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1. Governor Rockefeller was shocked by what happened and appointed a committee to assess the responsibility.

2. Oliver Barrett IV and Jennifer started talking about marriage, thinking they were made for each other .But as a banker and a squeamish(太讲究规矩)parent, Oliver Barrett III refused to give his blessing to the proposed alliance . 3. One outcome of the rapid advance of technology is the breakdown of the traditional division of labor between the sexes.

4. Away from their profession, scientists are inherently no more honest or ethical than other people.

But in their profession they work in an arena [?'ri:n?] n. 舞台;竞技场 that puts a high premium on honesty.

5. Arthur is captured and visited by Montanelli. Arthur reveals his identity to Montanelli, who is delighted to find that he is still alive.

6. The wording of the agreement is ambiguous .so both interpretations are valid. 7. A lot of the summer jobs available here are only tolerable if you’re young and don’t mind working hard.

8. She is isolated from the general problems of society and never participates in any of our discussion. 9. The government is selling off the railways, in pursuit of its policy of privatization. 10. She criticized my writing but in a way that was very constructive ---I learned a lot from her. B

1. The race was her last chance to win a place in the national team so everything was at stake. 2. They were obliged to sell their house in order to pay their debts. 3. The government needs to find out what the climate of opinion is before it introduces any further changes in the health service.

4. Not being a specialist in the subject I don’t feel well-equipped to answer such questions. 5. I have failed to pass the examinations again and again. Why is success always beyond my grasp . 6. They were forced to cut back production for lack of raw materials. 7. We missed the last bus so there was no choice other than to walk home.

8. A woman who can rise above 克服,超越such disadvantages is clearly exceptional. 9. They only care about themselves and the accumulation of their wealth.

10. Britain is bounded in the south by the English Channel and Canada bounds the United States on the north. C

1. I was dismayed at the thought of teaching algebra and geometry—two subjects at which I had been completely incompetent .(否定形式)

2. If the hitch-hiker(搭便车) in the US will remember that he is seeking the indulgence of drivers to give him a free ride, and is prepared to give in exchange entertainment and company, and not to go to sleep, he will come across the remarkable, almost legendary, hospitality of the American of the West.

3. The countryside was, in fact, famous for the abundance and variety of its bird life, and where the flood of migrants was pouring through in spring and autumn people traveled from great distances to observe them.

4. One question that was solemnly studied in all three probes concerned the action of the referee – Did he act in time to stop the fight?

5. The human brain is the most delicate and complex mechanism in all creation and it has a lacework of millions of highly fragile nerve connections.

6. Telephone may create unnecessary suspense (悬疑,悬念)and anxiety, as when you wait for an expected call the doesn’t come; or irritating delay, as when you keep ringing a number that is always engaged . 7. Winners care about the world and its peoples. They are not isolated from the general problems of society. They are concerned. compassionate (ate具有,富有)and committed to improving the quality of life.

8. There’s general feeling that the president has been to tolerant of corruption. 9. “Did you apply for that job?”—“Well, I was very tempted but in the end I decided not to.” 10. The problems of poverty. homelessness and unemployment are all interconnected .


1. viability h. workability 2. dynamic i. full of vigor 3. interim a. transitional

4. legacy e. anything received from an ancestor 5. retain k. continue to have 6. demise n. end

7. assume l. undertake 8. assure g. make certain

9. liquidity d. quality of being changed from assets into cash 10. highlight c. draw attention to B

1. No matter how good a company is, it is the market’s perception that counts. 2. Chief executives are given responsibility and authority and then expected to act independently. 3. A number of studies have indicated that effective leadership can make a difference in organizational performance.

4. The Internet boom is creating new opportunities for marketing , advertising, and design experts. 5. Company leaders can’t expect too severe punishment if their strategies fail to deliver.

6. If the company’s financial health is good and its assets sufficient, it can create capital by voting to issue additional shares of common stock.

7. It is said that the frequent transitions from cold to warm weather this spring have caused much illness.

8. The word dilemma is used to indicate that the fungus is both helpful and harmful in its effects.

9. Rivalry in business is seen as an open and fair race where success goes to the swiftest person regardless of his or her social class background.

10. The government provides employment and training services for workers, and compensation for those who are temporarily out of work.

11. Bely is a whiz at football; he attracts fans of all ages and all races. 12. These original documents are invaluable to the company and they should be well preserved. C

1. a. The board of directors required that Mr. Brown Justify buying expensive equipment at a time when the company was practicing strict economy.

b. The outgoing flow of skills is not the only justification for the failure of the factory. c. Can you prove that your radical actions against them were justifiable ? d. The tourists were justifiably angry about the treatment they had received on the journey. e. I do think that the general manager was quite justified in dismissing his secretary.

2. a. The army made a strategic withdrawal and then launched a counterattack against its enemy.

b. Asking a management theorist to define strategy is rather like asking a philosopher to define truth. c. Strategics/Strategy is a required course in military academy.

d. Can you name some of the internationally famous military strategists?

e. By order of the corps commander, the staff officers strategized the military manoeuvre. f. It was not until the war broke out that they realized that the islands were strategically important. 3. a. Those who have an advanced university degree or equivalent professional qualifications in the fields of finance banking and business administration are given priority. b. By improving the quality of its products and developing new designs, the firm finally overcame its financial troubles. c. The orphanage received an appreciable contribution from a wealthy German financier .

d. Western governments need to reconsider their pledge to finance new reactors for the Ukraine in return for the closure of the Chernobyl power plant.

e. Financially ,the joint venture was not as successful as people had expected. 4. a. Joan feels resentful that almost every colleague remains indifferent to her pleading.(恳求) b. He obviously resents us and I had presumed it was the English he hated. c. She harbored a deep resentment towards her employer for having denied her a promotion. d. Mr White says resentfully that his wife has spoiled their son by giving him too much money. 5. a. Only the conductor can perceive the slightest variation from true pitch in each instrument.

b. Many investors had a clear perception of the grave situation in the gulf area and soon decided not to start new projects there.

c. The fine shades of color in the painting are hardly perceptible.

d. He made a very perceptive comment on campaigns needed to combat juvenile delinquency.

e. The commission agent declared that this sample was perceptibly different from the goods supplied.

6. a. The wild life in Africa is extremely diverse and therefore two wildlife research institutes have been established there.

b. The factory may seek to diversify its products to sell in different markets. c. I think diversity of opinions makes for an interesting discussion.

d. Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the company’s recent diversification into other lines.

e. The band is going to give a diversified musical program ranging from classical to modern. 7. a. Should war break out, innumerous works of art, historical monuments and priceless historical records would be ruthlessly destroyed.

b. The destructive tornado resulted in great loss of life and property. C. The destruction cause by the earthquake left thousands of people homeless. d. A destructionist is one who delights in or advocates devastation. e. The navy, in the sea warfare, only sent two destroyers because there were no larger ships ready. f. Have you learnt how to distinguish destroying angel from mushroom? g. As reported in the magazine, Schwarzernegger, a Hollywood star, has become weak and destructible because of his illness. 8. a. No manufacturer does not wish to develop its domestic and foreign markets.

b. Contaminated foods are not marketable; they provide more damage than nutrition. c. The car dealer markets his cars at competitive prices.

d. Mr. Swafford has been appointed as the marketing director of the firm. e. The company is a big marketer specializing in gasoline.

9. a. Sound policies and favorable environments are essential to the economic prosperity of any county. b. He tells me that his farm is prospering through good management and an absence of calamities. c. Nepal, an agricultural country, has entered into a prosperous period of industrial growth.

d. The cherry-trees along the riverbank are growing marketer; they are bound to bear fruit this year. 10. a. English is derived in the main from the common Germanic stock. b. Mr. Olin King is really a workaholic; he must derive much pleasure from his work. c. In my opinion, what he set up was nothing but a derivative theory lacking originality.

d. Knowledge of investment and financial markets including derivatives would be advantageous, while excellent communication and influencing skills are essential. UNIT 3 A

1. pick up d. increase in speed 2. toll f. total number of death

3. electrify j. make sb very excited and surprised 4. sprawl a. spread the limbs about 5. legitimate i. acceptable, valid

6. transit h. the act of passing across 7. implement g. carry out; get done 8. accommodate e. adapt

9. landscape c. a view of scenery on land

10. mobility b. easy movement to a different job

1. Unlike Japanese workers, American employees have experienced great job mobility. 2. The nation’s highway death toll has increased every year since the invention of the automobile. 3. We must update our knowledge and accommodate ourselves to the changing world. 4. From the church tower. people can enjoy a very beautiful landscape formed by the two hills and the valley.

5. He was reading contentedly with his legs sprawled over the arm of the couch.

6. You know yourself better than anyone else; do not undertake that project unless you can implement it.

7. Sickness is a legitimate reason for a child’s being absent from school.

8. It snowed last night and transit across the icy bridge is so dangerous that the bridge has to be closed for the time being.

9. Some railroads once run by steam are now electrified to reduce the pollution and accelerate the speed of railroad transportation.

10. People who must drive a lot know the big difference gasoline can make in pick up economy and smooth operation. B

1. Hotels and restaurants are an Integral part of the city; without them, the city’s tourist industry could not exist.

2. Customers will come back, later in life, when they are better off and want to buy more expensive things.

3. One of the most impressive projects he has seen in Pudong is the sprawling airport. 4. Mexico City is at an elevation of 7,300 feet; three million vehicles clog its streets and in the thin air; engines release twice as many emissions as they would at sea level.

5. By 1988 roughly the same large proportion of blacks as of whites lived in metropolitan areas.

6. Heavy floods caused by deforestation have recently led Thailand to ban all logging even though the country depends on timber and its products as an important source of employment and foreign exchange.

7. People in the middle class or higher, whether they live in developed or less developed countries, are mostly urban, and they are on the move by car incessantly—as commuters, as vacationers.

8. No matter how often we reminded our children, they never cleaned their rooms; the clutter in the room became so bad that we couldn’t even open their door.

9. Our university canteen is large enough to accommodate all the students and teaching staff. 10. During the Second World War. Many Jewish people in Germany were displaced and murdered. C

1. The programs to teach young children enabling skills are now being advocated from coast to coast.(全国各地)

2. There can be but little doubt that his ancestors where the great unwashed. (下层民众) 3. Many people still revere their late premier though he passed away many years ago. 4. There are some legitimate reasons for some scientists to denounce the practice of cloning. 5. When Lincoln got his Christmas gift, a video game, he tore up the box to get to the cartridge and popped it into the game machine immediately.

6. Short of the President himself, probably on one could have convinced people of the feasibility of his welfare programs.

7. Sumo wrestlers are noted for their strength, while fencers, for their nimbleness. 8. He bought a bicycle and started to ride to work as he could no longer put up with the constriction of movement in the packed bus.

9. The judge pronounced that the accused man was guilty of murder and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

10. Until a relatively short time ago, traveling abroad was limited to people who were well off or prosperous business people. E

Today it can be said that wheels run America. The four rubber tires of the automobile move America through work and pay. Wheels spin, and people drive off to their jobs. Tires turn, and people shop for the week’s food at the big supermarket down the highway. Hubcaps whirl, and the whole family spends a day at the lake .Each year more wheels crowd the highways a 10million new cars roll out of the factories. One out of every six Americans works at assembling cars. Driving trucks, building roads, or pumping gas, America without cars? It’s unthinkable.

But even though the majority of Americans would find it hard to imagine what life would be like without a car, some have begun to realize that the automobile is a mixed blessing. Traffic accidents are increasing steadily, and large cities are plagued by traffic congestion, Worst of all, perhaps, is the air pollution caused by the internal-combustion engine. Every car engine burns hundreds of gallons of fuel each year and pumps hundreds of pounds of carbon monoxide and other gases into the air. These gases are one source of the smog that hangs over large cities. Some of these gases are poisonous and dangerous to one’s health, especially for someone with a weak heart or a respiratory disease.

One answer to the problem of air pollution is to build a car that does not pollute. That’s what several major automobile manufacturers are crying to do.

But building a clean car is easier said than done. So far, progress has been slow. Another solution is to eliminate car fume altogether by getting rid of the internal-combustion engine. Inventors are now working on turbine-powered cars, as well as on cars powered by steam and electricity. But most of us won’t be driving cars run on batteries or boiling water for a while yet. Many auto makers believe that it will take years to develop practical models that are powered by electricity or steam. UNIT 4 A

1. a. On a large national scale where the government becomes involved, cooperation is seen as coercive

and destructive rather than voluntary and constructive.

b. Political opponents were put into camps during the war and coerced into force labor.

2. a. The preoccupation of millions of Americans with status is said to have intensified social stratification in the country.

b. The president has been preoccupied with the suffering of the victims since the damaging tornado. 3. a. Most surveys find that people are reluctant to place themselves at either the top or the bottom of the social ladder.

b. Johnson had a reluctance to agree to their conditions, but he didn’t really have much choice. 4. a. Tom changed from a friendly boy into a confused an moody adolescent. b. As children enter adolescence, they begin to demand greater freedom to go where they please, do what they please, and make decisions without parental interference. 5. a. The law organized protests and, by implication of opposition. b. What the boss has just said contains implicit approval of your work.

6. a. Marriage can be threatened by children who arouse ambivalent between the parents in a variety of ways.

b. There are many people, myself among the number, who have a somewhat adolesecnce attitude toward producing off spring.

7. a. Both the couple should be responsible for emotional maintenance of the marriage and for raising the children and running the household.

b. I’m inclined to share your doubt in regard to the maintainability of the relationship between Dr.Helen Kaplan and her husband.

8. a. Young people today are more concerned with self-fulfilment and preserving privacy than those were in 1960s.

b. Although party officials give the President their public support, many are saying in private that he may have to resign.

9. a. Feelings of patriotism are expressed more clearly an d freely now, but there is little enthusiasm for a return to military conscription during peacetime.

b. The exhibition will be of interest to vintage car owners and other motoring enthusiasts. 10. a. Drug users develop a tolerance for some drugs, that is they have to take steadily increasing amounts to achieve a given level of effect.

b. What these people want is a tolerable existence—more food, better shelter and peace.

11. a. According to the statisticians, the estimated number of people afflicted by hunger and malnutrition is about 500 million.

b. We spend more on health care than any other nation in the world, yet statistically show that we are not the world’s healthiest nation.

12. a. Language makes rational thought possible and enables us to reason, to draw logical conclusions from the evidence of our senses, and to generalize from one event to another.

b. It’s unbelievable that Mary, a teenage girl, has learnt to view things with cold rationality. B

1. The traditional family with only the husband working can be found most often during the earlier years of marriage when children are being born and cared for.

2. The first thing to do in seeking a position is to determine exactly what you want to do, not in terms of a vague objective but with a definite goal.

3. Sociologists will manage to find out what lies behind the violence that occurs among affluent families.

4. The Rev. Septimus Harding?—Yes, it rings a bell.He’s a character in some novel. I believe, but I can’t remember which one.

5. Energy shortage, soaring inflation, rampant unemployment and the threat of war have made adult Americans nervous, and that sense of pervasive worry has been passed on to the nation’s youth.

6. The idea of trying to cheat the income tax authorities went against his principles; he had a strong sense of civic responsibility.

7. Football fans began lining up early in the morning at the box office to buy cup-tie tickets.

8. The chairman gave me a hint that he would like me to think of some ready way of stopping Tom from chiming on the proposal. 9. If anyone can think of better course of action, I am open to suggestions.

10 . School children brought up in a Western heritage do not know about Shamba Bolongogo. D

Children are now leaving home in late adolescence – an earlier age than in the past. Adolescents are no longer involved in making an economic contribution to the family. In fact , their major economic impact is as consumers, Therefore, the family has little reason to keep the child home as an economic contribution. It is becoming increasingly common for young people to leave home for college or to live with someone else when they become employed. Not only do families have fewer children but they have them in school and out of the home at younger ages than in the past.

The most surprising finding with regard to children show a negative impact on marriage due to children. There has been much evidence that children contribute to greater conflict an d uncertainty in a marriage. Studies show that general life satisfaction is highest for People when they are young, married, and childless. Other studies show that American couples with children at home tend to have lower marital satisfaction than those without children. For both men and women, reports of happiness and satisfaction Drop--and don’t rise again until the children are grown and about to leave the nest. UNIT 5 A

1. You are looking a bit fragile this morning; you must have had too much alcohol last night. A. weak 2. As she is allergic to eggs, she cannot eat one without breaking into a rash. B. sensitive

3. She still looks weak though her fever subsided after she took some medicine. C. came down 4. Relations between the two countries began to deteriorate in 1965. D. worsen 5. Economic activity has been organized on the assumption of cheap and abundant oil from the beginning of the 20th century until early the 21st century. B. premise

6. Amid the usual sound and fury, the main point may be lost; are the level and structure of pay producing the kind of teachers the country needs? A. In

7. The government gave money to people to help buy homes outside of the cities. This system of subsidized housing caused many people to leave urban areas. D. aided

8. The farm ministers from European countries scheduled an emergency meeting in Luxeboug in hopes of easing the worldwide ”mad cow” panic. B. fear

9. In one secne of Modern Time, Charlie Chaplin was shown trying desperately to keep in time with a rapid assembly line. D. hopelessly

10. Owing to an acute lack of lower-income housing, the municipal government is embarrassed by the impressing housing issue. B. grave

11. The idea that machines could be made to fly seemed fantastic two hundred years ago. C. eccentric B

1. His education in business school has set him up to step into any kind of business and run it. 2. She advised John, ”You should not let your child study in a foreign country; she wouldn’t fit in there.” 3. The young lecturer is popular with his students and every student is thankful for his assistance in their studies.

4. With the possibility of redundancy in their minds, middle-aged workers have to work harder to hold down their jobs.

5. Transnational corporations usually enjoy a wide reputation for fair dealing which they have built up over many years.

6. He very much appreciated his chance to study here because of what he had gone through in his childhood.

7. Owing to the fact that each family has only one child, the responsibility of looking after the elderly will heavily weigh heavily on the “only child” generation.

8. We hoped that trust would be built up among those four parties but it doesn’t seem to be working out that way.

9. The ruling party still won the general election although quite a few members had broken away from the Party.

10. Failing in the university entrance examination was bad enough, but even worse was the feeling that I had let my parents down. D

In the world’s rich countries, when you retire at 65 you can expect to live, on average, for another 15 or 20 years. A hundred years ago you would, on average, have been already dead. The late 20th century has brought to many the ultimate gift; the luxury of aging. But like any luxury, aging is expensive .Governments are fretting about the cost already; but they also know that far worse is to come; Over the next 30 or 40 years, the demographic changes of longer lives and fewer births will force most countries to rethink in fundamental ways their arrangements for paying for and looking after older people.

In 1990 18%of people in OECD countries were aged over 60. By 2030 that figure will have risen to over 30%. The share of the “Oldest old” (those over 80) . Now around 3%, is set to double. The vast majority of these older people will be consumers, not producers. Thanks to state transfers, being old in developed countries mostly no longer means being poor. The old people will expect decent pensions to live on; they will make heavy demands on medical services; and some will need expensive nursing care. Yet while their numbers are expanding fast, numbers of people at work-who will have to foot the bill-will stay much the same,so each worker will have to carry a much heavier burden. Mass survival to a ripe old age will not be confined to rich countries. Most developing countries, whose populations are now much younger than the developed world’s are starting to age fast. UNIT 6 A

1. simplicity(朴素) complexity (复杂) 2. domestic(驯养的) wild (野生的) 3. deficiency(不足的) surplus (过剩的)

4. partially(偏袒地) indifferently (漠不关心地) 5. heavenly(神圣的) earthly (沉思的)

6. deny(拒绝) acknowledge (承认答谢)

7. obscurely(晦涩地) obviously/apparently (明显地) 8. enlarge(扩大的) diminish (使减小) 9. natural(自然的) artificial (人造的)

10. constructive(建设性的) destructive (破坏的) B

1. ultimately g. in the end 2. intricate j. complicated

3. encroachment a. act of intruding gradually 4. fertility f. fruitfulness

5. pointedly b. markedly

6. indispensable h. absolutely essential 7. legitimate i. that can be justified 8. whatsoever c. of any kind at all

9. primeval d. relating to the first age of the world 10. beneficent e. having good effect

1. That primeval ocean, growing in bulk as the rains slowly filled its basins, must have been faintly salty. 2. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever to support the view that assisted suicide should be declared acceptable and legal.

3. Most people believe that the study of another nation, its society and culture, not only can be fascinating but also beneficent.

4. A scientist is apt to think that all the problems of philosophy will ultimately be solved by science. 5. Lung cancer is pointedly linked with air pollution in cities with high concentrations of industry and vehicular traffic.

6. The brain of a child has evolved to process speech, not intricate written symbols that represent speech.

7. The problem that urban sprawl is encroaching upon the unspoilt countryside deserves more attention from the government and the public.

8. Language is indispensable to human life because it gives meaning to otherwise random experiences. 9. Adolf Berle drew a legitimate conclusion that business people will undermine business itself as well as their own welfare if they break the law.

10. Over cultivation and a long period of soil erosion has reduced the fertility of much of the country’s farmland. C

1. In short, the National Research Institute of Police Science is responsible for supporting, from a scientific angle, all police activities, especially criminal investigation.

2. The reasons for extremely high medical costs are many and can by no means be attributed to inflation exclusively.

3. The country is up against drug abuse, one of the most challenging social problems nowadays.

4. Martin Luther King was endowed with a graceful and spirit-stirring eloquence and almost all people, black or white, were under the spell of his effective speech I Have A Dream. 5. The plan for introducing new technology at the expense of the existing work force will undoubtedly meet with fierce opposition.

6. As a charity, the organization provides food and shelter for people in need, regardless of the reasons for their need.

7. Allowing for traffic delays, you had better start earlier if you want to catch Flight 818 for New York City.

8. All available evidence goes to show that the general was involved in the conspiracy to overturn the government.

9. Mr. Harold Rosen, an obstinate man is always acting on his own judgement; nobody can have influence over him.

10. Dutch speakers can usually understand German quite well, but strangely enough not vice versa . E

The survival of wilderness- of places that we do not change, where we allow the existence even of creatures we perceive as dangerous-is necessary. Whether we go to those places or not, we need to know that they exist. We do not need just the great public wildernesses, but millions of small private or semiprivate ones. Wilderness can occupy corners of factory grounds and city lots -places where nature is given free hand, where no human work is done, where we go only as guests. We go to wilderness places to be restored. to be instructed in the natural economies of fertility and healing, to admire what we cannot make. And we go in order to return with renewed knowledge by which we judge the health of our human economy and our dwellings. As we return from our visits to the wilderness, it is sometimes possible to imagine a series of fitting and decent transitions from wild nature to the human community and its supports; from forest for woodlot(林地) to the agriculture of three crops and pasture to orchard to meadow to garden to household to neighborhood to village to city-so that even when we reached the city we would not be entirely beyond the influence of the nature of that place. UNIT 1 A

Arnold Toynbee has said that all progress,。。。 。。。,challenging curriculum that is within their capabilities.


The second opportunity we can give our boys and girls is the right to failure.。。。 。。。If we deprive our children of the right to fail we deprive them of their knowledge of the world as it is.

2.我们可以向我们的孩子提供第二个机会是允许他们有失败的权力。德.纽伊写道:“不仅是一种特权,也是一种考验。”如果没有人可以失败,那它算什么考验,算什么自由呢?美国可以向所有在高中读者完四年课程而不管其是否取得任何明显收获的学生发放毕业文凭的日子已经一去不复返了。我们现在生活在一个外变得很狭隘的世界里,们必须同对现实保持警觉,有所认识;而现实主义要求树立一个要么成功要么失败的标准。这些话听起来很刺耳,但都是残酷的事实。如果我们剥夺了孩子的失败权力,实际上我们就剥夺了他们如实地认识世界的机会。 B

1. 当今的大学生,尽管他们努力地想使自己成才,但对未来还是模糊的。(establish oneself)

Today's university students are struggling to establish themselves, but they still have ambiguous feelings about their future.

2. 一个人如果不能找到自我一位位的中心,就不能实现他的自我价值。所以,理想的本科教育必须使学生超越自我。(transcend)

A man cannot find himself without finding a center beyond hi. So the idealism of the undergraduate experience must help the student transcend himself.

3. 我们强烈地希望在大学所学道德知识在今后的工作与学习中能起到重要的作用。(reveal oneself)

We eagerly hope that the lessons leaned in the university will reveal themselves in our performance in the workplace and further education.

4. 四年的本科学习室走向成功生活的唯一道路,这种说法是无法接受的。(go unchallenged)

It cannot go unchallenged to say that the 4-year undergraduate experience is the only path to success in life.

5. 在对一个关键的问题做结论时,如果只相信所谓的专家而不相信自己,不根据调查得结果,不根据实验的数据,那是在冒险。(run the risk of; blind faith in)

We run the risk of making critical decisions, not on the basis of what we know, the findings of investigations, and the data of experiments, but on the basis of blind faith in professed experts.

6. 我们的事业需要一批受到良好教育又能关心他人的年轻人,他们能团结一致,相互学习,积极参加四化建设。(band together; participate in)

Our task needs a large group of well-informed, caring young people who can band together, learn from each other, and actively participate in the four modernizations.

7. 如果这所新学校要有生命力的话,它培养的学生不仅要有扎实的基础和熟练的专业技能,还要有奉献精神。( be to endure; commit oneself)

