牛津深圳版八年级英语下册Unit 6 主题阅读

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Unit 6 主题阅读


Growing up in England,____1___ (happy) thing for my classmates and I was reading stories. Among them, The Ugly Duckling (《丑小鸭》) was a popular one.

The classic story of The Ugly Duckling describes a poor young bird. All the ducks laugh __2__ him for his ugly appearance – small and grey. Feeling sad, he___3__(begin) a journey of self-discovery. Finally one day, he looks down into a pond. He is shocked by his reflection (倒影) in the water. He was never __4___ ugly duckling, but a____5___ (beauty) swan.

This great children’s fairy tale ___6___(have) been a hit for years. It’s even been made into a musical and Disney movie. In fact, this year is the story’s ___7___(170) birthday. Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen ____8___(write) it in 1843. The story teaches us many valuable lessons. For example, we should not judge a person by his or her appearance. It is inner beauty that makes a person special. What’s more, one should think ___9____other people’s feelings.

The story’s positive ___10____(message)are saved by the world. Today, we use the phrase “ugly duckling” as a metaphor to describe something poor or bad that grows into something successful or beautiful.


1. the happiest 2. at 3. begins 4. an 5. beautiful 6. has 7.170th 8. wrote 9. of 10. messages


A man died and was on his way to another world, either the Heaven(天堂)or the Hell(地狱).He saw a very beautiful palace halfway and the owner of the palace invited him to stay.

The man said,’’I have been working hard during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep without any__1____.”The owner of the palace said,’’If so,there is nowhere else___2___ than here for you. There is enougu delicious food in my palace and you can eat whatever you want.No one will___3___you.You don’t need to do anything.”

____4__,the man stayed in the palace. At the ___5__,the man felt very happy,eating and sleeping without thinking about other things.But soon he felt a bit lonely and

___6___.So he went to the owner and said,’’It is very boring to live __7____ just eating and sleeping every day.Now I have no ___8__in this kind of life any more. Could you help me find a job?”

The owner __9___,’’Sorry,there is no job here at all.”

After another several months,the man could not stand(忍受)this kind of life and went to the owner again,’’I really could not stand this kind of life any more.If you do not offer me a job,I would like to go to the hell instead of___10__here.”

The owner of the palace laughed loudly,’’Do you think it is Heaven here? It is actually Hell!” ( )1.A. energy B. work C.warning

( )2 A. better B.safer C.prettier ( )3.A. stop B.keep C.see ( )4.A. Instead B.Also C.Therefore ( )5.A. moment B.beginning C.weekend

( )6.A. tired B.bored C.frightened ( )7.A. without B.in C.by

( )8.A. idea B.plan C..interest

( )9.A. thought B.continued C.answered

( )10.A. leaving B.working C.living




Long, long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people move form place to place over the land, hunting animals for food.

No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place and grow it.

People began to live near one another. And so the first village grew. Many people came to work in the villages. These villages grew very big. When machines appeared(出现), life in the villages changed again. Factories were built. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities grew very big.

Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why? ( )1. The best title(题目)of the text should be ___.

A. Cities or Villages B. Back to Towns C. How Cities Grew D. People and Animals

( )2. The underlined word \指的是) ___.

A. villages B. animals C. cities D. people

( )3. When factories were built, ___.

A. more people live near the factories B. people began to live in the factories C. many people began to work in villages D. many machines appeared in big factories

