Confidentiality Agreement

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act No.: 合同编号:

Between 由

- hereinafter referred to as“Party A”-


And 和

- hereinafter referred to as “Party B”-


-hereinafter individuallyreferred to as “Party” and collectively referred to as“Parties”.

- 以下单独所指时称“一方”,合并所指时称为“双方”

Whereas: 鉴于

Within the framework of a consultation and implementation of Party A’s Project entitled “ – Project” (hereinafter the “Project”), the Parties wish to exchange Confidential Information relating to the Project.

为甲方“ ”项目(以下简称“项目”)之目的,双方希望在项目磋商及其执行范围内相互提供与该项目有关的保密信息。

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the Parties hereby conclude this mutual confidentiality agreement (“Agreement”) and agree as follows:


Mutual Confidentiality Agreement 双方保密协议

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ARTICLE 1 –Definition 第一条–定义

1.1“Confidential Information” shall mean all and any information that directly or indirectly have

received or shall receive from each Party, including but without limitationknow-how, business methods, databases, trade secrets, business plans, customer’s information, forecasts, specifications, architecture and other intellectual properties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information shall not include information which (i)is or becomes publicly available, or (ii) is already known by Receiving Party then and be proved by Receiving Party’s written records, or (iii) was lawfully received from any third party who is not prohibited to disclose the information to Receiving Party by legal or contractual obligation, or (iv)is independently developed by the Receiving Party.



1.2. “Disclosing Party” in relation to Confidential Information means such of the Parties as shall be

the giver of Confidential Information to the Receiving party such as an employee of the Receiving Party.


1.3. “Receiving Party” in relation to Confidential Information means such of the Parties as shall be

in receipt of such Confidential Information from the Disclosing party such as an employee of the Disclosing Party.


ARTICLE 2 –Confidentiality 第二条–保密义务

2.1. The Parties herein undertake to keep strictly confidentialall and anyConfidential Information.

They will use such Confidential Information only in connection with the Project. Any other use including intentional reproduction shall require the prior authorization in writing of the Disclosing Party.The automatic copies of the Confidential Informationthat may be generated by any back-up system being part of any IT or mail or electronic data systems of either Party shall be subject of the same obligations as provided for in this Agreement.


除本协议规定方式以外的使用(含复印)应事先取得披露方书面同意。从协议一方电脑、邮件或电子信息系统自动生成的保密信息复印件也应依本协议的规定予以保密。 Mutual Confidentiality Agreement 2 / 6


2.2. The Parties assure each other particularly neither to pass this Confidential Information on to

any third party nor to impart this Confidential Information in any other way to any third party. 特别地,双方保证不会以任何方式将转发或透露给任何第三方。

2.3. The Parties further assure each other to apply all reasonable measures in order to avoid any

access of third parties to this Confidential Information. These measures may not be less than those taken by the receiving Party to protect its own Confidential Information.


2.4. Confidential Information may be disclosed by the Receiving Party if such disclosure is i)

explicitly approved in advance by the Disclosing Party in written or ii) specifically required by law or regulations or requirement of a governmentalauthority, subpoena or court order, provided that the Receiving Party do notify the Disclosing Party prior to such disclosure if it’s possible and limit the scope of disclosure to the minimum necessary.

接收方可以披露保密信息如果该披露是:i) 经披露方书面明确同意的;或ii) 法律法规明确要求的或者政府机构、传票和法院命令要求的,但接收方在该等披露前应尽可能通知披露方并且将披露的范围限制到必须的最小范围。

2.5. The confidentiality obligations under this Agreement shall also apply to all employees and any

other person, who may be involved in the Project on behalf of the Parties hereto, regardless of kind and legal basis of the respective cooperation. The Parties hereto undertake to impose identical confidentiality obligations of this Agreement on those employees and persons.



ARTICLE 3 –Use of Confidential Information 第三条–保密信息的使用

The Receiving Partyundertakes to return to the Disclosing Party within reasonable time, on request of the Disclosing Party, any documents, drawings, tapes, discs, etc. received.



ARTICLE 4– Term 第四条- 期限

4.1.This Agreement shall come into force when it has been signed by the Parties and shall remain in

full force and effect for [ ] years

本协议经双方签署后生效,有效期[ ] 年。 Mutual Confidentiality Agreement 3 / 6


4.2.The confidentiality obligations under this Agreement remain binding 5(five) years beyond the

termination of this Agreement.


ARTICLE 5- Responsibilities 第5条–违约责任

In the event of breach of this Agreement by either Party, it shall indemnify the other againstall losses or damages suffered by the other as a result of the breach.


ARTICLE 6–Governing Law and Disputes Settlement 第六条–适用法律与纠纷解决

6.1. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of People’s

Republic of China, with the exception of its provisions on the conflicts of laws. 本协议受中华人民共和国法律约束并解释,但排除其冲突法规则的适用。

6.2.TheParties shall endeavor to reach an amicable agreement on any differences of opinion which

may arise.If an amicable solution cannot be reached between the Parties through friendly negotiations in good faith, any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including disputes about their validity shall be submitted to South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with its then going rules and finally settled. The place of arbitration shall be Shenzhen,and the proceedings shall be conducted in the Chinese language. The losing Party shall bear all costs and expenses of the arbitration.


ARTICLE 7– Miscellaneous 第七条–其他

7.1. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be considered as granting or conferring any rights of

the Disclosing Party to Receiving Party by license or otherwise, expressly, implied, or otherwise, for any invention, discovery or improvement made, conceived or acquired prior to or after the date of this Agreement. Mutual Confidentiality Agreement 4 / 6



7.2. No amendment or variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed

by an authorized representative of each Party.


7.3. If any term or provision in this Agreement shall be held to be illegal or unenforceable, in whole

or in part, under any enactment or rule of law, such term or provisional part shall to that extent be deemed not to form part of this Agreement so that the validity and enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected and the Parties shall meet in order to agree on a new clause by way of amendment.



7.4. This Agreement is executed in four copies, two original for each Party.


Party A:Shenzhen BYD Daimler New Technology Co., Ltd. 甲方:深圳比亚迪戴姆勒新技术有限公司

Mutual Confidentiality Agreement 5 / 6


_________________________ (Signature)


_______________ (Date)(日期)

Party B: 乙方:

_________________________ (Signature)(签字)


_______________ (Date)(日期)

Mutual Confidentiality Agreement 双方保密协议

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_________________________ (Signature)


_______________ (Date)(日期)

Party B: 乙方:

_________________________ (Signature)(签字)


_______________ (Date)(日期)

Mutual Confidentiality Agreement 双方保密协议

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