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重点:现在分词与过去分词的区别; 分词在句中充当的成份;分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语是否一致。 1. ______ what the situation情况 would be like, they decided to keep silent沉默. A. Having not known B. Knowing not C. Not know D. Not knowing 2. The program was so ______ that they were too ______ to fall asleep.

A. exciting?excited B. excited?.exciting C. exciting?exciting D. excited?.excited

3. The ______ children were opening their Christmas presents.

A. exciting令人兴奋的 B. excited 兴奋 C. excite D. excitement 1.Not too many years ago, it was an excited experience to travel旅行 25 or 50 miles英里 from home.

2.China is a ______ country while而 the U.S is a ______ country.

A. developed?developed B. developing?developing C. developed?developing D. developing发展中?developed发达

3.Mrs. White found发现 her husband surrounded包围 by letters信件 and papers文件 and ______ very worried.担心 焦虑

A. looking B. looks C. look D. to look 4.She returned home from the market only to find the door open and a number of things______. A. stole偷走 B. missing失踪 C. missed 错过 D. stealing偷窃 5.Just as I turned round the corner, I saw a car ______ towards me at a high speed. A. to come B. come C. coming D. came来到 6.All those ______ to go to the football match足球比赛please raise your hands. A. wish B. wished C. will wish D. wishing 10. No one else其它 ______ willing to go, he offered to take the message. A. was B. had been C. were D. being

11. ______ the teacher’s suggestion建议, Tom finally found a way to settle解决 the problem. A. Following B. To follow C. Follow D. He followed 12. ______ crossing the street, he was knocked down 撞倒by a car.

A. By B. During C. At D. While当XX时 13. There was a terrible cry哭泣 ______ the fall of the pole极点.

A. followed B. to follow C. following D. that follows

14. Most of the artists being invited邀请 to the party舞会 were from South Africa南非. 15. Some of the guests ______ to the party were from other cities.

A. to invite B. invited C. being invited D. had been invited

16. The telephone was invented in 1876 by a man ______ Alexander Graham Bell.

A. named命名 B. naming C. that names D. who named 17. Water ______ into vapor蒸汽 by the sun falls as rain.

A. turns B. turning C. is turned D. turned被转换 18. The children ______ in red sang songs together.

A. dressed穿着 B. dressing C. worn D. wearing佩戴

19. The musician音乐家, ______ for his splendid speech, was warmly received 热烈欢迎by the students.

A.knowing B. known知道 C. having known D. being known 20. The cinema电影院 ______ last month, is very popular especially among the young people in the town.

A. opens B. opened 被开放 C. to open D. having opened 21. -Do you know anything about the meeting ______ in Italy? -Yes, and as a matter of fact I attended it.

A. to be held B. held 举行 C. being held D. to hold 22. There are about 70 people ______ in the accident.

A. were killed B. who killed C. killing D. killed 23. It’s such a big room. If you don’t speak loud enough, you’ll never make yourself ______. A. hear B. hearing C. to hear D. heard 24. In earliest times, people had eaten their food______.

A.uncooked B. being uncooked C. uncooking D. to be uncooked 25. The hunters猎人 had the fire火把 ______ at the night in the woods在树林中. A. burnt B. burning燃烧 C. to burn D. burned 26. John went to town yesterday and had his bike ______ there.

A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired修复 27. My wife is planning to have the furniture家具 ______ light gray浅灰色.

A. paint B. painting C. to paint D. painted粉刷 28. The dress doesn’t fit适合, I’ll have to have it ______.

A. sold B. charged C. changed D. adopted 29. Mr. Smith had the report ______ as soon as he finished ______ it.

A. to be typed?to write B. typed?to write C. being typed?writing D. typed?writing 30. ______ white粉刷成白色, the kitchen厨房 looks much better than before.

A. Paints B. Painted C. Paining D. To paint 31. He kept保持 us ______ with ______ stories about his Arctic adventures北极探险.

A. entertained受理 招待/ exciting 令人兴奋的 B. entertaining/ excited C. entertained/ excited D. entertaining/ exciting 32. ______ their luggage行李, the tourists游客 hurried to the airport机场,

A. Packed B. After packed C. Packing D. Having packed包装完 33. ______ a wrong address地址, he could not find his friend’s flat朋友的公司. A. Giving B. To be given C. Having given D. Having been given在被给予 34. ______ his party to power for the fourth time, he becomes famous among Western leaders西方领导人..

A. Lead B. Leading C. Have led D. Having led

35. ______ for several times, Bill made up his mind not to watch late night movies any more. A. To be scolded B. To have been scolded C. Being scolded D. Having been scolded chat later一会聊

36. The recorder ______ out of order失灵, the students did not know what to do. A. were B. has been C. was being D. being 37. After seeing the movie, ______.

A. the book was read by him B. the book made him want to read it C. he wanted to read the book他想读书 D. the reading of the book interested him 38. All the afternoon he worked in his study with the door______.整个下午研究锁着的门! A. to lock B. locking C. locked D. lock Ⅹ、虚拟语气

重点:虚拟语气的基本用法及其常见形式,如含if 条件句的句子,as if 从句; it is necessary/ important that 从句; suggest (建议)等词后面的宾语从句; it is suggested that 从句; suggestion等词后面的同位语从句,表语从句; wish 后面的宾语从句等。 1. His doctor suggested that he ______ his right hand.

A. avoid to use B. avoid using C. has avoided using D. avoids to use

2. Jim suggested that they ______ their supper.

A. had B. would have C. should have D. should have eaten 3. I suggest that he will be sent to hospital as soon as possible.

4. I suggest that (他再把这个实验做一遍)[he should do the experiment again] 5. It’s suggested that ______ a while before we make a decision.

A. she waited B. she wait C. she waits D. she will wait

6. The manager insisted that the chief engineer ______ testing the new model immediately. A. start B. starts C. started D. will


7. The doctor insists that ______ (我父亲戒烟). [my father (should) give up smoking ] 8. The company recommended that a new railway station ______ here.

A. build B. built C. should build D. be built 9. 他命令销毁这些文件 [He ordered that papers should be destroyed.]

10. Something about his manner suggested that he ______ not interested in what we were doing. A. was B. were C. be D. is 11. It is necessary that he ______ there on time.

A. is B. be C. will D. has been 12. Mary wishes that she ______ law instead of history when she was in college.

A. study B. studied C. has studied D. had studied 13. I wish I ______ busy yesterday; I could have helped you with the problem

A. was not B. were not C. have not been D. had not been 14. It’s high time ______ about the traffic problem.

A. something was done B. everything is done C. anything will be done D. nothing to done

15. In spite of the noise, he went on working ______ nothing were happening.

A. as if B. because C. although D. where 16. 他的行为好像小孩子一样 [He behaves as if he were a child.] 17. If I had known all this before, I would not speak to him that way. 18. 如果你早一点告诉我,我就不会错过这个机会了。

[If you had told me a bit earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the chance.] 19. If you had followed the doctor’s advice, (你现在就不会再床上躺着了) [you wouldn’t lie in bed now]

20. 如果我昨天来的话,我会跟你们一起去野餐的。

[I had come yesterday , I would have gone for the picnic with you.]

21. If her grandfather would have three more days, he would have been 100 years old. 虚拟语气强化训练

1.If Peter had enough money, he ______ on the trip to Los Angeles.

A. had gone B. would go C. went D. would have gone 2. He did his homework carefully for fear that he ______.

A. made a mistake B. makes a mistake C. would make a mistake D. make a mistake 3. I would have asked him to attend our gathering, but I ______his address.

A. didn’t know B. hadn’t know C. don’t know D. wouldn’t know

4. The stubborn young man did not follow the advice that he ______ on his behavior since he didn’t believe that he had done anything wrong.

A. reflect B. had reflected C. would reflect D. must reflect 5. I ______ the airport to make a flight reservation, but in fact I didn’t.

A. should have called B. called C. could call D. would call 6. I would have told him the answer, but I ______ so busy at that moment. A. had been B. was C. were D. would be 7. If only we ______ a phone! I’m fed up with lining up outside the public phone box. A. have B. had C. will have D. are to have 8. Mr. Smith received the order that he ______ the documents to the new product meeting for further discussion.

A. bring B. brings C. will bring D. has brought 9. I wish ______.

A. I know how to program the new computer B. I will know to program the new computer C. I knew how to program the new computer D. I do know how to program the new computer 10. He believes he has been cheated. He ______it.

A. should not have believed B. should not believe C. did not believe D. can’t but believe 11. But for the reform, we ______ such great achievements.

A. shall not make B. could not have made C. should not make D. can not have made 12. I need a helping hand, but I would sooner you ______.

A. come B. coming C. will go with me D. didn’t join me 13. If the government had built more homes for the poor several years ago, the housing problems now ______ so serious in many parts of the country.

A. wouldn’t be B. won’t be C. will not have been D. would not have been 14. Tom might have come to school in time for the lecture ______.

A. if he got up earlier B. unless he had got up earlier C. but he got up rather late D. but he had gotten up late

15. They took the injured straight to the hospital. Otherwise some of them ______. A. might have died B. might die C. would die D. could die 16. It is a perfect fit, sir. I ______ to you otherwise.

A. wouldn’t show it B. wouldn’t have shown it C. wouldn’t take it D. wouldn’t have taken it 17. Jeff looked as if he _______ a ghost.

A. saw B. has seen C. had seen D. would see

7.They found the lecture hard ______.

A. to be understood B. to understand C. for understanding D. to have been understood 8.Would you like one ______ the radio a bit?

A. turning down B. to turn down C. turn down D. turned down 9.In order to get to Peter’s house easily, I had his secretary ______ a map for me. A. to draw B. draw C. drawn D. drawing 10.Mrs. Wang made me ______ the work again.

A. do B. to do C. doing D. raised 11.The workers asked Mr. Smith to let John to go.

12.When his name was mentioned, I saw him ______ from his seat.

A. rise B. rose C. raise D. raised 13.The salesman persuaded us ______ his product.

A. buying B. to buy C. buy D. having bought 14.Reaching the top of the hill, they stopped having a rest.

15.The city government must take action ______ the increasing populating.

A. to control B. controlling C. controls D. controlled 16.Many people do not understand how much water the human body needs ______ work properly. A. at B. for C. in D. to 17.He asked me if the room was big enough for us three to live. 18.The tourists haven’t decided which hotel______.

A. to stay B. to stay at C. is to stay D. to be staying 19.They held a conference to decide ______ to meet the emergency.

A. how B. what C. that D. which

20.For centuries, people from all over the world have claimed ______ strange sights: lights in the sky, flying objects and even creatures from other planets.

A. to have seen B. having seen C. to see D. seeing 21.Wet umbrellas are not allowed ______ into this hotel.

A. to be taken B. to take C. taken D. taking 22.We expect more books and magazines ______(为儿童出版) [to be published for children.] 23. 箱子太重了那孩子搬不动。 [The box is too heavy for the child to carry ] 24. It’s very kind ______ invite me to your birthday party.

A. from you to B. of you to C. by you to D. that you 25. 对不起,让你们等了这么久。 [I’m sorry to have kept you waiting too long.] 动名词

重点:动名词的逻辑主语,完成式,被动式:动名词作介词,动词的宾语,尤其是有些动词后只能连接动名词,有些动词后既可接动名词又可接动词不定式,但表达的含义不同。 1. It’s no use ______ your chickens before they are hatched.

A. count B. to count C. counting D. of counting 2. We are looking forward to ______ a trip to your country.

A. take B. taking C. be taking D. having taken 3. She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to ______ her.

A. have seen B. see C. seeing D. having taken 4. She made her living ______(靠给华盛顿几家报纸写稿) [by writing articles for several newspapers in Washington] 5. I know nothing about ______ in the army.

A. she working B. for her to work C. her having worked D. her having been worked 6. I apologize for ______ my promise.

A. not having kept B. being kept C. not to have kept D. having not kept 7. He had no difficulty ______ the problem.

A. to work out B. to have worked out C. working out D. having worked out 8. He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone ______. A. noticing B. noticed C. to notice D. being noticed 9. I thought it was worth ______ a hundred miles to see the basketball game.

A. of driving B. driving C. drive D. being driven 10. I’ll never forget ______ you for the first time.

A. meeting B. driving C. drive D. being driven 11.I remember ______ her at a party last weekend.

A. to meet B. meeting C. having met D. to have met 12.I remember ______ to help us when we got into trouble.

A. him to offer B. him offering C. he to offer D. his offer 13.Remember to go to the post office and don’t forget taking the parcel with you. 14.You must remember bringing back the umbrella tomorrow.

15. The house needs ______, but they plan to wait until next spring to do it.

A. paint B. to paint C. painting D. be painted 16. Please stop ______. Let’s listen to the radio.

A. arguing B. to argue C. be arguing D. argue 17. I always regret not ______ harder when I was young.

A. studying B. having studied C. to study D. to have studied

18. As ______(计算机价格的不断下降),more and more families can afford it. [the price of the computer keeps falling / going down]

19. Tired of the cold weather in New England, Mr. And Mrs. Smith are considering ____ to the south.

A. to move B. moving C. move D. to be moving 20.The child avoided to be punished by running away quickly.

21.Please come the downstairs for breakfast after you have finished washing. 22. I don’t mind work too hard all the week, but I refuse to work on Sundays. 23. When I read the novel I can’t help to think of Mary.

24. When the little girl got back her answer sheet, she could not help ______.

A.from crying B. to cry C. herself from crying D. crying 25. I object ______ in front of me.

A. to him smoking cigarettes B. for him smoking cigarettes C. to smoking cigarettes for him D. for him to smoke cigarettes VIII.动词 时态

1. C 2.A: lay 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.B: she had been living 11.D 12.A 13.C 15.A

被动语态1.D 2.A 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.A 情态动词

1. A 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.C 9.D 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.D: answering 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D: must have gone 22.C 23.C 25.C 26.C 27.B: have to wait 28.D 29. D 30. A Used to be/get used to

1. C 2.D 3.B 4.C: to living 5.D IX.非谓语动词 动词不定式

1. C 2.C 3.A: not to give 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.D: go 12.A 13.B 14.C: to have 15.A 16.D 17.D: to live in 18.B 19.A 20.A 21.A 24.B 动名词

1. C 2.B 3.C 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.B 12. B 13.C: to take 14.B: to bring 15.D 16.A 17.A 19.B 20.A: being 21.B: the去掉 22. A: working 23.D: thinking 24.D 25. A Ⅶ 连词

重点:常见并列连词的用法(如:and , but , or , so , for);从属连词的用法。

1. John wanted to play basketball, and it was raining and he stayed at home. 2. Not many people realize this, ______it is quite true.

A. but B. however C. so D. that 3. -Can I help you?

-Well, I’m afraid the box is too heavy for you, ______thank you all the same. A. and B. so C. or D. but

4. Mary has lived in China for five years.(所以她习惯于这里的生活)。[so she has got used to the life here]

5. I don’t know her address, ______I can’t write to her.

A. but B. or C. so D. since

6. The human body can go without food for a long time, but two______ three days without water usually result in death.

A. and B. but C. for D. or 7. She hardly ever goes to ______ the theatre.

A. neither the cinema or B. neither the cinema nor C. either the cinema nor D. either the cinema or 8. Try your best ______ you’ll certainly succeed this time.

A. so B. and C. or D. for 9. She remained silent, ______ her heart was heavy and her spirit low.

A. so B. though C. for D. therefore 10. He talked at the top of his voice, ______ he drew nobody’s attention. A. yet B. instead C. so D. though 11. Watch your step, ______you might fall into the water.

A. or B. and C. unless D. but 12. He came to the party, ______ he hadn’t been invited. (2003)

A. in case B. in spite of C. even D. although VII.连词

1. B: but 2.A 3.D 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.A VI.介词

重点:常见介词、介词短语的词义及用法;介词与某些动词、名词、形容词的固定搭配。 1.It snowed here since more than a week last year.

2.We can obtain knowledge from other sources ______ books.

A. beside B. besides C. apart D. in addition 3.______fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.

A. Except for B. But for C. Beside D. Besides 4.Mary answered all the questions ______ the last one.

A. unless B. except C. besides D. beside 5.I have finished typing all ______ the last page.

A. until B. but C. to D. for 6.May I stay with you ______ going back to my parents’ home tonight?

A. because of B. so as to C. in spite of D. instead of 7.Despite of the heavy snow last night none of the classes have been cancelled at the university.

8.Father usually comes back from his work______.

A. at noon B. in noon C. on noon D. in the noon 9.We are looking ______ to hearing from you soon.

A. at B. forward C. for D. up 10.I am looking forward ______ Mike next week.

A. to see B. to seeing C. seeing D. see 11.The students laughed ______ the silly answers they had put on their tests. A. at B. from C. to D. over

12.The bell rang and I hurriedly rushed into the classroom, knocking ______ our maths teacher. A. at B. into C. off D. out 13.They differ ______ each other in many ways.

A. to B. with C. on D. from 14.The movie we saw last night was very different ______ the novel. A. of B. to C. from D. as 15.Someone was speaking there; the voice was familiar ______ us.

A. by B to C. for D. with

16.Controlling a class of school pupils calls ______ all your skills as a teacher. A. up B. off C. for D. on

17.When the taxi came I put out my hand, but it just went ______ me without stopping. A. off B. over C. through D. past 18.I began to work here ______1978.

A. in B. at C. on D. since

19.______(在一个寒冷的冬日), George jumped into the lake and saved a little girl. [On a cold winter day]

20.It’s nice to go for a walk ______ a summer evening.

