred to me that I would travel Europe. It happened that I wasn’t in the city that day. It turned out that the experiment was a success.

(三) that 主语从句不可位于句首的几种情况

1. It is said/reported/estimated结构中的主语从句不可提前。

It is said that they are a happy pair. 不能说:That they are a happy pair is said.

2. It doesn’t matter +how/whether结构中的主语从句不可提前。

It doesn’t matter whether he likes it or not.

不能说:Whether he likes it or not doesn’t matter. 3. It happens/occurs结构中的主句从句不可提前。

It occurred to me that I had a good idea.

不能说:That I have a good idea occurred to me.

4. 含有主语从句的复合句是疑问句时,主语从句不提前。

Is is true that he would take the risk?

不能说:Is that he would take the risk true?


(一) 常见的宾语从句

He said (that) his father was out of work. He doesn’t know where the island is.

They haven’t decided which they’ll choose. Can you tell me what your parents do?

I wonder whether/if daughters are valued as much as sons in the countryside.

(二) it用作形式宾语的宾语从句

如果宾语从句之后还有补足语,应使用形式宾语it,把宾语从句放在补足语之后。 “Dad says Fudge has made it clear that anyone who’s in league with Dumbledore can clear out their desks,” said George.

I thought it a pity that the game had been put off.

I made it clear that I was determined to carry out the plan. (三) 宾语从句的转移否定

在主从复合句中,当主句的主语是第一人称,谓语动词是think, believe, suppose,imagine,except, feel, fancy,reckon估计,测算,guess等时,说话者要委婉地提出看法时,从句的否常转移到主句上来,而且that常常省略。 I don’t fancy that they will give you much help.

I don’t believe they’ve finished their work yet, have they?


I believe they’ve finished their work, haven’t they? I don’t suppose he cares, does he?

He thinks you two have met before, doesn’t he? You think I’m wrong, don’t you?

(四) that引导的宾语从句不作介词宾语

wh-引导的宾语从句可作介词的宾语;而that引导的宾语从句不作介词宾语,除几个表示“除…外”的介词以外,如:except,but,besides。 例如:She was praised for what she had done.

Everything depends on whether we have enough experience. I know nothing about him except that he lives next door.

He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time.

(五) 宾语从句的特殊疑问词在句中要放在句首


Where do you guess he works? What do you think will happen?

(六) 后面并列宾语从句前的that不可省略


例如:She denied (that) she had seen the man and that she had been in touch with him.

I understand (that) you have studied Chinese, and that you have written Chinese poetry.


某些表示心理状态的形容词如:afraid, angry, annoyed,anxious, ashamed,aware,certain,careful,confident,determined,glad,happy,hopeful,pleased,proud,satisfied,sure,sorry,thankful,worried等具有动作的性质,后接从句被认为是宾语从句。也可将某些这类词后的从句的看作原因状语从句,that可省略。

例如:I’m afraid her plane will be late because of bad weather. He was sorry that he had to leave. I am still hopeful that he will come. (八) 紧跟在it后面that引出的宾语从句


例如:I’m counting on it that you will come.

You may depend upon it that he will join our club. 注意:it作形式宾语的特殊句型:


I’d appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.

(九) doubt或doubtful后面的宾语从句

在doubt或doubtful后面的宾语从句中,如果主语是肯定句,宾语从句的连接词常用whether或if;在否定句或疑问句中,宾语从句的连接词要用that。 例如:I doubt whether it is true.

I don’t doubt that you are honest. Can you doubt that he will win?

I am doubtful whether I should tell the story to her.

注意:有时肯定句也能跟that引起的从句,这时含义为“恐怕…不会…”。例如: I doubt that John will come.



例如:The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun.

The teacher told the children that water boils at 100C. (十一)用虚拟语气的宾语从句


例如:I insisted that a doctor be sent for immediately.

The assistant suggested that she (should) come another day. The officer ordered that the guns (should) be fired. 四、表语从句

(一) 表语从句的关联词及基本用法

引导表语从句的连接词有:as as if as though because just as like that whether 连接代词有: what which who whom whose 连接副词有: when where why how

表示从句主要位于系动词be之后,有时可用look, seem, taste等。

例如:In the end I suppose that’s what all the stories of my father were really about. The fact is that he didn’t even take the exam.

What I particularly dislike about this lessoon is that it is really boring. She is no longer what she was fiv years ago. It looks as if we will be late.

It may be because I didn’t have a good slep last night.

(二) 表语从句中连接副词how,where,why的活译

why,where,how引导表语从句用于This is或That is之后时通常没有疑问意义,而是分别表示原因,地点和方式。

例如:This is why I want to see you.这就是我想见你的原因。 That is how they treated her.那就是他们对待她的方式。 That is where he once lived.那就是他曾经居住过的地方。 注意:没用于This is或That is句型中,翻译就不一样。 The question is how we can overcome the difficulties. (三) reason作主语时,表语从句要用that引导

reason作主语时,后面的表语从句表示原因要用that引导。一般不用because或why。其句型为:The reason (why/for which/that…) is that…

例如:The reason for his success is that he worked hard. The reason why he was absent was that he was ill. (四)because和why引导表语从句的句型

This/That/It is because…含义为“这是因为…”或“这是由于…的缘故”(强调原因) This/That/It is why…含义为“这就是…的原因(强调结果) 例如:That is because thy are too careful in their studies. That was why he fell ill.

I was late for school. That is because it was raining hard. It was raining hard. That is why I was late for school.


(一) 同位语从句的基本用法

同位语从句通常说明主句中的名词,进一步解释这些名词的具体内容。这些名词一般是抽象名词,常见的有: answer idea principle 回答 想法 原则 belief certainty conclusion decision discovery doubt evidence explanation fact hope 相信 肯定 结论 决定 发现 怀疑 证据 解释 事实 希望 information knowledge law likelihood news opinion order possibility probability problem 消息 知识 法律 可能 消息 观点 命令 可能(性) 可能 问题 promise question report risk rule rumour statement suggestion thought truth 许诺 问题 报告 冒险 规定 传闻 声明 建议 思想 真理 同位语从句一般由that引导,但也可以用what,which,who,when,where,why,how或whether(if)引导。

例如:Sixteen years of being addressd thus left Harry in no doubt whom his uncle was calling. Nevertheless, he did not immediately respond.

The question whether we should have another meeting must be decided soon. The idea that you can do the work well without thinking is quite wrong. I have no idea when Mr. Zhang will leave for Paris. She had given them a hint what they should do. He raised the question how we could get the money.

(二) 同位语从句与先行词的隔离


例如: An idea came to her that she might have left her wallet in the restaurant. The question sometimes comes to my mind whether it was worth the effort.

He got a message form Mr. Johnson that the manager could not see him that afternoon.



