桥梁工程 毕业设计外文翻译

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安德烈 S.诺瓦克,F.ASCE和克里斯多夫 D.蒙,M.ASCE


DOL:土木工程师数据库的关键词 论文简介



林肯,内布拉斯加州大学土木工程系教授,NE 68588-0531。


密西西比州立大学土木工程系助理教授,MS 39762-9546。

注意:讨论时间截至到2006年4月1日。单独讨论必须提交给个人的论文,扩大一个月的截止日期,必须向美国土木工程师协会总编辑提出书面申请。这篇文章被提交审核并且可能于2004年2月9日出版,在2005年1月31日给予批准。本文是桥梁工程学报第6版的一部分,其于2005年11月1日发表在美国土木工程师协会学刊上,其国际标准期刊号为:1084-0702/2005/6-636-642 / $ 25.00。




8米(25英尺)。现成的已锯成木梁通常为100 - 1504到6, 300至400毫米(12到16400-600毫米(16到24英寸)。然而,使用更大的宽度,如20毫米(8最后受限于面板的承载能力为止。从而可以跨越更大的距24米(20到80英尺)。



图1. 梁桥(面板垂直于交通通行方向)








活荷载模型是基于可利用的卡车的测量数据,这些数据也被用于校准美国国家公路与运输协会标准中的数据(诺瓦克 1999年,1993年)。活荷载的分析测定包含了决定在各车道上的荷载,及决定荷载在各部件上的分配。我们要考虑到的有超过1辆卡车在相邻车道上或者有多辆卡车在同一车道上同时存在的可能性,要考虑到这些卡车的重量作用在桥上会产生不同程度的相互作用。然而,对于大多数的木桥来说,在每个车道上只要考虑只有一辆车在通行即可,因为考虑到在这典型的短跨度上,在同一车道上同时有两辆卡车是不怎么可能的,甚至是不可能的。通过模拟表明,对于梁间距在1.2-2.4米(4-8英尺)的桥梁,只能是两辆完全连在一起相并肩的卡车通过。在一个为期为75个组合中的每一辆卡车就等同于最大为两个月的卡车。那就是,车辆的重量的不同组合和每个组合发生的概率,月时间段中通过,可靠性分析。对于在不同时期里,定的时刻(适用于整座桥梁)30米(100英尺)的桥梁,如图4显示了1年和755中显示





1、低 ADTT=(100辆卡车)(0.5 s)(365天)(75年)=15天;

2、中等 ADTT=(200辆卡车)(0.5 s)(365天)(75年)=30天;

3、高 ADTT=(600辆卡车)(0.5 s)(365天)(75年)=90天。







年)。木材的主要的力学性能包含(MOR)、弹性模量(MOE)、抗剪强度。这些特性往往会受限于一个重要的变化,马德森和尼尔森得出了一份相当重要的基础数据(1978年a,b)。在1996年颁布的关于木制材料建筑物的设计规范手册(EWA 1996年)中,就如同强度值一样用表格列取了道格拉斯冷杉的偏差值,根据其值的不同,在偏差值范围为1.41到1.98中来提供选择等级,并且等级1、等级2的数值范围为1.76到2.88,而变异系数在0.17至0.27范围内进行选择,等级1、等级2的数值范围为0.23至0.30。大的变化与最大深度/宽度比相符合。而阻力则被认为是一种符合对数正态分布的随机变量。



所研究出的结果。产生的偏差因子大约是2-3,它的平均值取为2.5,产生的变异系数范围为0.10至0.25,其平均值为0.15。对于偏差因子的计算,书面设计(在规范中已制成表格)阻值(MOR)是由国家指定木结构建筑设计规范(国家协调中心 1991年)指定的。赫南德斯等人(1995年)提出了一组关于胶合面板的数据,从而可知胶合面板在那个部位的层压是垂直的而不是水平的,那个部位面板的偏差值在2.99到3.15之间变化,那个部位的变异系数在0.20到0.25之间变化。阻力被认为是一种符合对数正态分布的随机变量。

由于水分含量的增加而会使阻值MOR随之减小。木制建筑物的设计规范(EWA 1996年)指出,当锯木中水分含量超过19%、胶合木中水分含量超过16%时应当考虑湿度系数CM对阻力MOR。水分含量对阻值MOR随之呈现一个持续的曲线变化,而不是像水分含量呈现急剧的变化。额外的实在数据,在这项研究中,含量的影响。


年)。它被认为是在变异系数为0.20是呈对MOR成一一对应的关系。两者的关系可看作是如下MOE=[0.15×(MOR)+0.7] ×1000 (1)







木桥的跨度认为在4.5到21米(15到70英尺)之间,梁间距则在0.4到1.8米(16到72英寸)之间。运用到木质材料性能标准,并且典型梁和面板的刚度参数被用于跨度研究。梁体用梁元素来描绘,面板则用立方体元素来描绘。选定网格密度,如此在梁元素中做进一步的改良会导致无关紧要的变化。梁直接附加在面板下方从面板开始算梁的厚度这点不是很重要的)卡车轮胎,要么是HS-20荷载的位置应该是在梁内部产生最大GDF的地方。年; Bakht和Jaeger 1985年)。

年)通过研究得到了实验数据,尽管木材所展示的塑性性能理想化的应力-应变曲线是由Sexsmith等人(1979跨五花八门,从4.5 - 9米(15英尺)不等和梁间距从400到1800毫米(16至72英MOR值,则它会立即丧失几乎所有的承载能1%,然而 整个系统的负荷重新分配值与破坏值是很接近的。然而,除了MOE和MOR根据分析结果可知,对于紧密排列这的锯木梁[400-600毫米](16-24英寸),当两辆卡车并排行使时,由三个梁组成的子系统往往比较等同于分享负载。然而,宽梁间距如同胶合梁桥[5-8英尺][1.5-2.4米]的,实际上只有一个梁来抵抗了轮轴荷载。基于模型的模拟,可得三梁子系统的变异系数V是0.15(典型的元件 V=0.23),然而当梁间距远大于600毫米(24英寸)(胶合板梁桥)时,变异系数相对组件的V并不会减小。



况下,在一个现场试验地检查模型侧面的挠度(Bakht 1988年;Wacker和Ritter 1992年,l995年;Ritter等人 1995年;Lee等人 1996年)。

对于钉合面板,经过多年的使用后,能观察到有一个很有限的均布荷载的影响。如图.6所示,对于木制面板,要考虑一个宽为750毫米(30英寸)的子系统。这轮胎接触面积在大小尺寸上很相似,而在松弛的面板(经过几年的使用期后)上这是统一挠度的作用面。这里的一个0.80-0.85约为两条车道。 这里双车道上作用的GDF值大概为0.80-0.85。对现有的实验数据进行了分析来计算典型的挠度曲线下的区域的面积来获取这些计算值。对一个典型的面板薄层子系统,其变异系数为0.15(对于典型的单层结构其值是0.32)。

考虑到压力胶合面板是一个相似的子系统[其宽度为900毫米(36因子为0.45-0.55。一个承压系统的阻力的统计参数是基于Sexsmith的测试数据。子系统[500毫米(20板)的平均值之和。一个系统结构的平均MOR为0.10(对于典型的单一薄层 V=0.32)。

年, 1981年;;Bakht 1988年)。

板材面板是基于Eamon年),假定木板与轮胎接触区域是用来抵抗轮轴荷载。那接触面面积为250毫米(10英寸×20英寸)。当板宽度小于250毫米(100.20(对于典型的单板材 V = 0.20)。






在这项研究中,用一阶、二阶矩法的对数正态分布随机变量来计算组件的可靠性(诺瓦克和科林斯,2000年)。对于子系统,使用Rackwitz-Fiessler程序来计算可靠性(诺瓦克和科林斯,2000年)。木桥设计依据美国国家公路与运输协会标准(1996路与运输协会设计标准法规(1998年),总结分析提出了表1和表2靠性指标的变化是显著的。对于构件,子系统, 美国国家公路与运输协会标准规定桥梁设计的β介于与运输协会设计规范规定桥梁设计的β介于表1. AASHTO标准(1996结构类型





板材面板 β子系统 3.11-3.38 3.37-4.39 3.90-4.17 6.05-6.39 3.75-4.08





T=3.5,而子系统βT=3.75;对于钉合面板元件βT=2.0,而子系统βT=3.5;对于应力面板元件βT=1.75,而子系统βT=3.5;对于板材面板元件βT=2.75,而子系统βT=3.5。各部件的可靠性指标应在一定的范围之内选择,如此这些经典的设计就能体现指标值了。注意到这一系统的部件,如一个梁体、目标指数及面板系统都要高于单一成分部件,相对于单个元件出障碍而言整个系统出障碍的可能性减少了。这里没有尝试去指定一个新的设计安全水平,而β单元 2.96-3.09 2.80-3.13 1.73-1.82 1.42-1.51 2.38-2.52 β子系统 4.07-4.25 3.06-3.43 3.16-3.34 3.29-3.52 3.16-3.34





3. 使用美国国家公路与运输协会设计规范(1998年)中指定的负载因子; 使用木材建筑物设计规范手册(1996年)中指定的材料强度值; 持续负荷与活荷载作用一样也是两个月,所以材料强度值必须乘以持续负荷系



5. 桥梁构件必须考虑水分因素; 动态载荷可以忽略不计。

可靠性分析所得的所有的阻力值应保留到因子。结果如下所示:对于柔性Φ=0.85,压缩Φ= 剪切/扭转Φ= 0.75,连接Φ= 0.65。 依据木桥设计规范中规定的数据(列在表3来计算可靠性指标。对于元件和子系统,表结构类型









3.33-3.62 2.02-2.12 1.71-1.81 2.78-2.92 β子系统 4.08-4.26 3.65-3.97 3.69-3.87 3.97-4.19 3.69-3.87




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Load and Resistance Factor Calibration For Wood Bridges

Andrzej S. Nowak, F.ASCE,and Christopher D. Eamon, M.ASCE

Abstract: The paper presents the calibration procedure and background data for the development of design code provisions for wood bridges. The structural types considered include sawn lumber stringers, glued-laminated girders, and various wood deck types. Load and resistance parameters the reliability index. The statistical parameters of dead load and live traf c systems is based on the available experimental data and AASHTO Standard Speci cations and a signi reliability at the target levels.

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0702(2005)

CE Database subject headings:Design; Bridge decks.


(LRFD) code for highway (Nowak 1995, 1999). Therefore, there was a concern about the (Nowak 1991). The degree of variation as well as individual elements/components.

In general, a design code is calibrated by: (1) designing a range of structures according to current code procedures;(2) identifying random variables and developing load and resis- tance models based on the statistical parameters of actual loads and resistances; (3) choosing an appropriate reliability technique and computing reliability indices for the code-designed structures using the load and resistance models developed;(4)identifying target reliability indices from the results, usually such that the most typical structures represent the target indices; and (5) suggesting adjustments to current code design procedures that would minimize variations in reliability index among structural components of a similar type.

The objective of this study is to complete the calibration process and determine appropriate


design parameters for wood bridges. This research lls this gap and provides recommendations that result in a consistent level of reliability for wood bridges.

Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln,NE 68588-0531.

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Mississippi State Univ., MS 39762-9546.

Note. Discussion open until April 1, 2006. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be led with the ASCE Managing Editor.The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on February 9, 2004; approved on January 31, 2005. This paper is part of the Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 6,November 1, 2005. ©ASCE, ISSN 1084-0702/2005/6-636–642/$25.00.

Structural Types Considered

medium spans, from 4 to 25 m (from 13 to 80 ft)of wood bridges: structures that span by beams (or structures that span by a deck.

х6 in., 4 in.х8 in.,4 in.х10 in., and 4 in.the laminations). Interconnected panels may be secured together by spikes, metal dowels, or stiffener beams, to form a continuous deck surface, whereas noninterconnected panels are left independent of one another, although in some cases the Code requires that transverse stiffener beams be used to provide some continuity. As with stringers, various wood species and commercial grades of deck laminations are available. Attachment of the deck to stringers is made by nails, spikes, or special fasteners. The structures may have decks running either perpendicular or parallel to traf c.Stringer bridges with longitudinal decks require transverse oor beams to support the deck and distribute load to longitudinal stringers. Diagrams of these structures are presented in Figs. 1 and 2.


Fig. 1. Stringer Bridge, deck perpendicular to traf c

Fig. 2. c


Fig. 3. Deck bridge

Load Models

Dead load typically constitutes from 10 to 20% of the total load effect on wood bridges. Dead load parameters are taken to be consistent with those used to calibrate the steel and concrete sections of the LRFD code (Nowak 1999, 1993). The considered statistical parameters include the ratio of mean to nominal (design) value, called the bias factor, λ, and coef cient of variation, V, that is the ratio of standard deviation to the mean. For wood and concrete (deck) components, bias factor λ=1.05 and coef cient of variation V=0.10; for steel (girders),λ=1.03 and V=0.08; and for asphalt, mean thickness is taken as 90 mm and V=0.25. Dead load is taken as normally



The live load model is based on the available truck survey data as used in the calibration of the AASHTO Code (Nowak 1999,1993). The analysis of live load involves the determination of the load in each lane and load distribution to components. The probabilities of a simultaneous occurrence of more than one truck in adjacent lanes and a multiple truck occurrence in the same lane,were considered with various degrees of correlation between truck weights. For most wood bridges, however, only a single truck per lane needs to be considered, as the typical short spans result in the probability of two trucks in the same lane unlikely or even impossible. The simulations indicated that for bridges with girder spacing of 1.2–2.4 m (4–8 ft), two fully correlated trucks side-by-side govern. For the maximum 75 year moment,the results of analysis ed in the Code, for cient of variation is shown in Fig. 5. Live load is approximately lognormal.

Fig. 4. Bias factor for live load


Fig. 5. Coef

c (ADTT) are considered: low with c volumes, c volume that c volume, for code calibration purposes it would be c volume roads only. Considering various span uence line for many components of wood bridges is smaller than the year period and for the three considered traf c volumes is

1. Low ADTT(100 trucks)(0.5 s)(365 days)(75 years)=15 days;

2. Medium ADTT(200 trucks)(0.5 s)(365 days)(75 years)=30 days; and

3. High ADTT(600 trucks)(0.5 s)(365 days)(75 years)=90 days.

Although wood bridges are typically located on low volume roads, in the reliability analysis it is conservatively assumed that the live load duration is 2 months (between medium and high traf c volumes).

For short spans, live load is caused by axle loads or even wheel loads. Therefore, the live load model is determined by variations in wheel load rather than the entire truck or axle.Statistical


parameters for wheel load are derived from existing survey data (Nowak et al. l994). Based on axle load taken from eld measurements on bridges located in Michigan, as well as state police citation les for overload vehicles, the maximum observed axle load for a 1 year interval is close to 200 kN (40 kips), which produces 50 kN (10 kips) per wheel (two tires per wheel). Therefore, in this calibration, the mean maximum one year value for a wheel load is taken as 50 kN (10 kips). The coef cient of variation is taken as 0.15 (Nowak et al. 1994).

Tire contact area is an important consideration for live load distribution to short span components. Based on the measurements reported by Pezo et al. (1989) and Sebaaly (1992),the transverse dimension (width) of the contact area is 185 mm (7.5 in.) for each tire, with a 125 mm (5 in.) gap between tires for a dual tire wheel. A nearly linear relationship exists between the considered as a rectangle of 180 mmх250 mm (7.5 in.х250 mmх500 mm (10 in.х20 in.)(the gap is ignored).

AASHTO LRFD (1998), dynamic load is speci ed

cient of variations correspond to sections with largest depth/width ratios. Resistance is taken as a lognormal random variable.

For glulam girders, the statistical parameters for strength are taken from the report by Ellingwood et al. (1980), based on the test results obtained by the USDA Forest Products Laboratory on beams with Douglas Fir and Southern Pine with horizontally oriented laminating. The resulting bias factor is from approximately 2–3, with an average of 2.5, and coef cient of variation is from 0.10 to 0.25, with the average of 0.15. For bias factor calculation,the nominal tabulated value of resistance (MOR) is as speci ed by the National Design Speci cation for Wood Construction (NFP 1991). For glulam decks, where laminations are vertical rather than


horizontal, data is provided by Hernandez et al.(1995), where bias factors ranged from 2.99 to

3.15, and coef cient of variation ranged from 0.20 to 0.25. Resistance is taken as a lognormal random variable.

As an increased moisture content may cause reduction of MOR. The LRFD Manual for Engineered Wood Construction(EWA 1996) speci es a wet service factor CM to be applied to MOR where the moisture content exceeds 19% for sawn lumber and 16% for glulam. It is reasonable to expect that the actual effect of moisture content on MOR and other properties may follow a continuous curve, rather than a sharp change at a particular moisture level. However, due to a lack of availability of suf cient additional data, in this study it is assumed that the mean moisture content effect is as speci ed in the LRFD Manual for Engineered Wood Construction. ( performed on Red Pine,sizes 4 in.х6 in., 4 in.х8 in., 4 in.хindicate that, if members are loaded х6 in.) to 1.50(for 4 in.хSpeci cation,which vary from 1.05 (4 in.х12 in.).Flat-wise strength increases are primarily the result of properties when members are loaded size Coef distribution, with a coef + 0.7]1,000 (1)

cient of variation is about 0.01. The bias factor varies from 0.97 to 1.04.

The current AASHTO LRFD Code (1998) girder distribution factor (GDF) formulas for wood bridges are given as a function of girder spacing only. The accuracy provided by this method is insuf cient for developing a suitable resistance model. The GDF formulas for steel or concrete girders supporting a concrete deck predict load distribution well for a certain range of idealized structures, regardless of material. However, these formulas lose accuracy when girder spacing less than 1.1 m or spans greater than 6 m are considered. Many wood bridges have beam spacing and spans less than these values. Therefore, in this study, load distribution to stringers is based on nite element analysis.

The considered spans are from 4.5 to 21 m (from 15 to 70 ft) with girder spacing from 0.4 to 1.8


m (from 16 to 72 in.). Standard wood material properties were used, and typical girder and deck stiffness parameters were used for the spans studied. Beams were represented with beam elements, and the deck was represented with hexahedral elements. Mesh density was chosen such that further re nements resulted in insigni cant changes in girder moments. Beams were attached directly to the underside of the deck (as noncomposite action is assumed for wood bridges, depth of beam from deck is not important). The wheel patches of two AASHTO design trucks, either HS-20 or the design tandem,whichever governed, were loaded side by side on the bridge in the position that would generate maximum GDF to any interior girder. At larger girder spacing, the models closely matched the results of the AASHTO LRFD Code formula, as well as earlier research (Nowak 1999; Bakht and Jaeger 1985).

Sexsmith et al. (1979).

nite cantly bene cient of

0.15 typical component V=0.23 ,

cient of variation is not reduced from component V.

For decks and deck bridges, a single vehicle wheel will load a number of laminations simultaneously, and the statistical parameters of resistance for this subsystem must be considered as well.Although determining GDF is relatively insensitive to modeling technique, deck behavior is much less reliably predicted by analysis. Therefore, for this study, the existing experimental data were used to develop a model for deck resistance. In particular, the de ection pro les from a number of eld tests were examined (Bakht 1988; Wacker and Ritter 1992, l995; Ritter et al. 1995;Lee et al. 1996).

For nail-lam decks, after years of service, it was observed that there is a very limited load

