更新时间:2023-07-22 14:31:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
Alexandra: Excuse me, officer. Can you help me?
Policeman: Sure.
Alexandra: Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?
Policeman: "Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York." You should take the number one subway.
Alexandra: Is there a station near here?
Policeman: Yes. The station's that way. You should take the number one train to Van Cortlandt Park.
Alexandra: Number one train to Van Cortlandt Park. Thank you.
Policeman: Anytime. Good luck. Remember, the number one train. The uptown platform.
Alexandra: Thank you.
Policeman: You're welcome.
1. Excuse me, officer. Can you help me?
当我们向别人寻求帮助时,可以说Excuse me. Can you help me?(劳驾,可以帮个忙吗?)
本文中的officer,是指police officer,即警官。
2. Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?
"Can you tell me how to get to ...? "可以用来向别人问路,意思是“您能告诉我怎么才能到达某某地点吗?”
3. 46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York.
4. Anytime.
在你为别人做了某事后别人向你道谢时回答Anytime,相当于You are welcome anytime.
5. Good luck.
祝你好运。一般用于与人分手时,回答也用Good luck.
6. uptown platform
北线月台。在纽约,地铁线有uptown 北线(向北驶)和downtown 南线(向南驶)之分,在每个地铁站口都有标志。
Customer: Is this pink too bright for me?
Marilyn: Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. Try this. It's size eight.
Customer: But I wear size ten.
Marilyn: How about green? It's size ten.
Customer: Let me try it on. I'm taking too much of your time.
Marilyn: It's six o'clock. Where's my husband? I was expecting him here at five forty-five.
Customer: Don't worry. The traffic is very heavy at this hour.
Marilyn: I know. But we're going to be late for dinner.
Customer: I'll take this green sweater. I like the color on me, don't you? Marilyn: I think it looks terrific on you.
1. Let me try it on.
Let me... 让我...,允许我...。注意在说这两个字时,这位顾客使用的是口语音:Lemme...这里let的t因为连读而失去了爆破。
try (it) on 试穿。
2. I was expecting him here at five forty-five.
3. The traffic is very heavy at this hour.
4. I think it looks terrific on you.
我觉得你穿上它好极了。美国人在赞美别人的时候,喜欢用一些比较夸张的形容词。像在本情境中,女性顾客试穿了一件绿色的毛衣,她对Marilyn说"I like the color on me, don't you?"(我觉得我穿这颜色不错,你说呢?)Myrilyn用了这个"terrific",来赞美她穿这件衣服看起来“好极了,棒极了,简直没治了”。
Richard: I'm sorry I'm so late. I had a really bad day.
Marilyn: It's ten after six. We're late. Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty.
Richard: I know. I know. I'm really sorry. I left my bag of film on the ferry. I went back for it, but the ferry was gone. I lost a whole day's work.
Marilyn: I'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office.
Richard: I didn't think of that. Thanks.
Marilyn: Hello. Yes. The number, please, of the Staten Island Ferry
lost-and-found office. Five five five... zero eight zero eight. Thank you. Richard: I really appreciate it, Marilyn.
Marilyn: Hello. Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, a small canvas bag, on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry? No? Maybe someone will find it. The name is
Stewart, Richard Stewart. And the telephone number is five five five... three oh nine oh. Thank you. Sorry, Richard. They don't have it.
Richard: Thanks, anyway. There was a girl on the ferry. Now maybe... Marilyn: Tell me about it on the way home.
1. I had a really bad day.
2. I'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office.
我来给斯塔滕岛渡船失物招领处打个电话。lost-and-found office是指失物招领处。美国的许多公共场所或公园都设有失物招领处,失主可直接与之联系。
3. I didn't think of that.Thanks.
当Marilyn想到要给失物招领处打电话这个主意后,Richard立即表达了感激之情 -- "I didn't think of that.Thanks."(我就没想到这个,谢谢。) 这里的think of 相当于“记起,想到”。
随后,Marilyn给查号台打电话查询斯塔滕岛渡船失物招领处的电话。面对妻子的帮助,Richard又一次致谢--"I really appreciate it, Marilyn."(我实在太感谢你为我所做的这一切了,Marilyn。)
4. The number, please, of the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. The number, please, of the...请告诉我...的电话号码。用此来向查号台询问电话号码。
5. small canvas bag
6. Thanks, anyway.
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