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成都翔飞航空职业技术学校 2013-2014学年上学期期末考试题

考试科目: 航空服务英语 考试类别:考试 考试时间:90分钟 考试年级:2012级 一、汉译英(30分,每小题1.5分)

1. 经济舱___________________ 2. 头等舱___________________ 3. 公务舱___________________ 4. 旺季 ___________________ 5. 淡季 ___________________ 6. 国内航班__________________ _ 7. 国际航班___________________ 8. 直达航班___________________ 9. 衔接航班___________________ 10. 往返票 ___________________ 11.候机厅 12. 超规行李 13.安检处 14. 金属物品 15.绿色通道 二、补全对话(20分,每小题2分)

Agent : Hello, this is Air China Booking office .____________________ _ _ (能为您做点什么?)

Passenger: Yes , I want to book ___________________ (一张往返票)


Agent: ____________________ _ (您想订哪个座位等级的机票?) Passenger: Economy class.

Agent: What’s your name and telephone number? Passenger:


2、a) Is there __________________ (国航售票处) on the left? b) Where can I ___________________________________(办理登记手续)? c) The drinking machine_________________________________(在候机大厅的东边) d)_____________________ (一直朝前走) and you will find the ATM machine.

e)____________________ _(让我看一看) your ticket. 三、英译汉(30分,每小题3分)

1、I want to book tickets from Beijing to Hong kong.

2、Thank you for waiting. Seats are available on CA982 on January13th next


Agent: ___________________ _

Wednesday. Is that ok?

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3、I’m sorry I don’t know the regulation. What shall I do with it now?


4、Sorry , miss. According to the regulations, mimic weapons are not allowed to be taken into the passenger cabin.

5、I will fly to Xi’an at 9:20pm. Could you tell me what time I should check in?

6、Do you know much the first class costs?

7、I want to know if I can take this case as my hand baggage?

8、Please give me an aisle seat if it is not too much trouble.

9、I’d like a seat in non-smoking section.

10、By the way, could you tell me how many kilos of luggage are free for each



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