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Part Two History

Chapter 1 Colonization of North America

1. Who were the natives of America? How did they arrive in American? Who were

the first discoverer and the first identifier of the New World? What was the significance of the discovery of the new world? Where and when was the first English colony founded? How was America colonized (explored) by European countries? Why did so many Europeans go to the new world? How many colonies did the English settlers found by 1773?

Chapter 2 the American War of Independence

1. What were the major events that led to the sharpening contradictions between

Britain and the colonies? What were the results of the first continental congress?

2. Which event marked the outbreak of the war of independence? What were the

major measures adopted at the second continental congress? Which battle marked the turning point of the war? What was the significance of the war?

3. How did the constitutional convention stipulate the allocation of seats in the

congress? Who were the forerunners of the “anti-federalists” and “federalists” respectively?

Chapter 3 The Growth of The Nation

1. When was the first US administration founded? Who were the major figures in

Washington’s administration?

2. What were the contradictions between the federalists and the republicans? What

was the nature of these contradictions? What were the contributions made by Thomas Jefferson to American history? What was the sedition act?

3. What was the importance of the War of 1812 to 1814? What role did Andrew

Jackson play in the development American history?

Chapter 4 The American Civil War

1. What was the situation before the civil war? And why was the war inevitable?

2. What are the two measures that Lincoln took during the civil war and what was

the significance of these measures? What was the significance of the civil war? Chapter 5 The US Imperialism and the First World War

1. What was the significance of the Reconstruction? What are the great changes from

the year of the close of the civil war in 1865 to the end of the 19th century? Give facts to each of these changes.

2. Give some examples to show the growth of US imperialism before the First World

War. What were the causes and the nature of World War I? Why did U.S. finally enter the war?

Chapter 6 America Before and During the Second World War

1. Why was the prosperity in 1920’s false? What was the economic situation during

the great depression of 1929-1933?How did Franklin D. Roosevelt cope with this situation?

2. What were the causes of the Second World War? And what was the nature of the

war? What were the two sides in the war? Why did U.S. enter the war? What were the consequences of the war?

Chapter 7 America during the “Cold War”

1. What is the “cold war” what are the major events that happened between Truman and Carter? Why was there a short period of prosperity right after the Second World War? And why did it disappear so quickly?

2. why did economic crises occur so frequently after the war? And why was it inevitable? What were the major features of the American foreign policies during the “cold war”?


Chapter 1 Education

1. What are the ideals of American education?

2. What is the structure of US formal education? What are the levels that US compulsory education consists of? What are the major subjects that students in elementary schools and secondary schools study?

3. How does a university choose its applicants? What are the four categories of higher institutions that US higher education consists of? How are most colleges and universities in America administrated? How are credits earned in US universities? What are the major famous universities in the USA and what similarities do they share?

Chapter 2 The Media of U.S.A.

1. Describe briefly the conditions of radios and televisions in the USA. What is a network? What are the major radio and TV networks in the USA? How do you know about VOA? What is the negative influence of the TV programs in the USA?

2. What are the major features of newspapers and magazines in the USA? What are the major news agencies (wire-services companies) in the USA? What are the most influential newspapers in the USA? What are the major news magazines in the USA?Can you say something about them?

Chapter 3 Sports and Recreation

1. What are the major types of sports in terms of the nature of the sport in the USA? And what are the major types of sports in terms of the number of participants in USA?

2. What are the major sports in the USA? What sport is most popular in autumn in America? Can wrestling, boxing and horseracing be called sports? What kind of sports are they? What do Americans usually do for recreations during their spare time? What people introduced bowling into the New York areas in the 17th century? And how is it acted nowadays? What are American’s popular leisure pursuits? Chapter 4 Science and Technology

1. What are the three symbols of modern technology in which USA occupies the leading position? What are the four supporters of American science and technology? What is the role that US science and technology plays?

2. What is the policy of science and technology development adopted by USA? What is NASA? What are the three space centers in the USA? What is Nobel Prize? Who are the major American Nobel Prize winners for sciences and economics in recent years? For what reason are they awarded the Nobel Prize? Chapter 5 Art and Music

1. What are major forms of art in the 19th century? What is Hudson River school? What are the major schools of American art in the 20th century? And who were the major representatives of these schools? What is pop art?

2. What are the major music training institutions in the USA? What are the major forms of pop music in USA in the 20th century? Can you give some examples of singers of these forms?

Chapter 6 American Film

1. What are the major film-making companies in the USA? What’s the Chinese for these companies? Who opened Hollywood’s first film studio in an old tavern on the corner of Sunset and Gower? When was the first academy awards held?

2. What is Hollywood? What is the Hollywood Walk of Fame? Why “Beverly Hill” can be called “an extremely handsome extravagant neighborhood”? What is the “academy awards”? Why is “academy awards” also called Oscar award”?

3. What is the “Golden Globe Awards”? what is the HFPA? Who holds the Golden Globe Awards ceremony?

Chapter 7(略)

Part Four Social Life

Chapter 1 Family

1. Why are US people diversified? What is the typical family pattern in USA? What is the American attitude towards marriage? How is dating conducted in the USA?

2. Is divorce rate high in the USA? can you give an example to show this? What is “senior centers”? What is double dating? What is “baby-sitters”?

Chapter 2 Food and Dining Customs

1. What are the major foods consumed by Americans? What are the regional specialties in USA?What are the main courses for American meals? What are the most popular hot drinks in USA? How is coffee done in the USA? What is coffee break?

2. What are the major eating places in the USA? What is the major food served in fast food restaurants? What is the usual time for Americans to dine? What are the dining customs in the USA?

3. Explain the following terms: drive-ins; a cafeteria; black coffee; BLT.

Chapter 3 Traditional Holidays

1. What are the major holidays in the USA? And when do they fall?

2. How is New Year’s Day celebrated? What is Valentine’s Day? What are the major celebration activities on this day? What is the origin of Easter? How is Halloween celebrated? What is the origin of Thanksgiving Day?

Chapter 4 Traditions and Customs

1. What are the major conventions in dealing with American social relations?

2. What is the origin of the American spirit of “do-it –yourself”? Can you give an example? What is the popular American belief? Can you give an example? Chapter 5 Religion in the USA

1. What is the makeup of religious groups in the USA? What are the major groups in Protestantism?

2. What are the characteristics of the religious practice in USA? What are the major

problems in American religion?

Part Five Political System

Chapter 1 T he State System and the Constitution

1. What is separation of powers? What is federal system? What is the basis on which the US political system based?

2. How does US constitution outline the structure of the national government? Chapter 2 The Federal Government

1. What is the “system of checks and balances”? What are the powers of the federal government and of the individual states respectively? What are the three branches of the US federal government?

2. What is the makeup of the executive branch? What are the functions of the US president? What is the basic requirement for becoming a US president?

3. What does the US congress consist of? What is the number of members in the congress? What are the functions of the US congress? What are the procedures of law-making in USA? How can a president be removed from office?

4. What are the powers of the Supreme Court? How many justices are there in the Supreme Court? What are the obligations of the Supreme Court justices?

5. What is the structure of state court system? And what is the structure of the federal court system? What is the jury?

Chapter 3 Political Parties and Elections

1. What is the two- party system? How was the two-party system formed in USA?

2. What are the origins of the democrats and republicans? What are the political views of the US two parties in respectively? And what are the national organizations of the two parties? What are the features of party membership in USA?

3. How are candidates chosen in the USA? What are closed and open primaries?What are the two stages in the election of president?

4. How many presidential electors are there in the whole country? What is “winner-take-all” principle?

