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Unit 9 Having Fun!(玩得开心)(1)

Unit 9 Having Fun!(2) throw 扔—throwing 正在扔 Words (单词) —catching do 做—doing —skating kick 踢—kicking Phrase (短语) kick a ball 踢球 fly a kite 放风筝 1.Is he/she skating? Yes, he/she is. No, he's/she's not. Sentences 2.What am I doing? (句型) Are you (flying a kite)? Yes, I am. 冰)。 Revision Self Introduction. (复习) 1.听磁带/CD,每天 20 分钟; 2.做活动手册:P70,P76; Homework 3.抄写下面的单词,每天 2 遍!(边写边读) (作业) throw—throwing do—doing kick—kicking catch—catching skate—skating ride—riding ride 骑—riding jump rope 跳绳 ride a bike 骑自行车 他(她)是在滑冰么? 是的,他(她)是。 不,他(她)不是。 我正在干什么? 你是在(放风筝)吗? 是的,我是。 skate 滑冰 catch 接、抓

No, I'm not. I'm (skating).不, 我不是, 我正在(滑

Unit 9 Having Fun!(3) Words fun 乐趣 sun 太阳 all 都

be 动词的使用: 单数(is): (与 he, she, it 及其他单个的人或物相搭配) She is happy. 她很开心。(陈述句,表示对客观事 实的表述) Is she happy? 她很开心吗?(一般 疑问句) Yes, she is. 是的,她是。(肯定回答) Grammar No, she is not. 不,她不是。(否定回答) (语法) 复数(are):(与 we, you, they 及其他两个以上的人或物相搭配) They are playing. 他们正在玩。(陈述句) Are they playing? 他们正在玩吗?(一般疑问句)

Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。(肯定回答) No, they are not. 不,他们不是。(否定回答) <Playing is fun!> (玩真有趣!) (课本 77-78): 1.Many children are at the playground. They're riding bikes. They're jumping rope.(许多孩子在运动场上。 他们正在骑车, 他们正在跳绳。 ) 2.They're kicking balls. They're playing catch.

(他们正在踢球,他们正在玩接球的游戏。) 3.They're flying kites in the sun. (故事) (他们正在阳光里放风筝。) 4.Many children are playing at the playground . They're a

ll having fun. (许多孩子正在运动场上玩。他们都玩得很开心。) 1.每天听磁带/CD20 分钟,背诵小故事; Homework 2.抄写小故事两遍。(注意句子开头的字母要大写; (作业) 句末的句号是个小黑点“.”而不是“。”哟!)


Unit 9 Having Fun!(4)

