module1 u1单词讲解 2012新版 牛津

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Module 1 Unit 1 New words

1. experience a)n. 作“经历,阅历”讲是可数名词;作“经验,体验”讲是不可数名词 Please tell us your experiences in America. __________ He has ______________ in this kind of work. (许多经验)

b) vt. 经受,体验 The child never experienced kindness(善意).

c) adj. experienced 有经验的 an experienced nurse be experienced in sth./ doing inexperienced 无经验的,不熟练的

2. earn v. 获得;挣得 She earns a high salary. _______________________________。

earn one’s living 谋生=_____________________ earn ________/praise/fame 获得尊敬/表扬/名誉

n.earnings 收入,收益 【拓展】belongings 财产 savings 储蓄,存款

3. respect a) vt. 尊敬,敬重 We’ d better respect others’ feelings.

我因他的诚实而尊重他。 I _________ him ________ his honesty.

b) n. ①尊敬,敬重 gain/ win / _______ respect 博得钦佩

show / have respect /to /for sb. = respect sb. The young should show respect to those _____ are older. ②问候【常用复数】 Give my respects to your father. ③关系、方面【C】 In this respect we are very lucky. adj. respectable值得尊敬的;人格高尚的 respectful 恭敬的;有礼貌的 The professor(教授)is __________, so we’re all __________ to him.

4. devote 致力于;献身vt. devote oneself/one’s time/energy to sth./doing = sb. be devoted to sth./ doing She devoted her life to ________(help) the poor.

devoted 分词形容词 献身的, 专用于的,热心的,忠诚的

Professor Smith, who ________ the research of wild animals all his life, will give us a lecture next week. A. has devoted to B. devoted to C. has been devoted to D. had devoted to a life ________ (devote) to the people 全心全意为人民服务的一生

n. devotion (to) First of all, _____________________________________.我敬重他对教学的热爱。 5. average a) adj. 一般的,普通的;平均的

The average age of the students in our class is seventeen. An average six-year-old child could understand it.

b) n. 平均,标准 above/below the average在平均之上/下 Parents spend an average of $220 a year on toys for their children.

c) on average 通常,按平均 On average, he received 50 letters a day after he became famous.

6. struggle v. 奋斗,努力,挣扎struggle with/ against 与…搏斗,斗争 struggle for freedom 为争取自由

struggle to do struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来

n. 难事;斗争;努力 It’s a struggle to do= It’s difficult to do

要记住所有同学的脸和名字不是件容易的事。____________________________________________________ 7.challenging adj.有挑战性的 a challenging idea/role【拓展】promising demanding challenge a) n. 挑战 面临挑战___________________ take up the challenge______________

b) vt. 向…挑战;要求某人做某事 challenge sb. to do sth. 8. satisfaction n. 满意 He accepted the gift with great satisfaction.

to one’s satisfaction 令某人满意的是

vt. satisfy使满意,使满足 satisfy sb. satisfy/meet one’s needs __________________ adj. satisfied be satisfied/pleased/happy with对…满意 satisfactory far from satisfactory 远不能令人满意

9. donate v捐赠,捐献. donate sth. to sb. donate a large sum of money to charity

n. donation blood donation make a donation

10. independent adj. 独立的,不依赖的 be independent of sb./ sth.

adj. dependent依靠的,依赖的 be dependent on sb./ sth.

vi. depend依靠 depend on sb./ sth. It/ That (all) depends. ______________

n. dependence/ independence Independence Day ________ 为争取独立_______________ eg. -- ___________? -- It depends on what it is.

A. Would you please do me a favour B. Will you buy me some post cards there

C. Remember me to your parents, will you D. How about going shopping with me this afternoon 11. make (full/good/better) use of make the most of 充分利用

★ Every minutes should be made full use of __________(work)at our lessons 12.inform vt. 通知,告知 inform sb of sth 通知某人某事 inform sb +that从句 They informed me ________________________. (他们告知我他们的决定。)

Would you please inform other students _____________________________(我们会议延期put off了)? ★ Keep me _________ of what happens. A. inform B. informing C. informed D. to inform 13. run-ran-run vt.管理;操作 run a company/a school vi. 运作 The engine runs well. The hotel is well-run and very popular.

14. host n. a host country 东道国 hostess 【拓展】waiter----waitress actor----actress v.主办,担任…的主人 Which country is hosting the Olympic Games? 15. approve vt. 批准 approve sth. vi.赞成,赞同 approve of sth.

Her father will never _____________ her marriage to Tom.

n. approval The government gave approval to the project.

【拓展】 arrive---arrival refuse---refusal survive---survival

16. charge n. a)负责,掌管 in charge (of ) in the charge of take charge of


He was in charge of the company. = The company was _________________________. 我想跟你们负责人谈谈。____________________________________________________ b) 收费,要价,记账 free of charge=_________________ c) 充电,电荷 on charge 充电中 v. a) 使承担(任务,责任),控告,指控 charge sb. with (doing) sth.


b) 收(费);索价 He only charged me half price.

Do you charge for delivery?

17. prepare vt.准备prepare sth. prepare the papers beforehand(预先)/ have a speech to prepare vi. 预备,做准备 prepare for I’ve got to prepare for the chemistry test this week. 注意比较:Mother is busy preparing dinner for us. Mother is busy preparing for dinner for us. prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 prepare to go on a trip

prepare sb. for sth. 为…准备… The teacher prepared the students for the exams.

prepare sb./sth. to do 准备…以便其去做… Homework is used to prepare students to handle new work. adj. prepared 准备好的 a prepared speech It seems you’re well prepared. be/get prepared for sth /to do sth 准备好做某事

我们需要做好准备迎接挑战。___________________________________________ ★The spokesman sat in front of the journalists, _________(prepare) to answer the questions.

n. preparation in preparation for 作…的准备 make preparations for=prepare for 为…做准备


I want to improve my language skills _______________________________.为出国深造作准备

